Luckily the main story is at Hogwarts

Chapter 2 Confidence with panel

A time traveler who doesn't look at the panel is not a qualified system flow traveler. Ciel quickly opened the panel to study it.

. . .


Name: Charles Diermo

Race: Human 11 years old

Occupation: None

Talent: Magic Awakening New

Experience: 010

Health: 100100

Power: 31

Constitution: 32

Agility: 30

Spirit: 5020

Skills: Clear water like a spring, orchids in full bloom

Equipment: silver-white silver necklace universal new

Item: Gray Unknown Texture Notebook Unknown New

Free Attributes: 0

Magic Awakening:

Attribute: Spirit 20

Remember: The magic world usually calls this a magic rampage, and it is an important sign that distinguishes a squib from a real wizard.

Remember 2: Should we call it a magic riot, an explosion, or a rampage? .

Clear water like a spring:

Remember: Do you need to explain this? Just make him look bad.

Orchids in bloom:

Remember: There must be a reason why it is one of the easiest spells for young wizards to master without a teacher.

Remember 2: You are like a lily.

Silver white silver necklace neck:

Level: General

Quality: Normal

Attributes: Spirit 3, Strength 03

Remember: Edwin Handmade Gold and Silver Jewelry Store, a century-old store with excellent quality. The inside of the necklace pendant is inlaid with small color photos. They are the last thoughts a child has for his parents. Hold on to it at the critical moment, maybe it will give you something. The final courage and strength.

Remember 2: For love, children.

Gray unknown texture notebook unknown:

Quality: unknown

Remember: an unknown notebook you have never seen before. You don’t know its origin or even why it appears here. Of course, you don’t recognize the seemingly indescribable patterns and words on it. .Well, indescribable is just some kind of adjective, and I don't think it has anything to do with them.

Space Bag 0100: Expand

Old John's Magic Shop: Expand

Lucky Coin 2: Expand

. . .

Ciel is no stranger to game attribute panels. The average attribute for adults is 50, and for an 11-year-old who is new to the game, the average attribute is 30.

Different from the game, many functions have been directly cut off, such as the recharge entrance, mounts, families, etc., backpacks, shops, and random draws are still retained.

The lucky coin is a random draw, one represents one draw, and now Ciel has two, which means there are two chances to draw.

It is not difficult to obtain coins. They will be obtained randomly when upgrading, and will be randomly dropped from monsters. You may get them from quests, or even from opening treasure chests.

The reason why it is so easy to obtain is because there are no good things in the prize pool of the lottery. This is an Easter egg prize pool. Everything that a certain Penguin has the copyright is thrown into it. There must be good things, but basically you can’t draw them out. What came out were all Easter egg-like gadgets.

For example, cockroaches stacking pies, a Gwent card. .

The style of the panel has also changed, roughly. .From the exquisite game modeling, it turned into a hazy light curtain, as if printed on a long roll of parchment.

Although the function and appearance have changed a lot, the core of the entire panel has not changed much, and Shire can still be used easily.

Not surprisingly, duh. .This is his initial whiteboard number, which has nothing, and it is still the kind of initial number that he does not know what the starting background is.

In order to quickly integrate into the plot, players can choose from one of several starting backgrounds.

For example, the descendants of ordinary wizard families will randomly give players some special magic, which will be gradually unlocked as they grow older.

Or a family that hosts plot characters, such as the Weasley family, the Granger family, or even the Potter family and Snape's family, which will greatly increase the initial friendship with the relevant characters.

Or descendants of Death Eaters, ordinary families, etc. .

There are many openings, but because he has no idea where this whiteboard number came from, Charles does not know what opening he chose when creating it. However, based on experience, Charles judged that he was probably an ordinary family opening, because He has seen the layout of this house and the necklace in the equipment slot.

In an ordinary family start, one of the parents is absent and is adopted by the mother's sister, the unmarried Aunt Andrea.

The layout of the room was like this, and the necklace was the last thought his parents left for him. The family photos were embedded in the pendant of the necklace.

Although the beginning of an ordinary family does not have the special little magic passed down by the family, nor does it have the initial friendship level of the plot characters, it does have a greater degree of freedom.

That is, map permissions.

Of course, this is what it's used for in games, but switch to the real world. .What is the use of the so-called map authority? Ciel doesn't know what has changed yet.

However, although the reality is very different from the game, some fixed things should still remain unchanged. For example, Ciel is more than ten years old at this time, and he is 11 years old when he enters Hogwarts, that is, before he intervenes in the main plot. There is less than a year to prepare in advance.

And he knew the entrance to a small dungeon for beginners.

Maybe it doesn't appear as a copy in the real world, but it definitely exists, because it is a mural leading to a fairyland.

. .Okay, maybe that's not a small copy.

However, although the Wonderland world of Alice in Wonderland is huge, it does not mean that Charles will have to clear the entire Wonderland world. There may be only a short plot in the original work, but Wonderland is a complete world, even if Alice's plot It has not been opened, and there are still other plots going on.

Of course, because it is the early stage of the game, even if you enter Wonderland, you will only encounter some small incidents at most, such as rat robbers, gray wolf robbers and so on.

Really just a small copy.

Ciel, who has a comprehensive grasp of the plot, is not worried about these problems. After all, he has cleared the level several times and has all the strategies and easter eggs in his head, so. .What is this notebook in the inventory?

Why hasn't he seen it.

Ciel focused his attention on the notebook.

Although it is a single-player game, due to the participation of artificial intelligence, it also has the concept of a large part of random items. After all, it is a team that developed Diablo. Random drops and random skills are also one of the features of this game. , but although Ciel dared not say that he knew all the props and equipment, he still knew all the novice props at the beginning.

After all, it is a single-player game.

And there is absolutely no unknown notebook among them.

Where did this come from

Ciel took out the notebook from the backpack compartment and kept flipping through it. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it seemed, because this thing was nothing like it. .

It's not a prop in the game at all.


Charles breathed a sigh of relief. He finally recognized that this thing was not in the game at all, but something he owned in reality before traveling through time.

It seems that the peripheral props or something that were given away by purchasing the latest DLC were taken out from a courier without an address.

He originally thought it was a gift from a certain purchase. After all, he bought a lot of games and peripheral figures, or simply a gift from that DLC purchase, so he kept it on the display shelf behind the computer, but now it seems that it is not. That's not the case.

Therefore, this is the culprit of his time traveling. It replaces the existence of the necklace, ring, and jade pendant passed down from the ancestors to the grandfather.

Charles looked through the notebook in his hand, trying to decipher its secrets, but unfortunately he couldn't see anything. It seemed to be an ordinary notebook, with light-colored paper inside, and the surface had different patterns from those on Earth and the characters in the game. Unknown text. .Or patterns or something.

Moreover, Char doesn't think this thing is related to the indescribable thing mentioned in the explanation notes, that is, the Cthulhu Mythos. Not everything can be related to Cthulhu. They are easy to defeat with their own style cards.

It looks like a pattern of some unknown text, or the pattern is indeed a bit weird, but it is not Cthulhu style, and if this thing is really related to the Cthulhu series. .I guess the evil rap should be ringing in his head now.

Finally, after looking through it to no avail, Ciel threw the thing back into his backpack and left it there for now. Maybe one day he would be able to decipher the secret hidden in it.

. . .

Worrying about gains and losses, the excitement of time travel, and the difference between the experimental game world and the real world, occupied most of Charles's afternoon time. It was not until the sound of the door opening near the evening that Charles secretly screamed that it was bad.

He actually forgot that he was still a ten-year-old child, and... .He was adopted by Aunt Andrea, his mother's sister.

Ciel immediately realized the crux of the problem. In the game, he could do whatever he wanted. Even if it aroused suspicion, it didn't matter. After all, it was just a game. He was the fourth natural disaster.

But this is the real world.

He didn't see any save files that came with his system. There was a high probability that his golden finger would die 99 times at the beginning or something like an infinite resurrection stream, so there would be no chance of a comeback. So, what attitude should he take to face it? to this world.

. .Well, this philosophical question can actually be discussed later. The top priority is, who can tell him how to play a ten-year-old child well.

In other words, what was the original Ciel really like?

Just as Charles was hesitating, the door had already opened, and a woman who was no longer young but still charming opened the door and walked in. She bent down and took off her shoes.

"Hey little guy."

"You must be hungry."

She immediately saw Ciel in the living room, she was Andrea Hepham.

Charles didn't know how to respond, so he could only nod silently, but he seemed to have done the right thing, because Andrea who passed by him didn't say anything, but touched his head dotingly.

But Ciel didn't pay attention to these things, instead focusing on the game board that only he could see.

The character panel was not his, but Andrea's.

Players can query NPC information templates, but only the most basic information.

Ciel originally thought that it would disappear like other functions that could not be accommodated by the real world, such as recharging, but he did not expect that it was still there.

Name: Andrea Hepham

Power: 49

Constitution: 49

Agility: 57

Spirit: 47

Remember: a reporter with a sense of justice.

There is nothing interesting about Andrea's panel. As an ordinary person at the beginning, Andrea has neither a hidden bloodline nor a deep background. .Maybe Xial's ancestors had some background, otherwise it would be impossible to awaken as a wizard.

But this cannot be reflected from Andrea's panel.

Just when Charles finished watching Andrea's panel, Andrea had already prepared a simple dinner. .Considering the country that Ciel was currently in, the short time it took Andrea to prepare dinner, and Ciel's previous game experience, Ciel didn't have much expectations for dinner from the moment he sat down at the table.

One portion of instant pasta per person, half a piece of yesterday's leftover pudding, some small desserts, and a large glass of milk are all dinner. It's very simple.

. .But although they are all instant products, they are better in that they all have a taste that is acceptable to humans. At least they taste much better than the dinners of most British families.

. . .

Sitting at the dining table, Charles was trying to play his latest role, an unlucky kid who was introverted and didn't like to talk. He didn't know if the character he chose was correct, but it seemed from Andrea's frequent side glances from time to time. .Maybe he wasn't so silent normally.

But he really didn't know what to say. Even if he knew what Ciel looked like before, it would probably be difficult to imitate him. After all, he was an adult, not a real ten-year-old child.

In the eerie silence, Ciel quickly ate more than he expected. .He asked for a much larger dinner, then wiped his mouth, whispered that he was full, left the dining table, and returned to his bedroom.

And Andrea has observed that nothing bad seems to have happened to Charles. Although she doesn't know why he is so silent today, she is obviously not a parent who likes to dig out the secrets of her children.

She shrugged helplessly, and sitting alone at the dining table, she could only mutter helplessly to herself.

"Little Charles has grown up too."

As the children grow up, they also have their own little secrets.

. . .

When Charles returned to the room, he collapsed on the chair in distress. In this era, computers were not yet popular. Even if they were available, they would not be something he, a ten-year-old child, and an unmarried adoptive family could have. Without this kind of killing that kills his life. With the weapon, he would have enough time to think and squander.

What attitude should you use to face the world?

Ciel realized that he had encountered the first key problem after time travel, and this problem was not trivial.

Because this is a real world, Ciel told himself again in his heart.

But even though he told himself so, it was just. .This increasingly familiar room, furnishings, including the character panel, were almost the same as when he played the game. It was still difficult for him to change his mentality and make him adopt a more serious and serious attitude. To face the new world.

Closed virtual reality games are too real. Although they are not really the second world, for most players who don’t like to delve into the ins and outs, it is actually one.

Although this world has a bit more realism than the game, as if the beauty filter has been removed, it is still difficult for Ciel to reverse it.

So Ciel clearly realized what was wrong with him at this time.

Because he couldn't truly immerse himself in this world and truly become a person here, his thinking was still subconsciously using the ideas and attitudes he had when playing games before.

This is very. .Dangerous and subtle.

Because games are different from reality, no matter what kind of person you are in reality, you will be more or less different in the game, completely different from how you are in reality.

Naturally the same is true for Ciel.

It's just a game, so he is the same as all other players, doing whatever he wants and being bold. .Even when facing young ladies, I no longer feel shy.

Of course there is no problem with these practices in the game, but now, it is no longer a game.

That's why Charles remained silent at the dinner table, because he was afraid that he could not help but say words and actions that were difficult for people of this era, or in this world, to understand.

Although he should not be dragged into pouring holy water, we are now past the ignorant devil-possessed Middle Ages. .However, humans do not fully understand the sudden abnormal behavior of people around them. In other words, there is a new and more modern way of handling accidents involving throwing holy water.

He might be dragged to see a psychiatrist by Aunt Andrea.

This mentality is not acceptable.

After all, Charles is an adult, and has long passed the self-centered middle school age. Although he is a homebody, he is still a normal person with a formal job or a dog planner with a high salary.

So he knew very well that this casual mentality was not advisable.

However, this idealistic thing is also the most troublesome.

And what he has to play is a ten-year-old child. .Who knows what a ten-year-old child should be like. Over the past ten years, he has long forgotten how to do it.

"never mind."

Charles sighed.

“Talk less and shut up more.”

At worst, he would just be a precocious child. Anyway, this situation is not uncommon abroad. As for the change, it was too sudden. .You don’t know what a ten-year-old child should be like, so this sudden change is normal, because who knows what these little devils are thinking.

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