Love’s Hidden Truth

Chapter 3: Yun Hee’s Hotel Room

Scene: Yun Hee's Hotel Room

Yun Hee wakes up with a mild headache. The events of the previous night are blurry. She's sitting on her bed when Si Woo walks in with a hangover drink.

Si Woo: (teasingly) "How are you feeling? Last night… do you remember anything?"

Yun Hee: (groggily) "Ugh, my head hurts. What happened last night? I can't remember."

Si Woo: (grinning mischievously) "Did you forget everything? You were pretty wild last night." (pauses) "Or are you just pretending?"

Yun Hee: (nervously) "What... what are you talking about?"

Si Woo: (mockingly) "Come on, don't tell me you forgot about the bathroom incident."

Yun Hee: (looking confused) "Bathroom incident? What are you—" (her eyes widen, suddenly recalling something) "Wait… I… I went to the men's bathroom, didn't I?"

Si Woo: (laughs) "Yes, you did. You were so out of it, you walked right in! And then, you made a phone call to a guy you'd never met before." (grins) "That's one way to start a conversation, huh?"

Yun Hee: (blushing, embarrassed) "Oh my God! How did I—"

Si Woo: (teasingly) "I think you liked him. The way you were talking… So, what did you talk about? You didn't even know his name!"

Yun Hee: (face turning red) "Stop! This is so embarrassing! Why didn't you stop me?"

Si Woo: (laughing) "I was enjoying the show! You're funny when you're drunk."

Yun Hee: (sighs) "I can't believe this." (pauses) "Wait, I need to ask you… did we… you know… do anything last night?"

Si Woo: (pauses for effect, teasing her) "Oh, we did a lot. But mostly, you just danced like no one was watching and made everyone laugh." (smirks) "Nothing more, though."

Yun Hee: (relieved but still embarrassed) "Phew, that's a relief." (then, with a smile) "Next time, remind me not to drink so much, okay?"

Si Woo: (grinning) "Next time, I'll be your personal babysitter."

Yun Hee playfully punches him on the shoulder as they both laugh.

Scene: Exploring the City

Later that day, Yun Hee and Si Woo decide to explore the city together. They visit several scenic spots, taking photos and having fun. As they walk, Yun Hee gets a call from her mom.

Yun Hee's Mom: (on the phone) "Yun Hee, when are you coming back? Are you okay? How are you doing?"

Yun Hee: (smiling) "I'm fine, Mom. Just relaxing and exploring a little. I'll be back in a few days."

Yun Hee's Mom: (concerned) "Okay, just take care of yourself. Don't overdo it. And stay safe."

Yun Hee: "Don't worry, Mom. I'll be back soon. Love you!"

She hangs up and turns to Si Woo.

Yun Hee: (teasing) "See? My mom's worried about me."

Si Woo: (laughing) "She should be worried about you. You're wild, you know."

Yun Hee: (mock glaring) "Hey, I'm not that bad!"

As they continue walking, they come across a flirtatious girl who seems overly interested in Si Woo.

Flirtatious Girl: (smiling at Si Woo) "Hey, handsome. You look lost. Need some company?"

Si Woo: (chuckling) "I'm good, thanks."

Yun Hee watches, rolling her eyes, feeling slightly jealous.

Yun Hee: (under her breath) "Unbelievable. This guy's got no shortage of admirers."

Flirtatious Girl: (eyeing Yun Hee) "Is she your girlfriend?" (teasing) "Or just a friend? You two make such a cute couple."

Yun Hee: (smiling sarcastically) "He's my best friend, don't worry. You can flirt with him all you want. But he's not going anywhere."

Si Woo: (teasing) "What if I like her more than you?"

Yun Hee: (pretending to be offended) "Ha! Don't flatter yourself, you're the one who's the fool."

Flirtatious Girl: (laughs) "Aww, you two are so cute together."

Si Woo: (with a mischievous grin) "Actually, she's right. We're just best friends. But… don't get the wrong idea." (looks at Yun Hee) "I wouldn't want to be anything more."

Yun Hee: (laughing) "So sweet of you to say that!" (gives him a playful shove)

As they continue walking, Si Woo gets a call from the restaurant where they're about to eat.

Scene: The Restaurant

At the restaurant, Yun Hee and Si Woo sit down to order lunch. While they're waiting, Yun Hee asks Si Woo about his work.

Yun Hee: "So, how's your company going? You mentioned your dad didn't give you the company, right? You're working with a partner?"

Si Woo: (looking thoughtful) "Yeah, my father didn't think I was ready yet. But I'm learning. Hopefully, I'll be ready soon. It's tough, though."

Yun Hee: (smiling) "Well, you're doing great. I know you'll make it big."

Si Woo: (grinning) "Thanks, Yun Hee. You always know how to make me feel better."

The waiter brings their food, and they start eating. Just as they finish, Yun Hee heads to the restroom to grab a juice, while Si Woo goes to pay the bill.

On her way out of the restroom, Yun Hee accidentally bumps into Mr. Kim, spilling juice all over his shirt.

Mr. Kim: (looking down at his shirt) "Are you serious? My brand-new shirt!"

Yun Hee: (panicking) "Oh my God! I'm so sorry, Mr. Kim! I didn't mean to—"

Mr. Kim: (annoyed) "You need to be more careful!"

Yun Hee: (apologizing) "I'll pay for it, I promise!"

Mr. Kim: "No need. Just don't show up near me again, alright?"

Yun Hee is taken aback by his anger and feels a bit intimidated. Just as Mr. Kim's frustration grows, Si Woo walks over and steps in to calm things down.

Si Woo: (playfully) "Come on, Mr. Kim, it was just an accident. No need to get that upset."

Mr. Kim: (staring at Si Woo) "And who are you to tell me that?"

Si Woo: (smiling) "I'm just a friend who's trying to help. Everyone makes mistakes, right?"

Mr. Kim starts to calm down, realizing that Si Woo has a point. He softens his tone.

Mr. Kim: (a bit more relaxed) "Alright, just be careful next time."

Yun Hee: (surprised) "He calmed down a bit... but still, I wasn't expecting that reaction!"

Si Woo: (teasing) "Yeah, he was a bit intense, but hey, he's actually kind of impressive, right?" (laughing) "But no worries, you're fine now."

Yun Hee: (smiling) "You always seem to come to my rescue."

Si Woo: (grinning) "What can I say? Maybe I'm your personal superhero."

They both laugh as they leave the restaurant, Si Woo suggesting that they go explore more places.

Si Woo: "Alright, let's go have more fun!"

Yun Hee: (smiling) "Okay, but no overdoing it this time!"

They both head off together, excited for their next adventure.

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