Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss R18

Chapter 430 A Stranger Visits

Chapter 430  A Stranger Visits

Why didn’t I think of checking my phone before this?

I cursed softly under my breath when I laid eyes on my phone screen. It felt like I was facing war on multiple fronts, and it was driving me insane with anxiousness and worry. While being swept up by Jeremy’s unexpected confession and then the heated argument that I had with him, I hadn’t paid any attention to my phone. Although I knew that it wasn’t right to have my priorities backwards, I had to admit that I was too distracted by what was going on that I momentarily forgot about Ace and the fact that I had been waiting for him to contact me.

“Shit…” I whispered before grinding my teeth together.

My feet began moving a little faster as I stared at the numerous miscalls from Ace that appeared on my phone screen. It wasn’t usual for Ace to leave so many miscalls on my phone and that only meant that he knew that something was wrong. I sighed again when I realized that he must have found out about the little invitation that I received to visit the disciplinary committee members and I had no doubt that he had also found out the reason why that was so.

Thinking that Ace must be so worried about me made me feel even guiltier than before. Things were not going my way and my little wish to be the one to break this news to Ace wasn’t granted either. My hand clenched tightly around my phone as I raced to think of a way to apologize to Ace and to explain things to him. I doubted that Ace would believe that there was anything going on between Jeremy and I, but it would still be better for us to talk it out. I was sure that all I needed to do was assure him that the rumors were just baseless rumors as always and that would be that. Internally I prayed that Ace would be mature and understanding of the situation.

When I looked up from my phone, my entire body froze as it refused to take another step forward. I was so close to my room now that I could see the door to my apartment in front of me just a little further down the hallway; however, there was tall figure of a man that I did not recognize standing there. He was tall and dressed in a black long coat and a hat that managed to hide most of his face. I didn’t recognize the man, but I wouldn’t have panicked the way that I did had I not been so on edge and had that man not been standing right in front of my room door.

Who is he and what does he want?

It already felt like a very long day for me, and I didn’t need another hurdle to climb. I wondered if it would be a good idea to just turn back and ask the security guard to help me deal with the man or if I should just confront the stranger alone. There wasn’t enough time for me to make up my mind regarding that matter because the stranger turned around. The hat that he wore conveniently cast a shadow that hid his face and that only added to the very mysterious and somewhat dangerous aura around him.

I didn’t think that I had done anything to make myself anyone’s enemy but that didn’t help curb the sudden waves of fear that flooded my chest and made my heart race. Although I couldn’t see the man’s face, I could feel his eyes staring intensely at me. I felt like I should no longer hesitate and that I should turn and make a run for it while I still had the chance.


My eyes widened so much that it hurt as my mouth dropped opened at the familiar voice calling my nickname in such an adorable way. My heart clenched in my chest as a mix of feelings took over me. At first, I was stunned and then I felt confused and then I started to feel relieved. It was frankly amazing just how many emotions one could feel at the same time and how fast one’s emotions could transform.

“Ace…?” I whispered questioningly.

Without saying anything, the tall man took a few steps closer to me. My feet felt like trees that had grown roots deep into the ground as the man came even closer to me. I just couldn’t move as my heart raced faster and faster in my chest.

“You don’t recognize your own boyfriend?” he asked with clear disbelief and a hint of irritation in his tone.

“Ace…” I called his name softly but with certainty and confidence this time.

Although the man standing in front of me wasn’t dressed like Ace, I was sure from his sarcastic tone and the way that he called my name that he was none other than Ace. I stared up into his face before my eyes travelled down his body all the way down to his feet and then slowly making their way back up to his face again.

Is this man really Ace? Why is he dressed up like this?

“Umm…why are you…?” I asked before trailing off.

“Is that the most important thing that we should be talking about right now?” Ace asked with clear impatient in his tone.

His face came close enough to mine to see quite clearly that it was indeed Ace who was standing right in front of me. The glasses that he had on made him give off a very different vibe, but I thought that he looked smart and very charming, nonetheless.

“Rina?” Ace called my name questioningly when I fell silent for a moment.

I gulped when I was reminded of the slightly sticky situation that I had found myself in. Although it was surprising and a little scary that Ace turned up right in front of my door dressed up in a disguise, I had to say that I was very overjoyed to finally get to see him.

--To be continued…

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