Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 473: Obligatory

Twilight Beiming

Since Nord chose to support the Kingdom of Sene, the Kingdom of Demon quickly moved up and down. At present, there are 100,000 soldiers in the city of Orilo Resin. The remaining soldiers are stationed in other areas. The latest occupation The area still cannot be guarded by soldiers for the time being.

But in order to support the Kingdom of Sene, Nord had to take a little risk. During this time, there were no problems, so Nord completely relaxed. If anyone dared to show up at this time, Nord would be able to clean them up.

Perhaps without Nord’s hands, the officials of the Demon Kingdom can solve the problem by themselves. You must know that in the process of the Demon Kingdom’s conquest of the Norden continent, not only the soldiers have grown a lot, but even the officials of the Demon Kingdom are also rapidly growing. Growth.

The soldiers fought blood and blood on the battlefield. In fact, the newly occupied area is also a battlefield. This is a battlefield where no gunpowder can be seen. The fierceness of the struggle is not worse than that of a real battlefield. Therefore, the process of unifying the mainland in the Demon Kingdom Among them, the administrators of the Demon Kingdom also played a strong role.

At least the Demon Kingdom can achieve the current results. These administrators have played at least half of the credit. Without them to stabilize the territory of the Demon Kingdom, there will be no guarantee of the soldiers’ **** performance. Moreover, in terms of logistics, these administrative officials The officer did not show anything wrong.

Therefore, Nord is thinking about what kind of rewards should be given to these officials when there are only rewards for meritorious deeds. Of course, the title must also be given. However, Nord must seriously think about what nobles should be specifically designated. NS.

Because these officials are very different from the soldiers under Nord’s command. They hold huge powers, and they may be corrupted at any time because of the powers in their hands. Even if the soldiers of the army have won the title, they don’t have much power in their hands. The right, because they became an idle noble after they were discharged from the army, and Nord appeared to support them.

But these administrators are completely different, because they hold very large powers in their hands. If Nord grants them the status of aristocrat, it may cause the phenomenon of being a noble, and Nord cannot abolish the official status as a nobleman. The hereditary system, that would definitely cause these administrators to be rebellious.

It would even paralyze the huge territory of the Demon Kingdom. After thinking about going to Nord, I could not find a solution, because once the stall was spread out, it became very difficult to clean up. As the king of a huge empire , It is impossible for Nord to want a bowl of water to be even.

Even if Nord did not reward them for their titles, the administrators of the Demon Kingdom were fulfilling their duties. Even before all the soldiers had been assembled, the materials mobilized from various parts of the Demon Kingdom had gradually been collected. Arrived in the city of Ouluo Ruixin.

Nord stood outside the palace, holding Tiffany’s small hands tightly with a pair of big hands, his eyes tightly waiting for Tiffany’s delicate face, knowing that Tiffany was beginning to be shy,…

A smile appeared on the corner of Nord’s mouth, and then whispered

“When I return from victory, we will hold a grand wedding. I want you to be the most beautiful queen and witness the establishment of the Demon Empire. Then we will travel the world together to fulfill our original dream. I will promise you what I promised. If you do, wish me a safe return.”

“I am waiting for you, Nord, waiting for you forever.”

There was some sweetness in Nord’s heart. He gently hugged Tiffany into his arms, not caring about the surprised eyes of others, and then gently kissed Tiffany on the forehead. Nord fully enjoyed this warm moment. This time Inside, the relationship between Nord and Tiffany is warming up, and the entire city of Oli Luo Ruixin has begun to spread their news.

People are looking forward to the wedding of King Nord and Princess Tiffany. Although Tiffany has never been out of the palace, her name has spread in the city of Oulorrezin for a long time. People know that Princess Tiffany is more beautiful than flowers. Young girl.

Therefore, it is absolutely a good match with King Nord of the Demon Kingdom. Nord is also a young and heroic king who conquered the entire continent in just a few years. This is absolutely impossible for ordinary people. Nord is now Germany. A respected object by many people in the Mongolian Kingdom.

In addition, the Demon Kingdom has already opened up the knowledge system, and many civilians can learn free knowledge, especially in the Besser area and the Seaman area. The Demon Kingdom has already begun to implement the compulsory education system, because the earliest places The economic and educational strength is already very developed, and it can fully support the investment in education.

Therefore, in recent years, the talents of the Demon Kingdom have begun to enter the blowout period. Now 90% of the administrators of the Demon Kingdom are from these two regions, and the number of people in the Heman area is the largest, and the people in the Besser area Still like to be a soldier.

At present, the military and political system of the Demon Kingdom is occupied by civilians in the Besser and Seaman areas. This ratio is quite large, but Nord does not think this is a problem. Instead, these Seaman areas and Besser The people of the region are definitely strong supporters of NORD.

And with the passage of time, this ratio will gradually decline. When the civilians in several other regions gradually merge into the Demon Kingdom, they will definitely enter the Demon Kingdom’s military and political system, but now they do not Get the trust of Nord~www.mtlnovel.com~ When Nord and Tiffany are separated, Nord can see the faint blush on Tiffany’s face, but her beautiful eyes are full of worry, and Tiffany is very worried about Nord There was an accident, and in the bottom of her heart she didn’t want Nord to leave.

The young couple in love doesn’t even want to be separated for a moment. When she was in the palace and when Nord’s office, Tiffany had to follow him closely. Although she didn’t understand what Nord was doing, she just had to stay with Nord. , Tiffany will be very happy.

Even though her heart was full of worries, Tiffany didn’t mean to stop Nord, because she understood that Nord’s responsibility is very important, and Nord doesn’t…

She only belongs to the entire Demon Kingdom, and Nord is responsible for the civilians of the entire Demon Kingdom.

All Tiffany can do now is to silently guard him in the palace. Nord touched Tiffany’s smooth face, and then said with a smile

“I’m leaving, remember to miss me every day.”


Nord waved to Tiffany, and then turned around and walked towards the military camp outside the city. Nord’s eyes were also a little bit distressed, but Nord knew very well that it was not the time when his sons and daughters were in love. The situation in the Kingdom of Sene was very Urgent, if you can set off one day earlier, you can save one more civilian.

And this time facing the centaur war, Nord is obliged to face, the Demon Kingdom must also face it, because after the unification of the continent, the enemies of the Demon Kingdom may become these unknown races, and the Demon Kingdom must have We must fight this battle well, and we must fight cleanly. Show the races hiding in the dark. The fighting power of the Demon Kingdom, they should continue to hibernate in the dark corners of the continent. The ruler of this continent is now Humanity.

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