Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 467: Volcanoes all over

After defeating the 50,000 armies of the Kingdom of Kokirwa to stop the Kingdom of Demon, Lehman continued to advance towards the hinterland of the Kingdom of Kokirwa. Most areas of the Kingdom of Kokirwa are hills and hills. , Here is different from the Amon Mountains in the north of the mainland.

The vegetation in the mountains inside the Kokirwa Kingdom is very scarce. Many of them are dry rocks, which make people look very barren at first glance. There is no sense of vitality in other places. Only a few valleys can see the emerald green. plant.

Therefore, most of the cities in the Kingdom of Kokirwa were built in the bottom of the valley, especially due to the climate. Some Kokirwa people even like to live in caves. There are many volcanoes in the Kingdom of Kokirwa, the largest of which is Rocky Volcano Group, this volcano group is a group of hundreds of volcanoes, it is located in the center of the Kokielwa Kingdom.

Although it sounds very dangerous, the Rocky volcanoes have not erupted for a long time. The last time the Rocky volcanoes have been traced back, no one knows when it was traced back, because in the Kokielwa people’s impression of Luo Ji volcanoes have never erupted.

There is no record in historical data, but other small volcanoes erupt every few decades, and every volcanic eruption is a scene of volcanic eruption, which makes the kingdom of Kokielwa very afraid of volcanic eruptions and ignorant people. They all call this phenomenon that the mountain **** is angry.

But the Kokielwa people love the Rocky volcanoes very much, because in their opinion, a volcano of this size has never erupted. This is definitely the patron saint of their kingdom, and it is he who guards Koki. The people of the Ulva Kingdom are not harmed.

You must know that the Rocky Volcanoes are not a group of extinct volcanoes. At the top of the volcano, you can even see hot magma, but the Rocky Volcanoes have never erupted. This is a very magical phenomenon, Rocky The volcanoes are unexpectedly docile.

The people of the Kokirwa Kingdom can even use the magma drained from the top of the mountain to build weapons. Perhaps the Rocky Volcano Group is really the patron saint of the Kokirwa people, or else the Kokirwa people are used to dig the volcano. The behavior is definitely a death-seeking behavior, and you can’t survive at all. The eruption is not a joke.

The capital of the Kokirwa Kingdom is also located under the Rocky Volcano Group. This is the largest city in the Kokirwa Kingdom and the city with the most iron production on the Northren continent. The city of Paraná has the reputation of being an iron city. In this city, blacksmiths can be seen everywhere, and the whole city will think of the sound of iron strikes one after another during the day.

For the Kokielwa people, this wonderful sound of iron strikes is like a kind of wonderful music that makes them intoxicated. Even some experienced blacksmiths can hear the sound of an iron casting from the sound of iron strikes. Bad, for Kokielwa, there are only two things that can’t live up to, and that is food and iron.

But after liquor was introduced into the Kokirwa Kingdom, these passionate people have one more thing that they love very much, that is, drinking. The hot liquor is very compatible with the enthusiastic Kokirwa people. After tasting baijiu once, the people of Kilwa knew that they could not do without this wonderful thing for the rest of their lives.

But since the last time they heard of the destruction of the Kingdom of Oliro, the Kokielwa people have cut off the source of the liquor. Many people know that the origin of this liquor is the Demon Kingdom, which is the most famous German on the mainland recently. Mongolian Kingdom.

Unfortunately, the Demon Kingdom is currently in a hostile relationship with the Kokirwa Kingdom. Because of the Euryo Kingdom, the Kokirwa Kingdom has been drawn into the quagmire of war. In fact, the Kokirwa people do not like war. One of them is a peace-loving person. When nothing happens, they are either hitting iron or making food.

Therefore, it is difficult to see Kokielwa in other places on the mainland. They seem to just like to do their own things. They are indifferent to external affairs, as long as they don’t offend the Kokielwa. The interests of these small Kokielwas are very enthusiastic people.

But if you provoke the Kokielwa, their tempers will erupt like a volcano. The Kokielwa’s personality is very much like a volcano in their kingdom. They are usually enthusiastic and unrestrained. Once they get angry, they will be very scary.

But Lehman was not frightened by their bursting temper. After solving the last 50,000 soldiers of the Kokirwa Kingdom, the Kokirwa Kingdom opened its arms to Lehman the most, and then the city simply There was no effective force organized to face the offensive of the Demon Kingdom.

In fact, the idea of ​​the Kokielwa people is that as long as the 50,000 heavy infantry on the border can stop the army of the Demon Kingdom for a period of time, or cause a certain degree of casualties to the army of the Demon Kingdom, then Kogier The tile kingdom can gradually come over in the rear.

But they absolutely underestimated the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Demon Kingdom. Although the combat effectiveness of the heavy infantry of the Kokielwa Kingdom is very strong, many countries have been defeated by the Kokielwa heavy infantry in the battle with them, such as the Calvi United Kingdom. The soldiers of the Kingdom of and Sene were very weak when facing the heavy infantry of the Kingdom of Kokirwa, and they could not defeat the heavy infantry of the Kingdom of Kokirwa at all.

Therefore, there are not too many opponents at all in the southern part of Northen Continent. Although the Kingdom of Kokielwa has not fought against the Kingdom of Oliro, it seems that Oliro is facing the invasion of the Kingdom of Sine. The kingdom’s troops are not rivals of the Kingdom of Kokielwa.

If it weren’t for the Kokielwa Kingdom did not have the ambition to compete with the Ouriro kingdom, perhaps the Ouriro kingdom’s status as the first power on the continent would really be insecure. It’s just that Kokielwa had no ambitions to compete with other countries. The Kingdom of Kilwa wants to honestly strike iron in his own home.

But now because of their strategic mistakes ~www.mtlnovel.com~, they have directly ruined the last resistance of the Kingdom of Kokielva. Although the troops of the Demon Kingdom have suffered heavy casualties, they are compared with the 50,000 people lost in Kokielva. , The more than 10,000 people killed in the Demon Kingdom are completely acceptable.

Now Lehman led the remaining more than 60,000 people who can also be invincible in the kingdom of Kokirwa, and because of the special structure of Kokirwa city, those cities at the bottom of the valley are not so easy to defend, and It is not so easy to build a strong city at the bottom of the valley.

After experiencing a difficult battle, Lehman conquered more than half of the kingdom of Kokirwa in the next month, and Lehman’s troops reached the center of Kokirwa Kingdom, that is, they The capital city of Parana.

What Lehman is most afraid of these days is not the soldiers of the Kokielwa Kingdom, but the volcanoes that smoke from time to time. Looking at the volcanoes that want to erupt, Lehman feels a little heart palpitating, no matter how powerful the enemy is. , Lehman will not feel the slightest fear.

But when he saw the volcano that was about to erupt, Lehman felt his own insignificance. Compared with these volcanoes that could destroy the world, the army of the Demon Kingdom seemed a little weak. Man chose to walk around.

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