Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 454: A little girl like a deer

Wine and spices are a big killer that Nord wants to buy the Kokielwa people, but the specific effect depends on the situation afterwards. It is really impossible. Nord can only find another way. The way is always more difficult than the difficulty. NORD believes that it will be able to find a solution to the problem by then.

With Lehman and Marko’s successive expeditions, only tens of thousands of soldiers were left in the city of Orilo Resin. However, Nord was not worried at all, because during the previous grand expedition ceremony, the city of Orilo Resin The residents were shocked again.

They once again felt that the Demon Kingdom was so powerful, and the defeat of the Ouriro Kingdom was not wronged at all. From the perspective of the strength of the Demon Kingdom, they were even stronger than the Ouriro Kingdom at its peak. Proliferation, which allowed the civilians in the Ouriro region to gradually accept the rule of the Demon Kingdom.

One early morning shortly after Lehman and Marco left for the expedition, after finishing a day of training, Nord was about to return to the study to deal with government affairs. He suddenly ran into Tiffany who was hanging out in the corridor and saw that he was sweating profusely because of training. For Nord, Tiffany’s cheeks turned red.

Nord’s appearance itself is very heroic and extraordinary. Coupled with these years of uninterrupted training, Nord is outstanding in both figure and temperament, because now Nord has a high position and has a strong position. , Now Nord’s body gradually appeared a kind of self-arrogant aura.

But because of Nord’s relatively easy-going personality, this kind of momentum is actually hard to find. It will only gradually manifest when Nord is angry. The so-called Thunder Rage is exactly this principle, friendly and not losing its majesty. This This is the current image of Nord, but it was revealed by Nord unintentionally, and Nord himself did not feel how much has changed over the years.

Looking at Tiffany walking towards him, Nord greeted her kindly, because seeing Tiffany being a little shy, Nord didn’t want to disturb her too much. Nord is now wearing loose training. It’s very impolite to talk to Tiffany.

Nord, who is very indifferent to these behaviors, did not know why suddenly he cared very much, especially after Tiffany lived in the palace, Nord actually began to pay attention to his etiquette issues at all times, which made Abel’s butler who has been urging Nord. Everyone was amazed, and his eyes were full of smiles when he looked at Nord.

Because there is nothing in this palace that can be concealed from Abel’s butler, and he also knows Nordisk very well. From the time he was in Tammy Village to now he has become a king, and Abel’s housekeeper handles all aspects of Nordisk’s life. , So Nord’s unusual behavior quickly attracted the attention of Abel’s butler.

Then he discovered that every time he met Tiffany in the palace, Nord would always be out of mind for a while, and then he began to pay attention to his own image and etiquette. The sophisticated Abel butler quickly guessed Nord. The reason for this situation.

So about this…

In terms of issues, Abel’s butler knows everything about Nord, and he can say everything. A question about etiquette is not difficult for Abel, and Abel also taught Nord that young noble men and women should pay attention to this matter. Customs so that Nord will not be so abrupt.

Butler Abel is very clear that Nord is a noob in terms of emotions, just like fighting. Nord may choose to rampage at any time. Therefore, butler Abel not only tries his best to teach Nord etiquette, but also creates for Nord from time to time. Some opportunities.

It is precisely because of Abel’s butler’s assist that Nord now has a lot of opportunities to talk to Tiffany. As the chief butler of the palace, Abel’s butler wants to make arrangements for two people to meet is a very simple question. With Nord The number of meetings with Tiffany increased, and the two sides gradually became acquainted.

When Nord greeted Tiffany and was about to change clothes, Tiffany suddenly called Nord, and Nord looked back at Tiffany’s delicate face, a heart beating in his chest, and Nord could clearly understand Feel my heart beating quickly.

Nord feels very unbelievable every time. Every time he faces Tiffany alone, his emotions always become agitated involuntarily, and his usual calm heart can’t keep calm anymore. It’s like a calm lake in the center. There was a wave.

“Nord, can you walk with me?”

Tiffany walked to Nord and whispered. Nord could see that she had the courage to say this to Nord. After speaking, Tiffany lowered her head shyly, even her face was flushed with pink. They slowly climbed onto the white neck, and for a while, Tiffany was like a shy flower blooming in front of Nord.

Looking at Tiffany next to him, Nord took a deep breath and wanted to stop his slightly excited heart, but Nord found that such a simple thing was so difficult at this time. De’s breath, a scent of fragrance broke into Nord’s nose and mouth, and the refreshing fragrance immediately calmed Nord.

Nord knows that this is from Tiffany. The very natural fragrance is only found in Tiffany. It is a very wonderful taste, which makes Nord very fascinated and slowly calms down Nord, look. Tiffany smiled and said:

“I hope my dress will not make you feel disrespectful, let’s go, let’s go to the palace~www.mtlnovel.com~ You take me to the fun places in the palace, I haven’t been well in this period of time. Wandering in the palace, you will know what is interesting.”

Tiffany breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Nord’s promise. She raised her head and glanced at Nord, and when Tiffany and Nord’s eyes met, she hurriedly shifted her gaze to other places, and then pointed At a building in the distance, Tiffany said softly:

“Let’s go there for a walk. There is a garden in the southeast of the palace. I used to be alone when I was in a bad mood…

Go there for a walk, let me show you. ”

Tiffany pointed his finger to the garden in the southeast direction. Just when Nord was looking into the distance in the direction she was pointing, Tiffany secretly glanced at Nord, and then waited for Nord to look at her, Tiffany But like a frightened deer, she turned her head in a panic, and then she waved gently to Nord, and then walked quickly to lead the way for Nord.

Seeing Tiffany’s flustered footsteps, Nord’s mouth showed a smile, because after secretly looking at Nord’s eyes, Tiffany’s heart began to smash like a deer. She walked in front of Nord and looked at Nord. Before her expression, Tiffany touched her slightly hot cheek, her expression very shy.

Before Tiffany could adjust, Nord walked quickly to her side, and then the two began to walk side by side. Looking at the slightly petite and exquisite Tiffany around, Nord tried to speak:

“When you are still in a bad mood, I thought you were always carefree. Can you tell me what happened to you before? It will be much better after you say the unhappy things.”


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