Lord of Fire

14. Reduced IQ

Dolo was a very curious child. His quiet demeanor gave him a level of patience beyond his years. It greatly influenced his awareness of certain things. Any typical day for Dolo involved at least half the day training his bending. The other half no one really knew what he was doing. He lurked around silently and followed his ever curiouse mind.
This was no different a day as he quickly vanished from behind Manori and his twin, Sheya. Hiding behind a wall he peeked at his father heading towards his office. A pair of young attractive women followed him closely behind. Dolo saw this as his chance to get to his secret spot.
His curiosity was peaked by the way his father looked at the two girls. It was his first time seeing his father react like that to someone not of the Fire Nation. So he just had to get the gist of the situation.
He ran across the training area and around the building that housed the office. He, without any hesitation came to a specific location on the long unmarked wall. He was just about halfway between the ends of the walls. He glanced around to make sure of no prying eyes.
The east wing was surrounded by a lush green garden. A few servants were busy in the garden but non seemed to notice him. He reached out his left hand and placed it approximately on the halfway point. The wall suddenly pulled apart like automatic sliding doors. He quickly stepped through to the back of what appeared to be a bookcase. Behind him the wall closed back up like nothing happened.
While trying not to make any noise he walked around the bookcase. He reached an opening between a pair of bookcases. This was his best vantage spot to spy on his father. Usually meetings with his subordinates from the army and official business that interested him.
Fortunately he reached the place just in time as his father just sat down behind his desk. The pair of girls sat on the guest chairs opposite. For a few moments it was just silence. Nobody spoke a thing as tensions rose. Even Dolo could feel it from his spot.
“Er the thing is... uhm... Suki wanted to meet her father,” Katara broke the silence.
“Hmmmm... I see.” Said the General. “Is your mother aware of 8your presence here?” He asked in an indifferent tone.
“So you are my father?” Suki asked with a bit of false bravado.
The old man appeared to contemplate for a moment. He was not really expecting this when he returned home.
“Indeed I am,” Tamutae answered with a straight face.
Dolo held back a gasp on the revelation. He could not even begin to guess that this was why his father got tense. He imagined it being something akin to the war. It didn't even cross his mind that his father had another child before he met his mother.
“Listen to me and listen good Suki,” Tamutae began in a very calm and clear voice. Avoiding to show any emotion.
“I made it very clear to your mother that my career was too important. I don't what she told you and I don't really care. She was the one who decided to live, not me. She wanted nothint to do with the war. There were simply too many people depending on me but she was adamant of not getting involved in any effort against the Fire Nation. Upon those words we had a deal. She would live with you and cut all ties with me. I would never get involved in your life and go on as if nothing happened.
She didn't even tell me when she left, I only found out when I returned from an assignment to Ba Sing Se. I swore to do exactly as she wanted and move on with my life. I focused on my career. I focused on fighting against the Fire Nation and the damage they caused to the surrounding places.
“I have built a life for myself. There are thousands of lives in my hands so I don't really need any distractions. I know this isn't your fault but I suggest you live Oma Shu before people start asking any more weird questions.”
His words cut deep, not only for Suki but also for Katara. This wasn't even close to what either of them expected to hear. She expected him to at least be glad to see his long lost daughter. It turned out he wasn’t even interested from the start. Although this was all very disheartening, she just wanted to at least meet the man. She was an elite warrior in her own right. She confidently looked up at him and spoke her mind.
“I did not come here to get involved in your life or anything of the sort!” She began. “I just wanted to see what kind of man you are, what kind of father.” She stood up and Katara followed her lead.
“I promise not to bother you or your family! Let’s go Katara!” She ordered and turned to live.
“Wait Suki,” Katara quickly called her back. “There's something I wanted to ask.”
She proceeded to turn back to the General.
“You see, me and my brother come from the southern water tribe. A few years back, all the men and some women left to join the fight against the Fire Nation. I was wondering if you had any whereabouts of where they could be?” She asked in a calm and clear voice. Hiding her anxiety and fear.
Tamutae eyed the girl up and down. Her dark blue outfit was very typical of the Water Tribes. She didn't seem like a Fire Nation spy but that was exactly what spies were supposed to be like. Then again Suki and the rest of the Kyoshi Warriors are notoriously very suspicious of foreigners so she could be alright. That didn't mean he was suddenly going to trust the instincts of a daughter he knew next to nothing about.
“I'm sorry but unless some one vouches for your credentials I cannot devote such information to anyone, even if you are who you say you are.” He shot her down. “The Fire Nation has operatives in almost every level and branch throughout the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe forces.”
They both had to admit his argument was sound and logical. He was after all a high ranking General with lots of lives under his command.
“I see, I understand,” Katara couldn't help but give up. “Well good day General, I hope we meet under friendlier circumstances next time.”
Upon those parting words they both exited the office into the hallway.
Tamutae sat in his office and watched the door that was long closed by the two girls. After dealing with the troublesome king, this was the last thing he expected on his return. His life was in a good place now and he didn't want anyone messing it up. Especially with a certain someone eavesdropping in on his conversations.
He knew all along that Dolo was hiding in his office. He always knew the boy would sneak in and listen to his meetings. He wouldn't be much of a General if he didn't.
After a good ten minutes, he too left the office. Towards the other side of the mansion. He would have to let his wife know before Dolo spilled the beans. Although it was unlikely given Dolo wasn’t one to gossip or blab unless it was absolutely a life and death situation. Unfortunately for Tamutae, he didn't know if Dolo considered this secret as such.
It’s been almost a fortnight since I came to this world. I miss modern technology quite a bit. Mostly the internet and the food. There's also my family of course. Other than that it’s been quite the experience, if you dont count my defeat by Zhao.
The great city of Oma Shu. Seems grant. A bit dusty and a little too brown for my taste but it’s good enough. It can't compare with modern cities but it’s got its own thing. Especially how the people have incorporated earthbending into pretty much everything. So it definitely deserves an awe inspired jaw drop. Not just from me.
I walked around the city for a good 20 minutes. Should things go wrong I was supposed to meet my uncle in some bar towards the East. I remember him saying something about the Lotus and it will provide. Maybe a hideout with the Order of the White Lotus. He said I would know it if I saw it. Looking at this particular bar infront of me I think I agree. Half the bar is just full of tables of Pai Sho. The other half is mostly empty due to what appears to be an intense match. On one side I notice my uncle stroking his long white beard. His opponent is another elderly man. He looked familiar but I can’t quite place where I saw him.
I casually walk up to the crowd but the fanatics are too drawn in to the match to let me pass. Yeah I'm not really interested in the match idiots. The dudes evil eye me so I glare back at them. I somehow continue on through the crow and find myself at the bar. The bartender is a really tall lean man. Looking up at him is almost dizzying. If I had to guess I’d say he's about 7ft 5”. Maybe even taller.
“What’s your poison?” He asked in a surprisingly high pitch voice.
“Whiskey,” I ordered. “You got any food?” He nodded at my question. “Gimme 3 of your best dishes.” He proceeded to pour the whiskey and then disappeared off into the back.
I proceed to find myself an open table and watch the commotion around the match. This is not even football (soccer) so how are they so obsessed.
After a few minutes, the waitress brought out the food. One dish was a mixture of rice, some greens and what appeared to be game meat? I can't really tell but as I try a piece it goes down smooth. The second dish is just a pile of smoking hot spicy meat with a side of soft bread. My favorite it would appear. The third is noodles in a glass bowl. Looked remarkably like ramen but I have never actually had ramen. I only know it looks like ramen because I was a sort of Otaku back in the day.
“Can I also get some sake?” I asked the unsurprisingly attractive waitress.
“Sure, I'll be right out,” she answered with a bright smile.
So they do have sake here. How come there was non on my ship. Maybe there was but Zuko only drank wine. Unusual since he was still underage but who am to judge. By the time I was his age I had been wasted a few times. Granted I stole the alcohol but still.
Anyway so back to the food. Obviously I started to get into it. The dame of a waitress returned with a massive goblit of sake. She kept splashing a smile at me for some reason. Obviously different from the business smile she showed to everybody else. Hmmm, interesting. Potential sexual partner there. Let’s see how the rest of the afternoon proceeds before I make up my mind.
Over the next half an hour, I cleared my food. All that was left was the sake. I turned my attention back to the match. The crowd of spectators had more than doubled in that time. This was starting to get annoying. It wasn't like this was the World Cup final.
“Do you play?” a voice suddenly called from behind.
I turned back to see the waitress clearing up a nearby table.
“Not really,” I answered honestly. “My uncle is the one playing on the left. I am just waiting for him to finish up.”
“Well they should finish up in less than five minutes.” She revealed, noticing my exhausted and annoyed look.
Smart and beautiful, not to mention hot. Curves and a bit of fat in all the right places. Girl is definitely something.
“I hope so,” I added as I continued to watch the match and take a drink from the goblit.
Just like the girl said, the match ended in less than 3 minutes. Unsurprisingly my uncle won. Almost immediately the crowd started their hyping of the match.
I miss that. Back in the day, my friends and I used to do the same about DBZ. After every episode we'd just spend hours talking of what happened in the episode, what didn’t happen in the episode. What should have happened in the episode. What shouldn't have happened in the episode. What could have almost happened but didn't happen. What will have happened if what didn't happen did happen. What will happen because of what did happen. I really miss those days.
Anyway as the crowd cleared to discuss about the apparent epic match of master class Pai Sho, Uncle Iroh joined me on my table.
“So you came?” I immediately went to the point.
“It would appear that we are fugitives from the Fire Nation.” Uncle answered.
“This changed things uncle,” I said. “I certainly cannot be welcomed back with open arms without the Avatar. I also cannot force him. I am not certain I am strong enough to do force him without killing him.”
I have to reconsider everything now. It feels like I went through a lot of pointless shit for nothing. I still want to meet Avatar Roku though. He might provide me answers that I don't have the patience to wait for.
I guess I have to do it like Aang did it in the series. Using Appa to fly over the blockade. It would have been easier with my ship to sail on through by pretending to capture Aang but I don't even know where to begin to look for my ship. Zhao probably has it back South. I am wanted in any Fire Nation base by now thanks to Mui. Unless I truly capture Aang, I have no hope. So it’s decided. We will use Appa to fly over the blockade.
Something is definitely wrong with me. Using Appa is the safest method. I should have realised it sooner. On earth I would have realised that back when I made the plan anyway. I feel like my mental capacity has decreased. Was it due to the merger? I have noticed that I am not thinking as fast and as clear as I did back on earth. Does that mean my IQ dropped and if so by how much.
Holy shit! Am I stupid now? I taught myself calculus. I could solve quadratic equations in my head easily. Now... I can't even begin to... fuck. I am stupid!
“Uncle, am I stupid!?”

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