Lord of Fire is a Gamer

Helping Out A Junior, Finding His Mind

After checking everything one last time, I speed up and quickly make my way to the Northern Water Tribe sacred pond.

I don't really need to meet and talk to them again, my mission is over after all, but building a good image in their minds isn't a bad thing. I still plan on letting the avatar protect my dad after all.

'My poor dad still doesn't have a proper descendant though. I will most likely leave this planet in a few years, and he refuses to marry another woman.

Oh well, I guess I have to impregnate somebody for our lineage. Yep, definitely because of that. No other reason. It's not like I missed some recreational activities at all' I snort to myself.

I made sure to use protection when I was in the Crimson Devil Tribe/Village so I most likely won't be welcoming any happy little accidents in the next 8 months. So, I have to find somebody proper to bree-


These aren't the type of thoughts I should have when I'm about to meet some children.

They're like what, 14, 15?

''...Azula's mom is kinda hot though. Too bad Azula herself is too young.'' My thoughts inevitably go back there. It can't be helped, it's a really important matter after all. My family's lineage depends on it.

Unfortunately, my important thoughts are cut off as some random guy decides to attack me with a fucking water whip.

Seriously? You just fucking saw me create the biggest fire stream and saw me fly through this entire space with fucking jet streams on my hands and feet. Do you really think a water whip can stop me? (Okay, he might not have seen me create the fire stream but even a child could connect the dots and realize it was me)

Honestly, I feel insulted. Not even an ice attack.

I slap away the water whip with my fire covered arm.

Normally, I wouldn't even bother and just keep flying, but somehow this guy's face is annoying me.

He just has a face extremely suitable for a goatee.

Never. trust. the. goatee.

Truly wise words to live by.

He has a well defined and big jaw along with dark hair that's almost reaching his shoulders despite having a bun.

''Hahn?'' I blurt out on accident.

Wow, my memory is really crazy huh. I even remember this annoying minor character.

Princess Yue's arranged betrothal.

He didn't look really smart in the show, but I didn't think he was this retarded. What's he like, 16-17? I guess he gets some get's away for his age.

He stumbled back as he heard me but quickly regained his confidence.

''Who are you and how do you know my name!?''  he shouted at me as he got into an attack stance, ready to strike me.

How rude.

''ShenLong. I'm a big fan actually. Ever since I've heard of your military ach- Sigh* You know what, I can't do it.''

I was ready to banter with him, but I just don't feel like it.

Seeing me uncooperative, he attacks me, again. With a fucking water whip. Again...

''Do you even know any other move?'' I sigh and dissipate the strike with a touch of fire, turning the water into steam.

I start running towards him, thankfully there isn't much of a distance between us.

He grits his teeth and tried to attack again, but too late. I'm already in front of him, almost face to face.

''WHA!'' he stumbles back in shock.

I hold his arm and stop him from falling.

Pulling him back to me, I look into his eyes. They're shaking.

I'm not going to kill the kid of course, I just want to... heheeheheeheeh

He reeled back in disgust, I don't blame him, my face might have looked a bit too unsavory.

I said I would be more merciful in the future, but just once should be fine. Yeah, yeah I'm a hypocrite I know.

''Fire is known as the most destructive element of the popular four, but once you become proficient enough with it... euheuhe'' I laugh creepil- *cough* sinisterly as he screams in horror.

Yes, I'm about to give you the worst torture you can imagine. No, you can't even imagine it.

I bring my flaming hand above his head and... spray a little bit of fire to him.


''Stop crying like a little girl, I shouldn't even hurt.'' I deadpan.

He opens one eye experimentally, trying to gauge the danger.

''Why-why doesn't it hurt?'' he asks.

''Heh, you will see.''

Seconds later, my masterpiece is done.

I nod my head proudly and take out a mirror from my inventory to show him the masterpiece.

He doesn't, or more like can't, process the fact that a mirror appeared in my hand because there is a much more pressing matter for him.

''I'M BALD!'' he strokes his head in desperation as if trying to look for the hair that's not there. If he tries harder he might actually tear his skin.

''You bastard...'' he said quietly with tears in the corners of his eyes.

''Hey, are you insulting the grand avatar's hairstyle?! Know your place before I slap your face.'' I said with fake fury. This was getting even more amusing.

His face jerked up, his eyes glaring at me.

'Hold back your smirk. Hold back your smirk. Hold back your smirk...' I remind myself, chanting Buddhist mantras to keep myself stable.

''I will get you executed.''

*Sigh* This guy just doesn't get it.

I deepen the fury on my face before shouting loudly ''Junior, you DARE?!''


After bantering like this for a few minutes, my patience hits its limit.

'Alright, this is getting too long. It's not even funny anymore.'

''I'm giving you a chance to apologize right now.'' I say simply. This is still treatable after all. He's an idiot and maybe slightly an asshole, that doesn't mean he deserves baldness.

I will let you get away with it since you entertained me for a good minute, good job jester.

''Go chock on a cock.'' he said and turned his face.

Is he fucking pouting? Ew.

''Alright. Enjoy a lifetime of baldness.'' yep, glory to the dragon flame and its versatility. I kinda feel like I went overboard with it but whatever, if he properly apologized I would have cured him. It's his loss.

I wisely ignore his shouts and curses and jog towards the holy pool or whatever those 2 great spirits live in.

[Alternate title: Bald by NOT Choice]


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