Lord of Fire is a Gamer


Not long after going up, Kunyo spotted the biggest ship easily.

People on it were already pointing their fingers at him.

He didn't act polite and rushed to the ship, he didn't want to take too much time with this.

He landed on the ship with a heavy thud, slightly shaking it.

Unlike the ship he was in previously, the soldiers on this seemed more composed, more elite.

They weren't in disarray and there was clearly a command chain in effect.

Kunyo nodded at them, slightly impressed.

Although they weren't attacking him, they were clearly cautious of him. They were waiting at a line in their attack stances, ready to pounce on him with their fireballs the moment their superior ordered them to do so.

''Is this the Rising Dragon Ship?!'' Kunyo asked loudly, not holding back the slightest.

A man middle aged man taller and bulkier than Kunyo came out of the line with a heavy aura of authority around him.

'I feel like this guy is somehow better than Zhao. Zhao is his superior thanks to his firebending talent or nepotism probably. It's clear this guy can lead better.'

Kunyo sighed on the inside.

Fire Nation was undoubtedly the strongest nation in the world without contest.

But, the bigger the organization, the easier the corruption was.

''Identify yourself!'' said the burly man without a hint of fear in his loud voice.

''I'm ShenLong. I've come here to inform you guys about your new mission. Going back the way you came.'' Kunyo said arrogantly.

The unnamed burly man raised his brow, impressing Kunyo even further.

'If it was Admiral Zhao, he already would have been cursing and probably attacking me for my disrespect. This guy has a cool head.'

Seeing the man questioning him silently, Kunyo continued.

''Zhao is captured. Mission is failed and it's all his fault. You guys are going back to where you came, those are the orders.''

After a moment of silence, the burly man opened his mouth.

''And why should I believe you? Why should I not order my man to turn you into ashes? Where's your proof?''

Kunyo was about to answer, but he was cut before he could finish his first word.

''And even if what you've said is true, even if Zhao is captured. We can't simply go back. There's no way they gave such order.'' the burly man took a step back, seemingly ready to order his man '' We have gathered such a huge fleet. Can you even imagine the mere cost of transportation? The reputation?.. Even if Zhao is captured, we're to go through with our invasion until the very end. He's a sacrifice our nation is willing to make.'' he said decisively.

He got behind his soldiers.

'Not much of a fighter eh?'

Kunyo observed the man.

Name: Lee

Title: Veteran Admiral

Class: Admiral


HP: 100%







'Ohhhh, I see.'

Despite being an admiral like Zhao (better one at that), he was still considered lower ranked than him, simply because he wasn't a firebender.

Kunyo was a little disappointed in his nation.

This guy probably had to go through lots of shit, only to end up at the same rank with that retarded monkey.

''So, tell me. Why should I spare you now?'' Lee asked finally.

From start to end, he was completely calm, as if the situation was in his hands all the time.

'His talents are wasted here.' Kunyo couldn't help but think.

This guy could think clearly and calmly at any position, and he still gave Kunyo a chance to talk because he knew Kunyo couldn't have come here without a plan. It would be a suicide. He thought Kunyo had a piece of convincing information or argument. He was going to give the final verdict after hearing the information.

Not to mention those mental stats.

Kunyo noted him down.

''Fire Nation wouldn't want to lose its ships pointlessly. You guys would abort the mission if you saw that you had absolutely no chance to continue with it?''

Kunyo didn't wait for his response.

His right arm went up above his head.

''Let me show you why, Admiral Lee.''

Absolutely massive amounts of hot red flame went out of Kunyo's raised arm, taking the whole fleet's attention as it could be seen even from the Northern Water Tribe.

The flame that went above the clouds with its sheer volume mesmerized everybody that saw it, either through desperation and fear, or beauty and worship.

Kunyo didn't reveal his dragon flame, so it wasn't rainbow colored, but the deep red and orange colored flame seemed to have life in it.

Kunyo didn't let the flame extinguish and continued talking, taking the admiral's eyes to his face.

''If you don't retreat, I will destroy the fleet.'' he bluffed.

Of course he wasn't going to murder all these people, but it was easier to do it this way.

Admiral's scrunched up frowning face nodded slowly.

He couldn't talk due to pressure from his flames.

Kunyo gave a relaxed smile and retracted the flame.

''I'm glad we could understand each other.''

He jumped up ''It was nice to meet you Admiral, we'll probably meet again. Be well until then.''

Kunyo flew with his jet thrusters behind him, going towards the Northern Water Tribe with a smile as the soldiers below watched him with wide eyes.

But, he nearly stumbled after remembering something.

'Ah crap! I forgot my young master act.'


[An: Chapters have been small (last few chapters were between 1k-1.5k words) because I have covid. I'm not in the hospital or anything, I had my vaccines so it's not that harsh. It feels like an upgraded version of cold and I'm tired all the time. It's really fucking annoying. It kinda feels like when I was depressed but with a few other side effects (like stuffy nose which is a fucking pain in the ass) and it's kinda hard to gather up the energy to write. Don't worry though, I'm getting better and hopefully I will have enough will to write longer chapters lol.]


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