Lord of Fire is a Gamer


''It will be fine. You know that guy's strength and personality. He wouldn't send us off if he wasn't confident.'' Sokka reassured Aang.

Aang nodded but he couldn't hide the worried look on his face.

After a few minutes of them just watching the after effects of the fight, it suddenly got quiet.

''Should we go?'' asked Aang as his body was already twitching from holding himself back.

Sokka shook his head helplessly ''Let's wait a few more minutes.'' 

A few minutes later, they got to the road as Appa flew at his highest speed.

Soon, their eyes met with a sleeping and completely unharmed woman and a relaxed Kunyo.

He had stopped healing her mind with dragon flame and potions the moment he sensed their approach.

'She should be good enough anyway.' he thought to himself.

Name: Kurumi


HP: 100%

Her passive healing and Kunyo's potions had already healed her to the brim and she didn't really need any more healing. Kunyo kept going until now only because he wanted to make sure of her well being.

''She's fine.'' he said simply to the Aang and his friends.

''Were you guys really fighting? You both look as fresh as a cold bucket of water.'' Sokka said with squinted eyes, but Kunyo could see the worry within them.

Kunyo only nodded his head helplessly. 

'How am I supposed to explain this?'

''You're okay right? Right?'' Aang didn't seem to believe his words. Power display just now was even higher than what he showed when he scared the fire nation soldiers a week ago, not to mention his opponent was the Spirit of Time. 

''You... are okay right? Do you need me to heal you?'' Katara asked from behind meekly, as if she wasn't even sure what she was saying.

'Oh? Is that character development I see? Man, they grow up so fast these days, it hasn't even been a month since we met and she's worried about me.' 

Kunyo shrugged off the imaginary tears at the corners of his eyes with a shook of his head.

''I didn't get hurt, and she is fine because she is the Spirit of Time. There's some sort of ability on her that keeps reversing the time on herself until she reaches her peak condition. She's asleep because she's exhausted and I guess that can't be healed.''

Kunyo half-bullshitted as naturally as he breathed. He didn't know if Kurumi could recover her stamina with Time magic and keep on fighting infinitely. She passed out due to her chaotic mental state, not because of exhaustion.

All three of them nodded at the same time.

Kunyo slowly got up and got Kurumi in his hands, taking her into a princess carry.

As he walked towards Appa, they followed along while asking questions.

''How did ya even defeat her anyway? Isn't time so mysterious and stuff?'' Sokka asked first.

''Yeah! How can you even defeat someone that can control the time!?'' Aang continued without even letting Kunyo answer the first question.

''Time is good and all but she probably can't control the time as freely as she wants to. Actually, maybe she can, but she doesn't because it would probably piss off some other spirits and most likely hurt the balance of the world and stuff. I don't know much too, she didn't sit down and explain her abilities to me.'' Kunyo said as he put Kurumi down gently on Appa's back. She had gone through a lot today.

''She stopped the time, slowed it down, and sped it up. She might have done more but that was all I witnessed personally.'' he shrugged his shoulders as Aang stared at him with glowing eyes.

He sighed and started his story with a few differences.

''Yip yip!''


''Ugh.'' Kurumi woke up in an unfamiliar place with a grunt.

She blankly looked around, trying to determine her location.

'Where am I?' she could feel the spirituality of this place without even trying.

She relaxed a little bit as she felt no hostility from the environment.

In a few seconds, her blurry eyes finally cleared up a little bit, letting her see her location.

''Oh! Spirit Oasis, been a while since I last came here huh.'' she relaxed even further after seeing where she was. She had been here many times in the past and it was almost impossible for someone to hurt her here.

''But, how did I even-'' her words were cut off in the middle of the sentence as she suddenly dropped to the ground, trying to puke out everything inside her empty stomach.

''Cough*Cough'' she coughed to herself and wiped off the droll that stained her lips.

She looked back as she sensed a presence, that person's presence to be exact.

''Is this a bad time? I can give you a few more hours to adjust.'' he said calmly, looking directly into her eyes as if he didn't break her mind just a day ago.

She squinted her eyes not only in caution but also in confusion. 

'Why am I alive? Why am I here? Did he heal me?' her eyes wandered behind him to see the three children peeking 'secretly' at her with curious eyes.

'Why are the avatar and his friends watching me like I'm a beast?' her confusion grew.

''What is this feeling? Why did I puke just now and why did you bring me here?'' she asked directly to him, getting to the point as soon as possible.

Kunyo scratched his head awkwardly and said ''Your brain might be repressing those memories.'' 

It was really hard to explain what happened.

Suddenly his eyes widened.

''Could it be?'' he murmured out loud and a stone appeared in his hand.

He threw the stone at her leg under her shocked eyes and it bounced on her thigh before even she could dodge.

''Mhmh!'' her head arched back as a powerful sensation attacked her mind.


He hopefully thought that maybe she would forget about her weird fetish or something, but nope!

'How do I deal with you?' he thought as Kurumi glared at him with resentment that was completely overshadowed by her blush and heavy breathing.

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