Lord of Fire is a Gamer

A Week

Raava watched in wonder as the Dragon named man did things he shouldn't be able to do.

'Can I trust you?..' A part of her mind asked, but she knew it would be delusional if she thought a stranger who suddenly came out with weird abilities would be trustworthy.

She tried to send signals to her Host, the Avatar.

'Don't trust him.'

Aang felt uneasy and secretly glanced at Katara.

'He thinks the uneasiness is because of the girl's distress.'

He missed her signal and confused it with something else.

'Should I directly talk to Aang?.. No. I can wait.' she decided to keep sending uneasy signals until her suspicion was cleared.

She decided to wait and see the outcome, even if it was riskier than she liked.


It's been a week since I promised to Aang that I would teach him firebending.

Well, there's not much to say. He's a genius just like in the show.

He grasped everything I taught him and absorbed it all like a sponge.

I'm not even going to act like it was all thanks to my brilliant teaching skills, Avatar is just cheating just like me.

During that week, we stayed in the Northern Water Tribe.

Honestly, it's been like a vacation for me. Anytime I'm not teaching Aang anything, I'm exploring the place with various people. It's honestly pretty great. I would stay even if it wasn't for the Avatar. Most of my time is spent on visiting new places and trying their cuisines.

Katara is learning water bending and she is still a little bit biased towards me. She's slowly warming up to me though, it's not that far.

Most of the time I'm with Sokka since it's nice to hang out with him and he doesn't have anything to do, but sometimes he sells me out and hangs out with his moon girlfriend.

What a simp. I told him to put bros before hoes but he didn't listen and just looked at me weirdly...

Naahhh, just kidding. It's good at least somebody has a stable relationship. I'm not going to get jealous like a retard. It's good that he's having fun. I'm happy for him.

Let it be known that ShenLong isn't a jealous manchild.

Other times I have the guards I met a week ago that guarded the Spirit Oasis.

I finally told them the end of the story and I swear to Megumin I think one of them nutted at the end.

Story wasn't even that good, I guess they don't get much entertainment in this place.

I like going with them since it decreases the stares I get.

Yeah, my skin color makes it very clear that I'm not a water bender, and my glorious hair tells them I'm not their holy saviour avatar.

They actually know that I saved them, so it never escalated further than stares. It kinda creeps me out, but it's a price I'm willing to pay to discover every nook and cranny of this place. It's a beautiful ice paradise with many sights and minor cultures to visit after all. I'm sure I can't visit everywhere, but I will make sure to visit enough places to satiate my curiousity.

Anyways, turns out that guard no.1 and guard.2 were pretty well-known and loved elite warriors so traveling with them makes things a lot easier.

Oh yeah, they're called Tho and Noa. It's kinda rude to call them guard no.1 and guard no.2.

''Oi, Mister Dragoooon!'' Sokka took my attention annoyingly as he snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.

''What?'' I snap at him. I daze off for a second and he acts like I'm a dog who needs to gather his attention... Alright, maybe not that harsh.

''Aang wants to leave.''


Since Aang wants to leave, we're leaving NOT.

There're still places I want to see and Katara is happy with her teacher as well.

Honestly, this kid has no patience.

Apparently, he's been feeling like something is wrong for a while now, and he doesn't want to take risks.

I understand that Aang's Avatar instincts might be better than us, considering he's better attuned to the spirits than the rest of us normal humans, but what's the worst that can happen?

Anyways, I don't plan on coming here again so I will visit everywhere I want to visit before leaving. Aang can just sit on his ass and listen to mine and Pakku's teachings.

Oh yeah, Pakku's an asshole by the way.

Woohoo, what a big surprise Am I right?

A sexist traditionalist asshole is obviously also racist.

I can't really blame him since my nation kinda killed many on his people, but it wasn't me bro. I saved your and your tribe's ass already.

I'm not expecting you to suddenly become my friend or anything, but stop shooting cold water at my face every time you see me you old fuck.

My hands aren't only gender neutral, but they're also age neutral. I don't mind smacking your rotting ass.

''I'm gonna see the Aurora tomorrow, anybody wants to come?''

''Huh! What's that?'' Aang got his face up from his fire in excitement.

''It's something you can only see in the north and south pole, they're beautiful. You should see it.'' Katara butted in before I could respond.

Oh yeah, they're most commonly known as Northern Lights but you can see them on the South Pole as well. Sokka and Katara have probably already seen it.

''Why don't we all go together? It could be fun!'' Aang said excitedly.

I'm slowly getting used to his high energy. It's not a bad change. Megumin isn't much of a talker, so it was weird to talk longer than an hour during my first teaching day.

''Don't bother, that place is really dangerous I heard. Spirits and stuff are like roaming the place like they own it.'' Sokka said dismissively.

''You've never been there?''

''I've heard of it, but no. Sorry but I'm not that suicidal yet. Especially not now since life is finally looking bright for your brave leader.''

I gotta stop him before he starts to talk about his oh so amazing girlfriend once again.

''What's a better opportunity than this? We have the avatar who is pretty mushy mushy with spirits and more importantly, we have me.'' I smile arrogantly as I know they don't mind it.

I'm going either way, but I don't mind some company. Besides, a memory like this would deepen our friendship.

Katara's thoughtful look is almost enough to stop Aang's excitement, almost.

''Let's GO!'' he jumped up.

''You can see them only at clear dark nights, so we need to wait until midnight.'' I point out.

''Dude, some of us aren't built to survive the cold of midnight in the north pole. I'm not coming.'' Sokka dismissed

''I can warm us up!'' Aang shot fire out of his palms, finally getting to show off his newly acquired powers. ''Come on Sokka, we need your boomerang bending skills!''

Sokka shook his head with a smile

'Is he actually blushing?'

It would be cute if he was a girl, but this...

As a wise sage once said, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

''Can Appa fly us there? The journey doesn't really have to be an agonizing four hour long walk in the snow. We can use Appa.'' I remind them.

Appa is literally the most useful member of the team but they keep forgetting about him, it's insane.

Aang looked down as he scratched his bald head sheepishly. It seems like he really wanted to walk all that way.

Sokka face palmed and Katara rolled her eyes as she looked at them with a face that said 'how are you this stupid?'.



Patre on/lowkeygoodstuff

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