Lord of Enigma

Chapter 82: Hatchling Larvae

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The city center, Central Park.

As the favorite park of the residents of Moses City, the area it covers was indeed a bit exaggerated. It really was in the center of the City of Moses. Except for the distant Latch District, the rest of the districts can directly enter the park without any transit.

Within the park, there are also routes to several large districts.

Tang Qi and Stana entered the park from Central Avenue, which happened to be the eastern area of ​​the park. The environment here was better than in other areas. After all, it was a dedicated area for the rich. It was quiet and peaceful and was indeed the most ideal place for night jogging.

However, with the continuous occurrence of murders in this period of time, the number of night joggers was rapidly decreasing. They either went to the gym or simply quit this habit. He believed that the latter was more likely, after all, exercising was quite tiring.

The two quickly arrived at the scene. They walked through the fresh air of the avenue path, and suddenly came to a swamp area with a pungent smell, both Tang Qi and Stana were a little uncomfortable.

Under the guidance of a police detective, Tang Qi soon saw the place where the body was found.

On the edge of the swamp, there was a big pothole. The black mud was opened up and spread out, and the dirty sewage water had poured in. Some pus could be seen on the water surface along with some weeds. It didn't look like the melting of biological grease, but rather like the body fluid of some organism.

There were no dragging or fighting marks on the scene. He didn't know if the victim was in agony or suffering, but he shouldn't have had the power to resist.

After observing in silence for a while, he didn't find any clues. He was just about to shake his head at Stana who looked expectant.

But at this moment, he seemed to have seen something with the corner of his eye.

He walked a few steps and squatted silently beside the hole. Finally, he saw it.

There were several mosquitoes that appeared to have been flattened and fallen into the sludge. Some were fragmented, and one or two were intact. Different from ordinary mosquitoes, they had larger bodies, and their abdomen was bulging. They were as red as red quartz but covered by the sludge, ordinary people could easily ignore it.

Tang Qi was able to see it because when he glanced over, a little glimmer of light suddenly flashed.

A special interface appeared slowly in Tang Qi's mind.

[Extraordinary creatures: Ogre mosquitoes. ]

[State: dead larvae. ]

[Information Fragment One: A dead ogre mosquito larvae, it was only one-tenth of a second behind its siblings. Before it could absorb enough blood and grow a hard body, It was crushed by the fragile palm of humans. ]

[Information Fragment Two: Hatching an ogre mosquito requires a moist environment and clear water. ]


As the second piece of information flowed over, Tang Qi raised his eyebrows slightly.

He summoned an on-site police detective and asked directly, "In Central Park, which area has the clearest body of water?"

He was a curly-haired young police officer. He was first stunned when he heard the question. Then he thought about it, and said, "I think it's Lakeside Island, there are some villas there. It's a small residential area for the wealthy."

Tang Qi and Stana soon appeared on Lakeside Island.

As the police detective said, it was indeed a residential area for the wealthy. Lakeside Island wasn't just an island, but a small group of islands. Each small island had a detached villa, and they could take a boat to and fro each other.

After glancing around, he finally fixed his gaze on the villa at the center of the lake. In fact, it was much farther away from the other villas, and the water quality in the middle of the lake seemed clearer.

The two of them found a small boat and paddled towards it. Although it was not early in the morning, it was still foggy here. Gazing at the clear lake water through the fog gave it a gray-black texture that made people unable to see what was underneath.

"Ding ding ~"

As soon as the crisp bell rang, he heard a "click", the white door was pulled open, and a young man appeared in front of them.

He was a slender-looking man with a decent suit and a handsome face. His hair was very well-trimmed. Apart from the dark circles around his eyes, he could be seen as a wealthy gentleman.

"Excuse me, you are?"

The man did not let the two in but asked with the door partially open.

"Hello sir, I'm Stana, Sheriff of the Moses Police Department, this is Tang Qi, our consultant. I'm here to investigate several recent cases. I have a few questions to ask you. Perhaps you'll be willing to cooperate. "

Stana took out her credential and shook it in front of the man. Although it was a discussion, her tone was irrefutable.

The man wanted to refuse, but after hesitating for a moment, he replied, "Okay, please come in."

The three of them walked into the hall together. The man wanted to lead Tang Qi and Stanna to the couch area, but on the way, they had to pass by a huge glass tank with bubbles "popping" on the inside. In the water, there were yellow glass balls attached to the bottom and wall, floating and sinking.

Because of the bubbles, neither of them could really see them clearly.

Knowing that both of them were curious, the man took the initiative to explain, "Those are all amber, I am actually an amber merchant. This water-nourishing method is my exclusive secret recipe. It can make the amber more sparkling and translucent, and can be sold at a higher price."

"If the two detectives are interested, I can give you a few pieces for fun when you leave."

Speaking of his "career", the man seemed relaxed. He looked elegant and pleasant.

However, it was a pity that Stana still had a cold expression on her face. Obviously, she wasn't very interested in the amber. When she walked in, she had already taken out pen and paper. It seems that she intends to cross-examine this young man on the spot. A young man who can earn a villa with amber.

On the other hand, Tang Qi smiled faintly and pretended to be surprised, "Is it really amber? So many? I am also very interested in amber. These kinds of special creatures' fossils are really amazing. You can actually collect so many. Can I take a closer look?"

After saying that, he walked directly to the glass tank as if he had never thought that the other party would object.

He walked a few steps quickly and was already less than one meter away from the glass tank.

Although the bubbles were still popping, it was enough for Tang Qi to see clearly what was going on inside. Dark yellow and crystal clear "amber" perched neatly on the wall of the tank, with a lustrous sheen on the surface and a wrapped mosquito curled inside.

Each one was the same.

Densely packed, what reflected in Tang Qi's eyes were all familiar mosquitoes.

A large quantity of dim light gathered, and finally, the special interface popped up in his eyes.

"Extraordinary creatures: Ogre mosquitoes."

"State: Incubation…larvae."

When this scene appeared, he subconsciously turned around and was about to shout something when he saw a handsome face with a twisted and weird smile.

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