Lord of Dreams – A Multiverse Fanfiction

Chapter 82: School

As they both started walking in the random direction they arbitrarily chose, Saigai suddenly asked.

"When do you think this apocalypse started?"

"Not long ago, maybe an hour or so."

"Why is that?"

"Because of people's reactions!"

"Their reactions?"

"Yes, look there for example" said Lorien as he pointed in a specific direction.

Following the direction his finger pointed at, Saigai saw a zombie suddenly walk into a grocery store with people inside it.

But what was unusual is the people's reactions, they didn't try to run or attack this zombie, rather, they walked towards him trying to see if he was okay.

And obviously, this didn't go well as the zombie suddenly jumped on the poor woman who was trying to check on him, biting her in the neck.


Blood splashed everywhere!


This caused most of the people in the store to start screaming while a few brave ones went to help.

But sadly, their fate has already been sealed, after all, all those screams had already attracted the attention of the zombies.

"See? If the apocalypse had started a day or more ago, people would at least know what zombies are." Said Lorien, pausing for a moment before continuing.

"The zombies haven't spread to the whole city yet, so there are still places where people don't know that the end has begun."

"Oh, so that's how it is..., By the way, where are we going?"

"Am thinking somewhere big like a school or hospital, then, I'll modify it so we can live there for a while before making further plans"

"A school or a hospital...got it!"

Saying this, Saigai then suddenly jumped into the air and climbed the tall building next to them in a couple of steps quickly reaching the top.

Seeing this, Lorien was about to follow her, but then, he stopped and looked at the barrier surrounding him.

'The barrier didn't budge an inch, it seems that it only follows me...'

'This means that when Saigai leaves the barrier she has no protection...'

'Guess this is one of the downsides of traveling with someone...'

But then, just as Lorien was deep in his thoughts, Saigai's voice suddenly broke him out of it.

"Hey! Come up here! I found something!"

Seeing her wave at him from above, Lorien ignored the zombies who were heading their way because of the noise and jumped up reaching the top of the building in one single leap.

"What did you find?"

"Look there!"

Following her finger, Lorien saw a school in the distance; It looked quite big, surrounded by greenery and with only two entrances, and from what he could tell, it seems that the zombies have just reached it.

"That should do it right?"

"Yes, its size is good enough, let's go then!"

Saying this Lorien then leaped forward, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, making his way to the school as Saigai followed closely behind him.

"Hope we find some people alive there, I have some questions to ask!"

"We didn't you just ask any of the people on the street...'

"Because they looked too busy running..."




Just as Lorien and Saigai were making their way to the school, a man suddenly appeared at its front gates.

The man looked somewhat pale and had blank and spiritless eyes, moreover, he kept banging non-stop against those iron gates.

His actions of course caused a response from the school staff as a woman accompanied by three men soon approached him.

"Excuse me, But what do you think you are doing? Quit that!"

But after getting no response, one of the men finally lost patience as he started walking towards the gate.

"Now now, Hayashi, I'll take care of him"

Then, he caught the man from his clothes and rammed him twice against the gate as the woman behind him started trying to stop him.

"Whoa, Tejima, Don't resort to violence.."

But this was already too late, as the man getting rammed against the gate suddenly reacted violently and bit the staff's hand causing him to fall back to the ground and start rolling in pain.



This only lasted for a couple of seconds thought before he stopped moving, seemingly dead.

"H-He's dead..."

"No way..."

"It was just a bite..."

But then, the teacher who just died, suddenly 'woke up' again under the relieved eyes of the three surrounding him.

"Tejima! Are you okay?"

Sadly, the only response they got was him jumping on the woman who was closest to him, grabbing her, and then biting her in the neck!


Seeing this, the last two staff at the scene also reacted, one of them falling to the ground in shock, while the other turned around and ran as fast as he could.

And so like that, the school campus was compromised!

Additionally, All of this madness transpired under the watchful and shocked eyes of a student who happened to be watching from the outer staircase of the school.

After seeing this, the student took a couple of steps back before immediately running to the school's interior.

It appears that he somewhat understood what was happening and wanted to call some of his friends and run away.


A while later,

"Do you think everyone died?"

"I don't think so, it's only been around 3 minutes, it would be a miracle if everyone died in such a short period of time."

"I think so too..." Said Saigai, pausing for a moment before continuing.

"By the way, why choose a school? wouldn't a small island or somewhere in the mountains be a better base in such a situation?"

"That would be true If we were afraid of zombies and were truly trying to survive, but zombies aren't of any danger to us so why stay away from the city"

"That makes sense..."

"I also didn't want to transform the houses or stores around in case some people were still there, so a school or a hospital where no one lives is the best choice for now"

"Okay, Okay, got it!"

It seems that even though the couple were making their way toward the school at an astonishing speed, they still had the leisure to chat.

"Look! Look! We are very close!"

"Okay, Let's speed up then!"


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