Chapter 325 A New War On The Horizon
Their worries vanished with Sylas's next words.
"As I've said before, I won't keep even an inch of land for myself."
"Y-you mean that?"
"Of course. I promised from the start, didn't I? Everything will be divided among you."
"Your Excellency!"
The nobles gazed at Sylas with newfound admiration, their doubts replaced by gratitude.
Sylas laid a map on the table, gesturing for the nobles to gather around.
"That said, I'll personally oversee the distribution. Any objections?"
"None at all, Your Excellency!"
"Good. Bring the map!"
At Sylas's command, a detailed map was unfurled on the table. Sylas pointed to various locations as he spoke.
"The territory is vast, but there's not enough for everyone to receive their own land. Those with the most merit will be awarded entire villages, while others will share the rights to the city's revenues."
The nobles nodded eagerly. The annual tax revenue from a single city was an enormous sum, especially from the perspective of lower-ranking nobles. Even a fraction of it was significant wealth, but Sylas's offer wasn't just scraps—it was a full share of the prize.
"Let's begin," Sylas declared. "The villages of Arden, Ortgaron, and Senemarne will go to Baron Bernd, Baronet Zigin, and Baronet Tobias, respectively. As for Berlion, its wealth is substantial, so the revenue rights will be divided among…"
Sylas proceeded smoothly, dividing the territories with ease, as if he had already planned everything. The nobles beamed with delight whenever their names were called. None of them voiced complaints about their allocations; instead, they eagerly awaited their turn, holding their breath with anticipation.
When the final allocations were announced, Sylas raised his head and addressed the room.
"That concludes the distribution. Does anyone have any objections?"
"None, Your Excellency!"
The nobles shouted in unison, as if anyone raising an objection would be considered insane. Sylas chuckled at the atmosphere.
"Of course, there's nothing for them to complain about."
The lands of Conrad were vast—far larger than the holdings of an average viscount. Yet none of the nobles present had contributed much to the war effort. Even the smallest reward given was overly generous, leaving no room for dissatisfaction.
"Now then, you must all be tired from the war. Rest for today, and we'll celebrate with a banquet tomorrow. Formal bestowal of the lands will take place after—"
"Urgent news!"
The doors burst open with a loud crash, and a knight rushed in. The nobles frowned at the interruption, but Sylas raised a hand to silence them.
"What is it?"
"Traitors, Your Excellency! They have declared rebellion against you!"
"The claimants to Drakenfels! The lords who divided your rightful lands!" the knight shouted, dropping to his knees.
"Six landless lords have formed an alliance and declared war on Your Excellency!"
The nobles paled at the announcement.
The territory of Drakenfels was vast. Though initially divided into fifteen parts, each piece was comparable in size to an average viscount's estate. Over time, as competitors were weeded out, the lands were consolidated into fewer, larger holdings.
Currently, six territories remained beyond Sylas's control. Those six lords had now united and raised the banner of rebellion.
"Do we have a formal declaration of war?" Sylas asked.
"Y-yes, here it is!"
The knight quickly handed over a document. Sylas took it and read through its contents.
"…The appointment of a new ruler to lands that already have rightful heirs is a clear sign that His Imperial Majesty is unaware of the true state of affairs in the south. This has been orchestrated by the treacherous so-called Dragonslayer. Therefore, those with legitimate claims unite to restore order and eliminate this rogue…"
Sylas smirked as he read. For a southern rebellion, the letter was surprisingly well-written, showing considerable effort to establish legitimacy. Particularly noteworthy was the way it upheld the emperor's authority, framing Sylas as a deceiver who had manipulated the imperial court.
"They're essentially telling the emperor, 'We'll protect your authority, so don't interfere when we kill this guy.' Smart."
Whoever had written it clearly understood the emperor well. As long as his authority was preserved, the emperor was unlikely to intervene.
"But calling me a treacherous rogue—how bold," Sylas muttered with a hint of amusement.
"Y-yes, but what do we do now, Your Excellency?"
"What do we do? We fight, of course."
The nobles gasped in unison. Without Sylas, even a single one of the six rebel lords could crush their forces. And Sylas intended to take on all six?
"Your Excellency, surely…"
"The enemy is strong, but I am not concerned!" Sylas declared, rising to his feet with a commanding voice.
"With so many loyal allies standing beside me, what foe could I possibly fear?"
The subtle implication in Sylas's words sent a shiver through the room. The nobles stiffened but said nothing, realizing he was counting on them to fight alongside him.
"Your Excellency, realistically, the odds…"
"Fear not! I will not forgive those vile traitors who seek to take your lands!"
"My lands…?"
The nobles blinked in confusion. Why was he suddenly talking about their lands?
"You've heard their claim. They're calling themselves the rightful heirs of Drakenfels."
"Yes, that's true…"
"In other words, they will surely claim my lands as their own. And if they claim my lands, they will inevitably claim the lands I've granted to you as well! Are you willing to stand by and let that happen?"
The nobles felt a chill run down their spines. He was right. Every plot of land and tax right they had received was technically part of Drakenfels. If Sylas was overthrown, the rebels would undoubtedly declare his grants void and seize everything.
"They'll call it invalid and take it all back…"
If they wanted to keep their newly acquired territories, they had no choice but to side with Sylas, no matter how dire the odds. This would likely be their only opportunity to secure such rewards.
Realizing this, the nobles stood abruptly, their eyes burning with resolve.