Loosing you

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Well before I knew it the week had already ended and I was now getting calls from Becky asking if I still wanted to go with her to the fan meet. Of course I had to, I was just gonna be alone all day doing nothing , not really doing nothing, I've been searching for a job for quite a while and I'm determined that this one I'll find it. It's nothing fancy, just this publishing company looking for a publisher and I'm down for it. I've already sent them my resume and I'm down for interviews next week Monday. If I get this job it would really mean a lot, I mean, I've graduated already and all I needed now was a job to keep myself busy since I refused to become the wife of a wealthy young man. The one my father thought was perfect for me. After the call with Becky who told me she was right at my doorstep I rushed to the bathroom to get ready and as I was done I went to find something to wear, I'm more of a tomboy so don't expect to find any colourful stuff in my wardrobe, or dresses not to forget skirts. I hate those. I wore my favourite baggy trouser, it was beginning to get worn out, I wore it everyday I went out, I then wore one of my white baggy shirts and just wore the shoes I found first and as for my hair, it was cut short so combing it wasn't a problem. As I was done I went to the door since Becky wouldn't stop slamming it,huh the friends we make. As I opened the door I was shocked by what she was wearing, this person really did forget that she was someone's wife, like , she didn't dress like the parent she was, who on earth would wear a jumpsuit while they were still breastfeeding their child. As I opened the door I saw her holding her child, son or daughter,I don't know. I didn't really have a good relationship with kids, these people cry for no reason and I cannot tolerate it. She asked me to hold the child so I did as she ran into my apartment on her way to bust my toilet. She always did that and I had to be the one to clean it. I left the key on the door and went to her car, I knew she wasn't alone if she had the child. The father was probably there so I went to find him, and I wasn't wrong. As I went to the parking lot I saw him in a white Porsche, parked as if it was standing on eggs. I don't know how to explain it but the person who parked it is not good at driving as I was. But who was I to complain, I didn't even have a car at the moment. I approached the car and opened the door to the back passengers seats, got in and greeted Samuel whom seemed a bit sleepy, I bet he didn't get to sleep last night. I mean, like the kid might've been crying, don't twist it.

At that moment

Angie - Morning Samuel

Samuel - Morning Angie, where's my wife,?

Angie - In my apartment, probably using the bathroom, I didn't know you were coming with us today

Samuel - I have to drive you guys there and look after my daughter while you guys are there,

Angie - Wait what, why can't you guys just get a nanny or something, it's not like you cannot afford it,

Samuel - We cannot get a nanny if Becky is at home. We are both always at home so it would be a waste of money don't you think?

Angie - But it's always you looking after the child you know, I thought maybe you got tired or something

Samuel - I don't mind, it's okay

Said Samuel and I didn't have more to say. My friend wasn't lying when she said she got the man of her dreams, this guy was the best, he didn't mind looking after his daughter while his wife did nothing. These two were something else. After waiting for a while Becky came back , got in the car and Samuel drove away. I was still holding the child and to my surprise she didn't cry, she was just there giving me a toothless smile, what a funny little thing. The ride to the event wasn't that long, just a thirty minutes ride, it was a very quiet ride . I believe we were all just respecting the little thing, if it wasn't for her we would have played loud music till we arrived, so we were just casually talking about useless stuff. They were a married couple of course they had to talk about getting a new house and relocation, I just found it useless since I didn't even think about marriage,let alone have kids. As soon as we arrived at the event, I gave Samuel the child while Becky and I got out. Well now I had to use the bathroom since that little thing decided to puke on me the second I handed it to it's father, this is why I didn't have a good relationship with kids. They are just unpredictable,like why would you do that and laugh afterwards. We then walked into to the building and Becky said she would get us the front seats, she had already bought the tickets so she had to sort that out while I ran to the bathroom to clean my shirt. As I got in the bathroom there was someone washing their hands, the lady didn't even realise that there was someone behind her because as she turned she ran into me, I bet she just wanted free kisses because she got one from me, but her forehead also did harm to mine. And now she was busy apologizing as if it would heal my forehead and return my kiss, I took my time from the pain I was feeling, a bit to exaggerated, and I looked at her only to realise that it was that Naomi girl Becky loved so much. I froze in my tracks remembering what she has done to me making it hard to forget her. I playfully grabbed her tiny waist again greeting her with a peck on her neck. I thought she would fight it but she just smiled and asked why I smelled like a baby's puke, oh yah I still had that. I let her go and took off my shirt, I didn't mind that she was right there, I mean, she has seen everything so it didn't matter. I washed the portion with puke on it and as I was done I went to dry it on the hand drier thing, I forgot the name. But that didn't make any difference, the shirt was white so of course there would be a stain on it. She told me that she would offer me a shirt that's in her room , not really her room, just a room she was offered since she was there for those promotion stuff. I then followed her out of the bathroom like a dog again, and off to her room we went. There was no one there, I was still in my bra, just that no one saw us. She went to her suitcase and found me a pink shirt, what's wrong with this person, I was wearing black trousers and now she wanted me to wear a pink shirt. It a bit light so you wouldn't tell if it was pink or cream white but still. Before I could wear the shirt she surprised me with a waist grab, I'm used to it being me doing that. She then told me that she missed me and wanted us to meet again, of course she missed me, I'm that good, I'm not bragging but yah, I am. She also surprised me with a kiss , as I was getting into it the door opened as as I turned to see who it was, it was her manager. He seemed a bit shocked to see me there and I didn't know why. He then told Naomi that the event was about to start and he also asked her if nobody saw us walking in the room and she told him that no one saw us. She then told me that she had to go but she needed my contact because we had to meet before leaving, so I gave her my contact and then I was the first to leave the room. I went to find Becky and there she was, front seats . Her eyes widened as she saw me wearing the shirt I wasn't wearing when I left her. I sat down besides her and she asked me what happened to my shirt and I told her that I met someone and that person offered me their shirt since mine was a mess and just like that I escaped the chat. The event then started, it began with all the actors coming to the stage and introducing themselves. Of course my eyes were fixated on one person, and that was Naomi. She was the only person I knew from the series and Becky couldn't agree more, she was screaming her entire lungs out for Naomi, and she was in turn noticed and given a wave which nearly made her pass out. During the entire show , Becky's eyes wouldn't get off Naomi, and as for me, I just couldn't wait for the show to end so that I could meet Naomi of course.

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