Loosing you

Chapter 1: Angels POV (chapter 1)

Hi, I'm Angel, you can call me Angie it's fine. I've been away from home for quite a long time, I believe it's been four years since I've left home and I've only worked for like a year from those four years. The rest I've been doing side jobs nothing major, I've worked at a coffee shop, then I was a cashier's but I've worked in an office before, nothing fancy I was a clerk but then I had to leave the job due to personally issues, my own no family involved.

I was dating an actress, yah I'm also a woman. And I'm not bi before you start assuming, I'm a lesbian, I've been one ever since I was born. I'm still one even now. About my girlfriend,well my past girlfriend, she and I were love birds, like those highschool sweethearts but we weren't high schoolers, we were adults. I'm twenty six years old. She and I met in a coffee shop, I didn't really know who she was other than she looked pretty, heavy makeup, but she was still pretty. And due to me being clumsy I spilled my coffee on her shirt and her manager almost swallowed me alive. But I offered to clean it for her in the bathroom so we went there and she instantly took her shirt off revealing her bra, um, I was kinda captivated for a moment that I forgot why I was in the bathroom in the first place, I was there to help clean her shirt and there I was fantasizing about other things. She gave me the shirt and I wiped it with some wipes I had in my bag and I kept doing that for like ten minutes but it still smelled coffee so she asked if I could clean it in her room, hell yah I was, I mean, I had to clean it since it was my fault in the first place. I gave her her shirt back and she wore it and went out, I followed her like a hungry dog but you cannot blame me, I I was kinda hot, not that hot but it was heating up and I knew what I wanted, well a one night stand wouldn't hurt since we didn't know one another. And I knew by the look on her face that she wanted it too and I was surely gonna give it, no doubt. I followed her to her car, followed by her manager, it was this buff guy, he looked very intimidating but she didn't seem to mind him.She told him that I was going to spend the night with her and he asked if anybody saw us but she told him that no one saw us at all so he said it was fine. We got in the car and off to her apartment we went. She along with her manager stayed at the same place, and that shocked me.

Well, I was no star so I knew nothing about actors staying with their managers. But I couldn't complain, the exact moment we arrived she invited me to take a shower with her, mind you I didn't know her name nor who she was, she also didn't know who I was but it didn't matter at all. To the bathroom we went. The exact moment she turned the water on I couldn't hold it anymore, I held her by her tiny waist and pulled her close to my bare body, and captured her lips with these of mine. As my left hand kept her tiny waist close to mine my right hand trailed down from her chest to her flower, yep, it was already wet and I loved it. One thing about me, I love women, and I was once a player but I've quit my ways. Back to my fantasy world, the moment my hand touched her there she gave out a soft moan, signalling me to explore even further and I did, I then went down on my knees and kissed her there. Best day of my life. Her legs began to tremble and I let her breathe for a few seconds before my two middle fingers entered her, starting slow, then fast like I was in a certain hurry and she gave out the most loud moans I've ever heard. I really loved her for that, we stayed in that state for like thirty minutes till my hand began to hurt, I rested my head on her chest,as she couldn't steady her breathing. Well, the night wasn't over, as she began to kiss me. I thought it was though, most of the time I prefer servicing cos, I end up not wanting to leave the person if they are that good. But there she was, the moment she began kissing me I knew that she was the one, the lady sent chills down my spine and my heart began to beat rapidly at a pace of its own. We got up, she pinned me against the walls in the shower kissing every part on my neck, I was on cloud nine. She then began touching every part of me and by every part I mean it, she touched me there, and I was damn ready for her, she entered me way to fast I couldn't catch my breath , I didn't want her to stop for this was the best time I've ever had in a while.

Um, yah, after the amazing moment we showered together, totally out of breath, and she invited me to sleep on the same bed with her so I did. It was very comfy I don't wanna lie, she even offered me her pyjamas, too pink. But I couldn't complain.As we were laying in bed she asked me if I was hungry and I told her that I was but just a bit so she left me in the bedroom and went to the kitchen. It was my chance to roam around and check out the place, and I did. That's when I saw the trophies she had, she had her pictures on the walls and that's when I realised that she was a well established actor, just that she didn't have an Oscar.

I then went back to sit on the bed, took out my phone from my bag as if I was expecting a call from someone, and I played candy crush. It was the only game I was good at, I was the worst when it came to games, I had the worst attention span and understanding them was the hardest thing ever.

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