Lixarts Academy: First Year


The atmosphere was intense as our two groups stared each other down. Everyone was waiting for an opening.

The stale and smoky skies caused the sky to turn into an ashy canvas. The energy in the area crackled with tension as we all looked at each other. We each nodded and split up.

“AFTER THEM NOW!” One of the students from the opposing side screamed.

Our team had decided that we would separate their team and fight them in ways that are advantageous for us.

Alta and Caroline were put together since their magic compliments each other well. Alta veered away from Caroline and dragged the other enemy off of Caroline.

“PIERCING VEIL” Hundreds of swords appeared in the area in a curtain formation aimed for Moirrey.

“REFLECT,” A mirror large enough to cover her appeared, deflecting the swords that were coming towards her.

Moirrey continued running, the Metal Magic user chasing behind her.

“ALTA, CHANGE COURSE. YOU’RE BACK WITH CAROLINE!” I yelled across the street from Alta, running from Aura and Rose. I intercepted Aura and Rose and ran across their path; causing their course to change.

“On it!” She ran and caught up to Caroline.

Victoria had decided to remain where she was after we split up, which didn’t bother us cause we would all be separated. Initially, I had intended to get her to join along to the plan but I was met with a lot of cursing and insults that stung quite harshly.

“ACID VEIL,” Victoria incanted. She met her opponent head on. Acid appeared overhead like a cumulonimbus cloud bringing in a storm. The acid melted the roads in front of her.

The guy in front of her, a fellow on the heavier side, yawned.

“Is this all you can muster?” He shouted, laughing afterwards. His face grew serious and he put out his hands.


He opened his mouth. The beam began charging up power.

“ACID BEAM,” She lifted up and cupped her hands forward.

He released his charged up spell as she also released hers.

Their chants were followed by a collision of brilliant colors. The prasine acid slammed against the tangerine flames. The vivid beam lit almost the entire city up in a beautiful light. The flames also caused the already high temperature to rise.

The two spells fused together to create an iridescent pattern as they battled for control. The power struggle lasted for a few excruciating minutes; his blazing flames had extinguished her intense acid.

She attempted to halt her spell but the flames were too close to her for her to dodge in that small time frame.

“HEAVEN’S SHIELD” Alta cast her Defense Magic towards Victoria. The shield gave her the time she needed to dodge.

“I DIDN’T ASK FOR YOUR HELP!” Victoria screamed.

“LOOKS LIKE YOU NEEDED IT-” She shouted. Shortly after, she was interrupted by a sword impaling her.

She fell to the ground and teleported out of the gym.


“ACID SPIKES!” Victoria summoned these needle-like creations from acid. She propelled them towards the Metal Magic user. This was a terrible match-up for him.

“SHIELD” A shield convoked in front of him. The acid melted through it, eliminating the person standing behind it.


Victoria stood there, dumbfounded by the little effort she had to put in to defeat him.

“VICTORIA, YOU’RE WITH ME!” Caroline shouted. Victoria ran over to her. They ran past the park and they were out of sight.

The street that we were all on became empty.

We met with the opposing team on territory that was closer to our base than theirs. I lured Aura and Rose in my direction, which in this case, was towards their base.

“Ugh, why,” she huffed, “are you so,” she huffed once again, “fast?” Aura said, barely managing to stay behind me.

I ran towards a field close to the outskirts but not too close to the boundary.

“You ready, Aura?” Rose said, maintaining her distance.

“I’m ready, let’s do this,” Aura faced Rose.


“SPIRIT MAGIC: GALE VARIATION,” Aura chanted, causing her body to glow a bright viridescent color. A flower crown appeared on her head, and her attire was one made of beautiful flowers.

“COMPANION MAGIC: GRIFFIN’S BLESSING,” Rose summoned a creature made from brilliant flames that took the shape of a Griffin. She, also, got a crown made of flames but only her hands were affected, being taken over by the flames.

“Woah, you guys. Can’t we just talk?” I said, backing up.

They both charged at me, fists flying. I could feel the heat emanating from Rose’s hands as she swung at me. Although, I’m not sure what Aura’s transformation does. I dodged and dodged. Their faces became visibly contorted with frustration.

“ARE YOU HOLDING BACK?!” Aura yelled before she put her hands on the ground.

“FOREST SICKLE,” An emerald green sickle materialized and loomed towards me.

I dropped to the ground. The sickle flew over me. The breeze sent shivers up my spine. I jumped back up to see Rose preparing a spell.

“SLASH,” Claws made of fire took shape in the air. The claws blitzed towards me.

I can’t dodge this. What can I do? Everything seemed to move slowly as I contemplated. Do I try to dodge? I looked at the claws coming in my direction but there weren’t enough gaps in between for me to lodge through and the claws covered the ground.

“Son…” A voice said to me.

I looked around in the emptiness that had enveloped me.

“Son…” a hand was now on my shoulder.

I jolted back and turned to face the direction of which the hand came from. It was my father standing there smiling at me.

“You’re different from everyone else. Your magic is unique.”

The abyss was now transformed into our old childhood home. My mother was in the kitchen, humming to herself while my dad sat next to me on the couch. I looked around and looked at my hands. I moved them back and forth, they moved in the direction I intended. They were also smaller than usual. I glanced at my Dad. He appeared much younger.

“You okay, son?” He asked me in a sincere tone.

“I’m alright, Dad,” I responded. My voice was higher.

“Don’t ever use your magic unless you have to. You’re different and I don’t want to see you getting hurt because of that.”

I peered at him with understanding. I understood.

“But I have to win,” I countered.

I was back on the field, gaining a sense of clarity I never had before. This is my power. If I want to use it, I will.

“Colosseum of the Damned,”

A colosseum emerged from the ground. The elliptical amphitheater surrounded all 3 of us. Aura and Rose were shocked and confused as they looked around the structure.

“What is this?” Aura said to Rose.

“I’m not sure. This magic is new to me too,” Rose replied.

I walked towards them.

“Aura, there he is,” Rose and Aura charged at me.

“NATURE’S DANCE,” Aura shouted.

Nothing happened.

“Aura, what’s going on?” Rose questioned.

“My magic isn’t working,” she answered.

“FRENZY,” Rose chanted.

Nothing happened.

“Mine either,” she said, trying to figure out what’s going on.

“You can’t use magic here,” I told them.

“Then what are we supposed to do? Fight you with our bare hands?” Rose replied.

Aura jumped in the air towards me, throwing a clumsy punch towards me.

I dodged her punch and grabbed her arm. I pinned her arms behind her back.

“Rose, a little help would be nice…” her voice muffled as her face was on the ground.

Rose ran towards me, throwing the ugliest punch I’d ever seen. I let go of Aura to dodge it. They both retreated back towards the other side of the Colosseum. They stared at me before trying to take me on again.

It seemed as if Aura was far more skilled than Rose was at fighting.

I also noticed Rose relies on her magic too much, like a crutch.

They ran at me, splitting up as they grew closer. Rose ran to the left while Aura ran to the right. I kept my eye on Rose. She isn’t a fighter but she’s smart which can be more dangerous than actual skill. Rose tried to sneakily grab a handful of dirt. She threw it towards my eyes. I side-stepped, only to get whacked in the head by Aura.

I backed up, regaining my bearings.

“That was a nice hit, Aura,” I complimented her.

“More of where that came from,” she jawed back.

Me and Aura charged headfirst at each other. I admired her. She wasn’t good at fighting but she didn’t let that stop her. She was wearing a grin as her fist connected into my stomach. She put up more of a fight than Rose but I landed a well placed punch to knock her on the ground. She’s surprisingly durable. She scooted backwards and grabbed her jaw.

“Ugh, nobody told me we’d have to actually fight, ” Rose said, sighing and putting her

fists up.

We grew quiet as we heard footsteps. A figure waltzed in through the front entrance. I couldn’t make out a clear face until the footsteps grew closer and finally into the light that illuminated the interior.

It was the guy I ran into earlier.

He looked around with his hands held high, a smug smile across his face.

“I never got your name. I’m Everett. You remember me?” The handsome guy said, holding his arms out.

“Dominick,” I responded.

I held out my fist and he stared at it.

“We aren’t bros. We aren’t fist-bumping,” he expressed before turning around and waiting at the other side.

“Rude,” I scoffed and pretended to cry.

“ALL THIS TALK IS BORING, WILL YOU JUST FIGHT ALREADY?” Aura said, clenching her jaw, giving us an irritated look.

It’s as if that was what made us both snap out of the conversation, we realized she was right. We aren’t all talk. We both dashed forward towards one another. Everett wore a grin, the same as me.

He swung wide towards my ribcage. I side-stepped and hit him with an uppercut to the chin. He staggered backwards and regained his senses. I went for a strike to his head. He avoided the blow. His leg swept mine from beneath me, causing me to lose my balance. Everett brought up his leg and brought it down. I was able to roll out of the way before he made contact with my chest.

“STOP DODGING,” Aura yelled, running up behind me with a double ax handle maneuver.

I pushed her away. Rose stood at the other side, huffing and puffing to catch her breath.

“I thought this was supposed to be a 1 on 1?” I asked Everett.

“So did I,” he said, looking towards Aura.

“All you two were doing was taking some hits and dodging,” She responded. She cracked her neck and knuckles.

“Well, that is what a fight is,” I stated sarcastically.

“So I decided that I would help you guys speed this along,” she looked towards Everett then nodded. He nodded back.

They split up. Everett stormed forward with a frontal assault while Aura moved behind me. I stayed focused on Everett. He was the bigger threat.

Everett barraged me with punches. I managed to block most of it with counter attacks of mine. I pushed him away and turned around. Aura was in front of me now. She was aiming for the back of my knee. I moved my leg and kicked her shin. She fell to the ground. I was hit from behind on the back of my head. Everett had taken advantage of the momentary distraction that Aura had caused. I staggered, reeling from the blow.

I retreated once again.


“DAMN IT!” Everett shouted.

“AM I SERIOUSLY THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO SOMETHING RIGHT?!” He hollered again, angry about the elimination of his teammate.

“Dominick was about to kick your sorry ass until I came in and did something so don’t you dare complain about us not doing our job right,” Aura walked to him, jabbing her finger into his chest.

“I had him under control.”

“No you didn’t,” Rose came over, finally catching her breath.

“Now you come over here?” Everett replied.

“I’m not exactly as physically gifted as you 3,” she retorted, huffing and puffing.

“It’d be best if we went at him all together,” Aura stated.

Everett sighed.

“Fine,” he replied.

They ran towards me, each of them with their fists aimed towards me. Everett was faster than them so he got to me quicker than those two. He jumped towards me, soaring in the air. I wrapped my arms around his neck in a chokehold. Aura was approaching fast. I decided to use Everett as a shield. Aura went for a heavy kick. I swung Everett like a ragdoll into the trajectory of her assault.

“FUCK!” He screeched as Aura’s boots connected with his stomach.

She snickered a little bit. I did, too.

Rose wasn’t behind her. Where was she? I looked around and found her running towards me, behind me.


Everett whipped his head back and slammed it right into my nose. I let go and punched him clean across his face, causing him to lose his balance.

Rose continued to charge at me. I intercepted her as she attempted to punch me. I pinned her to the ground.

“Why are you still trying to fight?” I asked her.

“I want to win! I can’t disappoint my father!” she answered, staring up at me with a pitiful expression, eyes watering.

“I’m really sorry about this,” I hit her in the back of the neck, causing her to go unconscious.


Aura and Everett stared at me from across the stadium.

Everett cleared his throat.

“I told you we’d settle this, Dominick,” Everett said, running towards me.

I looked over towards him and he’s still wearing that dumbass grin. I couldn’t help but grin right back again.


Aura sprinted towards me, her face contorted into one of rage. She hopped into the air; preparing a flying kick. I bent my knees and jumped up at her. I grabbed her out of the air and threw her back down onto the earth below.


The scorekeeper's voice was dull as I looked over at Everett. Our gazes locked and matched each other with intense focus and intensity.

I barraged Everett with a flurry of punches, many connected but he was able to dodge the important blows.

He responded with his own flurry.

He threw many strikes; most not landing until he managed to land a heavy punch to my stomach. I coughed up and spit the blood onto the ground.

I punched Everett across the face.

He spit the blood from out of his mouth onto the ground. He looked up at me; passion, anger, fear, excitement burning in his eyes. He grinned at me through his crimson teeth.

He attempted to punch me in the face.

I put my arm up and punched him in the nose with a sickening crunch.

He fell to the ground.

“Where did you learn to fight like that-” He was cut off as his nose began bleeding profusely.

“From someone very important to me,” I kicked him in the face. He was knocked unconscious.


Aura rushed towards me in a fit of rage. Her moves weren’t as good or coordinated as Everett’s but she tried anyway. I have to give her credit, she’s relentless. I easily blocked her moves. I pinned her arms behind her back, the same way as I did with Rose, and ended it with one blow to the neck.

I didn’t want to make them suffer for very long.

In spite of this being a Capture The Flag match, they brawled. Everyone on each team decided that eliminating the other team would be easier than capturing the flag and bringing it back.

I wanted to fight someone who can actually fight.

This magic or whatever you wanna call it.

Can you even call this magic?

Probably not but it is magical.



The cameras relied on mana to supply their power so inside of the Colosseum; there was no mana. The students will never know what happened inside of those walls.

Aura’s boots stomped against the ground as she walked over to me.

She sat down next to me and sighed,

“So I never really gave you a fair chance. I judged you from the beginning and didn’t get to know you and I wanna,” she looked as if she was going to puke, “sincerely apologize.”

“Yeah, I knew you’d come around eventually,” I smiled at her and held out my fist. She rolled her eyes before bumping her fist against mine.

She got up and walked back over to Rose, who wouldn’t even look me in the eye.

Everyone talked and gossiped over the matches that they witnessed. The matches were nothing of importance but it seems as if everyone took great pride and joy in the sport so they put in their best efforts.

The bell rang and we all went home.

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