Live streaming of Chinese martial arts, the police want me to register

Chapter 528

With his legs together, his figure quickly stepped forward, his waist and crotch fluttered, and his back was like a swimming dragon.

Between the arms twitching, the wind was loud, and Li Changsheng clearly saw that the other party quickly jumped out of the shoulder with several jumping tendons, and a blood red visible to the naked eye quickly spread from the shoulder to the elbow, forearm, straight to the palm.

The palm seemed to rise out of thin air, showing a highly engorged posture, and the green tendons were bound to appear, and the skin color quickly turned into a terrifying blue and black color.

Putting a long shot far away is to practice the strength of the hand, in fact, it is to increase the bone density on the hand, and the fingers can be like chopsticks, like iron bars, like steel pipes.

Why is the movement of the back so ugly, and even dubbed the mad dog fist, and the punch kills the teacher, and there is no order to speak of?

In fact, this is not the case, and shaking this style of play is also a practice, and the first place to implement the practice of the back.

Where does the penetration power of the back come from?

In fact, it is to relax the shoulders, frantically pick the arms, and after a dozen laps, the fingertips will inevitably swell.

That's because the inertia of blood is greater than that of other tissues, and the blood in the entire arm is thrown to the fingertips due to centrifugal force.

Such a slow terminal circulation is activated, washing the muscles and bones from time to time, the natural bone density goes up, and the beating is naturally full of vigor, which is no different from the bone beating.

One hand is like a steel whip, and the five fingers are not simply pinched into a fist, but a unique grip through the back.

This is like a martial arts film once acted in by martial arts star Zhao Wenpei, when he was a villain, in the alleyway, turning and whipping one after another, the opponent could only dodge his edge one after another, using this grip.

This grip gives full play to the striking surface of the back fist, and at the same time, when changing moves, when hitting weak points, it can quickly change into a finger tiger buckle, that is, the middle finger is a little protruding when clenched, as if wearing a finger tiger.

Inside the courtyard, the wind howled, and the wind howled, blowing everyone's clothes and hunting.

This fist is like an iron whip, but the fist is like a punch, and the power is terrifying.

Seeing Li Changsheng stomp sharply, the dantian qi surged wildly, his waist sank slightly, and he turned around sharply, and his arm also volleyed.


The wind whined, and when the arm was shaken, it was directly bent at 90 degrees, and it was an eight-pole turn elbow.


The two collided together, this trick is nothing fancy, completely hard-hit.

The dull sound was like a big drum beating, and Liu Zhilan, who was shaking closer, couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Turning the elbow is with the help of the waist and crotch swing up, and Zhou Tongxuan is also using the back to swing and whip.

After one move, the two shot again, the movements were very coherent, obviously intending to fight hard.

Zhou Tongxuan's movements are extremely fast, compared to other boxing techniques, Tong's back punching method is really fast, fast!

It is the rhythm of various waist and back rotations, with leg methods, interspersed plays, elbow strikes and other ways to carry out fast-paced high-frequency punches.

This Wing Chun is equally fast, but more like a small and delicate style of play, but the back is more like a reckless play, borrowing inertia to hit people every time.

A master who is high in kung fu himself, and takes advantage of the situation to smash people and pump people, people will be pumped to death.

It is said that there are news reports that some people have practiced their backs since childhood, and encountered the big brother with angry road syndrome getting out of the car to beat someone, but he was almost drawn out of a cerebral hemorrhage, and when he was sent to the hospital, his face was pumped and he didn't even know his mother.


The more he fought with Zhou Tongxuan, Li Changsheng also had to praise how powerful the master who had trained to the bone was through his back.

Perhaps this kind of master who specializes in a kung fu is easy to target once the number of paths is figured out, but every blow is powerful.

Feeling the numbness and swelling of his arms and elbows, he also had to sigh.

This Zhou Tongxuan realm is only dark energy, but both sides just did not urge dark energy to fight, so they are fighting with kung fu foundation.

Rao is so, Li Changsheng uses the hard qigong method of soaring bones and qi, and he does not dare to easily fight with his fists and people's fists.

This old-school boxer is strong at this, and they have honed this kung fu for a long time, and the honing of individual parts has long reached the point of outrageousness.

Especially Zhou Tongxuan's hands, the bone density has long been extraordinary, Li Changsheng estimates that if he uses it casually, this steel will have to be smashed into a groove.

"No wonder Jiang Yuhu doesn't dare to fight with this kind of reckless man, it's really fatal to fight."

Li Changsheng felt inexplicably interesting in his heart, and it was estimated that Jiang Yuhu was quite guilty at that time.

Originally old, this is a little osteoporosis, and this kind of person, even if you drum up the force, this force can not be unloaded.

With a hard punch, there was nothing wrong with the bones, and he was probably going to have a crushing fracture.

This kind of competition will not directly cost people's lives, and it is understandable that old man Jiang Yuhu does not want to fight.

In less than three minutes, the two exchanged dozens of moves, and the two fought on it, but the stool below never waited for the slightest shake.

I don't know if the ground is very flat, or the two of them are clever.

Li Changsheng kicked his legs sharply with one hand, while Zhou Tongxuan kicked the monkey with one hand, like a fierce tiger jumping, dodging at the same time, his arm was elbowed, and he was about to smash down.

However, Li Changsheng's figure swooped down, boom!

One hand slapped heavily on the stool, the figure took advantage of the momentum to jump sharply and rotate high and jump, between the waist and crotch, the arm has been thrown out, the five fingers are closed like the front paws of a fierce tiger, and the shot is a tiger hard climbing the mountain.

Boom! ~

The two collided and separated again, and then quickly collided with each other.

Xu was blocked and defended one after another, and Zhou Tongxuan also realized that Li Changsheng's kung fu was not ordinarily high, perhaps far more than himself, otherwise he would definitely not be able to do such a heavy lifting, and defuse his killing moves one after another.

In addition to being determined in his heart, his move also changed, no longer the heavy hand with a clear straight trajectory, but a red face in the mirror, and the left door opener.

The figure was half rotated left and right, his arms were smashed and pressed, and one palm pierced out, like a gossip three palms almost slashed against Li Changsheng's side face.

It stands to reason that at this time, the other party has to take the smashing action, which is a continuous action of looking in the mirror with a red face, which is somewhat similar to the lower palm splitting of karate.

Li Changsheng also raised one arm, and the other hand was also preparing to defend and counterattack.

However, I saw that Zhou Tongxuan's waist and crotch were hard, and they were not pressed down, but recycled.

This action had no warning before, but it was Zhou Tongxuan's killing move, just as the so-called, the word Tongbei Shuzhan died in one life.

It does not refer to the killing of people on display, but the bundle also kills people, and the exhibition also kills people, and the "return hand" of the back is "bundle".

And Zhou Tongxuan's hand just now has the effect of piercing the palm, and the palm face strength has penetrated to the fingertips, and every tendon vein has been fully expanded.

In this way, it is like the tight bowstring, like the leather band played with when I was a child, when the person on the other side suddenly loosens the leather band, the force that ejects back is extremely painful.

This is called not empty-handed!

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