Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Sarkicism! Flesh and Blood Ascension! The Path to Godhood!

“Sarkicism encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices, with adherents practicing ritual cannibalism, human sacrifice, corporeal augmentation, thaumaturgy, and dimensional manipulation.”

“The organization is highly secretive, and the public appears to have no direct knowledge of its existence; the only exception is the Church of the Broken God, who mention the organization in their apocalyptic theories.”

“Biomanipulation has caused some Sarkic cultists to become anomalous beings, beyond human-based physical limitations”

“Disease is revered by Sarkic cults, and offerings such as swollen lymph nodes and tumors have been found on their religious altars.”

“Sarkicism sees spreading as a form of devotion, a means of eliminating the weak and purifying the masses, and therefore actively pursues its own expansion.”

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned!

Using cannibalism and human sacrifice as religious activities

It still exists now?

Is this true or false?

This sect is totally a cult!

What weeds out the weak?………

What about dedication?

It’s basically a cult! besides!

What is the Church of the Broken God?

A Sarkic cult has not yet been figured out.

As a result, a new sect emerged!

What does it mean?

“Brothers, I am dumbfounded! The immortality of King Yu has led to so many things!”

“I think Sarkicism should no longer exist! After all, this kind of thing is simply not allowed in modern society!”

“I think so too! It is estimated that it has been lost in the long river of history!”

“What I’m curious about now is what the Church of the Broken God is.……”

As for Sarkicism, the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room don’t really care about it anymore.

After all, such a cult………

It is estimated that it has long been lost in history!

Even the emperor of my country no longer performs human sacrifices

Not to mention a cult!

They must have been suppressed by the dynasties in history!

The top leaders of other countries think the same way.

These people are full of pity

If only Sarkicism still existed

This way you can get in touch with the other person.

Maybe then we can find a way to eternal life. no!

Let’s see if we can dig up the remains of this sect later!

Since the Dragon Kingdom had the ability to change people’s bodies four thousand years ago

They really didn’t believe that such a sect with genetic technology far beyond current human beings could leave no traces?

However, Lu Mo’s next words surprised and delighted some people!

“Known Sarkic cults are divided into two distinct factions: Proto-Sarkic and Neo-Sarkic!”

“Proto-Sarkicism can be found in closed communities in the most remote areas across the continent, and its followers are generally poor and hostile to outsiders.”

“These groups view modernity as taboo, display severe technophobia, and are bound by superstitions and taboos.”

“Neo-Sarkites, by contrast, are cosmopolitan, openly embracing modernity, with no apparent qualms about technology; their lives in relation to the general public are not much different from those of people of any other culture and social status.”

“The believers are mainly wealthy families with rich history and rumors”

Everyone was shocked to hear these words!


Sarkicism was not lost in the long river of history

Instead, it survived the long history

And it is still developing with the times? to be honest!

No one expected this!

They simply can’t understand

Why a religious sect has been able to span the longest known history of mankind

It remains to this day!

So, do some of those human sacrifices still exist today?

I don’t know why

Everyone remembered the two cruise ship silent accidents in South Korea

There was speculation about sacrifice in these two incidents.

Plus the current behavior of Sarkicism………

There seem to be a lot of similarities!


Almost all the top leaders of countries have thought of this.

The Korean leader’s phone was instantly flooded with calls!

Someone who was originally driven out of office

It has become a hot commodity again! after all……

The Korean still can’t bear to part with his handsome dad!

“Brothers! There shouldn’t be any Sarkic cults in our country!”

“Absolutely not! After all, our country has always been very opposed to Sarkicism, judging from history alone!”

“Indeed! Even Yu, the father of King Yu, wanted to seal King Yu, and I guess Zulong did the same! These emperors became like this when they were involved in the Sarkic Cult, not to mention others…!”

“So the wisdom of our ancestors is quite amazing! For our lives, our ancestors have paid so much!”

The only thing that the fans in Lu Mo’s live studio can be thankful for is

It is very likely that there will be no Sarkicists in Dragon Country!

This group of people should have no room to survive in Dragon Country!

The Dragon Kingdom is very disgusted with the Road of Flesh and Blood from top to bottom.

The ancestors of the Xia Dynasty at that time would definitely beat these people severely!

It will only be more strict after Zulong!

At this time, Lu Mo’s voice sounded again

“Both share the same creed, with core beliefs including the following concepts:”

“Ascend to the gods!”

“Belief that individuals can ascend to godhood”

“For the Proto-Sarkites, Ascension to the Gods will eventually happen”

“But with the Neo-Sarkites, they almost think that if someone has the ability to usurp it, then it’s their right!”

“The path to godhood is equal to the intention of power”


“The intention for power is the main driving force of man”

“Individuals seek to bring everything under their control and exercise their power. At the same time, other individuals are doing the same thing, and conflicts often arise.”

“Intention is to force what form is to matter; and conversely,”Desire is the measure of all things.”””

“God’s meal!”

“Sacred Eating of Gods”

“Sarkicism believes that there are many gods in the universe, but they do not believe in them and can”devour” these entities in some way.”

“Adherents believe this parasitic relationship, either literal or allegorical, is the primary source of their thaumaturgical abilities.”


“In Proto-Sarkicism, this seems to manifest as sacrificing oneself for the greater good; Neo-Sarkicism is the exact opposite, believing in sacrificing the majority for the benefit of the individual.”

“Muscles endure pain only to become stronger after healing; the same is true for the mind, but the way is to cultivate tolerance for things that are unimaginable under normal circumstances – the cycle of destruction and rebirth”

“Fighting is the best teacher in the eyes of Sarkicism.”

“Lead the flesh!”

“Believe that all living things come from the same ancestor”

“Followers believe this shared bloodline is the key to physical enhancement; Sarkites have the power to channel and herd organic matter.”

After Lu Mo finished saying this

Everyone was stunned!

They finally understand what Sarkicism is.

What a weird person who wants to ascend into the flesh and blood!

They even said that these people were going to eat the shelters?

For people at this time

God or something

In fact, it is a kind of shelter!

Eat the contents to evolve your body

Is this what is called ascending to deity?

Everything originates from the intention for power!

This is a pretty complete purpose.

When a sect has a complete purpose, it is quite terrifying. no!

Such a sect must not be allowed to exist!

Just from past events, they have been able to determine

The ascension of flesh and blood is completely wrong! wrong!

It cannot be said that the ascension of flesh and blood is wrong

The way Sarkicism uses it is wrong!

This thing has spread, and it’s not good for humanity.

It may even lead to a recurrence of what happened in the Xia Dynasty!

“Brothers! We must resist the Sarkic Cult! History has taught us how to do it. This cult can only lead to destruction!” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“That’s right! History has already told us what happened, and we must never repeat the same mistakes!”

“Mainly…you said the Sarkic Church wouldn’t have technology from four thousand years ago?”

“I think it’s possible! After all, this sect… may have never been discontinued, and it won’t be like our ancients who sealed those bad things!”

“It’s okay! Don’t we have Big Boss Lu Mo? Big Boss Lu Mo’s expression didn’t change at all, so he shouldn’t worry too much!”

The national self-confidence of the Dragon Kingdom is quite strong now.

Everyone believes that Longguo will be able to find a way out on its own.

So there is no need to believe in Sarkicism!

As for technology……

If the Sarkic Cult really causes trouble, Lu Mo will definitely not sit idly by!

And Li Lao and his men also began to formulate relevant measures against the Sarkic Cult

Such a sect must not appear in Dragon Country!

At this time, Lu Mo’s voice sounded again

“Sarkites use a unique language”

“Practitioners of Sarkicism, or Sarkicists, do not refer to themselves as”Sarkic” – this term is actually a derogatory term used by ancient Mekhanites to refer to their enemies.”

“In fact, Sarkites refer to their belief system as N?1k?”[]

“Because of these languages, the Broken God Church’s”flesh/machine” cosmological narrative emerged.”

Lu Mo didn’t continue after he finished speaking.

But that’s not the case for others.

Damn it!

The Church of the Broken God has appeared again!

There seems to be some confrontation between these two churches!

After all, one is flesh and blood, and the other is a machine! besides!

What on earth is flesh and blood/machine?

Boss Lu Mo, would you like to talk about this world view?

Let’s understand

“So, could it be that these two churches are a confrontation between mechanical ascension and flesh and blood ascension?”

“Of course! Whether it’s the name or the purpose of Sarkicism, it has a lot to do with flesh and blood. Although Big Boss Lu Mo didn’t mention the Broken God, the name alone can tell what it is!”

“How many years ago did you say the Church of the Mechanical God existed? This should be modern! After all, mechanical ascension is only now available!”

“According to the previous understanding, isn’t the Ascension of Flesh and Blood also a modern thing?”

The audience in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room began to speculate about the purpose of the Church of the Broken God.

The names of these two churches are completely opposite!

It is probably very unusual!

Many people want Lu Mo to talk about the Church of the Broken God

To this……

Lu Mo doesn’t care too much……

There is no such thing as Sarkicism or the Church of the Broken God in this world

It was just mentioned, he just mentioned it.

After all, it’s a great opportunity to gain some scientific knowledge!

“Okay! Let’s go!”

Lu Mo didn’t intend to tell everyone about the contents of the Sarkic Cult.

The following content not only involves the Church of the Broken God, but also the Foundation and the Global Occult Alliance.

Let’s slowly let people accept these organizations.

It’s not good to say it all at once

Hearing Lu Mo’s words

All the researchers nodded in shock.

Everything today requires them to slowly accept it

Then go back and study slowly!

The history of the Dragon Kingdom has been completely overturned

It can even be said that the history of the objects in storage may be even longer!

Just from the previous conversation with SCP-2847-3

But there are still legendary gods like Nuwa!

I don’t know how far back these items can be traced.

Could the power of flesh and blood and Sarkicism be related to Nuwa?

When everyone came to the ground

No physical discomfort

Everyone had to once again admire the magical power of the witch girl

You can switch between land and underwater seamlessly!

Then Lu Mo followed the containment radar and walked in one direction.

Not long!

Everyone came to a bungalow.

At first glance, I saw something that was out of place in this room!

Two dragon head bookends that looked like they were only used by wealthy families in ancient times appeared in front of everyone.

Lu Mo smiled and walked over to pick it up

Then he spoke to the people around him.

“Item No.: SCP-826 [Dream Come True Bookshelf】!”

“Object Class: Safe!”

“SCP-826 is a pair of 20cmx15cm bookends, cast in the shape of two dragon heads facing outwards”

“Scrapes from its surface show that it is composed of 99% tin, 0.5% copper, 0.3% antimony and 0.2% lead, consistent with a high-purity lead-tin alloy.”

“However, to date, it has not been determined whether it is composed of a solid tin-lead alloy or if the tin-lead alloy is merely a coating of an unknown element that gives the SCP its anomalous properties.”

“When a subject places a book in the middle of SCP-826, touches the two bookends, and leaves the room, SCP-826 will instantly transform the entire room it is in (“room” is defined as any enclosed space) into the setting of the book.”

“Any entrance into the room will lead to a random location in the book setting.”

“During this transformation, SCP-826 and the book it contains will relocate to another location within the setting of the book, showing a preference for locations where books are normally kept (library, study, etc.).”

“To reverse the effects of SCP-826, the subject must remove the book from SCP-826, then exit the room in which SCP-826 was found.”

“The experimenters will find that they are in SC (good)P-826’s original containment room. The entire containment room has been restored to normal.”

“In addition, the experimenters will find themselves in random locations described in the script in the book, with the time distribution from the beginning of the script to the end.”

“If the subject does not find SCP-826 before the book’s setting”ends”, SCP-826 will”reset” the setting and begin the story over again.”

“The subject will be”included” in the book as a background character and will lose all memories prior to entering SCP-826.”

After hearing this, everyone was stunned.

They always felt like they had heard of this setting somewhere! right!

That’s right!

It seems that the comic in the book is a bit similar to this one!

Go to a different world of your dreams

Then start cheating and building a harem!

So, the Dream Come True Library can also do this?

Be reasonable!

This thing is really cool if used properly!

“Guys! To be honest, this thing seems to be able to let you enter the book you wrote directly!”

“Doesn’t that mean I can become the protagonist of this book? And even encounter many different dimensions?”

“Good! That’s great! From now on, having a 2D wife can become a reality! Brothers!”

“To be honest, could you let us use this Safe-level containment? I really want to use it!”

“Do you really want to use the containment? You really just want to see what your 2D wife looks like and do something bad at the same time, right?”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room all showed a strange smile

Be reasonable!

This looks kind of cool!

Go to the book you wrote

Wouldn’t that mean I’m the master directly?

“This thing, in terms of naming, can be a little abstract”

At this time, Lu Mo said lightly

“For example, someone used this thing to execute 682 before.”

“At the time, the book was titled A Generally Friendly Thing That Would Permanently Kill SCP-682 If It Could Recognize That Damn Lizard》”

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