Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 093 Red Sea Object! The False God Who Destroyed the Parallel World!


Lu Mo came to the orange collection point

At this time, Mr. Li’s communication also reached Lu Mo.

“Mr. Lu, a team came here not long ago, but… we have lost contact with them!”

“So I sent over a few D-class personnel.”

Li’s main purpose is

Ask Lu Mo and others to pay attention to the D-class personnel during the battle.

Don’t let these guys kill you!

This is not to say that Mr. Li feels sorry for the lives of D-class personnel.

These guys were originally death row prisoners

It’s the same whether you die or not

But now that Lu Mo is here, the containment will definitely be solved.

It would be better to keep these D-class personnel to do more things later.

Lu Mo nodded.

Then I looked around

This is a residential area

And it was a residential area with relatively little damage.

Basically, it is caused by human or the passage of time.

There are even traces of people living there two or three days ago.

Long Tian and others knew why this happened.

After three quarters of the city was liberated

Ninety percent of the residents in the last area chose to go to a safe area and stay there for two days.

Wait until Lu Mo finishes the last area before going back.

After all, your own life is the most important.

Even sleeping on the street for two days is better than living in fear in the shelter area.

“Oh my god! Big Boss Lu Mo actually came to my neighborhood! I just arrived at District B of Shanghai yesterday! I should have stayed here earlier!”

“Same as above! I’m from this neighborhood too! If I’d known that Boss Lu Mo was coming, I wouldn’t have left!”

“Have you ever thought about this question, when Big Boss Lu Mo comes here, it really means there are shelters here!”

“That’s right! Mr. Li said that a special forces team was lost here, and even D-level personnel were sent. It’s easy to get killed here!”

“Thinking about it this way, we seem to be quite lucky! We didn’t encounter any shelter animals in the community! The escape was also smooth!”

Many viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were stunned when they saw their own community.

At first they thought they were running too early.

But after being reminded by others, I was quite glad that I left!


There are objects in their community that even the special forces can’t deal with!

If I continue to stay here, who knows if I will get killed!

“Wait! Oh my! Is my unit the one that Boss Lu Mo is going to? And this house… This is my home!”

“The guy above is awesome! He has shelter in his own home and he can still escape alive!”

“You actually ran away from the containment that even the special forces couldn’t defeat?”

“Brother, I strongly suspect that you might have been a hero in your previous life! The kind with great virtues! Otherwise, it is 100% true!”

Right at this moment!

A fan in Lu Mo’s live studio instantly discovered

The room that Lu Mo was walking towards at this moment was his home!

There are shelters in my house??? ah????

I can still live……

Did you save the world in your previous life?

The other netizens were also confused!

You didn’t even know there were shelters in your house? wrong!

If you have items in your house that can destroy special forces, can you still escape safely?

Lu Mo opened the door in front of him

This should have been a warm and cozy home, but now the light has become unusually dark.

It always feels like a horror movie.

What’s even more terrifying is!

At this time, there was a corpse lying on its back at the door, and the man in orange clothing was obviously a D-class personnel!

Long Tian and others frowned when they saw this scene.

He looked around cautiously.

I didn’t find anything strange, so I kept my guard up and slowly crouched down next to the body.

No external injuries at all!

But when the military doctor scanned the body of the D-class personnel with a portable X-ray machine,

Found something quite scary

“Captain! This guy’s heart is gone!”

“And there are no external injuries!”

The military doctor was so excited that he didn’t know how to describe the current situation.

Hearing this, Long Tian and others were stunned!

How could the heart die without any external trauma?

Take it out of your mouth?


There is no blood around this D-class’ mouth!

Could it be……

Long Tian and others silently looked at the dead D-class personnel below

All right!

It’s impossible!

After all, if it came from there, there is no way this guy would not have had any blood flowing out.

It’s strange!

The abilities of the contained objects are really bizarre!

He even has the ability to snatch a heart out of thin air!

Just when everyone was nervous!

Boom boom boom!——

A strange knocking sound suddenly came from the direction of the bathroom!

Long Tian and others were stunned!

This rapid tapping sound……


Could it be the heart-stealing object this time?

Damn it!

“Damn it! Not only is there a dead person in my house, but there is also a containment! The point is, it is in the toilet! This can’t be a ghost!”

“Hahahaha! The guy upstairs can’t take his house anymore. Anyway, I absolutely don’t dare to live in this house anymore!”

“Indeed! I wouldn’t dare to live here either! Damn it, I wouldn’t even dare to live here if there were only dead people, let alone a shelter in the toilet!”

“Dude, you should be thankful that it wasn’t you who had your heart stolen! Now you can still complain to us”

“Indeed! If you were in the room, what we would see now would be your dead body!”

The host of Lu Mo’s live broadcast room was completely defeated!

I have worked hard for half my life and finally have a house.

The result is death.

There is also a collection object that seems to be only for ghosts and can directly steal people’s hearts!

Now it’s in the bathroom.

This really is a horror movie!

As for Long Tian and others at this time, everyone was sweating.

Slowly approach the bathroom door

It is very likely that the containment object encountered this time is not of the physical type!

It’s like a containment object like Balrog that exists in a way that humans can’t imagine!

After arriving at the door, Long Tian gestured to the person next to him.

Then he kicked the door open!

Finally got a clear look at the interior!

A red disc-like object kept hitting the glass!

It’s like wanting to rush into the glass!

This weird scene made Long Tian and others stunned! no!

What is this thing doing?

Bang your head against the wall for fun?

Are all the collection objects so interesting?

Lu Mo was also stunned when he saw this thing.

Then he walked to the disc with a smile and picked it up!

The red disc suddenly turned golden!

Shining with divine light!

Seeing this, Lu Mo was stunned.

Are there any Red Sea items in this color?

Aren’t there only blue, green, red, purple and yellow?

But when you think about the system in your body

Lu Mo thinks it’s quite reasonable!

Right at this moment!

Lu Mo clearly felt

The SCP-999 tickle monster in its own containment space has a different feeling!

It’s that urge to touch the red disc!

You know, no containment object has ever done such a thing before!

Um? wrong!

Seeing the action of the tickle monster,

Lu Mo suddenly remembered something……

First of all, the Red Sea objects seem to be related to the Crimson King.

According to speculation, the false god inside is one of the Red King’s subordinates.

If the tickle monster can react to this thing,

Does that explain one thing?

That’s the tickle monster.

It’s not the simple tickle monster in the original setting?

It’s the tickle monster of the seventh son of the Crimson King in”The Latest Story”! (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Only in this way can it be explained.

Why would the tickle monster react to this thing? but…

This seems to have nothing to do with me.

Lu Mo doesn’t want to contact the Crimson King at all now.[]

Let’s first explain to Long Tian and the others the capabilities of this thing!

“Item #: SCP-093 [Red Sea Object】!”

“Object Class: Euclid”

“SCP-093 is a disc that is mainly red, carved from a composite stone similar to cinnabar, and is covered with unknown symbols and circular incisions up to 0.5cm deep.”

“The diameter is 7.62cm, which can fit comfortably in most people’s palms and will not be worn.”

“When held by a living being, SCP-093’s color changes.”

“If SCP-093 is removed from a mirror and not held, it will search for the nearest mirror-like surface.”

“When you place the disc on the mirror, you can enter a parallel world, and the location you enter will change depending on the color of the disc.”

“The parallel world on the other side of the mirror is similar to our blue planet, but the life in this world was destroyed around 1953.”

When Lu Mo said this, everyone was stunned!

What the hell?

Parallel world?

A parallel world that has been destroyed?

Even similar to our Blue Planet?

You must know!

This is the first time that humans have obtained evidence that parallel worlds really exist!

Gas masks before

That thing listens to Lu Mo……

It doesn’t seem like a parallel world, but rather an illusion!

Or a different dimension, but still a world.

This guy is different!

It is said that you can directly open a portal to another world!

Even everyone’s birthplace is different depending on their color!

There’s no way SCP-999 could be related to something like traveling through parallel worlds.

“Brothers! I am stunned! Really stunned! This is actually a containment object that can open a portal to a parallel world!”

“The world across from us is similar to our Blue Planet. Doesn’t that mean that our Dragon Country has one more Blue Planet’s resources? ? ? ?”

“Have you forgotten that the world on the other side is destroyed? It can destroy a civilization! There might be something terrifying on the other side!”

“I still hope that the portal to the parallel world will not be opened! After all, I haven’t lived enough!”

The eyes of the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were full of shock

Parallel worlds have always existed in human myths and legends.

I didn’t expect it to really exist!

Right at this moment!

Lu Mo’s voice sounded again!

“Not only that, the worldview of the other world is also a little different from ours.”

“At a certain period in the unclean land, the false god… came!”

“The false god’s first believers took away some of the false god’s secretions”

“Made into Tears of God!”

“This substance can transform people into half-humanoid rotting monsters known as the Unclean.”

“The believers used the unclean to make themselves the rulers of the country. Anyone who dared to resist their tyranny would be fed to the unclean, and the souls of those devoured by the unclean would become”ghosts” that could not be seen by the naked eye but only by cameras.””

“The unclean cannot be killed, and can only be kept from leaving the”Unfertile Land” by feeding humans.”!”

“But in the end… the human civilization and life on the surface were destroyed by the unclean beings who escaped from the”Land of Extinction”.”

“Those believers used the false god’s technology to hide in space, but they could not get too far away from the earth. They could only stay in orbit and watch the world gradually collapse and disintegrate.”

When Lu Mo finished saying these words, everyone’s face was filled with shock!

What did they hear?

False God!

Whether the false gods are authentic gods or not

They are all beings that have the title of God!

Even immortal unclean beings can be created using only body fluids!

And the humans devoured by the unclean……

It will even turn into a ghost!

All of this has shattered people’s three views!

“Guys! I feel like I’m listening to a fairy tale right now!”

“The education I had received so far completely collapsed at this moment! Is there really a God in the world?”

“There is a possibility that God is not what we imagine. This is a completely evil god!”

“Those believers really deserve to die! They let the world be destroyed, and they still ran away!”

“That’s why we can’t just study containment casually, this is the consequence!”

The viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room didn’t know what to say!

Everything now has exceeded their imagination!

Gods, immortality and ghosts!

These are not the creatures that humans have previously understood!

“Mr. Lu……”

“Can I go over and take a look?”

Long Tian summoned up the courage to say to Lu Mo

He must see the scene on the other side of the world

This is a parallel world!

If I can get through, I will be someone who goes down in history!

Even if I die!

By then, it will be recorded in history books that a person was the first human to enter a parallel world.”,

That’s enough for my whole life!

“If you want to go, go!”

Lu Mo nodded.

Human curiosity is terrifying.

It’s also a good thing to let them see the other side of the world

So as to avoid using some kind of containment object to create divinity and supreme divinity later.

It will be a bit troublesome to deal with then!

Then Lu Mo handed over the SCP-093 Red Sea object and the live camera to Long Tian.

After all, the ghost on the other side can only be seen by the camera.

When Long Tian got the Red Sea object

The golden red sea objects turn into the blue sea

It seems that I and Boss Lu Mo were born in different places!

Long Tian sighed slightly, with a solemn look

Place the Red Sea object on the glass in front of you

The dragon in the mirror disappeared, replaced by a blue outdoor landscape, rich in color.

Long Tian walked in with a serious look on his face. at this time!

The picture in the live broadcast room also changed!

The picture looks unstable

This seemed to be a typical lowland plain. There were no discernible topographical landmarks anywhere I could see, just grass, grass, and grass. The breeze blew the tall grass. There were no trees or living things.

Long Tian was stunned for a moment and then he walked a few steps forward and found a huge cave.

After entering, a foul stench hit my nose! here……

It seems to be an underground base!

There are various doors around

Long Tian tried to push a few times, but the doors were all locked.

He didn’t keep trying.

But at this moment!

Long Tian moved the camera, and a figure flashed behind the seventh door at the end of the tunnel!

The door opened and closed, and a face flashed through the crack of the door, but it was too hasty to see clearly.

“Oh my god! What is that?”

“Brothers���I was so confused! Was that a ghost? It had to be a ghost!”

“Oh my god, I broke out in a cold sweat! I won’t watch it anymore! I’m worried that this guy will come looking for me!”

“Haha! You are all so timid! That thing can even cross the parallel world to find you? This is so funny! Okay, I won’t talk to you anymore. I’m going to change my pants first!”

All the viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were stunned!

I couldn’t believe what I saw before.

Are those the humans that were devoured by the unclean?

We are obviously the same kind!

Do you really want to scare us like this?

Long Tian was also frightened by the sound of the door opening.

Rushed over quickly!

Push the door open

There is a wooden board with more newspaper clippings taped to it; a”cereal breakfast” box on the floor, with only the lid visible; and a hand, palm up.

Seeing this, Long Tian frowned!

What was that sound just now?

There is no one in the camera!

Long Tian had no idea what was going on here.

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