Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 149

Chapter 149 Cognitohazard! A book puts the Foundation in a desperate situation!

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room have now discovered the differences between the Church of the Second Hytoth, Sarkicism, and the Church of the Broken God.

The Church of the Broken God and Sarkicism are pure religious faith churches.

Their aim is to make everyone agree with their teachings.

And believe in the gods they believe in

That is, people can only take the path of flesh and blood, weak and mechanical ascension, or flesh and blood ascension.

But that is not the case with the Church of the Second Hytoth.

In addition to their most basic moral beliefs about Rakmou-leusan,.

Basically no requirements wrong!

The biggest requirement is to protect Rakmou-leusan from death.

And fight against Vortu

For other civilizations with different ideologies

I won’t force anything.

As long as they don’t release Voruteut, the Church of the Second Hytoth will basically not be hostile to these civilizations.

Of course the Foundation may have conflicts with the Church of the Second Hytoth to some extent.

After all, the Foundation’s approach to containment is containment, control, and protection.

It is not necessary to destroy the containment object as soon as you see it.

In this case, it is inevitable that some items related to Wo Wu Tu will be collected. no way!

At this time, Lu Mo’s Second Hytoth Church

“The full strength of the church is unknown”

“Most members are proficient in at least one form of occult ritual, and members often experiment with theurgy allegedly based on lesser divine entities of the Ortothan pantheon.”

“Combined with the advanced technology brought by the extraterrestrial members, it is believed that this group has high offensive capabilities, but there is no indication that it will use this against the Foundation or humanity.”

“External sources claim that the group possesses the ritual to summon an avatar of Rakmou-leusan”

“The group uses a combination of the native language and the Ortothan Extraterrestrial Language (OEL).”

“The latter has been anomalous since an unknown era.”

“While there is great variation in spoken OEL and it does not exist in any particular race, the”eight six zero” logographic script used in written OEL remains roughly consistent across all Ortothan cultures, no matter how far apart they are.”

“According to the Church, this is due to Koru-teusa’s divine power maintaining the unity of all Ortothan cultures in the universe.”

“The OEL is being fully decoded as a method of effective communication with extraterrestrial entities.”

“Ortothan religion exists on an interstellar scale as a variety of loosely related sects”

“Researching these sects is extremely challenging. If a sect does not broadcast a strong electromagnetic radiation signal and has no external assistance, discovering its location can only rely on chance.”

“The discovered sects may also be fundamentally different from human civilization, making it impossible to have a comprehensive understanding of them.”

“The limitations of existing FTL drives further hinder exploration.”

“Despite the difficulties, the Extrasolar Activity Division has made important discoveries. Of all documented extraterrestrial civilizations, approximately 8% are Ortothan, with technological capabilities ranging from near human levels to exceeding all theoretical anomalous technologies.”

“As expected, there are often differences between extraterrestrial Ortothan cultures and the Church of Earth, with some cultures using acts of violence as a means of supplying Rakmou-leusan with blood or, in the case of some bloodless races, as a means of sustaining life on par with blood.”

“Occasionally, interstellar conflicts between Ortothan civilizations with different cultural philosophies can be observed.”

“Little is known about its spread outside the Milky Way.”

“If the Ortothan mythology is to be believed, then Ortothan culture exists on a much larger scale, but without the ability to travel across star systems, it is impossible to study this.”

“Aside from some small extraterrestrial groups that arrived one-way on Earth, there are no other extrasolar Ortothan civilizations in the Sol System, which is attributed to the lack of valuable resources and distinctive features compared to other regions.”

“The only civilization known to have been active here is Concern Species-002, a group presumed extinct”

After Lu Mo finished telling all the information about the Church of the Second Hytoth

People were also stunned

All right!

They really can’t use the purpose of the Church of the Second Hytoth to determine the purpose of other Ortothan civilizations.


The collision of various civilizations in the universe will always lead to irreconcilable things.

This also means that interstellar war is indeed inevitable!

What humans need to do now is to protect themselves

There are enough Ortothan civilizations to keep Rakmou-leusan from being a problem.

They don’t have time to worry about the survival of the universe.

The first priority is still to prioritize human survival!

The terrifying degree of the supreme deity of this gang

It has far exceeded everyone’s expectations

All they can do is to reconcile the internal affairs

“Brothers! So, our vision is still too narrow. For civilization, there are some things that even so-called faith cannot reconcile!”

“That’s right! The Dark Forest Law is universal in the universe, and the most important thing for humans now is to protect themselves!”

“Alas! The more you know, the more you will understand how weak humans are!”

“Yes! There are so many things that can threaten humanity now! We are so weak that sometimes even the Supreme God doesn’t even bother to look at us!”

“Being weak has its advantages.”

Although the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were a little unwilling

But I quickly calmed down.

Now we should be thankful that……

Because of their own weakness, they escaped the destruction of a supreme deity.

At this time, Lu Mo also flew up into the sky, intending to go over and deal with SCP-1795.

As a human creation

Lu Mo took it in easily

The space travel capability allowed Lu Mo to reach the area between Blue Star and Mars in no time.

The transparent space wraps the huge heart

【Ding! ——Congratulations to the host for successfully containing the SCP-1795 pregnant star’s womb and gaining the ability: creating a blue star!】

This ability has basically no effect on Lu Mo’s combat ability.

But it’s actually quite useful

If humans really enter the cosmic age one day and start colonizing other galaxies

This ability is a magical skill!

The blue star created by Lu Mo is different from the womb of the pregnant star

There are not only the moon and buildings

It can also make everything above exist for a long time.

The duration is not comparable to that of a pregnant star’s uterus but…

In the short term, Lu Mo’s ability is basically useless.

The biggest possible use is to help humans escape?

After collecting the pregnant star’s uterus, Lu Mo also flew towards the base.

You should take a good rest now.

By the way, give humans some time to relax their mentality

After all, the news that humans are exposed to today is indeed a bit too much.

Ancient human civilization, Pregnant Star Womb, Pattern Screamers, Church of the Second Hytoth, First Hytoth Universe…

These things are too advanced for human beings.

There is no way to adjust your mentality without giving them time!


Time passed quickly

Lu Mo had just finished packing when he saw Long Tian reading this book intently.

There are dark circles around my eyes!

Seeing this, Lu Mo was also stunned.

Need to know…

Long Tian is the best warrior in Dragon Country.

In every aspect

The level of self-discipline has reached its limit!

It is impossible to forget the time when reading a book.

Moreover, Lv Mo and Long Tian had always been known for their actions.

It is also clear

Long Tian is not good at studying.

It is indeed a bit strange to let him read the book for such a long time.

Besides, under normal circumstances, Long Tian shouldn’t react like this when he sees me.

Lu Mo walked to Long Tian with some doubts and pushed him twice.

When Long Tian raised his head, his red eyes made all the viewers in the live broadcast room stunned!

“Brothers! What’s going on with Long Tian? Is he obsessed with reading?”

“I didn’t expect that the strongest warrior of Dragon Country is actually a top student! He can be so engrossed in reading!”

“To be honest, this isn’t being obsessed, this is being possessed!”

“Indeed! Long Tian is now on a mission every day. It is impossible for such a soldier to not give himself enough rest time to deal with the mission of the next day!”

Some of the viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were impressed by Long Tian’s eagerness to learn.

But most people feel something is wrong

The warriors of Dragon Country are willing to give up everything for the people.

But now it feels a bit weird.

Long Tian has never encountered such a situation before!

Lu Mo glanced at the book in Long Tian’s hand.

I was stunned for a moment!

The cover of”Star Signal” appeared in front of Lu Mo

Seeing this, Lu Mo immediately snatched the book away.

Directly activate the pseudo-omnipotent power

Clear all memories of”Star Signal” from Long Tian’s mind


Long Tian took a breath, and the light in his eyes became clear.

“Hiss! —My head hurts, Mr. Lu, why am I here?”

At this time, Mr. Li also rushed over

Seeing Long Tian’s confused face

The expression on his face suddenly became solemn

Lu Mo didn’t say anything, just raised the book”Star Signals”

“Item #: SCP-1425 [Star Signal》】!”

“Object Class: Safe!”

“A hardcover book called”Star Signals” published by the Fifth Church, similar to the”self-help” books that help people think positively”

Lu Mo’s tone on the word”self-help” was quite low.

Everyone instantly realized that the so-called self-help was not what they thought.

“But it will guide readers to hold consistent ideas and wishes in various ways”

“After reading the entire book, a reality distortion effect is revealed, allowing the reader’s wish to be fulfilled.”

“However, due to the guidance of the content of the book, the reader’s wishes are actually influenced by SCP-1425 itself.”

“Some readers even developed a mental illness called”Ojai Syndrome””

“The Fifth Church used their members’ connections to make SCP-1425 a world bestseller in a short period of time, almost forcing the Foundation into a desperate situation.”

“Finally, the Foundation took a series of measures to forcibly erase the project from public knowledge.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone’s expressions changed…….

Is this containment a weapon used by the Fifth Church to control humans?

Everyone becomes united in thoughts and wishes

Wouldn’t this directly turn humans into a beehive civilization?

All things must be done according to your Fifth Church’s way of doing things?

The Fifth Church also knows something about it.

When the twin snakes were in trouble, Lu Mo introduced

But I don’t know the specific

What exactly does this church want to do?

Before one wave of troubles is over, another wave of troubles comes!

Now humans have started a civil war!

“Chao! Are these church members crazy? Humanity is about to be destroyed, yet they are still causing trouble!”

“Exactly! What exactly does the Fifth Church want to do? As far as I remember, this organization specifically targets high-ranking human beings!”

“Unexpectedly, the target this time was Long Tian. If it weren’t for Boss Lu Mo, the base would have fallen!”

“If the base turns into a hive civilization and is controlled by the Fifth Church, humanity will basically be doomed!”

“That’s right! Now the powerful containment creatures that can communicate and are friendly to people are basically all in the base. If something goes wrong… Humanity is 100% doomed!”

“It was only then that our leaders were smart and���Hand it over to Boss Lu Mo, otherwise things will get even worse!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room are now very happy

Long Tian is reading a book at Lu Mo’s door

I found something wrong right away

It would be a lot of fun if we weren’t discovered!

“Mr. Lu, how much of this book is left?”

Mr. Li is panicking now!

If this spreads on a large scale, it will be over!

Didn’t you see that the foundation had to put in a lot of effort to solve it?

“It’s okay, there’s only one!”

After seeing”Star Signal”, Lu Mo searched for it.

There is indeed only one

“That’s good…”

“Long Tian, ​​where did you get this book?”

Mr. Li breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Long Tian with a serious look.

This book couldn’t have just appeared randomly, right?

“I forgot too…”

“Totally unconscious!”

Long Tian lowered his head and thought, his expression becoming more and more ugly.

What he said made Mr. Li look unusually serious.

“It looks like the Fifth Church is going to take action against us!”

“Mr. Lu, do you know the base of the Fifth Church?”

Humanity has reached a critical moment of survival

There is no way Mr. Li would allow such an organization to cause trouble behind the scenes!

“Don’t worry about the Fifth Church, the guy in this book has been neutralized”

“Can’t do much!”

Lu Mo shrugged and told Mr. Li not to be so nervous.

When Li Lao and Long Tian heard Lu Mo talking about the person on SCP-1425, they were also stunned for a moment.

At this time, Lu Mo’s voice rang out.

“Item #: SCP-3125 [The Fugitive】!”

“Object Class: Keter!”

“Project Type: Supreme Divinity!”

“SCP-3125 is an extremely large, highly aggressive anomalous, diffuse memetic complex that originates outside of our reality and is partially intersecting with it.”

“SCP-3125 has adapted to survive in an ideological ecosystem far more violent and hostile than our own.”

“Because humans have never been naturally exposed to ideas as aggressive as SCP-3125, the human mind has no protective evolutionary adaptations against it.”

“Individuals possessed by SCP-3125 become unable to accept more tenuous”traditional” ideas, and become physically devoted to the service and spread of SCP-3125.”

“Additionally, although no visible changes in appearance occur, they will no longer be recognized as human from the outside.”

“SCP-3125 has not yet fully entered our reality. Once it fully arrives, the high degree of interconnection of human knowledge interaction systems will enable it to surround, occupy and replace all human thinking in no more than 12 hours, or even as little as 4 hours.”

“At this time,”humanity” as an abstract concept, and”civilization””、”culture”、”society”、”All related abstractions such as”community” will no longer exist”

“The Foundation has named this possible event an MK-class end-of-the-world scenario”

“The Foundation possesses several proven techniques for capturing these aggressive idea complexes, but none of them are effective within SCP-3125’s automated defense response/boundary layer.”

“Completely piecing together a mental image of SCP-3125 and perceiving its true shape will cause SCP-3125 to also perceive the observer.”

“It will then attack the observer, killing him.”

“The mechanism of this attack remains unknown, but appears to be at least partially physical.”

“”Mental bystanders” who have similar thoughts and ideas to these observers will also be attacked.”

“This always includes the observer’s entire research team and often includes close relatives.”

“This attack would have a web-like effect, erasing all knowledge of SCP-3125 and its attacks from the world.”

“This informational”paralysis” effect is similar in function to the anesthetic saliva produced by a mosquito bite, allowing SCP-3125 to remain undetected until it fully manifests.”.

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