Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 143

Chapter 143 The Supreme Godhead is shattered into pieces! Flesh, blood, weakness, and mechanical ascension!

“Item #: SCP-217 [Mechanized Virus】!”.

“Object Class: Keter!”

“SCP-217 is a virus that cannot be cured by any means and is 100% infectious.”

“It infects all creatures in the animal kingdom and can be transmitted through physical contact or contact with bodily fluids.”

“SCP-217 has a very strong vitality and can survive outside the host’s body for several years.”

“The infection progresses slowly, with some projects not showing symptoms until years later.”

“SCP-217 will change the biochemical properties of the infected person’s organic tissue, causing the organic matter to reorganize and transform into”organic metal””

“The exact process of this process is still unknown, but its late symptoms have been documented.”

“The subject will begin to transform into a complex entity composed of gears and clockwork, which will replace the subject’s original biological functions.”

“Late stage infection is reported to be extremely painful, but early stage symptoms are often subtle, with only dullness, insomnia, and joint stiffness.”

“The heart will be replaced by gears and some small tubes, the joints will be gear trains, the eyes will be primitive”handheld” cameras, etc.”

“Except for mammals, SCP-217’s symptoms will begin externally.”

“In the case of mammals, it changes the internal structure of the object before its external features.”

“This will cause those infected to not know their infection status for a long time.”

“Symptoms: SCP-217 has demonstrated a property whereby no outwardly visible symptoms occur until the transformation is complete.”

“Those subjects who progressed from mid-stage symptoms to late-stage symptoms showed a decline in their mental status.”

“Subject will answer in a repetitive manner, behave in an awkward and robotic manner, become easily distracted and unresponsive, and become agitated when faced with new questions.”

“Subjects infected by SCP-217 do not report any major symptoms in the early stages, aside from increasing lethargy and a general lack of emotional responsiveness.”

“Some subjects will report feeling something”creeping” and”moving” beneath their skin, accompanied by a persistent”ticking” sound.”

“This clicking noise is particularly noticeable when SCP-217 infects the shoulders, neck, and head; however, the sound cannot be heard if a recording device is pressed against the infected area.”

“Initial infection of SCP-217, as already mentioned, is completely impossible to detect.”

“As infection progresses, subjects will begin to experience sharp,”tearing” pains in the”converted” areas.”

“The pain is comparable to that of a knife wound or deep muscle tear and may last for hours or days, depending on the item and the condition of the affected area.”

“The new clockwork devices appear to tear and rip muscle tissue for a short period of time, often before the devices become integrated with the surrounding tissue and the installation is complete, which is believed to be the source of pain.”

“The damaged areas will be”repaired” by replacing the tissue in those areas with new parts of the same type, such as gears.””

“Tests have shown that replacing the original biomechanical gear system with parts made of common materials such as wood, metal, and leather does not cause any adverse symptoms.”

When Lu Mo finished speaking

Everyone was stunned!

Completely dumbfounded!

This thing is actually a virus?

Is this true or false?

What kind of virus can transform a person into a cyber-mechanical life form out of thin air?

It can only be said that the horror of the containment is far beyond their imagination.

Now we need to make sure

Has the virus spread to other countries?

Also, when did the virus appear?

According to Lu Mo’s words

The incubation period of the virus is quite long

It can only be discovered in the middle and late stages

There is no way to detect it in the early stages.

If it hadn’t appeared before the more obvious containment objects like 682,

Human beings might be wiped out!

Even if there are fewer ways to spread this stuff……

“Guys! I keep hearing the ticking sound… am I infected?”

“I feel the same way! I just want to sleep every day!”

“It’s over! Are we going to be infected too? Damn it! When did the containment object appear?”

“There were shelters in the Xia Dynasty. When do you think shelters appeared?”

The viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were so panicked!

They are indeed worried that they will be infected

Because of this news, people all over the world now want to rush to the hospital.

Lu Mo also knew how much impact this news would have on humanity.


“You don’t have to worry about getting infected. This virus has mutated and will quickly turn humans into mechanical life forms.”

“Moreover, it has only appeared recently and only exists in Japan, not in other countries.”

Lu Mo’s containment radar also has the ability to detect a single containment

After discovering SCP-217, Lu Mo used the detection function

The virus really needs to be resolved quickly.

The virus only exists in the book

Moreover, the objects in this world are all the Foundation’s own deaths. I don’t know what kind of experiments they are doing.

That’s why all the shelters ran over here.

So don’t worry at all!

After hearing Lu Mo’s words, the people of Longguo basically calmed down.

Since it was Lu Mo who said it, it basically cannot be wrong!

Lu Mo also grabbed an SCP-217 instance and flew directly into the sky.

Through pseudo-omnipotence, a barrier is added to prevent gamma rays from escaping.

Gamma-ray burst activated decisively!

The terrifying gamma-ray burst eroded the entire island of Honko in an instant.

All life was destroyed in an instant.

In the face of the terrifying cosmic crisis of gamma-ray bursts

Whether you are a carbon-based life form or a silicon-based life form

There is no possibility of surviving.

Especially at such a close distance!

Others saw this as well.

Everyone was stunned

They had never expected that Lu Mo’s solution this time would be so simple and crude!

This wave down

It is directly equivalent to that there is no longer any Japanese country in the world!

The top leaders of other countries were suddenly shocked!

Now they can only hope that their country will not have such a

A virus that could lead to the destruction of all humanity

Other items are easy to handle

After all, most of the objects are single.

It won’t cause any large-scale epidemics.

But the virus is different.

It seems that the only way to contain the virus is to kill people!

As for condemning Lu Mo…… hehe!

Except for people with poor brain function, any normal person would not condemn it.

At that time, Lu Mo will throw the last virus infected body over.

Your country is destroyed.

You still want to condemn?

Just stay here quietly!

Even the so-called human rights organizations in the United States, a country that advocates”freedom” and”democracy”, dare not speak out.

They rebel because they can gain power and benefits.

Playing the game of condemnation with Lu Mo is tantamount to seeking death!

“Brothers! I didn’t expect that Boss Lu Mo’s way of handling this time was so simple and rough! I can only say that I like it!”

“Ahem! As we all know, Japan has been our territory since ancient times, so… Japan was destroyed by the virus attack, and we are going to help our vassal state!”

“That’s right! There is no cure for this virus, and Boss Lu Mo just wants to make sure they don’t suffer too much!”

“I like this simple and rough approach. This is a very good approach!”

The viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room expressed their full support for Lu Mo’s behavior!

You can only blame the book, you don’t have a cure

Plus, this thing is 100% contagious.

But the mortality rate……

In some respects it can be said to be 0

So there is nothing we can do!

That’s right!

That’s it

As for whether the parliament will have any objection……

Then we can only let the god of death ask them

Lu Mo also collected the last mechanical body in his hand

【Ding! ——Congratulations to the host for successfully containing SCP-217 and gaining the ability: mechanical limbs!】

Hearing the voice in his mind, Lu Mo was also stunned.

This ability still has something to it

Can be made from a variety of metals���Metal Limbs

Helping people regain mobility

Moreover, the manufactured limbs can 100% replicate the functions of the original limbs.

This directly leads people to the cyber route!

But for Lu Mo, this skill is limited to having something interesting.

To help restore the ability of limbs, a heart-stitching bear is enough

That thing costs less……

Just when Lu Mo was about to leave

I took a look at the containment radar.

A new containment point appears on the containment radar.

Seeing this, Lu Mo was also stunned.

What do the dim blue containment dots represent?

This aroused Lu Mo’s curiosity.

Rushed in one direction

Soon we arrived at a building that had been burned to ashes by a gamma-ray burst.

The manipulation of the celestial phenomena caused a huge storm here

The strong wind immediately cleaned up everything here.

Finally, everyone saw an object shining with metallic light in the ashes.

It’s about 20 centimeters.

Under normal circumstances, no one would notice such a small piece of metal.

But you have to know that Lu Mo just destroyed the entire Benzi Island through a gamma-ray burst

That temperature is something that none of the materials currently available to humans can withstand.

All metals will liquefy

They’re all connected

There can’t possibly be a perfect block of metal!

“Brothers! Isn’t this a containment object? The temperature of a gamma-ray burst is extremely high! Metal can’t withstand it at all!”

·· ··Request flowers····· ·······

“Indeed! The gamma-ray bursts from Master Lu Mo were equivalent to the energy of the sun for a long time, and they were definitely not something that could be blocked by human creations!”

“Mind alloy? But it seems that mind alloy can also be melted, right?……”

“Maybe it’s something else! See what Boss Lu Mo says!”

“I don’t know why, but I saw Chinese characters on this thing.……”

Everyone is looking at Lu Mo expectantly.

They are extremely curious about this thing!

Lu Mo also came to the metal block at this time

I took a look at it and didn’t react at first. What is this thing?

But when Lu Mo picked up the metal block, he saw four cracks underneath and it was covered with a brass-like substance.

I immediately realized what this thing was!

I didn’t expect to find something related to the Broken God in this book.

The two most well-known churches

Lu Mo felt that it was time for him to talk about the Broken God.

This just happens to be the reason!

Then speak directly

“Item #: SCP-1139 [Broken Tongue】!”

“Object Class: Euclid!”

“SCP-1139 is composed of a rectangular gray metal block, about 20cm high and 5cm long on the bottom.”

“The overall density is about twice that of iron, and the density increases as it approaches the top.”

“To date, the object has proven indestructible and it is impossible to date the item.”

“The sides have square protrusions distributed in an unrecognizable pattern”

“Anyone observing the object’s square protrusions would perceive it as capital letters in a familiar language, but this is just an illusion.”

…………. 0

“On the bottom of the object, there are four small gaps, all covered with a brass-like metallic substance.”

“These gaps indicate that the object could potentially be connected to an appropriate male interface.”

“No new effects were observed either by controlling or applying current directly to the cracks.”

“Affected by direct current, the object affects everyone within a certain radius through unknown means”

“Anyone within the effect radius begins speaking and writing in a new language, though they apparently believe they are speaking their native language”

“Affected individuals lose the ability to speak or understand any known language”

“Linguistic analysis showed that the new language was a mature language, but all attempts to translate it met with complete failure.”

“Subjects exposed to SCP-1139 have proven unable to learn or relearn any real-world language.”

“Class AA amnestics were successful in counteracting its effects, though subjects have since been of little use to the Foundation, and use of Class AA amnestics is not recommended for future testing.”

“The radius of effect is proportional to the exponential of the wattage of the applied current.”

“SCP-1139 was recovered in incident 98564/K”

“Mobile Task Force Delta-5 raids a Church of the Broken God outpost in Nomar”

“SCP-1139 In the basement of an elderly man who was apparently suffering from dementia and violent and was quickly executed”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Another obvious mechanical containment object.

And this time, it was named and it was related to the Church of the Broken God.

After all, it was found in a Church of the Broken God outpost.


The virus that could turn people into mechanical life forms

Is it also related to the Church of the Broken God?

“Brothers! Two mechanical creations in a row, these two things must be related to the Church of the Broken God!”

“Do you think the virus could be a conspiracy by the Church of the Broken God?”

“It’s possible! After all, the Church of the Broken God is all about flesh, blood, weakness, and mechanical ascension!”

“Alas! Humans are actually a bit unlucky, being sandwiched right between the big guys!”

Seeing the comments in the live broadcast room, Lu Mo smiled and continued to speak

“Whether it is the previous SCP-217 or the current SCP-1139”

“They are not considered Church of the Broken God’s possessions.”

“They are all related to the Broken God”

“The essence is part of the Broken God”

When Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

Broken God?

Church of the Broken God……

They felt that they might be about to meet a big boss again!

You know, the Church of the Broken God and Sarkicism are both religious organizations.

There must be an object of faith.

Will they finally know the power of the deity believed in by the Church of the Broken God this time?

At this moment, Lu Mo’s voice sounded again.

“SCP-1139 is part of the Broken God”

This sentence made everyone stunned again

Part of the Broken God?

So the Broken God is already torn into pieces?

The Pseudo-Broken God is already divine

The true master of the Broken God must be the Supreme Deity, there is no doubt about it!

Can this kind of existence be broken?

What on earth could have accomplished this?.

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