Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 139

Chapter 139 The moment you see me, is it the countdown to death?

Lu Mo ignored the words of the live broadcast room fans


There are too many things involved

It’s not that simple

As for now……

Let’s contain SCP-040 first.

“Forty, I’ll take you in for a while.”.

“I’ll let you out soon!”

Lu Mo squatted down and touched Forty’s head

Hearing Lu Mo’s words, Forty nodded in agreement.

Transparent space envelops SCP-040

【Ding! ——Congratulations to the host for successfully containing the SCP-040 Evolution Child and gaining the ability: biological transformation!】

This ability is exactly the same as that of Forty.

That’s a pretty decent ability.

However, it is limited to

After all, for Lu Mo

The modified organisms are not that strong.

It’s not as good as my own summon.

“Brother, will you still be a member of the Pandora’s Box team when you are forty?”

The witch girl finally met a man who was about the same age as her.

Of course I hope to be with Forty forever.

Looking at Lu Mo with great anticipation

“Yes! From now on, Forty will also be a member of the Pandora’s Box team”

Lu Mo smiled

But forty has not been released yet.

After all, the combat effectiveness of 40 is really not that high.

More of an auxiliary role

And now?……

There are two more people not far from Lu Mo. Anyway, we are here.

Then just deal with it!

Afterwards, Lu Mo also led the Pandora team and rushed in one direction! soon!

The crowd came to a forest.

The scene that appeared in front of everyone directly confused the viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room!

Everyone who saw the man falling from the tree felt a little nervous.

Is this guy overwhelmed by the presence of the containment?

He hanged himself directly.”!

At the man’s feet, there was a big white dog lying on the ground, watching Lu Mo and others warily.

“Brothers! To be honest, after the containment objects appear, many people’s stress will indeed increase!”

“That’s right, before Boss Lu Mo showed up, I also thought about committing suicide. I had no income. Although the country waived all the rent and mortgages, and someone provided me with food, the situation at that time was such that humans had no ability to fight back at all!”

“I have to say that dogs are loyal. Look, even after the person is dead, the dog is still lying on the ground guarding its owner!”

“That’s right! There are many such cases. The owner died and the dog has been waiting! Alas! Poor dog!”

When the fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room saw this scene, they immediately imagined a touching story between humans and animals.

This is always the most touching thing.


You talk about yourself, if you persist for a few days

Boss Lu Mo will suddenly appear!

But at this moment!

Something even more unexpected happened!

The man hanging on the tree suddenly twitched his legs twice

Need to know

This kind of neural reflex only occurs when a person has just died or is about to die.

And it is possible to save someone who has hanged himself!

Everyone suddenly became excited

They can’t bear to see a dog lose its owner

“Brothers! That person is still alive! The dog will not lose its owner!”

“I don’t know why this man hanged himself. What was the problem that he couldn’t handle?”

“It’s okay, he is lucky enough to have met Boss Lu Mo, and there is also the witch girl, who will definitely save him!”

“But why didn’t the Pandora’s Box team and Boss Lu Mo move? It’s impossible that they didn’t see it, right?”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room began to guess what happened after Lu Mo rescued the dog owner.

The big white dog looks excited

However, what puzzled everyone was that Lu Mo did not take the initiative to help the man.

Instead, I just stood there……

Why is this?

Lu Mo doesn’t want to save people?

This is impossible!

Since Lu Mo appeared in the public eye

He has been helping mankind

It’s impossible to say that you don’t want to save people.……

Is there some hidden secret?

That’s definitely the case!

Just when everyone was confused, Lu Mo’s voice rang out.

“Item #: SCP-1111 [White Dog】!”

“Object Class: Euclid!”

“SCP-1111-1 is an entity that resembles what we would normally call a domestic dog.”

“SCP-1111-1’s size changes depending on its distance from SCP-1111-2.”

“If directly beneath SCP-1111-2, SCP-1111-1 would be approximately 150cm tall at the shoulder.”

“SCP-The exact type of 1111-1 is still unknown. It has a hybrid appearance, with obvious features of both Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd.”

“SCP-1111-1 possesses white fur and red eyes, both of which glow in a manner proportional to the proximity of SCP-1111-2.”

“When the distance between SCP-1111-2 and SCP-1111-1 exceeds 500m, SCP-1111-1 gradually becomes translucent.”

“Additionally, SCP-1111-1’s speed, strength, and agility appear to be inversely proportional to its distance from SCP-1111-2.”

“A dog tag attached to a faded red collar around SCP-1111-1’s neck reads: LOYAL!”

“When left alone, SCP-1111-1 lies beneath SCP-1111-2. It does not appear to be asleep, but if it is, it will have its eyes fully open.”

“It doesn’t eat, drink, or even breathe.”

“If SCP-1111-1 becomes aware of any person or object approaching SCP-1111-2, it will quickly become hostile and attempt to destroy the intruder.���

“CP-1111-1 has significantly stronger physical abilities than an ordinary dog.”

“Video footage shows it can run at speeds of over 60km/hr, jump 6 meters high, and bite through 15mm thick titanium plating.”

“SCP-1111-1 appears to be incorporeal, and several attempts to destroy SCP-1111-1 or gain access to SCP-1111-2 have failed.”

“SCP-1111-2 appears to be a man hanging from a tree by ropes.”

“Subject was wearing a faded suit and gentleman’s shoes, both of which were too worn to properly identify the manufacturer.”

“SCP-1111-2 continues to twitch and spasm in a manner consistent with a suspended human, with occasional gasps for air.”

“These twitches increase in intensity and energy as SCP-1111-1 approaches SCP-1111-2, and decrease in intensity and frequency as the distance between them increases.”

When Lu Mo finished explaining the information about the white dog, everyone was stunned.

Good job!

Is there such a containment?

Indeed, they have seen all kinds of strange containment objects.

But I really didn’t expect that a hanged man and a dog could form a shelter.

Even more outrageous is……

This hanged man is still in an immortal state

Don’t you think this is torture?

“Brothers, I feel a little sympathy for that man now… Tell me! You dog, it would be fine if you could ask someone to go and put the man down!”

“Indeed! Nowadays, men have to endure the pain of hanging all the time. To be honest, the pain of hanging ranks among all the pains.……”

“Is it okay to shoot a man down with a gun from a long distance?”

“How could the Foundation not think of something that you can think of? It is estimated that it can be blocked by the white dog!”

“Absolutely amazing! I can only say that sometimes dogs mean well but do bad things!”

Everyone in Lu Mo’s live studio didn’t know what to say about this.


If you love your master, you shouldn’t let him suffer like this.

This kind of pain is really a bit torturous.…… miserable!

The man is so miserable!

“Brother, can I use my ability to help that uncle down?”

The witch girl looked at the current scene with some pity

After all, watching a person suffer the pain of hanging

It’s a bit too cruel for a child.

Lu Mo shook his head.

“No, that rope is fixed.”

“Will not be damaged in any way”

After hearing this, the witch girl also sighed deeply.


Sometimes, the containment objects can even harm themselves.……

But at this moment!

Another dog barked.

And the location is not in the direction of the white dog

This attracted everyone’s attention again.

Everyone turned their eyes to where the barking sound came from.

A pair of strange orange lights slowly walked out of the woods

This time people finally���I know what this thing looks like.

Unlike the pure white dog, a black dog with a completely black body, which even blocked out the light, appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the black dog’s orange eyes in the live broadcast room

Everyone’s heart trembled

It feels like something is staring at me!

“Brothers, do you have a feeling that you are being targeted by something?”

“Yes! It seems that the Dragon Kingdom Black Cat is considered an auspicious animal, but the black dog doesn’t seem to be considered one, right?”

“That’s right, black dog blood is used to restrain zombies. This thing is a bit evil!”

“You guys think this guy is a visual containment? I always feel like that eye is staring at me all the time!”

“It shouldn’t be possible! As for anything visual… Boss Lu Mo won’t let us see it!”

The fans in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room suddenly felt goose bumps all over their bodies……

This thing is so evil.……

Let Boss Lu Mo take him in as soon as possible.

It’s really not a good feeling to be stared at.……

At this moment, Lu Mo’s voice also rang out.

“Item No.: SCP-023 [Black Star】!”

“Object Class: Euclid!”

“SCP-023 is a large, genderless, black, long-haired canine creature, 1.5 meters tall at the shoulder, with a pair of bright orange eyes and a mouthful of protruding teeth…. ”

“When an individual comes into visual contact with SCP-023, they or one of their immediate family members will die within approximately one year of losing sight of the individual.”

“Although further testing has been postponed indefinitely, current data indicates that the individual is more likely to die than his relatives, and that no particular correlation between the victims is apparent, nor is there any preference for a particular type of victim.”

“This may mean that SCP-023’s victims are completely random, but there is no way to tell if the victims in previous test data died at the beginning or end of the 1-year period.”

“SCP-The autopsies of the victims of 023 revealed that they had no signs of injury on the outside, but the rest of their bodies were”filled” with highly compressed ash.””

“Other parts include but are not limited to any organ tissue and circulatory system”

“All victims’ muscle, bone and brain tissue showed signs of exposure to temperatures exceeding 3,000 degrees Celsius.”

“SCP-023 If contained in a facility that does not resemble a”crossroads” in appearance, it will be able to teleport out of the wall, reach the nearest area that meets the containment conditions, and incinerate all materials in its path.”

When Lu Mo finished introducing the Black Evil Star, everyone was stunned.

Completely confused


This time the containment is really special, it’s a visual containment?

You know, now people all over the world are watching Lu Mo’s live broadcast.……

How many people will die in this wave!

I guess everyone in the world wants to see the light!

“It’s over, it’s over! I just made eye contact with this black dog……”

“Me too!���Mo Da Lao’s live broadcast room didn’t say that all six billion people were there, but there must be four billion of them! Doesn’t this mean that we all have one year left to live?”

“I don’t know what you are listening to… Boss Lu Mo said that this guy is looking at you, and the black dog also wants to see you!”

“That’s right, they are all doing nonsense. If they can cause such a big harm, can Boss Lu Mo not shut down the live broadcast?”

“Come to think of it, the black dog and the white dog seem to look somewhat similar… basically the only difference is the eye color and coat color!”


Many viewers in Lu Mo’s live studio were desperate.

Damn, they saw the black dog’s eyes. Does that mean their life is counting down?

But fortunately, there are people who listen to popular science carefully.

Knowing that it is a mutual gaze, not a one-sided seeing

They also discovered a big problem.

Black Star and White Dog are somewhat similar……

The only difference between the two is the color, there is no difference in other aspects!

At this time, Lu Mo’s voice sounded again

“SCP-1111-1 and SCP-023 are likely variations of the same phenomenon, as they have been found to share several traits: sensitivity to geographic location, destructive nature, similar canine appearance”

After Lu Mo finished speaking, everyone was sure

These two are the same

But why is there such a big difference in ability between the same kind?

They also said before that there is no difference between the same species 1.3 containment

Now it seems that is not the case at all!

At this time, Lu Mo had no time to waste on these two dogs.

The transparent space directly wraps SCP-1111 as a whole

As long as it is not within the attack range of the white dog, it can be said that SCP-1111 is in a state of no resistance.

It’s pretty simple to contain

【Ding! ——Congratulations to the host for successfully containing the SCP-1111 white dog and gaining the ability: Virtualization!】

Hearing the voice in his head, Lu Mo also smiled.

This ability is pretty good.

Physical attacks are ineffective.

Not too useful in hand-to-hand combat.

I just don’t know what kind of abilities the Black Evil Star will give me?

At this time, Black Star was also stunned when he saw Lu Mo taking the white dog in.

It was immediately clear that I was no match for Lu Mo.

Just turn around and start running

There are many things in the woods that can be called crossroads.

The flames ignited the forest almost instantly.

Xiao Lian chased after him

There is no way a dog can outrun Xiao Lian, who can run at ten times the speed of sound.

Moreover, the sonic boom produced by Xiao Lian’s speed of sound can also extinguish the forest fire in an instant.

It didn’t take long for Xiao Lian to grab the Black Star.

However, the temperature of the Black Evil Star made Xiao Lian’s face change immediately.

Lu Mo smiled at this.

The telekinesis directly caught the Black Evil Star in front of him

Dragon energy activated!

A terrifying sense of oppression filled the Black Star.

Woo woo!——

Black Star admits defeat

A good dog knows how to admit defeat!

Lying on the ground motionless

The transparent space wraps up the black star

【Ding! ——Congratulations to the host for successfully containing SCP-023 Black Star and gaining the ability: Ashes!】

The effect of this ability immediately made Lu Mo’s expression become extremely surprised.…….

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