Live broadcast of popular science about SCP! The country is crazy about it!

Chapter 101

Chapter 101 Global Occult Coalition! GOC!

The other warriors were so envious when they saw Long Tian sitting on the Dragon Slayer!


Why is it Long Tian!

My own strength is not bad either!

After all, who wouldn’t want to drive something so high-tech?

Lu Mo’s strength doesn’t need a dragon slayer at all

In the future, the Dragon Slayer will most likely be used by people around Lu Mo.

There is no need to mention the Pandora’s Box team

There’s absolutely no use for this thing.

It can only be them!

As a result, Long Tian got ahead of him.

I guess the drivers behind them have nothing to do with them!


If looks could kill nowadays, Long Tian would have been riddled with holes!

And Long Tian also knew how to drive the Dragon Slayer immediately.

After all, this thing is a containment object made by the Foundation itself.

In order to make it usable

The operation is quite convenient

There is even artificial intelligence assistance.

Even untrained people can use it!

Then Long Tian rushed to the location of SCP-5007 as soon as possible!

This thing is used to deal with the invasion of MH monsters

Don’t be too easy dealing with some SCP-5007!

After Long Tian left, Lu Mo also began to popularize the information about SCP-5514 to everyone.

“Item #: SCP-5514 Dragon Slayer】!”

“Object Class: Confidential!”

“SCP-5514 is used as the primary defense for the ongoing MH”Behemoth Invasion” scenario”

“In this case, limited containment protocols are required”

“Due to the ongoing SK-Class”Broken Veil” scenario, SCP-5514 has no safety protocols.”

“SCP-5514 A large humanoid mechanical mobile armor built with the assistance of the Global Occult Alliance”

“SCP-5514 ago Used as part of the defense force for the currently ongoing MH”Behemoth Invasion” scenario”

“As a result, SCP-5514 engaged in combat and physical contact with the LSA.”

“SCP-5514 Successfully killed or incapacitated twelve LSAs”

“SCP-5514 uses a variety of anomalies in its construction”

“In view of the lack of defenses on Hy-Brasi1 and the presence of other LSAs in the world, Project KEY was established!”

“The KEY program quickly identified several problems with all potential forms of defense.”

“KEY Project immediately began designing and building similar robots, as this was the most feasible means of defense.”

“And with the help of the Global Occult Coalition, SCP-5514 was successfully created!”

“The following is a summary of some of SCP-5514’s key anomalous features.”

“Weight Reduction: SCP-5514 has largely shifted its material components into the attached pocket dimension, greatly reducing its physical weight.

This allows SCP-5514 to behave as if it were much lighter than it actually is, without sacrificing its integrity.”

“Power Source: SCP-037 has been implanted in SCP-5514’s chest.

The extradimensional ventilation port in the chest cavity releases about 99% of the energy into an empty half plane.

The remaining 1% of output is used to power SCP-5514”

“Flight system: Manipulation of this system allows independent flight”

“Defense: Through the use of conceptual engineering, SCP-5514 has been conceptually welded to the following: Earth, Human resilience and fortitude

These features combine to make SCP-5514 virtually indestructible, and its pilot indefatigable.”

“In addition to the anomalous subsystems and construction methods used to build SCP-5514, it is also equipped with a variety of anomalous weaponry”

“Beowulf-Sigurd Railgun: Shoulder-fired railgun

Use the abnormally altered gravity to shoot and aim

It will make the target suddenly heavier, causing the bullet to double its terminal velocity when it hits it.”

“Cold Iron Sword: The main weapon for attacking entities. Wounds caused by cold iron will not regenerate.”

“Recoil Plasma Disc: Wearable as a hat on SCP-5514, can be removed for ranged combat

The edge of the weapon is coated with plasma, which can be activated or deactivated under the control of the user.

Built-in electromagnet, so it can be retrieved after throwing even if manual operation is not possible”

“Thousand Word Arrows: Seven poets write and recite poems about the demise of large monsters, which are broadcast at high volume from SCP-5514 to weaken enemy morale.”

“Denial Plasma Wristband: Superheated plasma magnetically held on SCP-5514’s right wrist in the form of a blade, capable of penetrating nearly any substance”

“Emergency Solar Vent: As a last resort, it can close the single vent leading to SCP-037, releasing a portion of the energy output of the power system and the connected subspace into a primary energy beam.

Due to the high risk of collateral damage when firing, this should only be used as a last resort”

After Lu Mo finished talking about SCP-5514 Dragon

Everyone present had a look of surprise on their faces!

I couldn’t believe what I heard!


The Gundam that just flew out was completely made by humans themselves after catching it?

Is this too outrageous?

There are too many black technologies here!

Many of them they haven’t even heard of!

The development of electromagnetic weapons by humans is still in its early stages.

What’s the result?

It turns out that other people’s Gundams actually use gravity weapons!

Abandon electromagnetic weapons!

Does this mean……

Does the organization behind Lu Mo even possess a complete set of electromagnetic weapons technology?

Not only that!

This stuff even involves dimensional technology!

I don’t know how many years this thing is ahead of current human technology! besides!

What is the energy source SCP-037 that provides energy?

“Brothers! I realized that the world we live in…is completely different from the world that Big Boss Lu Mo described!”

“No wonder our country didn’t know about the existence of the organization behind Boss Lu Mo! I don’t know how long it has been since this level of technology surpassed that of humans!”

“Indeed! These organizations probably inherited the unsealed technology from ancient times! Otherwise, they wouldn’t be so far ahead of us!”

“Don’t you find these terms a bit strange? The Global Occult Coalition, the Royal College of Mages of Hy-Brasi1, the Hy-Brasi1 Government, and… Site-03!”

“Yeah! Besides the Global Occult Coalition, there seems to be other things that prevent people from joining! How many things do we not know?”

“What is the organization behind Boss Lu Mo? It must be stronger than the Global Occult Alliance, otherwise this thing would never have gotten into Boss Lu Mo’s hands!”

The expressions on the faces of the viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were full of shock!

I couldn’t believe what I heard!

There are so many things they don’t know! magic!

Gravity Technology!

Seven-character poetry!

Dimension Technology!

Space technology!

These things are in their impression

These are the kind of things that only appear in science fiction and Western fantasy novels!

And now you tell them that this is all true?

Isn’t this a bit too outrageous?


Lu Mo glanced at the comments in the live broadcast room, smiled, and continued speaking.

This time, we will start to popularize the relevant information about SCP-037!

“Item No.: SCP-037 [White Dwarf】!”

“Object Class: Euclid”

“SCP-037 appears to be a star with a diameter of about 5 cm”

“It has a brightness 1*10-12 times that of the sun’s surface and a surface temperature of 00K”

“SCP-The origin of 037 is unknown, however, analysis suggests that, aside from its unusually small size, it shares many properties with typical main sequence stars.”

“Theoretically, it enters the magnetosphere of the blue planet through the magnetic north pole of the blue planet”

“The object was discovered near the magnetic north pole of the Beaufort Sea in 19. CFS reported strong electromagnetic disturbances in the alert, followed by an extremely bright object descending from the sky towards the sea.”

“The destroyer SCPS Guardian responded and found the subject swaying erratically in an unstable orbit on the water.”

“Once containment procedures were planned, the subject was immediately sent to Site-32 for research.”

“SCP-The storage and transportation of 037 can be completed by powerful electromagnets. The workpieces of the equipment will be arranged and integrated by themselves through their own magnetic field.”

“The main challenge to containment so far has been its strong electromagnetic radiation, which is strong enough to be observed with the naked eye from high altitude orbit around the Earth.”

“Its current containment is located deep underground to prevent being seen and to allow radiation to escape into the surrounding bedrock.”

“In fact, the entire facility and the rock formation surrounding it act as a giant heat sink.”

After hearing this, everyone was even more surprised!


The energy source of SCP-5514 is a white dwarf that is almost equivalent to having unlimited energy?

This energy……

There’s no need to worry about the mecha running out of energy!

No wonder the mechas can fight continuously!

More importantly!

I don’t know how to do it.

This thing… (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This thing is so cool that it can make the human body tireless!

But driving this thing

Is it directly equivalent to having a top-notch weapon that will never get tired and will never run out of energy?

And those weapons……

And they are all made using technology that humans cannot fully understand now!

Isn’t this a bit too inhumane?

They are not aware of other organizations involved in manufacturing

But aren’t your Global Occult Alliance and Hy-Brasi1 Royal School of Mages a little too powerful?

In addition, this time, the popular science of SCP-037 has something that surprises them even more.

What is Site-32?

Lu Mo did not intend to let people know about the foundation so early.

As for the Global Occult Coalition……

If you know, you will know!

Comparison with other Churches of the Broken God, Sarkicism, and the Foundation

The Global Occult Coalition has a relatively short development period[]

It is also something that people can accept more easily!

At this time, Lu Mo’s voice also rang out.

“The Global Occult Coalition, abbreviated as C!”

“The GOC was founded in the aftermath of World War II by the remnants of rebellious occultists, mediums, priests, and scientists from the moustache, the bear, and other countries.”

“They were brought together and formed by an organization.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

I never thought it would turn out like this.

So the Global Occult Alliance is not the same organization as Lu Mo’s.

And the same with these guys from the Sarkic cult

Is it an organization that has been passed down from ancient times?


The containment object actually appeared a long time ago.

But I don’t know why all of them are now appearing in people’s field of vision?

Is there some bigger conspiracy here?

Everyone was stunned!

Especially Comrade Chuan Jianguo! after all……

As the leader of the United States

He is also one of the most powerful people in the world!

He had never heard of such an organization!

What terrifying technology does these organizations have?

They were able to hide in a modern country for so long. and!

This is an organization that only emerged in modern times!

Isn’t it a bit too much that your technology is so much more advanced than ours for a modern organization?

“`.Guys! I knew it! Mustache must have had a lot of cool technology back then!”

“Now there is still information about Site-03, Site-32 and the Hy-Brasi1 government that we don’t know about!”

“Really! My worldview has been shattered!”

“What about the Global Occult Coalition, what about Sarkicism… and all the things that the containment objects have done.…”

“Indeed! Do you think it is possible that these are all parallel worlds? After all, parallel worlds do exist now!”

“This shouldn’t be possible! So many of these objects have come to us, how could they be from a parallel world?”

All the viewers in Lu Mo’s live broadcast room were stunned!

Completely dumbfounded!

I couldn’t believe what I heard!

All this has trampled history to pieces!

How terrifying was the black technology used by Little Mustache at that time!

It can even allow organizations with thousands of years of history to seek cooperation! besides!

The organization that facilitated the creation of the Global Occult Coalition……

Could it be your organization, Boss Lu Mo?

Curiosity has taken over everyone’s heart!


They didn’t wait for Lu Mo to speak again!


Time flies!

Not long

Long Tian sent a communication

“Mr. Lu! I have now disposed of all the SCP-5007 here!”

You can clearly hear the excitement coming from Long Tian’s voice.

After all, the capabilities of this Gundam are truly terrifying!

Anything in front of you is just a shoulder cannon!

As for the battle here, it is almost over!

As Uncle 682 bit an SCP-5391 instance to death with his last bite

Lu Mo also came to the corpses on the ground……

The transparent space enveloped the bodies of all the giant beasts present at this time.……

【Ding! —(Nuo Wang Zhao)—Congratulations to the host for successfully containing the resurrection of SCP-5391 and gaining the ability: summon a behemoth!】

【Ding! ——Congratulations to the host for successfully containing SCP-5007 Bass Strait. Ability obtained: Body splicing!】

First of all, the first ability is quite simple

It is to give Lu Mo the ability to summon the SCP-5391 entity!

These guys’ fighting power is still pretty good!

It can be said that it is top-notch among all Lu Mo’s summons!

As for the second ability……

It’s just trash!

Quite trash!

It is to give Lu Mo the ability to splice other people’s limbs onto his own body

I think no one would want this kind of weird ability! after all……

I still look pretty good!

It becomes the kind of san value that drops…… sorry! unnecessary!

And at this moment!

Lu Mo also took a look at the containment radar!

Once again, a golden divine containment point was discovered!

The color of the gatekeeper’s shelter is bright golden!

There is also an ordinary divinity!

Because the distance was too far

It made Lu Mo feel that there was only one divine storage point here.

I didn’t expect that!

There are still many good things in the beautiful country!

Moreover, the positions of these two divinities are quite close.

This made Lu Mo curious.

Are there other divine objects surrounding the gatekeeper?

Very interesting!

And Long Tian also came back at this time

I was very reluctant to get off the Dragon Slayer.


Happiness is always short-lived

I can’t fly the Gundam anymore.……

As for the other warriors, they stared at the dragon slayer. Next time, if Boss Lu Mo chooses someone

You must raise your hand actively!

Lu Mo also took the dragon slayer away

I don’t need this stuff for now.

After all, this thing is used to deal with MH monster invasions.

Then everyone rushed in that direction! soon!

Everyone saw the scene in the direction of the collection.

A huge snow mountain appeared in front of everyone.

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