Live broadcast: longing for life in the sea

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Xiaoyu, who got the secret of success, couldn't help but smile, looked at the rather low puddle, and rolled up her little sleeves like her uncle.

Lin Changfeng took Xiaoyu to a puddle, took out a small fishing rod for her, and loaded it with primary bait.

Xiaoyu sat on a small stool like a little adult. Lin Changfeng opened a big umbrella and fixed it between the cracks of the reef. In a blink of an eye, he became a well-armed fishing expert.

"I'm envious! I also want such an uncle..."

"Oh, woman..."

"Oh, man..."

"I went fishing a few days ago, and when I came back, I was sunburned into black charcoal. Now I feel extremely wronged..."

"What is this called? If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his weapon. Xiaoyu has the backing of the king of the sea. Isn't it easy to deal with these shrimp soldiers and crab generals?"

"Wait? Something bit the hook? What the hell?"


The people who were still teasing and envious started to exclaim in disbelief one after another.

Xiaoyu watched excitedly, bit the hooked big lobster, tightly held her small fishing rod with her two small hands, and cheered happily.

"Uncle, a beautiful lobster has taken the bait!"

Xiao Yugang was about to call his uncle to help, but found that the opponent's struggle was unexpectedly weak, so he lifted up with both hands, and lifted up the colorful lobster.

Xiaoyu looked at the big lobster fluttering in the air with a smile, and the joy she reaped later made her put this question behind her.

Standing next to Xiaoyu, Lin Changfeng was not in a hurry to help, but was amazed by the powerful effect of Sanwei Zhenshui, and gave pointers and arrangements personally after a slight smile.

"Catching lobsters and crabs is the same, first bring them to the shore, and then gently step on their backs with little feet wearing overshoes...

Yes, that's it, and then grab the carapace on their backs, avoiding the range that their claws can attack, Xiaoyu is really awesome, come on, take a photo...! "

Looking at Xiaoyu, who was quite happy in front of the camera, and the beautiful lobster in her hand, everyone's eyes became dizzy for a while, and their eyes became a little dull.

Gluttonous people reward rocket × 10.

"Xiaoyu baby cow P!! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh

Domineering Qi rewards Rocket × 10.

"Damn it? Is it because I can't lift a knife anymore, or is the current Jianghu too drifting..."

Don't brag, don't black, tip rocket x 1.

"Oh my lord, the times have changed!"

"I didn't expect that I have been in the fishing world for decades, and I can't even compare with Xiaoyu..."

"I used to suspect that someone was diving, and the prey hung on it. Now I am wrong, I am guilty...!"

"Xiaoyu is too powerful...


Xiaoyu, who got the first harvest, naturally couldn't be satisfied like this. He stared straight at his uncle with big black eyes.

Lin Changfeng first instructed her to take down the big lobster and put it in the bucket, then looked at the bait wrapped in muslin on the hook, smiled slightly and continued.

"Xiaoyu, you can go fishing here, I'll go over there to see if there are any big ones."

Xiaoyu, who is a little addicted, nodded excitedly, waiting for the feeling of being bitten. Even many adults can't control it.

This is also why, there is such a saying circulating in the rivers and lakes.

Three generations of photography are poor, and SLR ruins a lifetime. If it is for fishing, it will lose its son and grandson...

These are the bloody stories and lessons of countless ancestors, but for Xiaoyu, this is not a problem at all.

As long as there is primary bait wrapped in it, anyone who can bite the bait will jump up from this large shallow puddle.

Before Lin Changfeng reached the beach, Xiaoyu cheered again, and saw a small palm-sized grouper hanging on her fishing rod.

Seeing that Dahei was not far away from Xiaoyu, Lin Changfeng felt relieved, put on his gloves emphatically, glanced at the two guys who were wandering in the puddle opposite him, and said with a calm smile.

"Should we make a bet, I think their harvest must be inferior to Xiaoyu..."

Fans who have already reached more than 6 watched Xiaoyu's shocking performance of being hooked once in a few minutes, and they all swallowed their saliva and expressed their approval.

"With Xiaoyu's luck, no one can stand it..."

"In less than 10 minutes, I have already been hooked 4 times, I am so sour...!"

"I think finding Xiaoyu as an apprentice... should make me stand out..."

"The anchor Xianyu has been around for a long time, what is he going to do?"

"Neptune has always only dealt in big goods. Looking at him like this, could he have discovered something?"


Lin Changfeng looked at the surging tide, slapping a large piece of towering reef, staring at the densely packed barnacles on the reef, his eyes lit up involuntarily.

Lin Changfeng took out the iron hook carried behind his back, bent down slightly, and spoke excitedly to the camera.

"Did you see it?"

The camera probed in the direction of Lin Changfeng's finger, but only saw layers of turbulent sea water, which was beginning to slowly impact, hitting the reef layer by layer.

The turbulent waves are mixed with dense foam, carrying the turbulent impact of nature, setting off layer after layer of shocks.

"That's where the most turbulent water flow meets. Few sea escapers and sea chasers are usually willing to go to this kind of place, because the water flow is turbulent there, and the undercurrent is also turbulent under the water surface.

But at the same time, there is also a very unique and precious little seafood, which is what I will get later..."

While talking, Lin Changfeng came over again and told Xiaoyu not to get close to the sea, and then took out a slender shovel and net from the tool bag carried by Dahei.

Seeing Lin Changfeng's seriousness, the whole live broadcast screen became quiet at this moment, and people speculated about what Lin Changfeng was going to do.

But he saw Lin Changfeng take out a large bundle of tough rope and tie it to a large rock.

In order to prevent being cut by the sharp oysters and rock side edges, the small oysters and conchs attached to the surface are knocked off with a slender iron hook.

Seeing Lin Changfeng making such a big battle, Wang Bazhi, who was sitting in the office, suddenly raised his eyebrows, patted his forehead lightly and exclaimed.

"No way? Aquaman wouldn't be so desperate, would he?"

Domineering Qi rewards Rocket × 10.

"I guessed what Neptune is going to do, but isn't this too crazy?"

"Damn it... there are too many big bosses, is this live broadcast room really so charming?"

"Did you guess what Aquaman is going to do?"

"It must be something big."

Gluttonous reward spaceship x1.

"I know what Neptune is going to do, I've pre-ordered things's not easy..."

"Damn it? Awesome!!"

"Really rich woman..."

"Are there so many people in this small live broadcast room? What the hell? What is the anchor doing? Jumping into the sea?"


Seeing the dense barrage and the large spaceships flying across, Lin Changfeng raised his eyebrows slightly, raised the iron hook in his hand and the net that he was pinning to see, smiled and continued.

"It seems that many big fans have already guessed what I'm going to do, so I'll start working, and let everyone see what the real life of rushing to the sea is."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Changfeng's figure disappeared directly into the camera, which caused a horrifying exclamation from the new fans.

In the end, the picture suddenly stood upright, and at the same time, it went all the way down from the top, meeting Lin Changfeng who was sliding down while pulling the rope.

I saw Lin Changfeng skillfully loosening and tightening the rope tied around his waist, stepping on the rock wall again and again.

Skilled and making people scream involuntarily, they fell down quickly. The thick water boots were tightly bound by ropes to prevent slipping.

Chasing Lin Changfeng, he stepped on the side of the reef full of Penghu and oysters between jumps and slips, making the sound of tiny shellfish breaking.

Behind Lin Changfeng, there are surging and immortal sea waves, the sea water that is constantly slapping, splashing one after another.

The closer the camera came, the more shocking the surging sound came out. Such a scene made everyone silent for a while.

"Oh? Here we are, there are a lot of goods, and now we're getting rich!"

Lin Changfeng's joyful cry drew everyone's attention back, and the camera followed Lin Changfeng's line of sight to the green-brown reef covered with dense clams and barnacles.

All the audience looked blank, only some caring people let out inexplicable exclamations one after another.

The entire live broadcast screen began to boil, and the dense variety of gifts made the already exaggerated bounty offer take another step forward in an instant.

"30! My dear...!"

Even Li Yuzhu touched her forehead involuntarily. Yesterday's reward of nearly 17 already made her ecstatic, and today she was even more shocked.

Looking at the white clouds flowing outside the plane, Li Lezhu clenched his fists lightly, waiting to talk to Lin Changfeng about signing the contract immediately after arriving at Fangzhang Island in the afternoon.

Then Li Yuzhu stared at the camera intently, praying silently in his heart.

Lin Changfeng, don't let anything happen to you!

Fan doesn't want to do such a dangerous job!


The crisp cracking sound spread slowly, and the thick and tough shovel pierced directly into the cracks in the rock.

Four or five small pieces of conch and shells were torn into pieces by the powerful force.

Captured by the high-resolution lens, dense dots of debris splashed out.

A turbulent sea wave came with a sudden impact, and it rose violently in an instant, enveloping Lin Changfeng completely.

This sudden change caused all the audience to exclaim, and even quite a few viewers who were watching the live broadcast suddenly stood up, ready to get up and escape.

Not only because the turbulent waves are so surging, but also because of the realistic picture effect, which makes them extraordinarily energetic.

Shaking his hair lightly, a little bit of crystal clear sea water was thrown off.

As if nothing had happened, Lin Changfeng confirmed that the shovel had been fixed, then took out the pickaxe hanging from his waist, and aimed it at the hard-edged reef on the other side and smashed it down viciously.

Another turbulent wave came crashing, and the tumbling waves directly surrounded Lin Changfeng.

Even though I was mentally prepared, I saw the scene of the raging waves rushing towards me, and the loud shock caused by the violent splashing of the water on the rocks.

It is not difficult to imagine the power and pain contained in these waves hitting Lin Changfeng.

As if he hadn't been affected in any way, Lin Changfeng tied the shovel and pickaxes with the ropes he had prepared to make a simple swing.

Then, under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, Lin Changfeng bent down slightly, and the camera also fell down with him, revealing a narrow and deep gap.

Densely packed barnacles appeared in front of people.

The barnacles in front of me are different from the densely entangled varieties on the wall, but instead, they are like tiny ghost claws one after another, clinging to the center of the gap.

Another bucket of turbulent sea water hits violently, even engulfing the live broadcast screen for a bit, after the sea water and waves disappeared again.

In front of the lens stained with crystal luster, Lin Changfeng said happily after wiping the sea water on his face.

"Look, a large group of ghost-clawed snails, this is really a fortune..."

Risks and benefits coexist, and hard days are always the majority. This is people's daily life, and it is not easy for anyone in the world.

The ghost claw snail is a dangerous treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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