Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 9

I was moving between classes when I was waylaid. No basically kidnapped by Akeno's supernaturally strong arms grabbing my mind and without even a warning I was turned to an empty classroom. "Uhh, this is rather sudden?" I said as Akeno let go of me and leaned against the classroom door with a mischievous smile across her face.

"Ufufu. Is the thought of me pulling you into an abandoned classroom a bit too stimulating for you?" She teased and with me only chuckling she lost her teasing smile as she took on a more serious look.

"Jake, Rias needs to speak with you later today after school about important topics. When you are free, please come to the old school building and..." She hesitated for but a moment before she surprisingly leaned in, and I felt her knee press between my legs and against my groin as she all but wrapped herself around me through my thin Kuoh dress shirt I was reminded how the girls Kuoh top was rather thin as I felt a couple of nubs on my chest.

"Dealing with that fallen... His agony made me wet." She hotly whispered before pulling back and left without another word leaving me alone in the empty classroom hard, and with a wry smile.

'Well, that was a thing...' I thought as I adjusted myself, so I didn't have my manhood tenting the dress pants of Kuoh's uniform.

Thankfully with Akeno's all but hatred of Fallen angels, I knew I wouldn't get in any real trouble for 'killing' Dohnaseek as he was the one who attacked me without any due cause.

"I am going to bend that girl over and spank her though," I growled as being cock teased was never fun and Akeno definitely took joy in leaving me high and dry.


The rest of the day was a blur of boring schoolwork with the only exception of Aika Kiryuu the girl with the 'magical' ability to scout out the size of men's dicks through their clothes literally took out a megaphone from the sports announcers and while standing atop the school she loudly explained to the whole school that Issei was now in the bottom twenty percent of the guys with the smallest dicks...

Yeah, nothing like a girl literally using a megaphone and a reputation for knowing the exact dicksize of some dude even through their clothes and taking that info to lambast some poor bastard for revenge when they that day stole her panties to fuck with the female pervert as she made fun of them for whatever reason.

"Wonder if Issei is even going to show up to school tomorrow." I muttered as I knew in every fiber of my being that if someone in my school did that in my mundane previous life to me, I would be so humiliated that I would rather be homeschooled than look at my 'friends' making fun of my supposed dick size.

Rather than continue to wonder if my little dick shrinkage spree on the perverted trio had been noticed I shoved that series of thoughts away as I made my way toward the old schoolhouse building before, I frowned heavily as I saw something that shouldn't have at all been here...

'Why the hell is a tropical Toucan sitting outside the school building.' I thought before I made a connection to it possibly being a familiar of Riser Phenex or his family, so after a moment as I took in the gaudy bird with its highly colorful beak I mentally said fuck it and made a dart shoot from my hand covered in a powerful paralytic and sleeping agent making the bird teeter fall off the tree it was perched in to stare into the club buildings windows, and into my arms.

After I made my way into the club building, I saw Koneko sitting on a seat obviously waiting for me to enter the school building, so she put away the DS-like game system she was playing on and frowned seeing me carrying the bird. "Saw this extremely non-native bird staring into your clubhouse windows and thought it may have been a loose familiar or something of yours."

Koneko's face changed from a light frown to a full-on scowl and spoke. "Good job catching that... Yeah no, it's not one of ours and if anything, Rias will enjoy de-feathering and mailing it back to their owner." Koneko said as I handed the Toucan to the white-haired girl, and she carelessly held the bird by its beak with one hand as she turned around. "Come on, President has been annoying all day about wanting to talk to you again." She said as she led me into the clubhouse.

I then followed the petite white-haired devil through the clubhouse and neither of us bothered to make conversation as I knew Koneko was a rather quiet person, especially with people, she didn't really know.

Once the two of us and the Toucan Familiar entered the seemingly main room in the club building, I saw Rias sitting behind the large ornate desk in the middle of the room with Akeno standing behind her and Kiba was already sitting on one of the two couches placed in the room along with the half dozen seats.

"Prez, the pervert has sent a spy." Koneko deadpanned dropping the still unconscious familiar atop Rias's desk and making the Gremory heiress scowl in anger before she took a deep breath Koneko went on to explain how I found it staring into the Clubhouse's windows.

"Jake, thank you for bringing this to my attention. The fact that you helped me catch... An enemy of my mine in his act of spying on me will help with some soft power." Rias said and I knew that the Toucan was most definitely Riser's familiar or perhaps even Ravel's, his sister's familiar possibly.

"No problem," I said as I took a seat in one of the seats arrayed in front of Rias's desk. "So I was told by Akeno that you needed to speak with me of something of importance. Is it about the Fallen I dealt with yesterday?" I asked frankly as I kept down the grisly memories of the Fallen's face melting in my super acid.

Rias had to throw a dirty look at Akeno as she was interrupted from speaking when Akeno however shivered and fucking moaned of all things when I brought up the Fallen, I 'killed' "Yes... That is part of why I wanted to speak with you, however on a more pressing note I will speak candidly." Rias spoke before taking a deep breath and her eyes firmed as she stared at me.

"Jake Bariss, I want you to join my peerage. Will you please give me the honor of accepting you into my family and help us all achieve our dreams?" She asked as she leaned forward towards me with her soft blue eyes seemingly digging into me.

"Uhm this is a lot to drop on me... I mean I know I won't be mistreated, will I?" I asked rhetorically and she vehemently shook her head with her long crimson locks waving around.

"Hells and by Lucifer I would never mistreat my Peerage. I love them as much as I do my own blood family and I trust and want to bring you in on that care in time..." She said shyly and I could only drag my hands down my face as I wondered if I needed to put this off and play coy or something.

But then I mentally shook that thought off as I looked at the almost shaking form of Rias who was obviously dreading a refusal as well as Akeno who was standing behind her king and had her hand on her shoulder to steady her and I realized when Akeno smiled and gave me an encouraging nod.

I didn't need to play mind games. These people already accepted me with Rias's desire of me within her peerage. "Alright, Rias... You hit the lottery.' I said slumping into my chair just as Rias threw her arms up in excitement and squealed in happiness.

"Yes! Haha, thank you, Jake!" Rias cried out as she pulled out a chessboard from her desk and then with a clatter a set of pawns and other pieces fell onto the table and then Rias hummed in thought as she moved across the table to stand beside me who was forced by Akeno to stay in the chair.

"Uhm Jake, do you want a Rook, Bishop, or a Pawn piece?" She asked but I had to scratch my head in response while Akeno rested the palms of her soft hands on my shoulders to keep me from moving during the reincarnation process, I suppose.

"Uhm about that..." I muttered. "I actually have a sacred gear. Can I bring it out?' I asked I felt Akeno's grasp on my shoulders tighten for a moment but as Rias's eyes widened and she hurriedly nodded I made the Boosted Gear appear on my right arm.

Needless to say, Rias Gremory a devil heiress, who like all devils absolutely loved having humans with sacred gears join their peerages, could instantly recognize the red armored dragon's bejeweled gauntlet as the fucking Boosted Gear a mid-tier Longinus.

"I think only all your pawns will be able to reincarnate me, Rias," I spoke as Rias's face went through a series of emotions before she grinned and nodded. "Alright, I will only have one Pawn I guess." She said as she took the pile of eight pawns after a bit of awkward testing she placed five pawns on my chest and seeing absolutely no reaction she frowned before shrugging and placed all her pawns including what looked like a mutated pawn piece atop my chest.

The final piece. The glowing mutated pawn piece was the trick that made reincarnating me even possible even as I suppressed my unicorn and other special modifications that made me too strong for Rias's Evil Pieces to reincarnate me.

Finally, the pile of Pawns sunk into my chest with a purple light surrounding them and I felt the Evil Pieces enter my body through my Bio powers they entered my body and began to force my body to mutate towards becoming a Devil, I followed the process and only changed some tiny details like the weakness towards holy light that was imprinted into all Devil DNA and the small aversion to sunlight.

Officially a devil within the Gremory clan I looked over to Rias who was still doing a little dancing jig about snagging a Longinus wielder. "Sooo. Rias, how jealous do you think Sona is going to be that I joined you, Haha." I couldn't but chuckle at the thought of how Sona's strict face scrunching up like she tasted something oh so sour when she heard another priceless peerage member joined Rias with no difficulties.

Rias found my words to be something akin to a prophetic getting word from their god as her already gleeful face turned into a smug grin as she spoke. "Ha! That flatty has been so smug about her having a much more filled-out peerage than me and now look! I got a Longinus in my Peerage Haha." Rias said before I saw her shrug and I could only groan as her curvy form almost sent my seat tipping backward as she half dived, half dropped into my lap and stomach giving me a tight hug and burying my face into her tits.

"This is such a great day!" Rias crowed from above me and I could hear her heartbeat with how tight I was being held to her chest and I nodded in agreement as being buried in tits does equal a great day in any sane man's book.

After Rias was finally pulled off of me by Akeno I had to get the celebrating Devil heiress's attention as she was messing with her cell phone probably texting Sona or something. "Rias what is to happen with the other Fallen here?" I asked and Rias sharply looked up and then I went on to explain how Dohnaseek said that there was a small cell of Fallen operating in her territory.

Rias frowned and cupped her hands together as Akeno interjected. "Prez, we should send them packing... You know how I feel about the Fallen but them invading your territory and attacking your citizens is an affront that will stick to you for years if you simply let them go." Akeno spoke and Rias had no way to deny her words as the truth.

The thing was that, with the Devil society so focused on strength and nobility that allowing someone to impinge upon your territory and destroy your resources with no retaliation would only make her look weak. Not to mention with her brother being literally the new Lucifer she was held accountable for keeping a strong appearance for Devils in general.

"I... Alright, we will all move tonight to the abandoned church where they most certainly are based and then we will order them to vacate the city on pain of being captured and given to Serafall Levithan for being active participants in the Great War." Rias acquiesced and I didn't say anything as both a new peerage member I had no idea what I could even say to begin with when it came to dealing with Raynare's little cell of Fallen.

Then with the little details about our plan to force out the Fallen squatting in Rias's territory finagled, Rias and Akeno went out of the clubhouse so that they could go speak with Sona about their coming little operation so that way it didn't look like we were going over her fellow King's head.

"So Koneko, Kiba, do either of you plan on making your own peerage?" I asked as I relaxed in the clubroom with the two as the peerages buxom ladies left the room.

But both of them firmly shook their heads to my question with Koneko answering first. "Too much work doing all the exams and with the Great War going cold, battlefield promotions haven't been done for years."

Kiba said just about the same, but his reasoning was that he wanted to continue to repay Rias with his service for a long while. "Fair enough," I muttered shrugging.

"Do you already have plans for having your own peerage, Jake?' Kiba asked me with a wry smile, and I threw up my hands as I honestly wanted to get to the status of a High-Class Devil so I didn't have the stigma of being Rias's servant and more of her partner as that's how High-Class Reincarnated Devils were typically treated by their previous masters.

"I mean kind of? I want to work up the ranks of Devil society as being on the bottom of the totem pole isn't great but with me having the Boosted Gear, I am most worried about the White Dragon Emperor more than anything." Honestly, I wanted a peerage to help me deal with Vali's whole menagerie of battle junkie murder hobos.

"You will work up the ranks fast," Koneko mumbled from where she was sitting beside me on one of the couches but after she spoke, I noticed she was taking some deep whiffs of the air and I realized she was probably inhaling the light pheromones I was putting out through my powers and the dragon aura that came from being the wielder of the Boosted Gear.

But before I could say anything about Koneko, the doors to the clubroom burst open with Rias stomping inside growling and her crimson hair aglow with her Power of Destruction.

Then Akeno daintily in comparison to the raging bull that was Rias, came in and closed the door behind her and came to sit on the other side of me as the whole peerage stared at the fuming form of Rias Gremory.

"What happened with Sona?" I asked breaking the awkward silence and Rias's eyes snapped to me before softening after she brushed her hands over her face.

"It's a massive fucking mess... Apparently, the Fallen cell had a Familiar there themselves during the attack on you Jake. So in their ever so bright mind, they decided to kill one of Sona's potential recruits in Genshiro Saji and even went as far as to almost completely destroy his body so he couldn't be reincarnated, only leaving his head behind so he could be easily identified." Rias snarled slapping the table in front of her before taking a deep breath.

"Sona and I talked to Serafall Levithan, the Satan of Diplomatic affairs and she has green-lit the capture and if necessary, eradication of the Fallen and likely rouge exorcists that always follow their Fallen ilk." Rias explained with a ghost of a smile flashing by Akeno's face before instantly disappearing under her 'princess mask'.

"Wait so we are just going to kill them? As they are most certainly going to resist" I asked with an upraised eyebrow and Rias hesitated before nodding and I nodded, thinking for a moment before I sighed.

"Rias, I believe I should make something about my abilities clear." Summoning my Boosted Gear in one hand I then bio manipulated my other hand into a draconic clawed monstrosity that had glowing purple fluids coating the edge of the claws. "My Boosted Gear is my hammer in battle, but I have a scalpel in my knowledge of Flesh crafting. Would it be possible for me to keep the Fallen corpses or even capture them so I can make something useful of them?"

Rias wasn't a cruel person, so she obviously frowned at my words, but I quickly spoke again. "I will be completely wiping their winds, so they won't have any memories, and being turned into something completely different will exempt them from causing any diplomatic issues," I explained and she shared a look with Akeno who practically was vibrating in her seat at the thought.



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