Limits Of The Flesh In DXD

Chapter 6

Rias and Akeno made great hosts together until eventually with it only being our first time meeting with little knowledge of one another we decided for me to leave Rias's club building with how school had already ended, and it was likely that Sona was busy with paperwork so I would be able to escape said school unmolested if I was careful.

"Jake, it was a delight to have you here, but I need to go get Koneko from her classes, so she doesn't go and buy out one of the neighboring snack stores of their entire stock again," Akeno said excusing herself and I nodded standing up from the couch me and Rias were sharing as we talked and played some video games and bashed some anime.

"Alright Akeno don't be a stranger," I replied as I made sure I had everything together in my school bag that I luckily had on my shoulders when Akeno teleported me.

But Rias who was in the background and pouting decided that with it getting late into the twilight hours I decided to head home before it got dark. "Jake, why don't you stay for dinner or something to meet my Peerage?" She asked as she folded her arms underneath her prodigal breasts.

I shook my head as it would be kind of weird to jump so far into joining for dinner in what amounted to being her family in our first meeting. "Rias I don't want to intrude and from what you have said, your peerage is literally your family and I feel like I would be a third wheel in that," I said awkwardly as I brushed my hand through my golden hair and as I did so I saw Rias's eyes lock on my shimmering golden hair.

It's like I came over to visit a new school friend and they decided to invite me to their Thanksgiving Dinner with all their extended family members as apparently from Akeno's appearance this whole group dinner thing was unusual, to say the least.

"Oh come on Jake... Fine then." Rias muttered before standing up across from me and I froze as Rias's serious face made me think she was going to do something. Very drastic and I was partially right as the Devil Heiress did just that. "I Rias of the Gremory House, ranked Duke, formally entreat you to stay the night within my holdings and enjoy an informal dinner with my entourage."

Now Rias just pulled a hardball move on me as flat-out refusing would be an insult to her very noble house as I had already said I had nothing else to do for the day earlier to one of Rias's not-so-innocent questions. Not to mention being this forceful wasn't like her from what I knew of her normal personality, or was that normal personality I saw colored from only needing to present an easy boob view for Issei to distract him?

"Not leaving me much room for refusal Rias," I muttered wryly as I saw Akeno herself looked... Wet. At how uncomfortable I looked.

But Rias seeing weakness just continued. "I do not any mean offense at all, but I believe getting my Peerage to know you and allowing you to become acquainted with them will prove helpful for all parties." Then she coughed as she smiled with an odd light to her tone. "Plus, I bet Koneko and Kiba will like you, as they are good people as I can already feel you are."

I could only blink at her labeling me a 'good person' which I obviously wasn't going to go some edgy rant about how I wasn't some nice guy and I loved to go around in my spare time shrinking the dicks of everyone I met.

"Alrighty then... So, what's for dinner?" I asked as I dropped my school bad in surrender to my circumstances while Rias obviously whirled on her Queen and all but caretaker at times.

"Hmm if this is going to be a 'full' family dinner it will like take me and Kiba a couple of hours to make food for everyone..." Akeno mused before she gave me a look and smiled. "So, I will just order some Pizza and have Kiba teleport to pick them up after he gets done playing with his little harem." Hearing Akeno's last little words it completely didn't make sense to me at all and even Rias and Akeno picked up on my flummoxed expression.

"Oh, Jake your face was so funny Haha." Rias laughed as she held her bouncing chest that bounced with each of her full laughs. "It's kind of a running joke with how male devils all develop harems and with how Kiba practically has subdued the whole ladies Kendo club of a couple dozen ladies that adore him. We call the club his harem as they have all but claimed him and chase off and girls that attempt to confess to him." Rias explained amidst her chuckles.

But even as she explained the whole joke my mind was filled with how this whole situation was her way of subtly dropping the pros of becoming a devil which... I was all for!

"Ah. Well, more power for him I guess." I said shrugging as I sat down on the same couch me, and Rias were sitting in before I attempted to escape.

"Well, I am going to go tell Koneko to come to the Club building and get Kiba to help me carry the pizzas back here," Akeno said before briskly leaving me and Rias alone in the room kind of awkwardly honestly.

It felt like parents leaving you and your girlfriend alone in the house as they went to go get groceries and whatnot.

"So, with my friend and fellow King Sona Sitri loving strategy games, I had an idea for twenty questions we could play so we can see what kind of people we are in the heat of the moment," Rias said clapping her hands as though having an epiphany.

Thus, with my assent to playing the game, we began throwing out weird as-hell scenarios to one another like how we would deal with a flaming tornado being sent my way, with my answering being to obviously avoid it. I asked how she would deal with a far more numerical force of enemies against her without specifically mentioning her little engagement issues.

"I would entrust in my Peerage to stand beside me as I fought alongside them." She said proudly and my face could only twitch at the firm reminder of how literally every member of her peerage was mentally damaged in some way or another. Kiba being the only one who wasn't suppressing his abilities due to either hatred or fear of their heritage and abilities like the rest of Rias's peerage.

But then she surprisingly asked me the pressing question I hoped she would. "So, Jake..." She said nervously before building up steam. "How would you deal with a smug asshole with a potent regeneration factor using my Peerage and my Power of Destruction." With Rias having given a bit of an overview of her peers ' strengths so I could make up scenarios for our little game I had to hum in thought.

"Well, I think Kiba and Akeno would be the lynchpins for such an opponent..." I mused before going on to make up a rather terrible path for defeating Riser. "For one you need to basically crucify him into the ground with Kiba's swords so he can't escape, and while you encapsulate his head in a ball of ever-destroying Power of Destruction so he cannot 'think' Akeno so go about frying his body in lightning which in time will obviously overwhelm his regeneration... That or the agony of his mind being melted by the concept of destruction may turn him into a vegetable?" I answered unsurely.

"Hmm, hmm. I like it!" She cried and as I looked over to her, I noticed she somehow magically changed from her Kuoh student uniform into a tight-fitting secretary outfit with her cleavage bared and jiggling as she rapidly took down notes to torture her poor betrothed in the couple minutes, I closed my eyes to map out the method to beat Riser.

"But there's just one problem..." Rias mused softly as she chewed on her pen. "I can't rely on my adorable Peerage to cleanly defeat his and be able to help me subdue the bastard afterward.

"Well, that's just one scenario. I mean who is to say you can't get like Hydra venom or even some blood from an abomination like Samael which will negate or slow his regeneration to a crawl." I offered and she shook her head.

"I was thinking under the rules of a Rating Game and such lethal objects not tied to a person aren't allowed as the healers can have great problems removing such toxins before causing issues," Rias explained and I hummed with my finger growing a long-serrated nail before her eyes.

"So, if I was in a devil's rating game and used poisons and toxins being made within my own body or healed someone would that be an issue," I said as a scary as fuck, blackened purple smoking liquid seeped from my blood vessels and collected on that fingernail. And then just to prove my healing abilities I made a softly glowing golden blood coat on my other hand's pointer finger which made a strong difference between the purple smoking toxic death of one hand and holy healing on the other.

Rias very fucking firmly shook her head as she stared transfixed upon my offered limbs coated in magical fluids.

"What even are you..." She muttered as she leaned closer in particular to the holy light blood.

I shrugged and decided to be frank. "Descendant of the true Unicorn apparently, as my blood can both bless life and curse people terribly along with other abilities."

But Rias took my words a bit differently as she clapped. "Ah! so you are related to Poseidon as that's where Unicorns are said to originate?"

Once again, I could only shrug as I had no 'cover' story or heritage to speak of. "I have honestly no idea as I was abandoned on an orphanage front step in the middle of the day apparently." I said shrugging as I recited what little backstory the 'Jake' who sent me here had set up for me.

"So, you never had anyone growing up?!" Rias asked sadly but I couldn't help but draw a parallel in how Rias's peerage was all damaged and orphans basically that if Rias didn't make the connection to me all but dropping into her lap like the rest of her peerage did, I would eat my fucking shoe.

I sadly nodded as even I was a little bummed that in this life, I didn't have a true birth family as it would have been interesting to see what kind of dynamic, I would have had with them in comparison to my prior life.

Then Rias surprised me heavily as she basically flopped atop me in a crushing hug that threatened to smother me in her bare cleavage as she 'hugged' the life out of me. "Jake, I will gladly be your friend!" She said almost fiercely as her arms tightened up around me with my back loudly popping and shifting as I used my biokenisis so she didn't use her superhuman strength to crack a disk or something in her smothering hug.

"Fank U?" I said through the tit flesh covering my mouth and as she hugged me I got to work on scanning her body and taking her in Gremory Devil attributes and although I couldn't fucking make heads or tails of her Gremory probability manipulation, Luck ability. I could already feel the cursed parts of my Unicorn blood taking on the pure concept of Destruction that was her heritage's Power of Destruction.

Even as I copied over her bullshit cheats, I made sure to drown Rias's brain in a cocktail of happy juices at our little hug while also triggering other emotional responses like possessiveness, jealousy, and other things which made Rias shift herself to hold me even firmer to her.



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