Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 6

<~>  Chapter 6

[First soul collected - Level increases by 10]
[Bonus Karmic Energy gained for gathering soul consensually]
[Converting willing target to companion]

Suddenly Bruno’s body heat spiked and his back arched. He let out a moan that rose in tenor until his voice was high pitched and girlish. I rolled him off of me and onto his back so I could get a better look at him. Right before my eyes I watched as his hips widened, his shoulders narrowed and the fat on his body redistributed to give him an hourglass figure.

Bruno had a raging erection and dug his fingers into the sheets next to him while he moaned as his body continued to change. On his chest he began to grow breasts, first starting out as small bumps with expanding areolas, they visibly grew to be generous grapefruit sized breasts with bright pink nipples.

“Oh gods!” he moaned, his high voice now sounding unmistakably female. His hands released the sheets before he dug his hands into his new mounds, he immediately began to hump the air and cum all over his chest. As if using his own cum to fuel his change, new fur began to sprout from his body starting from between his breasts and stomach before spreading all over his body in mere moments.

He began quivering as I watched his face shift, his nose pushed out into a new muzzle, the shape of his whole head changed until his head looked like that of an adorable female deer with bright pink eyes and long eyelashes. I was frozen in panic while watching his change, completely unsure what to do. He was almost done now as far as I could tell, there was just one more conspicuous place left to watch.

I stared down at his cock expecting it to shrink or something but I got a completely different result than I expected. Rather than shrink, it grew into a long tapered shaft, half way between a human penis and what I assume a deer penis looks like, ending in an animalistic sheath. His new cock looked long and thin but in reality it was probably more than twice as girthy than he used to be at the base. His balls were now covered in a fuzzy pouch of soft fur, they were easily twice the size that they’d used to be but also a lot cuter in their short two tone fuzz. His body was that of a cute girly doe but his genitals were that of a strong virile buck.

After that final change Bruno finally stopped moaning through the transformation. His voice turned into deep heavy pants but with his new pretty voice they just made him sound all the cuter as the new deer person came down from an apparently mind-bending pleasure. His? newly altered cock slowly slipped into the new sheath between his legs as his breathing returned to normal.

I took a look over his body, if it wasn’t for Bruno’s impressive cock I couldn’t imagine the person in front of me was a male. Every part of her- I mean him just looked like an adorable girl. Her athletic young body was covered in soft brown fur with a creme belly pattern that wrapped over her new breasts and culminated in a cute tuft of fur at the base of her collar bone. The rest of his pelt was a cinnamon brown color with little cream spots, I swear almost two-thirds of them were shaped like little hearts. Enough to be noticeable but with enough randomness that it didn’t look artificial. He seems to have lost a bit of height, going from a tiny bit taller than me to almost a full head shorter than me.

His beautiful pink eyes met mine. “That felt so amazing, what happened to me?”

“I… I’m not sure. You suddenly changed right in my arms.”

His eyes looked to the side and he stared off into space before saying, “Status.”

What? I looked at her incredulously. I’ve heard of some stories like this but no- no it couldn’t be. I also looked away from her- him before repeating, “Status.”

Name: [New] Lilith [Surname Undefined]
Race: Succubus (Demon) [Race hidden - Displayed as Beastkin (Sheep)]
Gender: Female
Class: Unassigned [Change class]
Level: 15 (+14)

Stat Spread:
Strength: 10
Vitality: 10

[New] Charisma: 10
[New] Luck: 10 (89)

Unallocated Statpoints: 140 (+140)

[New] Karmic Energy: 790 (+790)

[New] Haggling Lv. 1

Innate Abilities
[New] Karmic Balance
[New] Karma Awareness
[New] Karmic Resonance

Racial Traits:
Infernal Heat Resistance
Infernal Cold Resistance
Sexual Appetite Lv. 2 (+1)
Soul Collector: 1 (+1)
[New] Soulbound Companions

Titles:[World Traveler - Hidden Title]
[Origin of Succubi - Hidden Title]

[Notifications Pending - 3]

I didn’t have much time to really take this in before I noticed the shock in Bruno’s eyes. I instinctively dismissed the status and focused on Bruno again. He covered his face and began crying. I’m really unsure what to do right now, lot of that going around lately. I cautiously reached out and put my hand on his shoulder.

Suddenly Bruno jumped forward and wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my neck. “I’m so happy,” he managed out between sobs. Okay now I’m totally lost. 

I pulled him close to me. I was a little self conscious that we were still both naked in this weird situation but I just began rubbing his back gently. “This is the best thing that ever happened to me.” The girly deer kept crying into my neck. I’m really lost and I’m gonna start needing some clarifications here in a second.

I pulled him away from me and looked at his smiling face, god his cute ass doe face looks adorable even after crying that much. He looks so fucking cute now.

“Hey, I’m a little lost why don’t you explain to me how you’re feeling okay?”

He closed his eyes and nodded still smiling. “Alright,” he let out before sniffling again.

He pulled away from me and rubbed the tears out of his eyes. After a moment and a deep breath his voice was finally even enough to speak clearly again, “Ever since I was little I never wanted to be a boy. Going through puberty and hearing my voice deepen was the worst part. I started getting hairy and sweaty and couldn’t even look at myself in the well or the creek when I was getting water without feeling disgusted.”

The smile on his face faded as he looked down at the bed. “Actually the worst part was how my dad started treating me. I think he knew before I did. I was resistant to the ‘manly’ things he wanted me to do. I didn’t like getting dirty in the fields, I threw up every time he made me butcher the chickens… Everything he tried to make me do to be ‘manlier’ in his eyes just made him resent me more and more.”

The deer was silent for a few moments but I didn’t dare interrupt. After a moment of silence they continued on, “One day he caught me shaving off some of the body hair that had been growing. It felt so disgusting to me that shaving my chest, arms, and armpits felt natural but he was livid when he found out… It seems a little silly now that I’m covered in the stuff” Bruno let out a chuckle devoid of any humor.

There was a slight warble in their voice before they were able to continue, “He didn’t even beat me, he beat my mom for it. He blamed her for me turning out this way, for coddling me too much and turning me into a sissy. He wouldn’t let me leave the room while he was beating her, I was terrified and he forced me to watch him take it out on her… She almost died that night and it was the last time I ever saw her. When my aunt found out that he almost beat her to death they left town the next day and…”

Bruno was crying again now but pushed to continue, “They left town and left me with him and… and they abandoned me.”

I reached out and pulled the deer into a hug, squeezing tight. “Shhh, it’s okay. I’m here with you now, I’ll never leave you behind I promise.” I ran my hand through the fur of their back, doing everything I could to comfort them. God damn that guy was scum. Thinking of what he did to Bruno made my heart ache and my stomach twist in knots.

The deer regained their composure and continued, “After that it was clear he didn’t intend for me to take over the farm anymore. He stopped teaching me about the ledger books and just made me work in the fields non-stop. If I tried to argue with him or complain about anything he just punched me in the face so hard I fell down until I stopped complaining. He barely talked to me for the year after that, I had to start making my own food because mom left and he would only cook for himself. It was honestly kind of a relief when I learned he sold me into slavery. I didn’t want to work the farm anymore and I didn’t want to be stuck there in that house with him anymore. I just wanted to do anything else, be anywhere else, I didn’t care.”

Their big doe eyes looked up at me now. “After traveling for a while we ran into you. I thought you were so pretty, you had this confidence that I’d never seen before. You walked right up to us before the sun was even up and convinced Mr. Williamson to take you with us. You had been walking alone in the woods at night, nothing but a dagger on your hip, and…”

Their face flushed, looking down at the bed before continuing, “And you were wearing fine tailored men’s clothes as if were normal. You were so mysterious and… I could tell you were into me. I felt so disgusting still but for some reason you kept flirting with me, I could tell you liked me, and that made me feel a little better about myself… You spent so much money to buy me, then you treated me like an equal at dinner. You wanted to have sex with me but then you freed me and gave me the choice…”

They sniffled again, clearly barely holding it together. “You treated me so nicely, made me feel so good about myself and when I finally thought about what being freed meant, you didn’t abandon me. You accepted me, despite everything, without a second thought and then on top of that you somehow you gave me a perfect body that makes me feel better about myself than I ever have before.”

Bruno was crying again, pushing the tears from their eyes but still continued, “My status even says female,’ I don’t know what exactly is happening but this means I can finally be a girl right?”

I smiled at her warmly, finally understanding how to address her. “Of course cutie.” I pulled her into a hug again. I didn’t want to ruin the moment but I felt something poking me…

I pulled away from her and looked down at her partially erect shaft. “So… You said your body was perfect but uh, how do you feel about that?” I said gesturing at her rapidly hardening deer cock.

She blushed and smiled timidly while looking down again. “Well… I don’t really mind that part… especially after earlier tonight… And um, you did seem to enjoy it as well… And when I first saw how pretty you were I fantasized about being a beastkin like you… You- You don’t mind the new me right?” she looked up at me with a bit of worry.

I gave her a gentle grin. “You kidding? I thought you were a cutie before but now you’re a total knockout. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so adorable.” I made my voice lower and a bit more husky for the next part. “And I think that cock looks extra hot on you now.”

Her cute doe ears turned bright red, clearly visible through her fur. She slid off the bed and onto her feet quickly in response. “I wanna go clean up a little. I’m still kinda dirty from all the… sex and I want to look at my new body a little bit. Do you mind if I take a bath?”

“Go ahead,” I said smiling at her. “I need to think about some stuff for a minute so I’ll go in after you’re done.”

“Okay,” she replied smiling. She got up to the small adjacent room and closed the small door to the washroom.

I sighed. I’m not sure what happened but I’m ninety-nine percent sure that I’m the one that caused it. At least Bruno seems happy with the result. For now anyway. I’m pretty sure I saw something about collecting a soul so I’m rather worried about it.

I sat up and looked at the blank wall, time to work my way through this. “Status”

Hello! It's the second week of daily uploads! I hope everyone's excited for more! This chapter we finally introduced the LitRPG elements, next chapter we're going to be digging a little deeper on them. God Bruno is such a cutie, I'm excited people finally get to know a bit more about her. Anyway, see you tomorrow!

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