Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 3

<~> Chapter 3

I kept walking for so long I lost track of time, it was still night out and I didn’t really get any hints that the sun would rise any time soon. The path along the road was pretty uneventful until off in the distance I saw a campfire next to an horse?-drawn wagon. The animals that was standing there looked suspiciously like a horse but had six legs and a catlike neck and head. As I got closer I saw one of the two people sitting there stand with a hand on their sheathed sword.

I opened my arms wide in what I hoped looked like a disarming gesture as I approached. I stopped about six yards away from them before calling out, “Hello! It’s nice to see fellow travelers along this path!”

The swordsman was a grim looking middle-aged man in his early forties, brown hair and dark eyes on his muscular frame. He quickly glanced at the other man before looking back, likely not wanting to take his eyes off of me. The other man that was still sitting was a younger man, probably early twenties and fairly effeminate looking. The swordsman didn’t look too bad but that cute shy boy struck a cord right into my panties.

“What’s a sheep beastkin doing out here in the middle of the night?" Ah, thank god I can understand him. Wait a minute, I could tell that he wasn’t speaking English but I could understand him clear as day. More importantly than that though he recognized me as a beastkin rather than a demon. I’m not sure how demons are treated but at least it seemed like beastkin wasn’t kill on sight like demon might be.

“I got separated from my group about three days ago deep in the woods. When I found them later they’d all been eaten by giant wolves. We were traveling nomads so we don’t know much about these lands and I didn’t want to stay in the woods any longer than I needed to. I can see well enough in the dark so I’ve been traveling at night too trying to find a settlement to rest at.” I came up with this story while walking, somehow summoned into a ruin by a demonic book and took a dead guy’s stuff doesn’t sound as good.

I’m not entirely sure if he bought it but he seemed to be more at ease. He took a bit of a longer look at the the other guy before looking at me again. “So what now? Are you going to continue east?”

“Well I was hoping I could follow you back to a town. I don’t have any idea where I am and I would appreciate the company.” He stared at me silently for a moment before I decided to add, “I can pay you a little, how much does it usually cost to catch a ride in a wagon?” I said gesturing at the wagon behind him.

He looked down for a moment in thought. “I’ll let you travel with us for ten copper but I’m not going to feed you.”

I smiled back at him. “Perfect, that’s a deal then.” I slowly put a hand in my pocket, not wanting to spook the guy after I had gotten this far and counted out ten copper. I showed him the money before walking closer and holding it out for him. Much more relaxed now he took it and went back to the fire.

I followed and sat across from him, the effeminate guy with dirty blond hair was off to the side a bit, closer to the other guy. I looked at him and smiled earning me a blush in return. The younger man was dressed in a dark grey coat that looked quite a bit cheaper than the fancy gambeson the other guy was wearing. The guy was also wearing a steel collar with glowing blue glyphs on it, it was starting to look like magic might be more common than I thought. I looked down at his trousers and I could see the telltale signs of him trying to hide a bulge, I met his eyes and smiled devilishly at him.

“There a problem with the boy?” The swordsman asked.

“Ah no, he just looks like a cutie.” The young man blushed hard, laid his hands on his lap and studied the ground intently.

“There’s a slave market in Traehall, the town we’re headed to in the west. I’m hoping to get a good price for him there.”

I frowned a little at that. I had suspected as much, a big metal collar with glowing runes didn’t exactly scream voluntary. “I see…” was all I could manage to reply.

He looked at my clothes, studying them for a moment. “Those are really fine clothes, perhaps you could afford him if you fancy.”

“Perhaps... What’s his price?”

“Twelve gold.”

I didn’t react to the price but that probably gave away more than if I had. I turned to the young guy again and studied him over before asking, “Hey kid, what do you think about this?”

“Who cares what he thinks, that boy is just a slave now.”

“I care,” I replied simply.

His eyes looked up at me again, down to my breasts, and then back on the ground. I could tell he knew I noticed his gaze. “You- You’re very pretty miss.”

“Mmm.” An interesting reply, no comment about the slavery, no real defiance for his lot in life, simply a compliment on my looks. I felt bad that I was honestly considering this as much as I was. I didn’t really like the idea of slavery but I did like the idea of having a cutie like him around. It would really help to be with someone I could trust to keep some of my secrets.

I looked back at the swordsman before continuing. “Let’s continue this discussion once we reach Traehall,” he just grunted in reply and looked back down at the fire.

I sat idly staring in the flames. I wasn’t tired at all, I wasn’t even cold as the snow continued to lightly fall. I could see my breath in the air but if anything it just felt refreshing. I hadn’t been sitting in the camp for more than 20 minutes when I noticed the sky begin to lighten up. It seems I was lucky enough to catch them in the morning before they left rather than before they went to sleep. Though with how long this night felt I’d be surprised if it was just getting started.

The swordsman pulled a bag out of the wagon and dug through it before pulling out similar looking rations of salted meat and trail mix before tapping the younger man on the shoulder with it. He had been nodding off a little so he jumped when the swordsman tapped him with the food. He just said a quick thanks before quietly eating the ration.

I could have eaten with them but I really didn’t feel hungry yet. I did feel rather horny though staring at this cutie eat. I just kept watching him eat or stared into the flames while I waited. Finally after another maybe thirty minutes the guys seemed to judge there was enough light to see and the started packing up. I really didn’t know what to do so I just stood there awkwardly and watched them put on the fire and reattach the strange animals to the covered wagon.

The swordsman first helped the kid into the wagon before holding out his hand to help me in too. I thanked him and got into the back, sitting across from the cute guy.

Before I could say anything to him the swordsman poked his head in. “I order you not to speak unless I ask you to.”

“Yes master,” he replied and I watched the blue runes on his neck burn red for a moment before settling back on blue.

A display like that definitely felt undeniably magical. Unfortunately for me that meant I had a rather boring rest of the trip. If I just kept staring at the poor guy the whole time I probably wouldn’t be able to stop myself from masturbating right in front of him, so I instead busied myself by watching the road through the open flap in the back. The more time goes by the more I become certain that I must be a succubus because my unnatural libido is starting to drive me crazy. 

We continued down the road, over the bridge I had found and after another two hours-ish finally left the forest. The dense trees began to thin and eventually open up completely to wide open grassy plains. I would have enjoyed the scenery much more if my ass wasn’t killing me only an hour into the trip. You would think having a large soft ass would make a carriage ride a bit more comfortable but that is not the case. The slave guy gave me a empathetic look, he clearly was more accustomed to the hard benches of the wagon than I was.

At about midday we stopped for a short rest and lunch. I still didn’t feel particularly hungry but decided to eat some of my trail mix anyway to keep up appearances if nothing else. I’m not sure how this new body works yet but I haven’t felt particularly tired or hungry since I woke up last night. The trail mix was actually pretty tasty but I didn’t even eat half of it by the time I felt like I couldn’t eat any more. I avoided the meat entirely for now. I’m really not sure if other herbivore beastkin ate meat yet and while the smell of the jerky in my pack didn’t turn me off I didn’t want to risk looking any more suspicious than I already was. After the short break we packed up and got back on the road.

I couldn’t help but notice the cute guy kept staring at me any time he thought I wasn’t looking. I didn’t mind though, if anything it just made me feel sexier. Even setting aside how good this new body felt when I played with it, I felt really comfortable in my new body. I couldn’t stop wondering if it was because of whatever changes the transformation made to me or if I would have welcomed this change in the life I couldn’t fully remember.

My mind just wouldn’t stop coming back to it. Even if it did change how I think to make me accept the change better, should I be upset about it? I felt great, amazing even, is altering my mind to be that way so bad? It’s not like we weren’t trying to do the exact same thing on earth with drugs. Or is it the other way around? Was my mind altered to suit my new body or was my new body made to suit my mind? Did I have an option or choice in this? Did I just forget choosing to be this way or was this just pure coincidence on the part of a horny devil worshipper?

I let out a sigh. I was starting to get a little too philosophical for my tastes. I’m here now, I love being a sexy ram woman, and I can’t wait to be fucked. Rather than worrying too much over the hows and whys I’ll just embrace the new me. Though I do wish that I wasn’t constantly horny. Maybe those feelings would settle down once I finally got a real fuck, rather than just playing with myself.

I looked at the cute guy again, he blushed and looked away once again, naturally. I think what I liked most about his behavior was that he just couldn’t help himself. He thought he shouldn’t be staring. He was obviously trying not to get caught, even though he was bad at it. It made me smile that the cute guy just desired me so much he couldn’t stop. It made me want to hold him down and show him a good time, turn his desires into a reality.

Shit, this time I smelled it before I realized I was feeling it. I pulled my soaked hand out of my panties and put the fingers in my mouth. The guy was staring at me wide eyed with a flushed red face. He didn’t even try to hide the cock straining in his pants as our eyes locked while I cleaned my hand. The inside of the carriage was already thick with the smell of my arousal. This was going to be a really long ride…

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