Lilith: Origin of Succubi

Chapter 1

<~> Chapter 1

It was dark when I opened my eyes. I was in some sort of rough stone building with unlit torches on the walls. I sat up, struggling with the weight on my chest. I looked down and saw two large cantaloupe sized breasts hanging from my body. Aside from the very obvious change of having breasts in the first place, I also realized they were covered in short slick grey fur along with the rest of my body.

I reached up to grope myself and instantly felt weak in the knees from the sensitivity of the new plump black nipples capping off my new tits. The pleasure of squeezing them and playing with my new nipples washed over my whole body and I could feel the pleasure literally pooling between my legs. I ran my hands down my body and across my newly widened hips, into the crease of my thigh and between my legs to find my new genitals.

I was really wet, I slid my middle finger between my new lips and right into my new vagina. I was incredibly sensitive down there too, I could feel my slim finger strongly gripped by my inner walls, even the relatively small penetration felt amazing. My left hand gripped my large breast and my right hand continued to stroke my inner walls. Not long after I started getting into a rhythm I added a second finger and almost came immediately. I kept up the pace, panting now from the exertion.

I got closer and closer until my inner walls clamped down hard on my fingers, my hips began to twitch and squirm, my head lolled back into a loud moan, and I came all over my hand. I didn’t even bother to slow down and rolled through my first orgasm as a woman.

When I finally came down from the experience my heart was racing and I could feel the wash of afterglow running through my whole body. I was sleepy and relaxed as I recovered from the intense masturbation session. After I was feeling a little bit more together I went to turn my head to look around a bit but something clacked loudly against the ground and refused to let me turn my head all the way.

I reached up to touch the top of my head and realized that I had large twisted ram horns coming out of my head, in fact, in my preoccupation with some of my more erogenous traits, I hadn’t realized at all that my face didn’t even look human. I reached forward and touched a new muzzle on my face and felt my new animalistic ears.  

“Huh…” I just stared at the ceiling for a little bit before I decided to sit up and look around. I reached up and touched my horns again and noticed that I didn’t really feel their weight. I’m not sure how much they weighed but they felt natural to the body I was in. I looked at my hands and feet and didn’t notice anything too different from them aside from the fur but looking behind me I saw a cute little tail sitting above my new juicy butt. Seeing my tail and the fur on my back made me wonder why I had straight slick fur rather than curly woolen fur you would expect on a sheep with ram horns.

I went to grope my new breasts again. “Huh, I feel like I should be a little more torn up about losing my cock but right now the thought just makes me feel horny.” I started to moan a little just from the attention to my breasts so I decided to leave before I just started masturbating again. I wasn’t sure what was going on but surely that wouldn’t get me anywhere. I had no idea where I was at, I should at least make sure I could find some food. And as much as I enjoyed playing with my new body some clothes would be nice too.

I stood up and looked around, I had been laying on some sort of raised dais covered in satanic looking chalk lines with all sorts of weird looking markings. They didn’t really look like any language I’ve ever seen but they were hieroglyphics for all I knew. To be honest they looked the most like those astrology symbols used for horoscopes, cancer, aries, leo, and such but I didn’t recognize any. There were also burnt out candles in around the big chalk circle. It looked so stereotypical that I would have thought it was a joke if I wasn’t standing here naked as a ram woman.

“How did I get here anyway?” I tried thinking back but I couldn’t remember anything about myself. I could clearly remember things about earth, I had vague memories about going to coffee shops, and going to school, but I couldn’t remember anything about my name, my parents, or anything like that. I did clearly remember that I used to be a man though. It was pretty odd, for all the information I couldn’t remember about myself that stuck out somehow despite it not particularly bothering me for some reason. I could also remember being carded at a bar before so I had to be at least twenty-one. I think anyway. 

I looked around and didn’t really see much else in the room. I went over and pulled one of the unlit torches from the holders in the wall. It wasn’t much more than a stick wrapped in a cloth that smelled funny and I didn’t have any way to light it but it felt better to have something in my hands rather than nothing. I could probably find something to light it somewhere or maybe try my hand at starting a fire with sticks if it came down to it, either way this torch would probably make things easier. On one end of the room there was a passage way with a dim light coming from it, since I didn’t really have anywhere else to go I decided to follow it.

As I entered the passageway I stepped in something wet. I squatted down to look at the puddle and realized that the liquid was blood. That didn’t bode well for this passageway but I was at a dead end. Hopefully whatever caused all of blood to spill here took off but I knew I would have to be a little more careful. Past the initial pool of blood there wasn’t much in the hallway, drips and drops here and there but I didn’t notice any smears that would be left if something was being dragged through it. Hopefully whatever left all of this blood was alright, assuming whatever was leaving it wasn’t my enemy anyway.

I kept my hand on the left wall as I followed the passage. I came to intersections a few times but without really having much else to go on I followed whichever one looked the brightest. Hopefully I would be able to find my way outside that way. I still saw drips of blood here and there making me think I might be on the right track. After fifteen minutes of wandering hallways I finally saw bright moonlight coming from the end of the passage.

I cautiously followed the passage to the end and finally found the source of blood. There was a man laying in the snow just outside of the entrance of whatever weird ruin I was standing in. There was a small pool of blood around his slit hands, blue and frostbitten. A bloody scarf was pinned under his body, presumably the thing he was attempting to staunch his bleeding with. After taking the whole picture in I promptly turned away from the corpse and vomited into the snow.

It took me a few minutes to relax again. I leaned against the cool stone of the ruins and regained my composure. I could see my breath and I realized that I didn’t hardly feel cold at all standing here naked. Almost to prove me wrong though a cool wind blew past me and my black nips and lower lips felt positively icy. 

I covered my nipples with one hand and my genitals with the other as I went up to take a closer look at the corpse. The body looked frozen over, his face was blue and his extremities were all frostbitten. I didn’t need to take a long look at him to tell he was dead but I didn’t know how long he had been like this. That blood on the ground by the circle I woke up in wasn’t dry so maybe a day at most? Though it was hard to tell in this weather and I didn’t know much about that sort of thing.

It seems before he died he had dropped a large backpack with a sleeping bag next to him in the snow. I was going to need some clothes and I really didn’t want to attempt to peel them off a corpse so I took the bag hoping to find something useful. I picked up the bag and started digging though it in the doorway of the ruin. One of the first things I found was a flint and tinder kit used to light a fire. I only remember seeing people use those on television but it couldn’t be that hard.

I realized I would need a knife or something and noticed the corpse had a sheathed knife on his belt. I went back to the corpse and was able to pull the blade out of its sheath pretty easily. The blade was much heavier than I was expecting and looked about seven inches long, it was likely a blade made more for fighting than survival. I also noticed that there was blood still on the blade and on the edge of the sheath.

Did this mean that the wound on his hands were self inflicted? Wait, was this idiot trying to summon a demon or something and got me instead? I gust of wind that about froze my nipples off blew across me again. I decided to put those thoughts aside and get back to what I was doing. I fiddled with his belt buckle for a moment and managed to put the belt along with the sheath off the corpse and took it with me back into the ruins.

I followed the path back into the ruin and found a closed wooden door. Inside was a small room with a bed, an unlit fireplace, and what seemed like a basic desk. I left the door open for now so that I would be able to see and pulled out the flint and tinder to get a fire going in the fireplace. I didn’t feel particularly cold but it would be nice to have some light to finish going through the backpack. I was hoping I could find some clothes or maybe something to fashion a shirt out of.

It was surprisingly easy to get the torch lit with the flint and dagger. Scraping the flint shot sparks against the torch and it caught almost immediately. Whatever the torch was soaked in clearly was pretty flammable. I then took the torch and tried to light the fireplace with it. If lighting the torch was easier than expected, lighting the fireplace was much harder than I expected. I get the impression I really didn’t know what I was doing when it came to fireplaces.

After a few false starts I was able to get the fireplace lit for real and I placed the torch in a holder by the door and closed it. The room got pretty toasty pretty quick but I really wasn’t too bothered by the heat either oddly enough. I was worried that maybe the fur and ahem fat on my new curves would make the fire too hot for me but that didn’t seem to be the case.

Before I kept going I sat on the bed in the corner and started playing with myself again. I have a feeling I masturbated a lot when I was a man but this new body made me feel like my libido was cranked up to 11. Despite everything I was still wet between my legs.

I leaned against the wall with my legs spread and explored myself a little more this time. Last time I was just trying to rush to an orgasm but this time I wanted to get a sense of where everything was and how everything felt. While idly playing with myself I wondered why I was taking this so well. My body didn’t feel wrong like you might expect if you suddenly woke up in another body.

This body didn’t feel awkward or weird, I didn’t feel shy playing with my new folds or my heavy breasts. I only felt excited to explore myself, tease my new body, and tweak my nipples in just the right way. 

I decided to fantasize a bit to see how I felt about men and women. I pictured a busty woman with heavy makeup, I pictured a sporty girl with small perky tits, I pictured a muscular man with a charming smile, I pictured an effeminate guy with an androgynous face. Not a single image slowed me down, and I came hard on the blankets.

I slipped my fingers in my mouth and tasted my own juices, it was a tangy flavor that I thought tasted amazing. …Perhaps I’m biased. I seem to pretty bisexual, I can’t really recall what partners I had when I was a man but it seemed a little irrelevant to me now. I’m not sure if I was transported here and transformed, if I’m someone else with implanted memories from earth, if I was just born and have memories from a past life, or if I’m something else entirely.

All I know right now is that this afterglow feels really good.

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