Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 62: Transfer Student

The shower's steady stream cascaded over smooth, pale blue skin as steam filled the modest bathroom. Violet eyes, framed by damp silver locks, gazed pensively at the shelf holding a small case of precious vials. James sighed, reaching for the shampoo to lather his lengthened hair.

Today marked a significant change in his life. For the first time, James would attend school fully as Lily, the transfer paperwork finally sorted thanks to Ren's tireless efforts. The serum, once a daily necessity, could now be used for special occasions. A bittersweet realization, signalling just how far his transformation had progressed.

As James rinsed the suds from his hair, he couldn't help but marvel at how his body had almost entirely transformed into Lilia's hourglass figure. The differences between his two forms had become nearly indistinguishable, save for a few minor details.

With a deep breath, James triggered the transformation, feeling the familiar tingle wash over him. In mere moments, Lilia stood in his place, her cerulean skin glistening under the cascading water. She ran her hands along her arms, marvelling at how natural this form had become.

Of course, attending school with such otherworldly look would undoubtedly cause a panic. Focusing her will, Lilia wove a subtle glamour, obscuring her supernatural traits behind the illusion of an ordinary, if exceptionally beautiful, young woman.

Satisfied with her disguise, Lilia stepped out of the steamy bathroom, a towel wrapped around her frame. She couldn't suppress a flutter of nervousness mingled with excitement. How would her peers react to her newfound identity? Would they recognize any lingering traces of James beneath Lilia's elegant facade?

Moving to the bedroom, Lilia selected an outfit for her first official day—a simple blouse and skirt, along with the undergarments. Not so long ago, the mere notion of donning such feminine attire would have filled her with acute discomfort and embarrassment. Yet now, the motions came as naturally as breathing, her fingers deftly securing clasps and adjusting straps without a second thought.

It was bizarre, Lilia mused, how seamlessly she had acclimated to this body and all its idiosyncrasies, almost as if she had inhabited it her entire life. Each subtle nuance, from the way fabric caressed her heightened senses to the gentle sway of her hips as she moved, felt innately familiar.

Lilia smoothed the fabric and regarded her reflection with a critical eye. She couldn't shake the disquieting notion that this body was hers – no longer a temporary vessel, but a part of her identity.

Shaking off her introspective reverie, Lilia descended the stairs to the kitchen where her parents awaited. May beamed at her daughter's approach, eyes alight with a mixture of pride and concern.

"You look lovely, dear," she said warmly, giving Lilia's attire an appraising once-over. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?"

Lilia smiled and shook her head. "I appreciate the offer, but that might seem a bit odd – James' mother dropping off a transfer student?" She arched an eyebrow playfully. "Unless you'd like to explain that one to the faculty?"

May laughed, some of the tension easing from her shoulders. "Point taken. Just be careful out there, all right?"

"Remember, if anyone gives you trouble, just let us know," Arthur added, his tone protective.

Lilia couldn't help but chuckle. "Thanks, but I think I can handle a few curious stares. It's not like I'm actually new there."

Bidding her parents farewell, Lilia stepped out into the crisp morning air. The walk to school felt surreal, knowing that she would be interacting with everyone solely as Lily from now on. James was officially "gone," his existence fading into memory.

Lost in thought, Lilia barely noticed the curious glances from other students as she approached the school gates. Whispered speculations about the unfamiliar girl with striking silver hair followed her through the halls.

Lilia kept her head high, refusing to let the gossip faze her. She navigated the familiar corridors with ease, making her way to the admin office to finalize her enrolment.

The receptionist greeted her with a warm smile. "You must be Lily Song. We've been expecting you. Here's your class schedule and locker assignment."

Lilia accepted the documents with a polite nod. "Thank you. I'm looking forward to starting classes here."

With her class schedule and locker assignment in hand she exited the admin office. The hallways were abuzz with activity as students hurried to their first period. Navigating the familiar corridors, Lilia couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu, having walked these same paths countless times as James.

As she rounded a corner, a tall, lanky man with greying hair and wire-rimmed glasses approached her. He extended a hand in greeting, a friendly smile on his face.

"Ah, you must be our new transfer student, Lily Song," he said warmly. "I'm Mr. Kowalsky, your homeroom teacher. Welcome to our school."

Lilia shook his hand, returning the smile. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Kowalsky. I'm looking forward to joining your class."

Internally, she felt a rush of relief. Thanks to Ren's machinations, she had been assigned to the same homeroom as before, ensuring she'd have an easier time reconnecting with her friends.

Mr. Kowalsky nodded, his expression turning slightly more serious. "Now, I understand you've transferred here from a prestigious private school abroad. But I want to assure you, even though we're a public institution, our school is among the best in the world. We take great pride in providing a top-notch education to all our students, regardless of their background."

He paused, as if choosing his next words carefully. "I trust you'll find our student body to be quite diverse as we treat everyone with respect here, no matter their social standing."

Lilia blinked, caught off guard by the unexpected lecture. Inside her mind, she silently cursed Ren. What kind of backstory had her sister concocted? Ren had only mentioned that Lily was a transfer student from South Korea, her mother being New Atlantean and her father Korean. But she hadn't said anything about Lily hailing from some wealthy, elite family.

Masking her confusion, Lilia nodded politely. "Of course, Mr. Kowalsky. I'm simply here to learn and make new friends."

The teacher seemed satisfied with her response, his smile returning. "Excellent. That's the attitude we like to see. Now, let's get you introduced to your new classmates, shall we?"

As Mr. Kowalsky led her down the hall, Lilia made a mental note to call Ren later and demand an explanation. Her sister had some serious clarifying to do.

They arrived at the familiar classroom door, and Mr. Kowalsky ushered Lilia inside. The chatter died down as curious eyes turned to the newcomer. Lilia stepped to the front of the room, feeling oddly exposed under the scrutiny of her peers.

"Class, I'd like you to welcome our new transfer student," Mr. Kowalsky announced. "She's joining us from a private school in South Korea. I trust you'll all make her feel at home here."

Lilia gave a polite bow, keeping her introduction brief. "Hello everyone. I'm Lily Song. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I look forward to getting to know each of you." She kept things vague, not wanting to contradict whatever unknown background Ren had fabricated.

As she straightened, whispers erupted among the students. Thanks to her enhanced hearing, Lilia could pick up every hushed comment.

"I heard she's the daughter of some bigshot CEO."

"Damn, she's gorgeous. Think I have a shot?"

"No way, I bet she's a total ice queen. Girls like that always are."

Lilia felt a twinge of discomfort as her former classmates made assumptions about her new identity.

Mr. Kowalsky surveyed the room, his gaze settling on an empty desk next to Mia. "Lily, why don't you take a seat next to Miss Evans over there?"

Lilia made her way to the assigned desk, noting that it was different from her previous spot. It seemed there had been some reshuffling, likely to avoid having the new girl surrounded by boys.

As she settled into her seat, Mia leaned over and whispered, "So, what's with the whole rich girl background? Even my parents were talking about how the daughter of some important Korean contractor was joining our class. I wasn't sure it was you until just now."

Lilia sighed, keeping her voice low. "Honestly, I have no idea. Ren didn't tell me anything about this. I'll have to have a serious talk with her later."

Mia raised an eyebrow but said nothing further as class began. Throughout the morning lessons, Lilia could feel the weight of curious stares and hushed gossip. It was a far cry from the easy camaraderie she'd enjoyed as James.

When lunchtime finally arrived, Mia 'led' Lilia over to where Nathan and Alex were seated. "Hey guys, this is Lily, the new transfer student," she said with a conspiratorial look.

Nathan grinned broadly. "Nice to meet you, Lily. I'm Nathan, and this is Alex." He gestured to their quieter friend.

Alex nodded in greeting, his expression impassive as always. "Welcome to our school."

Lilia smiled, playing along with the charade. "It's a pleasure to meet you both. I hope we can become good friends."

As the day wore on, Lilia began to somewhat appreciate the background Ren had crafted, if only because it kept most of the male students at a distance. The air of wealth and prestige surrounding her seemed to intimidate many of potential admirers, making them hesitant to approach.

However, this also left Lilia feeling strangely isolated compared to the easy rapport James had enjoyed. Moreover, a small entourage began to form around her, comprised of students eager to curry favour with the mysterious rich girl.

Lilia had to suppress a groan of frustration. At this rate, she'd start to resemble some cliched villainess from a dating sim, complete with sycophantic hangers-on. The irony was not lost on her.

As the final bell rang, Lilia gathered her books and accompanied Mia, Nathan, and Alex outside, bidding them farewell until tomorrow.

However, as she passed through the front gates, a sleek black limousine idling by the curb immediately caught her eye. Lilia's brow furrowed in bewilderment until the rear passenger door opened to reveal none other than Ren lounging inside.

Her sister flashed an amused grin and waved Lilia over. "Well? Are you just going to stand there gawking, or are you coming?"

Lilia exchanged a final confused glance with her friends before reluctantly approaching the idling limousine. As she neared, the chauffeur swiftly exited and ushered her inside, politely closing the door behind her.

The moment they were alone in the opulent cabin, Lilia rounded on Ren indignantly. "Alright, want to explain just what the hell is going on? Since when am I some kind of eccentric billionaire's daughter?"

Rather than looking chagrined, Ren simply laughed off her sister's irritation. "Relax, would you? Yes, I may have gotten a bit...carried away with the cover story. But you have to admit, it's working like a charm so far!"

When Lilia didn't share her humour, Ren relented with a sigh. "Look, remember when I said I had connections to help establish Lily's identity? Well, one of those contacts just so happened to be the CEO of Bichui Dynamics— Song Woojin."

Realization began to dawn on Lilia's features, prompting Ren to continue, "He owed me a major favour, so I called it in. Had him officially vouch for Lily as his own daughter from South Korea."

Lilia shook her head slowly. "Why yes, that makes perfect sense. Have a total stranger falsely claim legal guardianship over your magically created identity. Not sketchy at all."

Ren waved a dismissive hand. "He's very aware of...extenuating circumstances involving the supernatural, let's just say. Look, do you trust me or not?"

When Lilia didn't immediately answer, Ren pressed on, "Either way, you're in too deep to back out now. Play along with this role for the time being. I promise, it'll all make sense soon enough."

As if on cue, the limousine pulled up to the entrance of the city's most luxurious hotel. The chauffeur swiftly exited and opened the door, gesturing for Lilia to follow Ren inside.

"What are we doing here?" Lilia asked warily.

Ren smirked as she stepped out. "Field trip, sis. Time for you to officially meet your 'father' and learn the ropes of this new identity he's sponsored."

With evident resignation, Lilia trailed after her sister into the opulent lobby. Despite her scepticism, a hint of curiosity kindled within her. Just what had Ren involved her in this time? Whatever the reason, she had an inkling this wasn't just a simple prank, but merely the opening act to something far more elaborate.


Couple weeks earlier...

Ren reclined in the plush leather chair, her eyes scanning the opulent office with a hint of amusement. The sleek, modern décor spoke volumes about the man seated across from her—Song Woojin, CEO of Bichui Dynamics and one of the most influential figures in New Atlantis.

Woojin greeted Ren with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Ren, always a pleasure to see you. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

Ren leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs casually. "I need a favour, Woojin. A rather significant one."

The CEO raised an eyebrow. "After everything you've done for me, I'd say you've more than earned a few favours. Name it, and it's yours."

Ren's smile widened. "I knew I could count on you. The truth is, I need to establish a new identity for someone very dear to me. Her name is Lilia, she's like a younger sister to me."

Woojin nodded slowly, his eyes narrowing. "I see. And why does Lilia require a new identity? Is she in some kind of trouble?"

Ren shook her head. "No, nothing like that. It's just that her circumstances have changed drastically, and she can no longer use her old identity. I'm afraid I can't divulge too many details, but suffice it to say, this involves matters of a... supernatural nature."

The CEO's interest was piqued. "Supernatural, you say? I'm intrigued. Can you elaborate?"

Emboldened by his assurance, Ren elaborated further. "To put it simply, she is... transforming into a supernatural creature. It's possible, that soon her former identity will no longer be viable."

Woojin leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "I see. Well, if it's a new identity you need, I can certainly help with that. I can create a blank ID with minimal past records. It should suffice for most purposes."

He paused, seeming to wrestle with an idea. "You know, I could also vouch for her, have her registered as my daughter."

Ren's eyes widened slightly at the unexpected offer. "That's rather extravagant, don't you think?"

Woojin chuckled, shaking his head. "Not at all. In fact, it would lend credence to her identity, providing an airtight backstory to deflect any potential scrutiny."

He fixed Ren with an earnest gaze. "I owe you far more than a simple legal document, Ren. If not for your... intervention, I would not be here today. Even surrendering my entire fortune could never repay that debt."

Ren laughed, waving off the generous offer. "I appreciate the sentiment, Woojin, but your wealth isn't necessary. Besides, I wouldn't have time for my experiments if I had to manage a business empire on top of everything else."

Woojin chuckled, shaking his head. "Fair enough. But the offer remains open, should you ever change your mind."

Ren stood, extending her hand. "Thank you, Woojin. The ID is more than enough for now. But I'll keep your offer in mind, should the need arise in the future."

The CEO grasped her hand firmly, his eyes shining with gratitude and respect. "That's the least I can do for you, Ren."

As Ren exited Woojin's office, her mind was already churning with possibilities. She had secured a crucial ally in establishing James' second identity, but part of her couldn't shake the feeling that this was merely the first step in a much grander scheme.

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