Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 55: Lion’s Den

Mordecai stepped out of the swirling portal into a grimy back alley, hauling the limp form of the young hero called Ace. Without ceremony, he dropped the unconscious boy to the filthy pavement.

"A quaint world," Mordecai mused, glancing around with detached curiosity. His manner of speaking had shifted, adopting a more modern cadence. With clinical precision, he placed a hand on Ace's forehead. "Now then, let's tidy up loose ends before we proceed."

Silver light radiated from Mordecai's palm into Ace's mind. When he lifted his hand moments later, all traces of their encounter had been neatly erased from the boy's memory.

Mordecai stood, examining his bespoke suit with a frown. Conjuring a change of clothes, he now wore a smart navy suit and polished oxfords - an ensemble befitting a successful businessman. Appearances were crucial for blending into this society.

With Ace left safely oblivious in the alley, Mordecai strode briskly out into the bustling city, faint smile playing about his lips. The world had changed, but the unmistakeable aura of his former lover remained. Somewhere close, he would find her.


Meanwhile, Lilia stood in front of the full-length mirror, staring uncertainly at her reflection as she adjusted the skimpy dress Moira had provided. The shimmery black fabric clung to every curve, leaving little to the imagination. She swallowed hard, tugging self-consciously at the plunging neckline. This outfit made her acutely aware of the body she inhabited, stirring up confusing emotions.

"Exquisite, simply exquisite!" Moira purred, stepping up behind Lilia and trailing hungry eyes over her form. "Why darling, if we weren't on a schedule, I'd be inclined to tear that dress right off you again."

Lilia suppressed a shudder at the predatory gleam in the succubus's eyes. She forced a smile, "Maybe another time. For now, we have business to attend to."

Moira sighed dramatically. "Always so focused on your little schemes. Do live a little, sister!" Her hands settled on Lilia's hips, lips grazing her earlobe. "I know a delightful way we could pass the time before your appointment."

Lilia tensed, alarm bells sounding in her mind. Gently but firmly, she extracted herself from Moira's wandering grasp. "As tempting as that sounds, I really must be going."

Moira pouted. "You're no fun. At least permit me to accompany you tonight. We could have such fun toying with that lecher Delgado together."

Lilia shook her head, alarm spiking at the thought of bringing Moira along. "I prefer to work alone." At Moira's sceptical look, she quickly improvised. "Don't want to draw undue attention. One new escort will seem mundane. Two may rouse suspicion."

"Hmm, I suppose you have a point," Moira mused reluctantly. "Well, don't be a stranger, darling. My door is always open to you." She pulled Lilia into a kiss that stole her breath before releasing her with obvious reluctance.

Lilia stood frozen for a moment, pulse racing as she tried to calm herself after the heady contact. Finally, she managed to murmur "Of course. I'll be sure to stop by again as soon as possible." The lie rolled smoothly off her tongue; she had no intention of another private visit if she could help it.

Satisfied, Moira led Lilia out to meet the other escorts waiting in the opulent lounge. Lilia took in the scantily clad women draped artfully across the furniture, swallowing down her discomfort. She had to adopt her cover flawlessly or the ruse would fail before it began.

Moira made introductions, and the assembled women turned appreciative eyes on Lilia. "So you're our mysterious newcomer Moira mentioned," remarked a buxom platinum blonde. "I must say, you certainly have an air of intrigue about you."

The other escorts chimed in with enthusiastic compliments, and Lilia found herself blushing under the sudden attention. Strange how their admiration stirred an instinctual delight in this body, even as her rational mind disagreed.

"Tell us, how did you first meet our dear Moira?" asked a dark-haired beauty, blinking long lashes coquettishly.

Snapping back to the present, Lilia replied without hesitation. "Oh, we met at another establishment some time ago. I was immediately taken by her sophistication and ambition." The lies flowed smoothly off her tongue.

"You simply must tell us all your beauty secrets," gushed a petite redhead, leaning in eagerly. "Your complexion is divine! And that hair, so unique and striking."

Lilia leaned back with an enigmatic smile, allowing them to fill in the gaps however they wished. The less fabricated details from her, the better. Though she made a mental note to research proper hair and makeup techniques later; clearly her disguise could use refinement.

The conversation flowed on as the escorts shared playful banter and gossip. To Lilia's surprise, she found their lively camaraderie almost enjoyable, losing herself in the light-hearted moments. For a while, she could simply exist as one of the girls, her anxieties fading into the background.

Too soon, Moira announced it was time to depart. Maintaining her new role, Lilia air-kissed the other escorts farewell and followed to the waiting limousine. Sliding onto the plush leather seat, she settled in for the ride, girding herself mentally to face Delgado.

One of the other escorts passed Lilia a glass of champagne. "Here darling, this will help take the edge off," she said with a wink. Lilia accepted it with murmured thanks, taking a small sip of the bubbly drink. It helped steady her nerves and maintain the escort persona.

Gazing out the tinted window as they drove, Lilia couldn't help but again ponder how she had ended up in this situation. It still felt surreal that she was essentially setting out to seduce a crime lord. Her mind shied away from imagining how the night might unfold if she had to get intimate.

No, it wouldn't come to that, Lilia told herself firmly. She would play the coquette just long enough to sneak close and lift the ring before making a swift exit. No need to actually indulge this repugnant man's appetites.

Squaring her shoulders, Lilia turned her focus to reviewing the plan. She ran through contingencies and backup options mentally, picturing herself succeeding in every scenario. This would go off without a hitch, and soon the second Blade would be within her grasp. She just had to stay cool and in control.

Before long, the limo pulled up outside an imposing wrought iron gate. Cameras watched their approach as the gate swung open electronically to admit them. The escorts whispered excitedly to each other as they drove up the long, winding driveway.

Lilia made sure to join in their eager chatter, though internally her pulse raced faster the closer they drew to the sprawling mansion. This was it, the moment to embrace her role fully and steer the night toward success. She could do this. Taking a deep breath, Lilia stepped gracefully out of the limo and into the lion's den.

The heavy front doors swung open, and they were greeted by a steward who ushered them inside wordlessly. Lilia absorbed her lavish surroundings, keeping her expression impassive. Soon, they were shown into an elegantly appointed room and instructed to make themselves comfortable while Mr. Delgado was informed of their arrival.

The escorts instantly made themselves at home, draping themselves artfully across the plush furnishings. Following their lead, Lilia perched on the edge of a chaise lounge, arranging herself in what she hoped was an alluring pose. Her heart hammered inside her chest, but she was determined not to let any anxious tells show through her facade.

Delgado and several of his associates soon arrived in the sitting room. Lilia tensed slightly as the crime lord's roving gaze took in the assembled escorts.

"Ladies, thank you for gracing us with your lovely company tonight," Delgado drawled, a smug smile spreading across his face. "Why don't we all relax and get better acquainted, hmm?"

Lilia's stomach dropped at the implication behind his words. She realized then that she had agreed to this distasteful mission far too hastily. The promise of securing another apocalypse blade had clouded her judgment, leading her to accept the scheme without fully considering the moral implications. But it was too late to back out now. She was already in the viper's nest and would have to see things through.

As Delgado and his associates made themselves comfortable, Lilia discreetly studied her target. There on his right hand was the ruby ring she sought, glinting even in the low light. Now she just had to find a way to get close enough to slip it off his finger unnoticed. Easier said than done with so many sharp-eyed guards stationed around the room.

Delgado's roving gaze soon landed on Lilia, clearly intrigued by the unfamiliar face among his usual escorts. His eyes lit up in interest.

"Well, who might our lovely new flower be?" he asked, beckoning her over.

Suppressing a wave of revulsion, Lilia gracefully rose and approached Delgado, offering a deferential curtsy. "Violet, at your service sir," she introduced herself, injecting a sultry note into her voice.

"Violet, come sit with me. Let me...properly welcome you," he ordered, patting the seat beside him. Suppressing a shudder, Lilia rose gracefully and glided over, settling herself close but not too intimately. She could feel his eyes crawling over her exposed skin, his proximity setting off alarm bells in her mind.

Up close, stealing the ring seemed impossible with so many alert guards in the room. She had to isolate Delgado first. Lilia knew she would need to seduce him enough to lure him somewhere more private. So she leaned in, brushing her fingers along his arm as she whispered teasing invitations in his ear.

To her surprise, the act of seduction came startlingly naturally, as if this body knew precisely what would entice Delgado. She sensed which smiles, touches, and sultry glances would spark his interest most. It was instinctual, requiring little conscious thought. The realization was jarring, even as it made her task simpler.

Moreover, Lilia realized with unease that part of her thrilled at the game of enticement, enjoyed seeing desire kindle in his eyes in response to her. She felt a heady rush of power from the ability to stoke his appetite with mere gestures and words. No wonder Moira revelled so much in these manipulations if it invoked such dangerously addictive excitement. 

No, she couldn't lose focus or control. She had to keep her wits and avoid getting caught up in base instincts foreign to her psyche. This was about the mission, nothing more. Lilia clung fiercely to that fact, resisting the pull of this form's darker desires. After an interminable length of subtle caresses and murmured affections, Delgado finally proposed adjourning somewhere more private.

Lilia smiled coyly. "That sounds perfect. Lead the way, darling," she remarked. Expression smug, Delgado took her hand and guided her from the sitting room. Lilia's pulse raced faster as they ascended a grand staircase to what she presumed was his bedroom.

Leaving guards outside, they stepped through an ornate set of double doors into a lavishly appointed master suite. Lilia quickly scanned the new environment, planning her approach. But she needed to stall a little longer while determining the best opening to swipe the ring unnoticed.

Lilia weighed her options as Delgado led her into the lavish master bedroom. She could try to attack and overwhelm him quickly, stealing the ring by force. But the nearby guards would be alerted instantly by any commotion. No, she needed a more subtle approach.

That's when she recalled the Charm ability, she had used previously on one of the cultists who captured her. With some concentration, Lilia could weave mana into her voice, imbuing it with a hypnotic, seductive quality that rendered the listener helpless to resist her suggestions.

Yes, that could work. She simply had to keep her wits and avoid getting caught up in the building desire she sensed simmering within this body. Suppressing a shudder, Lilia composed herself and channelled a trickle of mana into her vocal cords, imbuing her next words with preternatural allure.

"Now then, why don't we take things nice and slow, darling," Lilia purred, meeting Delgado's gaze evenly. "I want to savour every moment with you..."

To her dismay, Delgado seemed unaffected, his expression betraying no shift. Cold realization dawned - the ring must shield his mind from manipulation. Cursing internally, Lilia quickly shifted tactics, affecting coyness to avoid rousing suspicions.

"Playing hard to get, are we?" Delgado chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll have you singing for me soon enough." His roving hands grew bolder, greedily exploring the curves barely concealed by her skimpy dress.

Revulsion clawed at Lilia's insides, but she forced herself to continue the coy act, manoeuvring deftly to evade the more intimate caresses. Her body moved instinctively, swaying and angling in invitation while preventing consummation. Lilia was keenly aware that the night teetered on a knife's edge. One misstep could prove her undoing.

As Delgado's hunger mounted, his guard slipped. Lilia carefully tracked each ravenous touch, awaiting the perfect opening. When his grip finally loosened enough, she made her move. With serpentine speed, Lilia pinched the gaudy ring between two nails and slipped it smoothly off Delgado's finger.

The moment the ruby left Delgado's finger, Lilia immediately wove mana into her next words. "Sleep now, darling. You're completely spent after our passionate exertions."

Delgado's eyes instantly glazed over, her Charm ability finally taking effect. He collapsed back onto the plush mattress, snoring gently moments later. Lilia nearly sagged in relief. The crisis was averted, at least for now. But she knew Delgado would realize the theft once he awoke from the Charm's effects. She had to erase any suspicions before making her escape.

Lilia sat motionless, mind racing as she turned the ornate ring over in her hands. Simply fleeing now would arouse too many questions. Moira's credibility with Delgado would be ruined if Lilia stole so brazenly after being allowed into his private quarters.

While disgusted by the thought of actually indulging this loathsome man's desires, Lilia knew she must construct an elaborate alibi to eliminate any proof of her deception. With Delgado's guards stationed right outside, she was trapped inside the room.

Just then, a vivid flash of memory surfaced unexpectedly in Lilia's mind - fleeting glimpses of an intricate spell unlike any she knew from Endless Fantasy. Though fragmented, she somehow understood the principles behind it. Lilia's eyes widened as inspiration struck. This arcane magic could craft the perfect alibi!

Carefully, Lilia began weaving the spell over Delgado's slumbering form. She shaped intricate illusions within his subconscious, crafting a vivid dream where their passions escalated as planned. The dream Lilia teased and enticed dream Delgado toward an energetic tryst within these very quarters.

Yet just as they reached the climax, Lilia inserted a moment where Delgado noticed his missing ring. She guided the dream to have Delgado frantically search everywhere in vain, including checking dream Lilia thoroughly. Yet the ring was nowhere to be found.

Exhausted by their exertions and fruitless search, dream Delgado eventually gave up and returned to dream Lilia's embrace. They tumbled into the plush sheets to resume their rapturous intimacy as Delgado finally slipped into an exhausted slumber.

It was an intricate deception, but Lilia prayed it would remove any immediate suspicions of her wrongdoing. Delgado would believe he had simply misplaced the ring somewhere on his own.

Satisfied the illusory scenario was set, Lilia waited in the opulent bedroom for another hour, occasionally making sounds of exertion loud enough to be heard through the door. She even went so far as messing up her hair and makeup just enough to appear convincing when she finally exited. The acts made heat rise in Lilia's cheeks, terribly embarrassed at the implied context. But she endured the necessity, reminding herself it was merely an illusion for show.

Finally, Lilia stepped gracefully out of the bedroom, the guards' eyes widened at her dishevelled appearance.

"Apologies for the noise," Lilia uttered. "But your employer simply couldn't restrain himself once we were alone. The poor dear exhausted himself into quite a deep sleep. I hope we didn't disturb you too much."

She fluttered her lashes innocently as the flustered guards processed her words. After awkwardly confirming Delgado was simply resting, they escorted her back downstairs to rejoin the other escorts.

Coy smiles and suggestive looks greeted Lilia as the women took in her debauched appearance. They peppered her with eager questions about her private time with Delgado, assuming the worst based on her artfully smeared makeup and tousled hair. Lilia simply gave vague descriptions of the dream she had woven in Delgado's mind, allowing their imaginations to fill in the sordid details.

Soon the limo had returned to shuttle them all back Angel's Kiss. Lilia stared pensively out the tinted window as the city lights slid by, wrapped in her own swirling thoughts. The stolen ring rested securely within her shadow, the physical proof of her success. Yet she could not ignore the creeping unease over how this body influenced her.

As the limo navigated the dark streets, Lilia sank deeper into introspection. She couldn't shake the disquiet churning within her over tonight's mission.

Just a month ago, the thought of using this female body in such a provocative manner would have mortified James to the core. Yet tonight, Lilia had slipped into the role of seductress almost too smoothly for comfort.

Worse still was the realization that, despite her mind protests, the intimate acts didn't repulse her as much as they should have. The line between Lilia's instincts and James's morals grew more blurred each day.

Lilia gazed at her reflection in the tinted window, brows drawn together. For all intents and purposes, she was still James Brooks on the inside. But the more time she spent inhabiting this alluring succubus form, the more he doubted if that was true.

As much as James rationalized that he retained his core self, Lilia's thoughts and impulses flowed alarmingly naturally when her instincts took over. What happened tonight was just the latest example.

Lilia worried her lower lip between sharp teeth, seized by a sudden anxiety. How much of the original James would remain after a year? Was he slowly disappearing altogether, gradually overwritten by Lilia's original persona?

The notion filled Lilia with an almost existential dread. She had to find answers and if her suspicions were true, a way to halt the metamorphosis before James Brooks vanished completely, leaving only the alluring seductress in his place.

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