Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 49: Vigil

I only proofread and edited it halfway, I'd do it 100% but I'm too tired.

Lilia and Akari stepped cautiously out of the elevator into a dimly lit basement corridor. They exchanged uneasy glances, neither having expected Raphaël to be awaiting their arrival down here.

As they walked warily down the passage, it soon opened up into a spacious laboratory. Banks of advanced computer equipment lined the walls, screens filled with streams of code and data that Lilia couldn't comprehend. Thick bundles of cables snaked across the floor, connecting the various machines.

At the chamber's centre stood Raphaël, regarding them with a calculating expression. Lilia tensed, prepared to defend herself if this man tried to stop their intrusion.

"Welcome," Raphaël said calmly. "I've been expecting you. Please, come this way. I believe you have questions, and I will provide what answers I can."

With no other option, Lilia and Akari trailed after Raphaël through a side door leading to a small, modestly furnished office. It was a jarring contrast from the opulent space upstairs. Raphaël took a seat behind the plain metal desk and regarded them expectantly.

"Can I offer you ladies any refreshments?" he asked politely. When both declined, he folded his hands atop the desk.

"I imagine you are quite confused as to how I was anticipating your arrival. The truth is, Vigil informed me visitors were coming who wished to speak with him directly. He requested that I ensure you could proceed unimpeded."

Lilia's eyes narrowed. "You're taking instructions from an artifact?"

Raphaël smiled thinly. "A partnership, one could say. Vigil has guided Hexa's path since I first discovered it years ago. In exchange, I have provided an ideal virtual environment for him to inhabit."

Akari shook her head slowly. "This is utter madness. You've ceded control of your company to some ancient relic?"

"I understand your scepticism," Raphaël replied evenly. "Initially, I too doubted Vigil's supposed sentience and intentions. But over the decades, his judgment has proven sound. I've come to trust his counsel implicitly."

He turned his piercing gaze to Lilia. "Now then, you sought an audience with Vigil himself, did you not? Very well, follow me please."

Raphaël led them from the office through a securely locked door. Within was a spacious chamber dominated by an intricate machine covered in screens, gauges, and cables. Suspended at its core, myriad wires and tubes connecting it to the apparatus, hovered the pocket watch - Vigil.

Lilia's breath caught at the immense magical energy pulsating around the ancient timepiece. This was no mere trinket - it held enough raw power to lay waste to cities. Yet its presence exuded an aura of eerie calm, at odds with its immense destructive potential.

Despite her wariness, curiosity drew Lilia closer. As she studied the intricate mana currents swirling around Vigil, a sense of revelation suddenly seized her mind.

"Simply touch Vigil, and you should be able to converse with him telepathically," Raphaël instructed, his expression calculating as he watched her closely.

Lilia hesitated, torn between unease and the lure of answers that had long eluded her. This relic's motives remained opaque. Yet if it truly possessed knowledge she sought, this might prove her sole opportunity to uncover the truth.

She turned to Akari, who watched the proceedings with ill-concealed wariness, a hand hovering near her hidden talismans. "Be ready to intervene if something goes awry," Lilia cautioned.

Taking a steadying breath, Lilia reached out and gently rested her fingertips atop the intricate pocket watch. Immediately, her consciousness detached from her physical form, swept into a strange metaphysical realm.

Lilia found herself standing before an elderly man with floor-length grey hair and piercing silver eyes. Instinctively, she knew this was the manifestation through which Vigil chose to interact.

"Greetings, Lilia," Vigil said, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Or should I say... James?"

Before Lilia could respond, she realized with a jolt that her physical form had reverted - she was James once more, though tinged with unmistakable remnants of Lilia's influence in his now silver-streaked hair and androgynous facial features.

"What trickery is this?" James demanded, unnerved by Vigil's casual familiarity.

Vigil's expression remained impassive. "No deception, I merely wished to confirm you are not the Lilia I once knew. Her essence has clearly merged with your own consciousness in an... unforeseen manner."

James stared at the entity, struggling to process this revelation. "You actually knew Lilia? The real one?"

"Indeed," Vigil replied. "Though that is a tale for another time. For now, you undoubtedly have many questions burning within you. Allow me to provide some context that may prove enlightening."

James nodded slowly, his impatience for answers warring with curiosity over what Vigil might reveal. The ancient being launched into a lengthy recounting of his origins and purpose.

Vigil explained that in a bygone era, he had been forged by the great wizard Merlin himself as an instrument to help safeguard the future of humanity. While not possessing his creator's raw power, Vigil had been imbued with the ability to subtly manipulate probability - to carefully steer the tides of fate as needed.

For centuries, Vigil had born witness to the innumerable potential cataclysms awaiting mankind's extinction. No matter the era, he found ways to exert his influence and divert civilizations from utter ruin. Yet despite his efforts, the future remained shrouded in an endless cycle of struggle and suffering.

That prognosis had shifted several decades prior. Vigil had detected an anomalous pivot point rapidly approaching - a profound diversion in the weave of fate, the aftermath of which remained opaque even to his considerable foresight. After much consideration, he had chosen to navigate humanity toward that unreadable path.

They were now committed to that trajectory, Vigil admitted. He could no longer reliably predict events more than a handful of days in advance. But he harboured faith that this new road, obscured as it was, might finally hold the promise of lasting change.

James listened raptly, posing clarifying questions when necessary as Vigil's tale unfolded. As the being concluded, James gave voice to the question burning foremost in his mind.

"So if you were trying to divert fate down this new path, why create the Endless Fantasy virtual world? How was that so pivotal to your goals?"

Vigil nodded sagely. "An astute inquiry. Through my foresight I realized that bringing that digital realm into existence was indeed a critical step in helping nudge events toward our present circumstances, though the precise mechanics remain unclear even to me."

James frowned, another nagging question surfacing. "What about that...Sanity Devourer creature from the haunted hotel? Why did you purge any record of its original form from the game databases after it appeared?"

"Ah, you refer to my pre-emptive redesign," Vigil replied. "Through my increasingly clouded perceptions, I glimpsed a future where that entity's discovery prompted unwanted scrutiny into Endless Fantasy's nature and origins by outside authorities. To forestall any such investigations, I took steps to obfuscate all evidence of its former guise."

"So why make these parts of the game manifest in reality in the first place?"

Vigil spread his hands. "I based Endless Fantasy on glimpses of a ruined realm from another era. I had no hand in their manifestations. Perhaps distant echoes still reverberate crossing to this realm, explaining the anomalies."

The answers shed some light, but far more questions still lingered. James decided to pursue the matter weighing most heavily upon him

"Do you have any insight into why I can transform into Lilia? Was this your doing, somehow?"

Vigil's expression grew pensive. "No, that phenomenon was entirely unforeseen by me as well. Your unique connection to that individual remains an enigma, I'm afraid." A faint smile played across his lips. "Though I confess, I am quite curious to learn what may have catalysed such an extraordinary bond."

James exhaled slowly, his mind whirling as he struggled to process everything Vigil had revealed. He couldn't escape the distinct sense that the ancient entity was still withholding critical truths. But before he could give voice to those suspicions, Vigil spoke once more.

"I regret that our time together grows perilously short," he said, a tinge of weariness entering his tone. "The wellspring of magic sustaining my consciousness is almost depleted. Soon, I will enter a deep slumber, potentially lasting decades or even centuries before I can rouse again."

Vigil's form shimmered briefly before an ancient, leather-bound tome appeared in his outstretched hands. "But before we part ways, please accept this gift - a small token of gratitude for indulging an ancient relic's ramblings."

He proffered the weathered book to James. "This compendium contains the collected mystical knowledge of my creator, Merlin himself. Study it well, and any lingering uncertainties you harbour about your transformation and burgeoning abilities may finally be illuminated."

Vigil smiled warmly. "Go forth on your remarkable journey with an open mind and heart. There is still so much left to experience and understand. Farewell, and good fortune to you." the ancient relic's voice echoed as everything faded to white.

James accepted the tome reverently, its substantial weight settling into his hands as he felt the raw magical energies pulsing from its pages. He met Vigil's timeworn gaze with a mixture of gratitude and lingering doubt.

"Thank you. I will ensure this does not go to waste," he said solemnly. "Though I can't shake the sense that you're still holding something back from me."

Vigil's expression remained inscrutable. "We all keep certain truths obscured, even from ourselves at times. What matters most are the actions we take to safeguard what is precious."

The ancient entity's voice grew faint, as if issuing from a great distance. "Go forth on your journey with an open mind and compassionate heart. There is still so much you have yet to much left to comprehend..."

Vigil's form dissolved away, the metaphysical realm around them fading to blinding whiteness. James awoke with a gasp, blinking against the harsh fluorescent lights of the hidden laboratory once more. The cozy woods and Vigil's wizened visage were gone, replaced again by the sterile technology surrounding them.

But the leatherbound tome remained clutched in Lilia's hands, its very existence confirming the strange vision had been no mere illusion.

Akari was at her side in an instant, gripping her arm with obvious concern. "Lilia? Are you alright? You went completely rigid the moment you made contact with that artifact..."

Lilia lifted the ancient book slightly, giving her head a slight shake to dispel the lingering disorientation.

"I'm fine," she assured Akari. "Vigil...gave me this tome. It's meant to contain mystical insights from Merlin himself."

She quickly relayed the key details of her discussion with Vigil - his role in guiding humanity's fate, the purpose behind creating Endless Fantasy, his inability to See the current trajectory they now followed. Akari listened with furrowed brows as Lilia described Vigil's claims that his powers were depleted, and he would soon enter a prolonged slumber period.

Raphaël watched their exchange with a somber expression, nodding slowly as Lilia recounted Vigil's words. But when she mentioned the ancient relic's waning power, his face fell in a way that made Lilia's heart clench with empathy.

"I see..." he murmured, lifting his mournful gaze to the motionless watch still suspended amid the machinery. "So our long partnership is at an end, after all this time."

The depth of affection and respect Raphaël clearly held for the entity which had guided his life's work over the decades was palpable. Losing that presence would be a profound blow.

Exchanging a meaningful look with Akari, Lilia stepped over and placed a gentle hand on Raphaël's shoulder.

"Why don't you take some time to be alone, my friend?" she suggested kindly. "We can see ourselves out and you can pay your respects in private."

Raphaël glanced up at her, managing a faint, grateful smile despite his melancholy. "Yes...thank you. I would appreciate that, after everything..."

With one final backwards look at the now dormant Vigil, Lilia and Akari took their silent leave. As they exited the hidden laboratory into the bustling London streets, Akari turned to her with an expression torn between concern and skepticism.

"Lilia...that entity, Vigil. Do you truly believe everything it claimed? Its words raised far more questions than they answered."

Lilia chewed her lip pensively, considering her response carefully.

"In all honesty? I'm not fully certain what to believe anymore," she admitted finally. "I don't think Vigil lied outright. But I can't shake the sense that it kept many truths purposefully obscured, even from itself."

She lifted the tome cradled against her chest. "With the knowledge within this compendium however, perhaps the full truth will finally be brought to light."

Akari nodded slowly, though scepticism lingered in her eyes. "This has certainly raised more questions than answers. But we should discuss it back at the bureau where we can speak freely."

As they exited Hexa Studios and blended into the bustling London streets, Lilia's thoughts churned. She glanced sidelong at her stern companion, sensing this was the moment to finally reveal the truth of her unique circumstances.

"Akari, there is something important I must tell you," Lilia began cautiously as they walked. "I fear you may find it difficult to believe, but I ask that you hear me out fully before passing judgement."

The shrine maiden raised an eyebrow but nodded for her to continue. Lilia took a deep breath, steeling her nerves. No going back now.

"The truth is...I really am James Brooks. I never took over his identity, nor did I create a false one." Lilia held up a hand to forestall Akari's incredulous protest.

"Please, let me explain. For me, Lilia was merely a character I created in Endless Fantasy. But one day, after getting injured on my way to school, I suddenly gained the ability to transform into her."

Lilia met Akari's disbelieving stare earnestly. "Ever since then, I've been living a double life split between myself and Lilia. But I was originally James!"

Akari was silent for a long moment as they walked, her features a mask of scepticism. When she finally spoke, her voice was tinged with disbelief.

"Your story is... difficult to digest," she said carefully. "To think that you, a succubus, are actually a human male, it's the stuff of fantasy, not reality."

Lilia braced herself, the weight of her secret heavy in the air between them. "I know how it sounds, Akari. But I promise you, it's the truth."

Akari's gaze was piercing, as if trying to discern the veracity of Lilia's words through sheer will. "I've seen many strange things in my time with the bureau," she admitted. "But this tale of yours, it's beyond even those oddities. You could just be weaving another layer of deception."

Lilia's heart sank, but she held Akari's gaze, determined to convey her sincerity. "I understand your doubt. All I ask is that you judge me by my actions, not by the nature you believe I possess."

There was a lengthy pause, the city's hum enveloping them as they navigated the crowded pavement. Akari's expression was unreadable, her internal struggle evident.

"Perhaps I am a fool," Akari finally said, her voice low, "but I will choose to trust you—for now. Not because I believe your story, but because you have fought alongside me, and your actions don't align with that of demons."

Lilia's relief was palpable, even as the acceptance she sought remained elusive. "Thank you," she replied, her voice soft. "That's more than I could have hoped for."

"Do not thank me yet," Akari cautioned, her eyes narrowing. "My trust is provisional. If you betray me, or if I find evidence of deceit, our alliance will end."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," Lilia said, a small smile gracing her lips despite the tension. "I appreciate your willingness to keep an open mind."

Lilia and Akari continued on their way through the bustling London streets. The weight of secrets and scepticism hung between them, though Akari's reaction had been more measured than anticipated. It seemed a tentative trust was growing, however fragile.

As they approached the hotel, Lilia's thoughts turned to the mysterious compendium given to her by Vigil. Perhaps within its pages, she would finally uncover truths about her transformation, and the catastrophic future that's approaching. But for now, she was content to have regained even a sliver of understanding with her stern companion. The rest would come in time.

Did he truly go to sleep?


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