Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 34: Amelia Bones Pt. 2

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Harry and Amelia explore her submissive side together~


Harry makes an impulse decision before Amelia can recover enough to realize how she’s currently acting. He finds himself wanting to explore this submissiveness, so as the Director of the DMLE sits there frozen in his chair, he moves himself behind her. The first hand on one shoulder is joined by a second on the next and Harry hums to himself.

“Very, very well done Amelia. Your work today was inspired.”

At first, Amelia tenses up further under his touch. She shivers almost violently. But Harry just plows on ahead, working his fingers into her shoulders and starting to give her a massage.

“Hard work deserves a reward. I’m sure you agree, Amelia.”

The more he works away at her shoulders, the more she relaxes. Fortunately, Harry is very good at this. Just one of the many skills he’d learned while trying and failing to save the world in the future. He can even go a step further and push his magic through his fingers to make the experience truly spectacular… but he holds off from doing that for the moment. Instead, he focuses on helping her relax while he waits for her answer. Finally, the beautiful witch finds her voice.

“Some… some would say hard work is its own reward.”

The words themselves could be interpreted as a rebuke, as censure. But Amelia’s voice is neither sharp nor hard. Her tone is not that strong. Instead, she sounds faint, almost as if she’s saying something she thinks she has to believe but doesn’t actually. Or maybe more like she’s trying to fight against her own desires… against her own wants and needs.

Harry smiles softly, even as his shadowy fingers continue to dig into Amelia’s flesh, slowly forcing the tension out of her shoulders, bit by bit.

“Some, perhaps. But they aren’t here, are they Amelia? It’s just you and me right now, is it not?”

Not seeming to trust herself to speak again so soon, Amelia manages a shaky nod in response. Leaning in close, Harry presses a kiss to the top of her head, making her freeze up again as he murmurs into her hair.

“Well, I say that hard work deserves a reward. And so a reward you shall get. Understood?”

“U-Understood, sir.”

The words slip out of her lips before she can think better of them. Harry can feel her tense up all over again when she calls him ‘sir’, but he doesn’t draw attention to it. Instead, he continues with the massage, feeling as she slowly but surely relaxes once more into his touch. The longer he goes without directly calling her out, the more comfortable she becomes.

Still, Harry is turning the word over in his head all the same. Sir. The DMLE Director had called him ‘sir’. Could it really be? Could he really have stumbled upon such a perfect woman? Amelia Bones as she was, as he’d thought he knew her to be, was already a valuable ally that Harry had had every intention of cultivating into a Minister of Magic that would work with him instead of against him.

At the same time, he’d never considered her a candidate for the ritual… until now. He hadn’t thought she would have the temperament for it, truth be told. And he had no intention of forcing himself on anyone either. They had to be willing, both in terms of sex and in terms of sacrifice. Even Rita, Harry was cajoling down the path of corruption. She would eventually submit to him willingly.

But Rita was a different story, or so Harry had assumed. Amelia Bones, at first glance, didn’t seem like she had a submissive bone in her body. And yet… and yet, here they were. The first glance didn’t always paint the full picture, now did it? One should never judge a book by it’s cover, and Harry had clearly fallen into exactly that trap here.

As soon as he’s done with Amelia’s shoulders, Harry moves onto her neck and back. The Director of the DMLE stays quiet, or at least tries to. She’s biting her tongue and pressing her lips together in an effort to keep her whimpering and moaning to a minimum, but Harry can still hear the small, minute noises escaping from her tightly shut mouth.

Still, he can’t deny that he’s curious to know just how deep her submission might really run. She seems willing to place herself in his power… almost eager even. But what will she do if he goes further? What will she do if he gives her a direct order? In the end… there’s only one way to find out. Pulling his hands off of her, Harry hums.

“Your clothes are in the way, Amelia. Too many layers. Stand and strip, please.”

A step too far, if she was any less submissive than she seemed. Certainly not the sort of thing that their relationship so far called for. And yet… Amelia only hesitates a moment before ducking her head and rising from her seat. As she ducks her head and stands, Harry thinks he catches the hint of a smile on her lips before she turns away to hide her expression from him.

He doesn’t order her to turn around. Instead, Harry merely watches her quietly, even as she removes her robes and then her top and skirt. She strips down to her underwear slowly, methodically, and in a word… inevitably. As though she always knew things would lead to this. As she gets down to her underwear, Harry admires the Hufflepuff Gold of her bra and panties. At the same time, Amelia finally hesitates.

“That’s enough.”

Harry smiles as she jolts at his words, her hands having been tentatively reaching back for the clasp of her bra. She turns to him then, looking at him as he admires her underwear-clad figure. With a nod of his shadowy head, Harry gestures and conjures a massage table in the middle of the office, causing Amelia’s eyes to go wide at the casual display of power. She bites her lower lip a moment later, shifting from side to side. Not quite rubbing her thighs together in arousal… but rather, attempting to resist the urge to do so from the look of things.

“Lay down.”

Again, she does as she’s told. It’s coming easier and easier to her in fact, if Harry isn’t mistaken. The more she obeys him, the happier she is. Of course, laying face down with her face in the hole of the massage table, Harry can’t actually see her facial reactions in real time… but he can tell she’s happy all the same.

With her on the massage table, Harry continues the massage, turning it from a simple shoulder massage to full body. And now that he’s doing full body… well, he doesn’t see much reason to hold back anymore. As his fingers dig into Amelia’s flesh directly, he pushes his magic through his digits into Amelia as well.

He can see the moment his magic makes contact with her magic. If he went too hard, he could harm her this way. But then to be fair, that was true of all massages. They were based on pressure points, and so were martial arts. The only difference between healing and harming was the amount of strength applied.

In this case, Harry doesn’t use his magic to outright dominate Amelia or damage her own magic, even if he very much could. Instead, he uses his magic in the same way he’s using his fingers. Amelia’s metaphysical nature is as tensely strung as her physical nature. The stress isn’t good for you, not in mind, body… or spirit. Muggles had all these ideas about spirit and the soul and what not, but the truth was, it was wizards and witches who actually had to worry about their spiritual selves.

The more stress a magical being found themselves under, the more tightly wound their magic could get. That was what Amelia was dealing with right now, and that’s what Harry slowly began to unravel, even as he turned her physical body into a mewling, pleasured puddle at the same time.

In the end, she couldn’t keep her voice quiet forever. The more he touched her, the harder it became. Her moans eventually echo through the office as she loses that internal battle, her self-control completely destroyed by how good he’s making her feel.

Of course, eventually her bra does get a little too in the way. His fingers constantly have to go over or under the Hufflepuff Gold undergarment, until finally Harry just reaches up, undoes the clasp, and lets the bra snap free. Her modesty is still mostly preserved, of course. Amelia gasps from the action but makes no move to stop him. And without the straps of her bra in his way, Harry is able to dig all the deeper into her back, moving his magical fingers up and down and pushing into her flesh in all the right places.

She quivers and moans under him, all but egging him on as he goes, while Harry just concentrates on making this the best experience she’s ever had. Massaging a topless Director Bones might not have been within his expectations for how this night would go, but Harry can’t really bring himself to complain… especially not when she’s so very clearly enjoying herself so damn much.

A small smile spreads across Harry’s face. He considers going harder. He considers upping the pace again. Stripping her the rest of the way naked, climbing up onto the massage table, sliding into her right then and there… it would be so easy. And Amelia would probably enjoy it immensely as well. At this point, she was like putty in his hands. There was nothing he couldn’t do to her that she wouldn’t go along with, save actively harming her.

… And yet, did he really want to go that far that fast? As submissive as Amelia was turning out to be in the bedroom, she was also still valuable for the other things she represented. He still wanted to make her Minister of Magic. He still wanted to use her as an ally to effectively remove his enemies from the Wizarding World, those who would stand in his way and keep him from saving everyone.

She’d done well today. Very, very well. And she deserved this reward, of that Harry has no doubts. But… at the same time, if he went any further, it would no longer be a reward for Amelia, but a conquest for Harry. If he kept going from here, he would be turning Amelia’s victory into his domination. It would… detract from all the good she’d done today; he couldn’t help but feel.

No. He didn’t need to bed Amelia Bones right this moment. He had plenty on his plate already, and so did she. This much… this much would have to be enough. It likely would be enough, Harry suspected. Because Amelia would almost certainly come out of this feeling better than she had in a long time, not just physically but also magically. And she would want more.

Smiling softly, Harry continues the full body massage but doesn’t say another word. Nor does he do anything to keep Amelia from drifting off. It’s as easy as that in the end. She was already so tired, already so exhausted. The only thing keeping her awake was her work and then his presence. But with him being quiet and turning her entire body into jelly, she just can’t keep her eyes open anymore.

Only once he feels her presence quieting, only once he knows she’s fully asleep, does Harry pull his hands back from her half-naked body. Ah, but she truly is absolutely gorgeous. In just her bra and panties, Amelia Bones looks absolutely delicious. But… the best desserts are all the sweeter if you make yourself wait. If you make yourself EARN them.

After all, Amelia had deserved a reward for HER hard work today, but what had Harry really done? It was like he’d told her before, he’d merely pointed her in the right direction. All of this was her accomplishment, her achievement.

His smile growing fond, Harry lifts Amelia up off of the massage table with his magic and then vanishes the conjured furniture. Then, he takes her over to the couch and once more tucks her in, making sure she’s nice and cozy under a couple of blankets. She doesn’t wake up, a testament to just how tired she clearly was, even as he gets her into position. And yes, he gets a good eyeful of her breasts in the process, but knowing what he knew now, he doubted she would really care.

Then, after making sure no one would interrupt her slumber, Harry folds up her discarded clothing and robes and sets them down next to her.

His plans for Amelia Bones would have to change. There was simply no denying that. Now that he knew her true nature, he would need to begin working her towards a state of mind conducive to the ritual. He would bring her under his control, not just for himself or for the world, but for her own sake.

Harry had intended for her to be an ally, but now it seemed their relationship would become something more. Amelia Bones would join her magic to his and together, they would ensure the survival of the Wizarding World. No matter what.

Leaving the DMLE Director’s Office behind, Harry slips back into Hogwarts with no one any the wiser. Dumbledore is still hopelessly distracted with trying to save Snape’s neck from the upcoming inquisition into the Potions Professor’s actions. Harry wonders if the Headmaster will be foolish enough to ask Harry to speak on Snape’s behalf, but he suspects not even Dumbledore would be that silly. Still, who knows right?

Arriving back in Gryffindor Tower, Harry makes his way up to his dorm and approaches his bed. Really, Harry can’t wait to put his head down for the night. Sure, someone like Amelia had certainly had a tougher few days then Harry had, but ultimately its been a lot for him as well and he’s ready to be done.

Unfortunately, before he can actually lay his head down for the night, he finds himself stopped by one more thing he has to take care of.

The Vote:
[ ] He finds another note from Rita, she's reached the edge - 30%

[X] He finds Bellatrix, and she's feeling neglected - 70%


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