Light Spirit Epic

: Part I: World View (2) Photon / Miracle

1/02: Photon

1/02/01: Photon (1) - Overview of Photons

That is what the ancients said [magic power]. But it is only a particle, not an energy.

Photon is a neutral particle that is ubiquitous in multiple parallel universes and can express quantum transitions. It is extremely particle-like.

Photons can induce various physical phenomena, and photons can be converted into pure energy. Photons are present in the particles of matter and are part of the constituent materials. Photons have almost no quality.

In the universe, photons, energy, matter, and time and space maintain a constant total amount, which can be transformed into each other, but the total amount of the four before and after the conversion remains unchanged.

Photons can be classified into [free photons] and [inherent photons] by nature.

[Free photon] refers to photons that are ubiquitous in the world and are free to enter and exit the living body and cannot be retained in the living body for a long time. Their structure is generally simple.

[Inherent photons] are generally generated in epic organisms, and are generally composed of [free photons] and are photons that can remain in the living body for a long time. Whether it is possible to manufacture [inherent photons] is the criterion for determining whether an organism is an epic photon. The process of intrinsic photon cracking into free photons produces a lot of energy, which is one of the reasons why epic creatures are so powerful.

1/02/02: Photon (2) - application of photons

In Pantoraken-Orem time and space, photons generally have two methods of use: photon mirrors and photon diversion.

1/02/02a: Photon application a: photon mirror

The technology comes from an ore called [Light Stone]. Light stone has the property of reflecting out photons in nature.

The boulder is refined, tiled on a flat surface, and powered, the matrix of the pebbles can stably and continuously produce the reflection effect, the photons of the matrix panel are continuously reflected outward, and the photons are continuously supplemented from other planes, and finally form a continuous , a photon flow perpendicular to the matrix panel.

The photon flow can be maintained only by power consumption, and the photon flow can generate the propulsive force in the opposite direction. Therefore, most of the initial photon mirrors are applied to the propulsion system of the spacecraft. The anti-gravity flight engine appeared in the very early history of Pantoraken-Orim, but the power supply technology was still behind and the development of the anti-gravity engine was hindered.

1/02/02a1: Application of a1 photon mirror 1: photon gun

Photon mirrors are used in weapon systems during the medieval period. The original photon weapon fired a stream of photons through a large number of mirrors to create the same effect as a beam gun. However, at that time, photon compression technology, photon diversion and enchantment and anastomosis were not mature, and the power of the beam gun was not ideal. At most, it was the extent to which the food was cooked.

With the development of modern technology, the photon flow can be compressed to a very lethal level. The emitted high-pressure photon flow can rub against the atmosphere within a certain distance, generating high-heat ionized substances, making the light gun a very deadly weapon. However, if the range is exceeded, the photon stream will decay rapidly and the power will drop dramatically.

However, there is a technical bottleneck in photon ammunition: since the photons present in the atmosphere and the photon flux emitted (photonicfriction), the rate of fire of the emitted photon stream is always limited to sixty cents of the speed of light. First, no matter how high the compression law is, the photon flux with much energy cannot exceed this rate of fire, because the higher the compression law, the higher the initial velocity, and the more obvious the friction phenomenon of the photon flow. It has been envisaged that the use of enchantment anastomosis to make a photon vacuum region in the orbit of the photon stream to improve the rate of fire of the photon weapon is the so-called concept of [orbital gun]. However, enchantment anastomosis has not had much breakthrough in long-distance applications, and the railgun has not been able to get practical use.

1/02/02a2: Application of a2 photon mirror 2: photon shield and photon armor

After the light bomb becomes a deadly long-range attack, enchantment forming provides the possibility to defend against the light bomb: by encircling the photon stream in a mask-shaped enchantment, it is possible to simply defend most of the light bomb.

Since the two high-density photon streams create a mutual repulsion, the photon shield acts as a buffer for the light bounce, causing the light bounce to the user to bounce off, or to decay rapidly, becoming less deadly.

So the modern battle quickly became a technical contradiction between the photon gun and the photon shield. In fact, it is impossible for both sides to make a big damage to the enemy through a long-range weapon in battle. It is usually necessary to first cut the opponent's photon shield to make a fatal blow to the opponent.

Photon armor, in the alloy of armor mixed with stone as a raw material. The armor that is constantly recharged during combat can provide users with reliable protection, but the armor will become "heavy" with the filling of photons. This is not a quality weight, but because of the photon friction effect. And let the user be penalized for slowing down on the move. The more photons that photon armor is filled in, the better the protection performance, and the more obvious the deceleration. If it is only to increase the defense, the equipment may enter the dilemma of being completely unable to move and killing.

1/02/02a3: Application of a3 photon mirror 3: light edge

In view of the low efficiency of photon firearms in combat, it is proposed to combine the high-precision enchantment anastomosis developed in modern times to create a photon melee weapon: by confining the photon flow to a fixed energy field (enchantment), Photons can be compressed to a very horrible level, and the photon blade that emits excess light in the enchantment surrounded by high energy can easily cut off any substance, even if the high-energy photon shield becomes vulnerable.

In the era of photonic shields and photon firearms in technical matriculation, the photon melee weapons became the mainstream. Of course, the price of this brute force attack is that you need to be close to your opponent to be effective.

Through very harsh training and high-level photon armor, the Knights of Pandraken have long been accustomed to this kind of high-speed approach, a blow to kill. They even trained the mental reaction to the extreme, and easily evaded the oncoming light bombs, or used the light edge to bounce the light. The Pandraken Knight, who was rampaging in the rain of bullets, once stunned the entire European continent, though it was five centuries ago.

1/02/02a4: Application of a4 photon 4: photonic buffering effect (photonicbuffering)

In fact, it is an extension of photon friction. The core of this effect is that when a group of highly concentrated photons (hereinafter referred to as photon stream a) moves in a conventional space, it will inevitably rub against the free photons in the space, so the moving speed of a will inevitably slow down.

The higher the concentration of a, the greater the friction and the faster the decay rate.

Therefore, even if you can kill a powerful ultra-high concentrated photon stream, if the launch does not go out, or the range is extremely short, the speed of the bomb is very slow, then there is no practical significance.

The same is true for the melee weapons of the light-blade: even if you can gather super-high concentrations of photons to produce amazing lethality, but because of the buffering effect, no one can wave, this can not be a weapon.

Similarly, photon shields and photon armor also cause an increase in photon buffering during the charging of photons. Simply trying to strengthen the protective performance of the armor will only make the user unable to move.

There is another interesting phenomenon about photon buffering. Suppose there are two high concentrations, and the photon flows a and b are confined in two independent enchantments: when a, b intersect at a certain speed, because of mutual buffering and photon friction in the atmosphere, eventually Causes this a, b to rebound from each other.

Simply put, the light edge and the light edge do not cross each other, but bounce off each other (this process is very similar to the physical sword collision rebound), but the party with a relatively small photon concentration will be subjected to a large reaction force.

In the same principle, if the light blade is cut on the armor of a high-concentration photon, it may be bounced off, so experienced warriors usually choose the weaker part of the armor.

1/02/02a5: Application of a5 photon: damage determination of photon weapons: basic attributes

After the photon weapon hits the target, it actually comes with a series of complex injuries. Cut damage. Generally, it is obviously reflected in melee weapons such as light blades. The high-speed flow of photons in the enchantment is like a separate saw blade that can easily cut the surface of the object.

(2) Burning damage. The high-energy photon flow transmits energy while contacting the surface of the object, causing the target surface to be molecularly melted, followed by vaporization or plasmaization. The situation is like welding and welding objects. This damage is generally manifested when hitting an object with low protection.

(3) Impact damage. The target's defense power is very high. When the object composition contains a large number of photons, the phenomenon of cutting and dissolving is not obvious, but the impact damage is reflected by the photon buffering effect, such as the high-pressure water current hitting the rock. Light bombs are generally bombed, and melee weapons are cut on heavy armor. Both sides are subjected to a certain degree of reaction. The weapon or the armor photon concentration is less affected. (See 1/02/02a4: Photon Buffering Effect)

Because the impact force may penetrate the armor to cause local internal injury to the other side, there is also a method of using a large photon hammer to break the armor, which has a significant lethal effect on the target wearing heavy armor. But the weight of the photon hammer is not the average person's arm can swing.

The three items of sniper, blown and shock become the basic attributes of photon weapons, which must be possessed by any photon weapon. How each attribute is reflected depends on the opponent's protective equipment.

1/02/02a6: A6 Photon Application: Damage Determination of Photon Weapons: Extra Attributes - "Filter" and "Enchanting"

In addition to the three basic attributes of sniper, blown, and shock, a beam of photons used to attack can be accompanied by additional physical effects. These effects are generally achieved by two means, namely [filter] and [enchantment].

[Filter] is a device that is generally used on devices that simply output photon streams, such as lightsaber, to change the properties of some photons while passing through the filter to produce a series of special physical phenomena such as high temperature/freeze/shock. This is a bit like the magician's process of using magic.

Since the photon output of the weapon is constant, the filter is equivalent to sacrificing the lethality of a part of the weapon itself to create a special physical effect.

[Enchanting] is applied to compare the early real system weapons to increase the performance of the weapon. For example, the iron sword is filled with a large number of photons to improve the sharpness and hardness of the iron sword. Similar to [filter], [enchantment] can also produce a variety of special physical phenomena, but the physical nature of the physical weapon itself limits the enchantment strength of the weapon. That is to say, it is impossible to attach an enchantment that physical weapons cannot bear. If you attach a hot enchantment but the blade can't withstand this high temperature, the sword will dissolve immediately and cannot be used.

There is still a problem with adding enchantments to physical weapons, which means that the weapon becomes [heavy]. Although the actual weight does not increase or decrease after charging the photon, the weapon becomes heavy and difficult to swing due to the effect of the photon buffering effect during the weapon. The more powerful the enchantment, the more the weapon will become heavy, so the ancient soldiers who used the physical sword are generally amazing.

1/02/02b: Photon application b: photon diversion (magic) photonicconductionmagic

It has been circulating since ancient times, using the neural network of biology as a conductor of photon flow, and the brain quantum wave as a catalyst for control to induce various physical phenomena.

1/02/02b1: b1 Magic Summary 1: The Origin of Magic

"Magic" stems from the more superstitious claims in ancient times. The legend is that the devil grants humans the technology to control photons. Science Changming now believes that magic is taught to aliens by alien visitors or other time and space visitors. It is not excluded that the ancients accidentally discovered it in practice.

Before the scientific community officially recognized the existence of photons, it often happened that the users of the magic were arrested as "witches" and "witches" in public. The high-ranking people of various religions claim to be able to use "mirages", which in turn is also a variant of photon diversion, and there is no difference in essence between the magic.

Of course, the magic still has a lot of unsolvable secrets. The use of magic by predecessors is entirely based on the accumulation of experience, but the magic-induced physical phenomenon is what principle is followed, and now only a very small part can be explained. The more convincing argument is that the quantum waves and photon flows in the brain of the surgeon cause a series of complex chain reactions, which ultimately distort part of the physical laws of the world and cause special physical phenomena. For example, fireball surgery is to distort the ignition point of the catalyst, causing the catalyst to burn in an instant. (If the fireball is to be launched, it is actually necessary to launch another "orbital acceleration" magic, but it is generally considered to be part of the fireball technique and is applied together)

1/02/02b2: b2 Magic Summary 2: Pros and Cons of Magic

Unlike a fixed-output photon weapon, the magic has no output limit. The magician is just a passage, and the photon flow in the space passes through the nerves of the surgeon, producing magic. The photons in nature are almost infinite, so the output of the magic is infinite. An operator, as long as he takes the time to learn knowledge and prepare the necessary catalysts, can display powerful spells, such as the ultimate magic "nuclear fusion", whose power can instantly transform a city into fly ash.

Although powerful, but the magic users will also suffer a very serious counter-attack: petrochemical phenomenon.

The number of photons that a biological body can accept for a lifetime is fixed. Photons enter the body of the organism through feeding and other means to maintain the life activities of the creature. The lack of photons, the flesh will be weak and weak, the photons will be sufficient, and the flesh will be strong and powerful. Most of the time photons stay in the body for a while, then decay, leaving the organism to return to nature. The photon enters the organism until it returns to the natural cycle, called the biophotonic cycle. The human cycle is about 2 weeks. The longer the cycle, the longer the life, and the faster it ages.

Therefore, excessive photons entering the organism in a short time will accelerate the aging of the cells. If a very large number of photons flow into the living body at once, the biological cells will be quickly necrotic. Using the big magic, a very large amount of photons flow into the body of the surgeon in a short period of time, and the body cells of the surgeon will be completely necrotic and keratinized at a high speed. The body of the operator will immediately become as stiff as a stone and die in an instant.

Therefore, the user of the magic is often associated with death. No one knows if he should be petrified after using the next magic. Even if it is a normal use, the magic still affects the human body. People who use magic will generally age faster than normal people.

Therefore, the magicians generally do not use the bare hands, but use the very high purity of the light stone to act as a catalyst for the magic, so that the photon flow through the human neural network is minimized, so that the damage caused by the body is as much as possible. less.

Of course, tools are not omnipotent. The more high-level magicians, the more they should pay attention to the ingenuity of the technique. The more delicately controlling the flow of photons, the more the damage caused by the surgery can be minimized. But the damage is always inevitable, because the final stage of the magic requires the resonance of the photon flow and the brain quantum wave. In any case, there will always be some photons flowing through the human body.

1/02/02b3: (b3) Magic Summary (3): Magic and Strategy

It is precisely because the use of magic to the physical damage is inevitable, a spell need not be launched, when to launch, how to launch in order to receive the best results, this becomes the final subject of the magicians need to spend a lifetime to study.

The use of magic is simply a combination of skill and strategy. Only those who are truly wise can grasp the true essence and live for a long time. Just like the slang of the ivory tower, the proverb says: "The magician who uses the strongest magic is not necessarily the strongest. The magician who laughs to the end is the real strongest."

1/02/02b4: (b4) Magic Summary (4): Prohibition

Forbidden, it means that those absolutely can not be used, once used, the operator will inevitably be petrified magic. Even modern, with advanced equipment and perfect photon control technology, there are some magic that are still impossible for mortal flesh.

Beared. The human body is like a water pipe. No matter how strong the water pipe is designed and how good the drainage equipment is, it is impossible to let a whole river flow in a short time. If you want to use the ban, it is like smashing the water pipes, letting the water flow unconstrained, and flooding the already collapsed river embankment. The broken flesh is only responsible for the initial catalyst, and the insufficient part is tolerated by the chain reaction of photon flow in nature. The effect is of course devastating. Therefore, the ban is no exception, it is a destructive spell, and it is completely uncontrollable.

The three most widely known in the forbidden surgery: [nuclear fusion], [space-time fission] and [mass collapse], all through the chain reaction of photons to create energy, time and space and the uncontrolled state of matter, the effect is Destructive, any bad control can create artificial black holes, destroy the entire universe, can be said to destroy the world balance, unforgivable forbidden. Such a dangerous ban is of course kept by the Supreme Council of the Ivory Tower, and only a handful of magic masters will know it. However, in order to check and balance the ivory tower, Pantoraken’s parliament once allowed the Knights of the four-day Knights to learn three major bans. The ban was also passed down from generation to generation among the heads of the Knights (the Knights of Heaven).

1/03: Miracle themiracales

All "skills" in multiple parallel universes are induced by manipulating/changing the nature of photons. Because the mass->space-time->photon total is constant, the magic is just an equivalent exchange, transforming the photons that exist in the world from one form to another.

The reason why a miracle is called a miracle is because it completely overturns the concept of equivalence exchange, not the mutual transformation between [有], but from [none] out of thin air [有有].

The three known miracles, the first miracle [time and space creation], the second miracle [mass energy creation], and the third miracle [photon creation] are all created from time and space/mass energy/photon from the place where it did not exist. . In general, the things created in this way will be immediately corrected by the world and eventually disappear, but they are indeed things that have been created and indeed existed.

This kind of creation is actually very close to the realm of God. Whether a person can use [miracle] is the thing that is decided when he is born. It is this person's [talent].

People without such talents can't practice [miracle] no matter how much training they have.

A person with such a gift is considered to be [bearing a huge fate], so the world gives [miracle] to him/her as a tool for him/her to change the world.

Similar to magic, the number of times a person can use [miracle] per day is limited. The actual number depends on the size and nature of the miracle, and has nothing to do with the physical fitness and the degree of cultivation. In other words, no matter how you cultivate, you can't change the number of times a person uses a miracle every day.

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