Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 839: Escape to the Magic Marsh (15)

Chapter 839 Escape to the Magic Marsh

Husky gave a protest-like boring: "Anti-human Wang."

"Anti-humanity." Even Hal also whispered.

"Where, whatever you say." King Arthur handed the two skewers of wild pork to Husky and Hal: "Eat. Although the taste can't be expected."

Husky is skeptical that this game with full sensory simulation can taste it. He took a bite from the roast pork, and it was a surprise. Roast pork had only a savory taste of meat.

It's like chewing a dry, compressed dry grain, and it doesn't feel the heat.

Because there is no system for simulating the sense of smell in the game, this meat has no fragrance.

If you lose your sense of smell, the food that people can tell is actually only five kinds of sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and glutinous. If there is only a combination of these five tastes in the food, then there is not much difference in eating any food. This is also the reason why people with colds eat and tasteless: their noses are not radiant, and any food can not eat the delicious (fragrance).

Husky was very dissatisfied with this unscented meat.

"This game has to be added to the olfactory system." The dogman complained. It’s not good to have a good barbecue. Who is willing to play this kind of ghost game!

"It will be added, and is currently collecting relevant information." Arthur smiled a bit, and did not expect the canine boy to be so picky about this detail.

The special somatosensory sense of smell is uncertain for everyone. Some people think that the fragrant things may be stinking when they are changed to others. To quantify the complex and large olfactory world and reproduce it in a game system requires a very large amount of computing.

Most of the world's warriors simply don't have too much to eat. In short, it's good to fill your stomach.

After they had finished eating a meal, the sky quickly darkened. The time lapse of this game is four times the reality, only six hours a day, so it is very dark.

"Now, what should I do?" Arthur looked at the two teenagers sneer: "We can continue to hunt for World of Warcraft in the night, but at night the Warcraft will be in groups, the level will be improved a lot, go find They play to go to death. The safest way is to rest at the altar for a night and wait until dawn."

"Before you do that -" Hal stood up and walked to the side of the broken wall before breaking the wall, without thinking about taking off his pants, intending -

"No! Stop! What are you doing?!" The Cavaliers exclaimed.

"Hey, pee, oh." Hal whispered. Since there is no toilet here, I have to find a corner to solve it on the spot.


"Why, why not?" (No one else is watching)

"You have to say it early! It is from the real world, it has nothing to do with this game." Arthur explained in a depressed way: "Even if our consciousness is in the game world, part of the body feeling will be synchronized with reality. If you are free to urinate in the game -"

"Oh no!" Hal blushes and turns to look at Arthur: "I will also wet my pants in the real world?!"

"It's the same." Arthur shrugged helplessly. "Don't say, let's quit the game first. You need a real toilet instead of solving it here-"

Hal was crying and sulking: "But I have already urinated a little."

Arthur smiled wickedly: "Congratulations. In the real world, your pants are absolutely wet - it's time to change diapers, little devils!"

"No-!" The leopard's desperate cry echoed in the eternal altar.

At the same time, in the middle and upper reaches of the Nile River, in the large moor of the Sudan.

"God, isn't it still?" Biddyville sighed as he looked at the endless expedition. As the rafts moved south, the madness of the big marsh gradually faded away - at least not so many horrible Warcraft were foraging.

"呜" The white bear is burning, and there is a lot of nonsense in his mouth: "Dad don't go"

Seeing the wounded situation worse and worse, the Elf girl Chanel finally could not help but persuaded: "We have to find a place to stop and rest. This child needs more care, and the bumps on the road will kill him."

"Now is not a good time." Palamidis looked at the surrounding marshes. Although the "crazy" has been greatly reduced, the swamps in Sudan are still in danger. God knows if there will be another swamp giant smashing out of the water to kill them?

"The situation of the old dad is not wonderful." Segrad touched Safir's forehead.

Because the swamp is a bacterial heaven, the muddy land formed by the decay of countless biological corpses is still dirty than the city's sewers. Injured here is easy to be infected, even if the body is strong like an orc, once the wound is infected, you have to lie down for several days. If the situation is bad, you have to amputate.

The problem is very serious and it is indeed impossible to drag on.

"But -" Paramitis still wants to say something.

"We need some medicine. A powerful antibiotic called marsh raspberry." Segrad said bluntly: "I have seen many of these plants in the abrupt marsh, and I have just been here in the swamp." I saw it. Give me some time, I can pick it up."

"Use the walking medicine in the big moorland? This is looking for death!" Albert squatted. He has seen the horror of this swamp, so he is convinced that there is still something more horrible in this swamp. The dumbest people will not hike here.

Seglad sighed deeply: "But we have to do this, there is no other choice. No medicine, they can't support the embarrassment tonight."

"Okay, that's it." Biddyville interrupted the dispute: "I am going to collect medicine with Segrad, and you will stop at the island on the other side."

"I don't know if it's a good idea." Palamidis looked at the slopes that emerged from the water one after another in the big moor.

These slopes are like small islands on the sea. They are star-studded in the swamp. The slopes are almost arched. The top is mostly bare mud, and there are only a few low shrubs and small places near the water. grass.

All this seems to be a deliberate stay for the travellers. It looks comfortable and comfortable, but it is too comfortable and comfortable. People who are alert can faintly realize that there is some kind of disharmony.

"Don't think too much, we will stop for a few minutes, get enough supplies to get off, and it's not too bad for a few minutes." Bettiville comforted. He is very happy, thinking that these slopes are just the magic of nature, and exist for the convenience of travelers.

"Okay." Paramitis was also forced by the situation, even if the feelings of the faint sorrow were not good, but had to follow suit, looking for a seemingly dry soil **** to stop the boat.

As soon as the raft stopped, Bedyville and Sedge appeared on the slopes. The werewolves slammed their feet and confirmed that they were not in the same situation. They only greeted the Leopard youth: "Okay, let's go."

"The swamp raspberry is a plant that is overcast. They must be clustered on the southwestern side of this kind of slope." Segrad explained while walking: "We look for it in this direction, and we will find it soon."

"Would you like me to go with you? My hearing may come in handy." Chanel's face showed unprecedented uneasiness, perhaps because the swamp was too quiet and quiet.

Bedyville shook his head. "No, you stay here to be alert. Once there is any movement, don't wait for us, let the boat take off immediately."

His vision is also correct. The boat is more important than the people. The two of them were in distress in the process of collecting the medicine, and only lost two people. And if the ship is destroyed and destroyed, all of them will die in the swamp.

"That's okay." The Elf girl looked a little disappointed. She is also very clear about the same truth, but she still feels very upset.

Segrad saw Chanel looking at the look of Bedieville and frowned.

"And I am responsible for getting the lunch." Albert added water and dried meat to a stone bowl, and cooked the dried meat into a broth again, which was convenient for the wounded to take: "Leave some for you." Meow?"

"Oh, just a little bit, thank you." Bettiville replied casually, picking up his big wooden bow and walking to the depths of the swamp with Segrad.

Paramitis did not stop. After he stopped the boat, he picked up the knife and continued to process the wood to make the javelin "cannonball" with the bloodletting trough.

This is one of the more lethal weapons they can use today, of course, the more prepared, the better.

The shortcomings of this kind of brute force attack are also obvious. The attack requires the use of a photon mirror to make the propulsion force. The ship cannot move before the shell is hit, that is, it cannot escape.

Moreover, every time you shoot a "cannonball", you need to use electricity - this power is exchanged for the physical strength of Paramitis. These cannonballs will become useless if Paramidis is not there, or if he is too tired to produce electricity.

"You need more rest, Sir Paramitis." France's St. Lily Knight Chanel worriedly advised. She can clearly see the tiredness on the face of the Leopard warrior: "Don't waste your physical strength in this place. We need your strength to continue the journey. Without you, the boat will not go fast."

"I know. I will do it right away, and make another hair." Paramitis hurriedly cut the javelin in his hand, and then lay down and rested: "I will sleep first, and I will call me." ""

"Well, this is right." Chanel laughed.

"Like a housekeeper--" Albert whispered.

"Shut up, continue to cook your lunch!" Chanel roared, and she still had no good feelings about Albert's streaking metamorphosis.

"呜喵" Albert snorted twice and continued to stir the broth in the stone bowl with a small wooden stick, allowing it to be evenly heated under the flame.

Albert still doesn't know that at noon, a murderous day, he is gradually finding a group of people.

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