Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 830: Escape to the magic marsh (six)

Chapter 830 Escape to the Magic Marsh

At the same time, the large moor of the Sudan, the junction of the Blue Nile and the White Nile.

The battle between Bedieville and the swamp giants started.

Two leopard youths, Saifeier and Segred, armed with a shield and defended at the forefront;

The white bear Elaine is holding a rhinoceros sword with both hands, looking for opportunities to attack while constantly avoiding;

While the Bedieville taker strengthens the big bow, Albert holds a small wooden bow and keeps moving around to attract the attention of the monster;

Paramitis drove the raft on the sidelines, and there was the Elf girl Chanel, who supported the shooting with a small wooden bow.

Because the weapons in their hands are not attacking enough, they can only use this method to fight with the swamp giants, slowly consuming the monster's physical strength, and trying to find a breakthrough that can be killed.

In the face of many targets scattered and moving, the swamp giants made a crazy bite, and the snake tail swept like a whip.

Facing the snake tail swept from the right side, Saifei set up a shield and lowered the center of gravity to defend. The tail of the serpent swept the shield firmly, bringing a painful and numbing impact to the leopard youth's arm, and let Safir slide back a few yards!

But the marsh area where they are located is very shallow, and the ground is made up of rocks and moss, which is very slippery. Falling or sliding on this floor can minimize the damage caused by the impact!

Safir slipped out of a distance, and after easing his breath, he immediately chased it up. When the swamp python was scored by Bediville's bow and arrow, he shot a gun at the tail of the monster!

tie! Actually really got into it!

The wild boar teeth of the gun head were sharp and sharp; and after the swamp giant body was burned by the oil fire column, the scales burst open, and the original drip-proof defense began to appear flaws, and cracks appeared between the scales! Safir's rifle pierced the body of the serpent from the cracks of these small cross shapes!

Although, the damage is minimal! The wound in the swamp's tail has a little blood, but that's it!

The stunned giant snake screamed for a while, not waiting for Seifer to pull out the rifle, and immediately got a tail, trying to smash the leopard youth!

But Safir lifted the shield while holding the gun, and the snake tail swept again on the sturdy and smooth shield of the crocodile skin shield, which was somewhat unloaded. Seifer was swept away and tens of yards!

"Hey!!" The giant snake flew past and wanted to solve the **** cat with a single blow.

Paramitis certainly wouldn’t sit idly by. He had already approached the raft at high speed. Before the giant snake bite Safir, Chanel had already reached out to seize the Safir and saved the Leopard youth!

"Thank you!" Safir escaped from the air and jumped back into the swamp. At the same time, he shouted: "Attack the crack between its scales and hurt it!"

At the same time that the giant snake had emptied, it had already turned around and continued to chase the young Leopard who had just landed. Saifei gently rolled over and let the serpent pass by himself, while the rifle had been stabbed, and another small wound was scraped again on the huge Warcraft.

Like the bite of a mosquito, the damage is minimal, but it is indeed a damage to the swamp python. Saifel is convinced that this will eventually become a small foreshadowing of their victory.

The more maddening snake is almost chasing the leopard youth to fight, biting and sweeping, and for a time forced Sefeidong to hide, so no wolverine!

Oh! The tail of the serpent provoked a few feet of high waves, blocking the sight of the young Leopard.

Saifei knows that this opponent will definitely wait for an opportunity to make a storm, and quickly turn a rollover. At the same time, he will shield the shield in front of him and lift the rifle forward. It is as good as the shield!

The head of the giant python was attacked like a bayonet, and it was fiercely inserted into the water of the sky and appeared in front of Saifei.

Fortunately, Saifei has made a rollover. If he jumps back or does not move, he will definitely hit the North Giants. The impact is enough for the Leopard youth to fracture!

The trajectory of the side-turned Safir and the serpent attack is only a few inches away, and the impact of the giant cymbal line splashes 30-foot-high waves. The huge, high-speed, high-pressure spray hit the young Leopard, and he took it away, as if it were a leaf on the water.

But Seifer is still very lucky. He ate this attack, which should have been seriously injured, but he was relieved of a lot of damage because of the shield's block.

Using the strength of the sprint of the giant python, the long gun in the hands of the Leopard youth is even more awkward to draw a big wound in the corner of the snake head, so that the blood of the giant scorpion is like a note!

The leopard youth flew for a few laps in the air, and finally could not hold the shield and the gun, ugly fell on the ground dozens of yards, and suffered a minor injury. But he also succeeded in stabbing the swamp giants, which was earned.

"Seifer!" Biddiville saw the crisis and quickly slammed the bow. Dozens of arrows were tied to the big wound on the forehead of the giant clam, adding a lot of pain to the giant clam.

The giant python had wanted to catch up with the Leopard youth, but was so provocative by the werewolf, how could it be let go of Bedieville? The hatred swamp python lifts its tail high and uses it like a giant stick, shot down from the head of Bediville!

The werewolf knows that the light is tumbling and can't be avoided, because the impact caused by the giant snake's tail is huge, and even the splash of it can kill people!

How to do? Just as Bediville was at a loss, Seglade had rushed to the scene, and he took the werewolf a retreat while lifting the shield defense.

lb! ! ——The tail of the swamp giant clam was shot on the ground, and the waves more than 30 feet high were stirred up again. Although SGLADE and Bettiville escaped the slap of the snake tail, they were still affected by the huge waves, and the two flew together.

"Hey--" The werewolf spit a blood, but he didn't give up the bow and shoot, and when the monster hit the heavy blow, he didn't slow down, and he had a solid arrow on it!

"Hey!" The giant screamed. This unintentional arrow seems to be so painful.

"Well?" Bettiville looked at it all, landing at the same time, sliding on the slippery swamp ground for ten yards.

"Say" Slagard also landed at the same time. He and Beddyville flew out almost the same way, but they slipped slower because of the weight of the equipment: "I always feel that the arrow just seems to be special. Hurt

As the saying goes, the snake hits seven inches. For an ordinary snake, seven inches is exactly the heart of it. Knocking here with a weapon such as a wooden stick can stop the snake's heart from being shocked and is one of the mainstays of catching a snake.

However, the swamp giant body in front of it is too big and the body length is difficult to grasp. It is almost impossible to find its heart in this fierce battle.

Maybe it’s just a good time, maybe this is fate. The arrow shot by Bedieville crossed the gap between the scales of the giant python, and it was well tied to its key points.

The lethality of a small wooden arrow is insignificant. But it pointed out the direction of the battle and made everyone see a glimmer of hope!

In the battle, Albert, who has also observed nuances, has already raised his bow and shot an arrow. The arrow is precisely tied in the same position, adding a deeper damage next to the arrow wound caused by Bediville.

The swamp giant snake is more painful, and the convulsions rang with the humming sound.

That's right, under the flesh of that area, there must be the heart of this monster!

After all, the swamp giant is also a creature. In order to protect itself, its most important part must be particularly sensitive. It will be particularly painful if it is attacked by a small attack.

Originally it was the biological self-protection mechanism, but at the moment it sold out the swamp giants, letting its weaknesses appear in front of everyone!

The madman who was mad at the attack was so thick and tough that he couldn’t hurt it with a little attack, and he didn’t cover his own death.

Therefore, this is the only chance to win the battle!

Beddyville, who stood up straight, pulled out a high-energy burning arrow and shouted: "Saifel, Segred, continue to shield shield! Ay, go around the right wing to shoot! Elaine followed me Behind me!"

"Amount, what do you want to do?" Albert shot as he spread out and asked incomprehensibly.

Hey! The werewolf did not answer, but instead shot the burning arrow.

"Your arrow is still not lit, igniting." When the white bear came over, he whispered.

"I have my own thoughts." The werewolf snorted and pulled another arrow, and added a blow to the arrow in the giant python.

The same high-energy burning arrow that is not ignited is also precisely placed in the small gap of the giant snake's weak point. The small damage it brings is not likely to kill the swamp giant python. At most, it can only slow down its action.

"You are wasting the burning arrow!" Seglade rushed over to shield the defensive. In the distance, Saifei also got up from the mud, picked up his shield and rifle, and seemed to continue fighting.

The giant python that was irritated by two arrows had already swept over the tail. The werewolf and the white bears hid behind Syed's shield and retired at the same time as the leopard youth.

The tail was heavily swept behind the shield, but it was blocked by three people at the same time. The impact only allowed them to slide back about five yards. When Elaine saw that the tail of the giant snake had been reduced, he raised the giant rhinoceros sword and smashed his hand with a quick eye.

His sword just knocked on the gap of a scale at the end of the big snake's tail. The sharp sword is like a broken bamboo, and it immediately cuts off a big snake tail! The falling snake's foot is three feet long!

"Hey!" The serpent was broken and couldn't help but scream.

"Live, you guys!" The werewolf took the opportunity to shoot an arrow. The high-energy burning arrow with the burning capsule once again ties the area in front of the heart of the giant snake, but the giant snake suffered from the severe pain of the tail, and could not feel the arrow in it.

"Ilan, are you afraid of pain?" Bediville suddenly asked.

"Amount, no, not afraid?" The white bear whispered, "How, what?"

"The next thing I want you to do may hurt you very much. I don't even know if you can recover." Biddyville explained, "But nothing can be done except you." You don't do it, we can only die in this swamp!"

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