Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 827: Escape to the magic marsh (3)

Chapter 827 Escape to the Magic Marsh

Photon mirrors collect free photons from the environment and reflect them along the mirror to create propulsion – a decent propeller.

The speed of the ship suddenly improved, almost speeding forward like a wind and waves, and soon reached a stable speed, faster than yesterday's speed.

"Oh!! Dad is so good!" Saifei and Segrad cheered at the same time.

"But are you not tired?" Bedieville asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, this level of electrical energy is as much physical as the trot on the ground. There is nothing to worry about." Paramitis said disapprovingly. This is just the tiny bioelectricity that he created with his own body. There will be no problem with continuous power generation for a few days.

Of course, since he is responsible for power generation and helm, there is no way to participate in the battle. The people on board had to deal with all the unexpected situations on their own.

Seifer and Segrad held a shield and guns on either side of the bow, and one guarded the corner of the ship. Biddeville is armed with a bow in front of the bow.

In the middle of the boat is the Chanel who is responsible for the auditory alert, while the white bear and the tiger hold the small wooden bow to protect the elf girl.

Their seven-person raft was flying fast on the banks of the Nile, and within a few minutes they entered the Sultan's Great Marsh.

"Oh, my God." Betteville made such an exclamation when he saw the moment of the big moor.

"absolute madness" - this is the only and most appropriate description of the Sultan's Great Marsh.

Early in the morning, two orc boys were sent to King Arthur's palace.

Because today is a holiday, Arthur did not go out to work, wearing a casual dress, the Cavalier King saw the lotus sound mother and son knocking on his door, can not help but be a little surprised: "Lian Yin? Today is a holiday, do you not accompany your son? "

"Yes, sorry, my Majesty." Lian Yin put a bitter smile when he put down Husky: "This child listened to his friend and said that he wants to bring Hal to play today, so he also makes awkwardness and insists that I bring it. He came to you."

"Hey," Arthur gave the leopard a young man a look.

Xiao Haar in the wheelchair was embarrassed to spit out his tongue at Arthur.

(This kid is absolutely intentional.)

"No, it doesn't matter." King Arthur pressed back the swelled blue ribs on his forehead. "Children get along so well, let them play together, ah hahaha"

(One more and one less is not much different.)

(In any case, I was thrown to Greenville to take care of it. I don’t care about anything.)

"The Arthur?" Queen Greenway gently covered her abdomen and walked out of the bedroom. She said softly in Arthur's ear: "I may not be able to accompany the children to the amusement park today. I am a bit It’s not very comfortable."

"What?!" The Cavalier King glanced at his queen.

(Inconvenient days? How can it be so cleverly-)

"Sorry. I am really sorry." Greenville's face was pale and his stomach seemed to hurt.

"It doesn't matter if you go to rest." Arthur said depressedly, but his heart was constantly guilty: women are really troublesome.

"Well?" Husky and Hal both looked at Arthur with their big, watery eyes.

"You take care of these two little devils alone, is there really no problem?" Vivian couldn't help but worry.

"There is nothing wrong with them, they will at least not be abducted by the bad guys." Arthur showed a subtle expression of [nothing to fear], even though his knights were basically on holiday, he was alone today.

Even the heart of the lotus sound is in doubt. Is it really no problem to hand over the children to such a king who has not taken care of the children and only knows **** and kill them?

Sudan, 7 am.

Numerous large and small waterways spread along the upper and middle reaches of the Nile River, like the veins of the trees, extending infinitely throughout the entire land.

Between the interlaced waters of the complex waters, the arched mounds rise from the ground and are like the devil's eye in this area.

From the aerial view, it is a huge, long spider web, and a blood-stained claw full of rot.

It loves to lure the victim into this horrible marsh, and then devour these unlucky ones, and even the bones of the belt are all eaten.

This swamp is full of magic, primitive and barbaric, evil and chaotic. It is the big moor of Sudan and is also known by the world as [the madness of the marsh].

It is very similar to the quiet and hidden murderous atmosphere of the Turkic Everglades. The killings here are blatant, unscrupulous and unbelievable.

This marsh area is full of World of Warcraft, a crisis, a horrible tentacle monster is especially common.

They are presented as [the devil's tentacles], and the whole body is dark red, with a suction cup of different sizes, like the tentacles of a real giant octopus. But in fact they are a kind of World of Warcraft evolved from grasshoppers, a disgusting bloodsucking mollusk.

Each of these tentacles is an independent creature, their thick and long tails are deep in the water, and their pointed, sucking heads are exposed on the swamp's water, twisting, and dare to close everything. The creature catches it, coils it up, and uses its sucker-like mouthpiece to instantly illuminate the blood inside the body.

Looking from afar, there are thousands of such tentacles in this crazy swamp, squirming on the waters of the swamp, which is the best embodiment of the [crazy] profile of the Sultan Manor. .

what? You said that this is nothing remarkable?

If these tentacle monsters are not enough to prove how crazy this swamp is -

Then, a huge flying insect that is flying one foot long;

And from time to time, jumping out of the water to eat insects, a huge flying fish more than ten feet long;

And the giant birds that are more than 30 feet long from the sky;

And a huge water snake that devours birds from the shadows and is more than a hundred feet long;

And the tentacle monsters who took the opportunity to wrap the water snake and absorb its blood.

All of this will surely leave an incomparably profound and incomprehensible impression:


In this crazy swamp, eating and being eaten are always staged. Life and death are only a difference. This is the big moor of Sudan.

And Betdiville, a group of people, is driving an anti-gravity raft that is only three feet from the water, through this crazy marsh.

When the werewolf saw the frantic scenery of the swamp, he began to wonder if the weapon he was carrying was enough, and whether the raft was strong enough!

Within a few minutes, he has been engulfed in countless times by these crazy creatures in the swamp, each of which will die very badly, and every one can happen at any time!

"Front turn left, at eleven o'clock!" Chanel is not responsible for the alert, but is responsible for navigation. Sailing in this treacherous moor is not so much a warning of the dangers that may occur along the way. It is better to find a less dangerous one to be more appropriate!

"Prepare! There are things in three directions!" Chanel is probably used to a similar alert in the original team. She is very precise in these things, and she is commanding in an orderly manner.

Seglader has already set up a shield to raise the gun for the unexpected. The huge flying fish jumped out of the water, and the right side of the raft was a bite, but the young blue leopard took a shield and patted the monster's bite with a hard shield, while piercing its head with a shot. .

The flying fish twitched twice and died. Its body slipped from the sniper of Segrad, and was left behind by the raft. The moment it fell into the swamp, it was divided by countless creatures!

"I, my God!" Elaine looked at the inhuman scene and scared the whole body of the bear hair straight up.

Anyone who falls into this swamp will be immediately smashed with no bones left. The big moor in Sudan is so crazy!

But they didn't even have much time to be surprised. The three-foot-long python was thrown out of the water and attacked the left wing of the raft!

"This is me!" Albert, who had been informed beforehand, had already pulled a bow. The wooden arrow was deeply tied to the compound eyes of the dragonfly, causing a pain to the worm. It subconsciously turned its head and exposed. The squatting was followed by Safir's long gun!

I haven’t had time to fall, and the giant bird in the sky has swooped away.

The impact of the dive caused the raft to sway for a while, causing the boat to turn almost sideways. Sitting in the middle of the boat, Elaine immediately became a stabilizer - in the form of a dragon man, he spread his wings and stabilized the hull with the wind resistance and arm of the two wings.

"Call." After the boat swayed for a few times, it finally settled down. The Bailong people squeezed a sweat. He didn't want to fall into the swamp anyway—it was terrible to think that there were so many horrible bugs in the water that would bite his ass.

"The **** bird." Elbert looked at the countless giant eagle, vultures and crows hovering in the sky, and really wanted to give these guys an arrow: "Can't you hit them down?"

"With the current equipment, it is estimated that it will be very difficult." Bettiville continued to pull the bow and prepare for the front. He used a modified heavy bow to launch a rocket, and burned a huge tentacles in front of him. The road to safe passage comes.

"Don't worry about them, the birds fly very loudly. Under normal circumstances, I can hear them in advance - turn right at the right two o'clock! - Don't make a noise, it will distract me!"

"呜" Albert turned helplessly and continually raised his bow.

Seemingly heard something strange, Chanel immediately called: "It's bad! - Left full rudder, nine o'clock direction!"

Paramitis, who was in charge of the helm, made a sharp turn. The ship almost twisted a big bend at 90 degrees. After drifting a few yards, it turned to a bubbling swamp in front of it.

Fortunately, it turned fast enough. There was a black column suddenly emerging, and a black viscous liquid like a cement spouted from the bottom of the water, ten feet high!

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