Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 785: Preparing for trials (5)

Chapter 785 Preparing for the Trial

Under the tough attitude of Bedieville, Albert is hard to ride the tiger.

He whispered, "I can wear at least a pair of underwear."

The werewolf ruthlessly shook his head at Albert. Of course it won't work, or how is it called a penalty game?

"呜伊莱恩?" The tiger turned to the white bear.

"Whering" The white bear hiding in the bed was already bent and bent. He pulled the black paint out of his baggage: "Give."

Under the supervision of Bediville, the tiger was honestly stripped off. In order not to be so embarrassed, this kid used a black paint to spray a thick circle around his waist. It looks like wearing a pair of pants at a distance, especially in the dark. If you don't look seriously, you can't see the problem.

"Okay, okay, I ran, ran and ran--" Ayr has already warmed up and is ready to streak in the night.

"Do you know? You leaked a place." Biddyville smiled viciously, holding a spray can in the other hand, picking up the tiger's tail in the other hand, and squirting under the tail!

Nourish! ! ——

"Oh! Oh--" Albert sent a subtle cry.

"Spray, sprayed in?" White Bear asked curiously.

"Beddyville, I hate you!" Albert slammed his cool **** and said angrily.

"Hate, next time you will learn, you will not dare to swindle in front of the wolf. There will be retribution for cheating." The werewolf relentlessly satirized, and the old man who came in to the door outside the door and called the bustle called : "The landlord? Is there a camera? Borrow it!"

"Of course, there is a call, I will get it for you right away."

"Beddyville! Don't be too much!!" Albert turned his face purple.

"The idea was just put forward by you personally. I just put it into practice." The werewolf borrowed a video camera and played happily: "Reassured, the images I recorded will be copied into many copies and sent to your parents. Send one of your friends and relatives, and then keep a collection of your own. I also think about the name, [the naked night of the spring night], ah hahahahahaha!-"

Albert was so angry that he jumped up and down, left and right, but he was willing to gamble and he had to lose. In desperation, he had to swallow and try to get through this shameful night.

He held a deck of cards in his hand: "Well, you will follow me. I ran very fast, and you can't catch up with my shadow!"

"That is bothering." The werewolf immediately wrapped the tiger's waist with a tree vine whip: "You can use your magic to speed up the pace, but I have to record it all, how can I get rid of me?"

Albert tried to unravel the tree vine, but the thing had its own will. The more it wanted to be solved, the more tight it would be, and the screaming tiger would scream.

(The road is one foot high, the magic height is one foot!)

"Don't waste time, seven hours from dawn." The werewolf smiled evilly and turned on the camera.

He was still kind, using a tree vine whip to make a few leaves and cover the important part of the tiger, and this began to shoot: "Now, let's happily slip the tiger!"

Albert sighed. This long and shameful night began.

late at night. Little Husky got up from the bed and walked in the direction of the toilet. The eight-year-old canine boy is not particularly afraid of black - the orc's night vision ability is very good, basically not afraid of black.

Living in a single-parent family, he has long been accustomed to a person who gets up late at night and has not been accompanied by his mother. However, he is still an eight-year-old child, and occasionally he will be afraid of things like ghosts that may lurk in the dark.

Husky's countermeasures are quick fixes. As soon as possible, he will be safe as soon as he rushes back to the room and drills into the bed.

However, when the child just took off his pants and prepared for a small solution.

"Ah, hahahaha!" There was a burst of laughter from outside the house. This stern laughter is particularly harsh in the silent night.

This terrible voice scared the canine boy out of the urine immediately. Fortunately, he is facing the toilet, the disaster is controlled to a minimum, and the urine only wets a part of the clothes.

"Is there really a ghost, a ghost?" The child rushed to wash his hands in a panic, and then looked out from the small window of the toilet, hoping to check it out. If he can see the ghosts, he will be an eye-opener; otherwise, if there is nothing, he can also lie to himself that it is just an illusion, and he will escape to sleep.

What he saw was far beyond his ability to understand.

A tiger man's uncle, under the drive of a wolf man's uncle, was crying and screaming, and he ran forward. ...and streaking. And the werewolf blame uncle used a whip to cover the tiger's waist, the other hand holding a video camera, shooting the tiger's strange uncle streaking.

What a crazy night! A drop of huge sweat came out of Xiaoha’s forehead.

When the two strange uncles ran close, Xiaoha could not help but exclaimed: "Dad, Dad than?!"

It is impossible for the other party to hear. The two of the nights ran far away with a very high running speed, leaving a canine boy who was surprised and overwhelmed.

It took Husky a full ten minutes to slow down. After that, he first rushed to his mother's lotus sound room, and when he woke up the lotus sound, he also started a big noise: "Mummy! Mommy!! I saw Dad than Wang!! Dad than Pulling a strange uncle in running Wang! The uncle didn't wear clothes Wang! Dad was shooting the undressed uncle with a video camera!!"

The awakened Lian Yin heard his son’s incoherent words, thinking that Husky had just made a strange dream: "Is it? Well, then they also ran away, the report was finished, good night -"

Little Husky was anxious, and he shook his head even more vigorously: "No! Mommy wakes up and woke up! Going to chase Dad is better than Wang!! Now I have time!"

"嗷" was shaken and couldn’t stand the lotus sound, helplessly climbed up, reached out and rubbed his sleepy eyes, and also saw the darkness of Xiaoha’s pajamas trousers through the faint moonlight outside the window: "You are confused." Are you still wet the bed? Hey, don't say these messy things, go and change your pants, I will change the sheets for you - do you want to put on the diaper and sleep?"

"No!!" Husky rose blushingly: "Jiaha didn't have a bed-wetting! How could Mommy refuse to believe in Xiaoha's words? Xiaoha really saw Dad than Wang! Just now, outside the window of the toilet. Run over Wang!"

Lian Yin said that he could not understand: "What are you talking about here is the third floor."

The stupid uncle who stumbled in Xiaoha’s narrative did not say that unless someone could run in the air, it would be like a dream, a very confused dream.

Husky pouted, because the mother did not believe him and was sulking.

Lian Yin reluctantly climbed out of bed, first took off the child's wet pants and said: "In short, very late. Hey, wear a diaper, go to sleep."

"Jiaha doesn't need that kind of thing! Xiaoha is not a baby!" The canine boy ran like a bare-chested, and went back to his room.

The lotus sound, which was already so tired and half dead, made a long yawn. Let it be, let the child handle his own affairs. Eight-year-old children should begin to learn to be independent.

The lotus sound that was so unbearable was yawned and squatted directly on the bed, screaming and sleeping.

At the same time, Albert continued to throw out the cards, using the cards as a foothold, a continuous leap, and ran out of the "card road" in the air for a long time. He ran for about two hours and finally circled the city and returned to the landlord's house.

"Call, call, call, call," Albert was tired and out of breath. "I, I ran out, are you satisfied?"

"Well, I am satisfied, I have recorded a lot of interesting shots, hehe." The werewolf smiled viciously and took back his whip. He followed the "sliding tiger" behind Albert, almost all of them were pulled by Albert, and he ran through the whole process without much effort.

Under the camera's shooting, the tiger couldn't help but reach out and cover the important part: "Well, I went back to get dressed, so what can I do?"

"Have you forgotten one thing? You stupid tiger!" Biddyville shouted unceremoniously.

"That, you can't wait for me to put on clothes again -"

"Now!" Biddeville only gave the tiger a pair of pants: "Show me your secrets."

"You haven't seen it anymore? Even the film has been photographed -"

"Let me follow the circle!"

"Oh, okay." Albert blushes and puts on his trousers, so he doesn't feel so embarrassed: "It's too much trouble to explain it. I will show it directly to you."

"Well?" The werewolf noticed something wrong and took a step back with vigilance. His instinct told him that something was about to run out of the tiger!

"Oh!" The huge white tiger appeared behind Albert in the air!

It is a pure beast-like spirit, although its body is translucent, but its outline looks so clear, even the black tiger pattern on the white tiger is vivid. Under the white light and fog, the white tiger's spirit exudes a holy shimmer.

Bedyville finally understood: Albert had a Holy Spirit in his body.

This also explains everything: the tiger can use those strange transfer magic, it should be the power of this Holy Spirit White Tiger!

"Now you understand, huh?" Albert, who had the protection of the Holy Spirit White Tiger, began to look up: "Don't mess with me, Bedieville. I am a **** in the body. If the gods are angry, I will tear you." In pieces, I can't stop it."

The "Ayr" werewolf remembered what the Prophet Mutani had said before.

People can't be too deep with the gods. Otherwise, people will be separated from the realm of [people], lose their identity as [people] in the world, and lose in the realm of the gods.

This is definitely not a good thing for Albert.

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