Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 758: Bloody battles in the evil domain (4)

Chapter 758 Blood Wars in the Evil Four

A strong explosion of flames and shock waves, the heat can almost cook people!

"Hey!" The werewolf got up and looked at the fireball that gradually faded in the air. The tricks that can be used are used, and that thing should be dead! ? If the dark spirit is still dead, the problem is big!

啪滋! The fireball completely subsided. The black mist in the air disappeared completely.

The dark spirit is destroyed!

"Oh, thank God!" The werewolf lay down weakly and finally relaxed and took a breather.

The explosion just happened is obviously not formed naturally. The flame tornado is so strong that it is impossible to gather into a fireball and explode in that form.

Bedieville squinted at Evan. The guy was also overwhelmed by the shock wave of the explosion, and he had not yet climbed up.

The werewolf understood everything in an instant.

It was Evan, with his palms incarnate in the storm, holding the fire tornado tightly, compressing the flame into a ball, creating a strong explosion! He probably also knows that the heat of the fire tornado does not necessarily kill the dark spirit, so do you have extra hands and feet?

Although this guy in Evan is hostile, he has helped a lot at the crucial moment. And it is still the moment when the werewolf shoots the fire tornado, and the giant who manipulates the air combines such powerful effects! What a tact!

Maybe you should thank him?

Oh! Elaine, who was covered in blood, fell to the ground and turned back to the white bear. There are more than a dozen fist-sized holes in his body, which was left behind by the deadly fight. The average person has already died more than a dozen times, but the strong regenerative ability of the White Bears has saved him.

Evan got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and subconsciously reached out and pushed his glasses frame: "It’s really an unpleasant day. You can’t get a win or a bet, even if it’s a draw. I don’t have time. I’m spending time with you, goodbye.”

The werewolf kept silent and watched the half-dragon youth fly away. He picked up the glowing [tree of the sacred tree] from the side of the boat and looked back at Albert and Elaine: "Let's go back."

"A nasty day!" Albert still tried to retrieve his lost snow skull sword from the underground river, but the river was too urgent and the sword seemed to have been washed away.

"Ayre, let's go back to the treasures! The good things in the treasures are a lot of things, and the swords don't matter!" The werewolf urged.

"But that is the weapon that I have worked hard to collect material and took a long time to make it! It is not just a weapon, but a symbol of identity!"

Bedyville was ruthlessly drunk with a bucket of cold water: "That was just a **** weapon, and it was lost."

"Damn!" The big cat emerged from the water and slammed the surface with irritability.

Albert's temper is very stubborn. It is absolutely impossible for him to accept Bediwell’s charity for no reason.

The werewolf was guilty of jealousy. Everything that can be done is done. The only remaining problem is to find a reason that Albert can accept and give the [Sacred Tree] to this stupid tiger.

"This, what about this child?" Elaine repeated the child hiding outside the dock.

"Ilan, after I went back, I was troubled to send him to a nearby shelter." The werewolf washed his face on the bank of the river and removed the blood from his face: "Reassure, the treasure will be given to you fairly."

"Okay, okay." The White Bears don't seem to care about the treasures. He just wants to send the child who was transferred by the cult to a safe place as soon as possible.

Afternoon. The werewolf Bedieville and the Tigerman Albert went back to find Olin, while the White Bears acted alone to find the shelter of the Northern Knights and return the rescued boy.

After returning to the hotel with Olin's teleportation, the werewolves shared the treasure directly in the room to show justice.

He took out his own ring of things, Elaine's ring of things, and the backpacks he got in the treasure room, and arranged all the treasures on the floor, letting Albert look.

"Wow, get a lot of good things." Senezer's landlord came in and peeked out from the door.

"Please don't come in. If there is a gold coin missing, I will find you trouble." The werewolf warned that he already knew the landlord's greedy nature, and it was a good idea for this guy to guard against it.

"It’s stingy. I’m just looking at it here.” The landlord apparently did not want to leave.

The werewolf snorted and covered the door. At the same time, he blocked the door with his back and said to Albert: "If you like something, you can pick it first. For this task, you lost a sword. You should Get the best of the treasures."

This is of course only the argument of the werewolf. [The species of the sacred tree] is also quietly placed in the treasure heap, along with other sword weapon. I have seen [the species of the sacred tree] The power of Albert should give priority to picking that thing for himself?

Albert, the idiot, looked back and forth in a row of weapons, and finally picked up a sword with a sophisticated enchantment that looked sharp.

(How low is the IQ of this kid!)

Beddyville couldn't bear it, and finally said: "Why don't you pick that tree? It can be a very powerful weapon, both as a whip, as well as a local mine, bomb, or even a shield-"

"I know." Albert listened to his newly acquired sword and said with a disapproval: "But that thing looks terrible. How do you forget that the high priest died?"

In addition to the death of the high priest by Yi Wen, the sacred tree also has a lot of "credit." It turned out that the tree vines wrapped around the high priest, and the sharp spikes on the tree vines opened thousands of blood-sucking holes in the high priest.

That kind of murder is really cruel. But when they deal with the enemy, they never have to talk about feelings. Why can't you be cruel?

"That thing is too dangerous. If he has lost control and entangled me one day, and there are countless holes in me, what should I do?" Albert looked at the ground [the species of the sacred tree]: "Ou Lin Say you need to communicate well with these trees in order to borrow their power, right? I can't hear the sound of this tree. Sorry, Buddy, it seems that I don't use it. It is more suitable for you."

(What is this?)

(A hard day, almost died under the claws of the dark spirit, is not to help you strengthen the power?!)

(I actually pushed my heart away from a simple sentence?!)

Bedyville was both angry and helpless. He slammed Albert a thousand times in his heart, complaining that this dead tiger was not able to help the wall.

But Albert is right. If he does not have the ability to communicate with the sacred tree, he will not be able to use the tree.

The werewolf still does not give up: "Things can be learned, you see Olin is the day after tomorrow -"

"Not at all." The old man of Senezel outside the door interrupted the words of Bediville: "The ability to communicate with the tree species is a gift that can never be learned by training. You can see my granddaughter can use The tree species, because she was able to use it when she was born, and I can’t, I can’t communicate with the tree for a lifetime."

Bedieville was dismissed as speechless.

Looking at the wolf man who was stunned, the tiger showed a look that was both helpless and slightly relieved: "So, Brady, this thing is left for you, I can't use it. The guy who can't be a weapon is a guy who can't be a weapon. Even if you have to force me to look at my palm, I will"

He has seen the plan of Bediville from the beginning. The werewolf wanted to help Albert in secret, only to make this series of things, but in the end it was empty. The more he wants to help Albert, the more he hurts the tiger's self-esteem. Ayre endured all of this and continued to accompany the werewolf to play the show.

Bedyville’s face began to distort, revealing a painful look. He inadvertently hurt his friends deeply, but he thought it was all good to Ayr.

He is actually just a arrogant stupid wolf. He and Ivan, Tristan are actually the same, subconsciously treating Albert as an idiot and waste.

"I am sorry," the werewolf blushes, nowhere.

"You don't need to apologize. Your kindness, I have a heart." The tiger said with tolerance: "But please don't help me. My own things, I will solve it myself. I am no longer a child, you use You don't have to be everywhere. You are just my friend, not my mom."

"I want to help"

"You don't need to help me. If I really don't have enough ability to be brushed down on the round table knight's exam, that's my own business." Albert didn't seem to blame the werewolf, but said calmly. : "So, don't worry about my business anymore, okay?"

"You know a fart." The werewolf whispered, "How can I leave you alone?"

"Why?" Albert turned his doubts into words and asked the exit bluntly: "My business has nothing to do with you. Why do you have to replace it?"

"Because" Bedyville’s words went to the throat and stopped.

However, how could Albert be able to let go of the werewolf. He asked aloud, and today it is necessary to ask a result: "Because what?!"

"Because you are my friend!" Biddivil whispered angrily: "I can't stand others to treat you as an idiot, you deserve to be respected!

Because I know you! You deserve to have better, have more! You are not a waste! "

Albert turned his face away and couldn't look directly at Bediville: "Don't say it. Even I don't know myself."

"But I know you! When you were a child, you were a little fool who was dizzy when you saw blood. Your family laughed at you as a coward and thought you were a waste.

but you! It's you, a scar, still trying to fight the swamp Hydra! You have overcome the fear of blood because you have real courage! Why are you so cute and brave, why are you being scorned and being used as idiots? I don't agree, never! ! "

The tiger turned to look at the werewolf in surprise: "But how are you -"

"I watched and witnessed it all!!" Even if it might be used as a madman or a liar, the werewolf said that it was exported: "In the spring of 519 AD, from that day on, at the home of the Rabbi chief, I saw I have been through! Since then, we have been friends!! You just forgot me!"

"Beddy" Albert looked at the werewolf with incredible eyes.

(No. It has not been saved.)

Because of the impulse to tell everything, Bedieville is now remorseful.

Albert will be like a madman in the same way as Ivan.

Things that do not exist in memory have never happened.

When the whole world has forgotten Bediville, how can the werewolves explain it, it is also a hundred words!

When Albert looked at Bedyville with doubt and confusion, the werewolf had slowly stepped back, retreated to the door, and was ready to turn away and never appear in front of Albert.

Because, he can no longer face Albert.

"No! Don't run!" Ayr stopped Buddy: "Don't escape! I believe in you!"

"What are you?" Biddyville was astonished. How can a normal person believe in this unfounded gibberish?

Things that don't exist in memory have never happened!

"I believe in you!" Albert looked at the werewolf with a subtle look: "What you said may be crazy, maybe completely illogical, and it sounds like a ghost. But I want to believe it!"

True friendship is beyond logic.

"Please let me believe that we were friends!" The tiger whispered sincerely: "Because you believe in friends, you don't need a reason!"

Beddyville covered his mouth and tried to keep himself from exclaiming or whimpering.

He also tried to hold back tears and didn't want to cry in front of others.

But he did a very poor job. too bad. Tears still came out uncontrollably.

The only remedy he can do is to cover the entire face with both hands and make himself look less embarrassing.

However, tears will continue to fall along the cheeks.

His tears dripped on the ground, infiltrated into the carpet, and turned the gray carpet into dark gray.

And Albert is embarrassed to leave his face and try not to look at Bediville.

"When this is over, I want to hear your story. From the beginning to the end, all your stories."

Even if I don't necessarily believe it completely, even if it might be a crazy story, I still try to believe that it's true –

Can you, Brady? "

(for sure.)

(After all this is over, I will have no reservations and tell you everything.)

(Then let us sit by the fire and drink beer, and let's take a look back.)

(Respect my dearest friend, Albert.)

Friends are not coming and leaving.

Some people in this world can really become confidants of your life, friends of a lifetime -

You only need to learn to [believe].

"So, Brady?" Elbert's words turned, and the eyes shone in the eyes: "Since we are friends, yours is mine, mys is still mine. Even if your treasure is returned I am, I don't think you will mind, right?"

Bettyville instantly wiped away his tears and looked at Albert with his cold eyes, as if he were watching the world's worst dross scum: "Go to hell, bastard!"

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