Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 732: 徘徊在试练 (5)

Chapter 732 徘徊 试 in the trial five

At the same time, King Arthur's palace.

"Huh" Xiao Husky took a bath and slept.

Just playing with the new children, the dog and the teenager spent a lot of energy, and now almost fell asleep.

Arthur smiled and pushed the rubber yellow duck on the water with the water, letting the toy duck and Husky's mouth hit.

"Hey?" The child was awakened: "What about swollen?"

"Hey, look at you tired." The Cavaliers touched the child's dog's head: "Don't soak, change clothes and go to sleep."

"But Dad said that bathing must be enough for 30 minutes. You can't waste such a large tank of hot water." Xiaoha has a wonderful attachment in certain things.

"Hey, your dad must be a diligent and saved person." Arthur nodded lightly. "Okay, then take a moment."

"Hmm." The canine boy buried most of his head in the water, only let his nose out of the water, and then snorted and squirted: "Mom-Mi----------- Come - Wang -"

Looking at Xiaoha’s silly look, Arthur only felt funny: "Your mother is very tired to work today, let her rest at home. Uncle and aunt will send you home to see my mother tomorrow."

"Well, okay, Wang--" He sank in the whole person.

"Oh." Arthur chuckled again. Looking at the canine boy and the boy was really innocent, free and free, the fatigue accumulated by the Cavaliers throughout the day was suddenly eliminated.

Greenville’s grievances over the years have echoed in the mind of the king –

I really want to have a child.

This is not an easy task. If you can, Wang would rather be an ordinary person, without the troubles brought by the throne, not affected by the pressure of public opinion, and do whatever he wants.

But now, at least for now, he can't abdicate. His throne is the [tool] that is used to command the whole world, even the whole of Europe, against the darkness. Before the real victory, he could not abandon this [tool].

Losing the guidance of the king, mankind must be scattered in the same dish, and there is no power to fight back in the face of the dark army.

So now, at least for now, I can’t give up this power.

This throne was originally Arthur's most disdainful thing, but now it is extremely important.

Arthur envisioned the day of the battle victory. When the darkness of the world is truly cleared, the Cavaliers can be liberated. At that time, I found a quiet little village, adopted a child, and retired with Greenville.

Even if you don't have the wealth and wealth, even if you don't have the respect of the people, you can live with your family and live in peace. That kind of happiness is the true happiness that the Cavaliers want.

And that day will come after all - after a fierce battle.

For the sake of happiness and tranquility in the future, now, at least for now, Arthur must work hard to prepare for war.

This is the motivation of the Cavaliers to keep working hard for seven years.

And some people are always unable to understand.

"Little Ha?" Arthur saw the dogman sinking for a long time and didn't float up. He couldn't help but ask: "Don't play, come up quickly?"

no respond.

"Little Ha!" Arthur was frightened, thinking that the canine boy was drowning. He climbed up and reached for it, hoping to get something from where Xiao Ha had just sunk.

But nothing can be fished! Xiaoha sinks into the bath and disappears!

"Oh, damn--" Arthur panicked around in a flood of baths, hoping to find the drowning child.

"Oh!!" The canine boy suddenly burst out from behind the Cavaliers and shouted loudly: "Ah hahahaha! Scared you? Wang?!"

"Scared, scared!" The Cavalier turned his head and looked at the little Husky, full of spirit. The little devil did not drown, but sneaked into the water and mischievous: "Damn, don't scare your uncle! If you really drown, how can your uncle explain to your mother?"

"Hey, Xiaoha won't be drowning. Xiaoha can dive for five minutes! Xiaoha and Dad have tried and won Dad than Wang!"

Five minutes. It is indeed amazing, it is an orc. King Arthur looked at the innocent canine boy.

"But, don't be so mischievous next time. Do you know the fable story of [Wolf is coming]?"

"[Wolf is coming]? What is [Wolf is coming] Wang?" Xiaoha apparently did not hear.

"It’s your father’s coming." Cavalier said jokingly.

"So my uncle really knows my dad, knowing that my dad is more than a wolf?"

King Arthur smiled funnyly: "I don't think he is a dog." (How can a dog's father be a werewolf? This is unscientific.)

"Hello!!" Bedieville made a big sneeze. He wiped his nose subconsciously and thought he was getting cold.

However, the werewolf was half-wet and taking a bath in the bathroom for Albert was really not a pleasant thing.

"呜" Albert in the bathtub is still talking in his sleep: "Don't grab my sashimi!"

"You guys only know how to eat when they dream." The werewolf reluctantly took another spoonful of potion and dripped it on the tiger's head.

"Oh." The tiger trembled.

"Is the medicine effective?" Sainzel's landlord looked at the probe from outside the bathroom.

He followed the faint candlelight to see Albert lying in the bathtub. The tiger is covered in green herbal juice.

"I hope it works." The werewolf continued to wipe the potion on Ayr. He can clearly see that the red rash on the tiger's skin is fading: "The landlord, is this medicine expensive? How much is it, I will pay you back."

"Forget it, this is not a valuable medicine." Senezel said bluntly. "In contrast, I am more worried about whether his illness will be contagious. If this medicine is not good, he The skin disease is in danger of being infected, so you can only ask you to leave."

"You don't have to worry about this." The werewolf said, "Ayr is really getting better."

"Very good. There are bandages here. Help him to wrap him up after washing. You are good night." Seeing that the red rash on the tiger was indeed fading, the landlord seemed to be relieved and left.

The werewolf sighed.

When you are a decent person, people will respect you, but when you are lonely, you can feel the warmth of the people.

In this world, not everyone is friendly and kind. More often, the world is full of indifference.

And this can't blame anyone. Selfishness is the nature of man. One cannot help another stranger unselfishly.

I am afraid that only true friends will not abandon you when you are in trouble. I am afraid that only such a person is truly worthy of being your friend.

The werewolf looked at his tiger friend, and his heart was full of ideas.

(Even if you are a shortcoming, hateful and stupid guy, I won't abandon you.)

(So ​​now at least for now, sleep peacefully.)

"Beddy" Albert is still talking in his sleep: "It’s painful."

"Pain? Where is it uncomfortable?" The werewolf thought that there was something out of his body and he checked it quickly.

No problem is right. The rash has subsided, leaving only a small amount of sputum on the skin, which has been scratched by the tiger before, and they have all been scarred.

What Albert wants to say is not that. He painfully dreamed: "There is no strength and pain. I hate this weak self."

"Ayr" Werewolf is speechless.

The weakness and weakness of oneself has actually stung the heart of the tiger youth. He always sings against the werewolf, always blocking the action of the werewolf like a jerk, but it all stems from the vague hatred in his heart.

Bedieville is not unaware of this. He has pretended to be unaware and has been obedient to Albert. Because of Ayr's situation, it is the werewolf who can't help anything. Indiscriminately helping Ayr, it will even stab the tiger and make the tiger's only remaining self-esteem break.

At that time, I am afraid that is the end of their friendship. Thinking of this, Bedieville couldn't help but feel fear.

Therefore, he whispered as if he was hypnotizing Albert, as if he wanted the tiger to hear in his dream: "You are not weak. You are already very strong.

In the past seven years, you have been hunted for dangerous World of Warcraft in the Twilight region, which has brought tremendous contributions to the stability and peace of the Twilight region. Everything you do makes sense, you are a great, respectable person.

Therefore, if anyone dares to say your bad words, whoever dares to make fun of you is weak, I will not let him go. You are my most respected friend, Ayr. "

That is both a comfort and a fact.

At the beginning, Tristan smirked and humiliated Albert, making Bediville feel angry for the first time in a long time. That was also his rare anger for his friends.

He will start the kind of gamble with the fisherman prince, also because of Albert.

"You may have come to the wrong place. You may not be suitable to be a Knight of the Round Table." The werewolf whispered in the hand of his friend: "But you are still great. I am proud of you."

As if I felt the other person’s heart, the tiger, who was still suffering from a nightmare in pain, gradually eased a lot: "I am?"

"Give it to me." Biddeville even tightened the other hand: "No matter what method I use, I will let you pass. We both qualified and become the Knights of Arthur's Round Table - give it to me." !"

From the beginning, he doubted whether Albert was suitable to become a round table knight. But now, for the face of Albert, it has not been able to back down.

Even if he can't be a round table knight, he must hold Albert up and let the tiger pass.

Let those who have teased Albert's weakness be stunned. It is embarrassing to let the Prince of Tristan who looks down on Albert.

This is the only way that the werewolf can think of and help Albert.

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