Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 722: Conflict in the ice sea (2)

Chapter 722 Conflicts in the Ice Sea II

Tristan saw the suddenly appearing werewolf, hesitating for a moment in fright.

The werewolf left the fisherman prince, and immediately took off, playing against the ice avatar floating in midair!

Hey! The avatar floating in the air gives a punch to the silver shadow, and the wind is sharp and steady! This perfect blow is enough to make most of the world's warriors smash!

Touch and touch! The giant's fist was blocked by some kind of power. Bedyville waved his fists at an alarming rate. His supersonic straight punched a powerful shock wave, and the impact actually offset the opponent's punching power!

"Oh, ah, ah!!" The werewolf then scored a claw. The four vacuum blades burst out with dazzling light. The moonlight wave directly shreds the fist of the frost avatar, and even tears it into the body!

"This! Impossible!!" Ivan, who looked at it all at the side, couldn't help but exclaim.

The werewolf fell, and when everyone was surprised, his claws had already touched Tristan's throat: "It is better to stop, better than His Royal Highness Prince Tristan of the Kingdom of Iceland."


At that moment, the face of the fisherman prince Tristan must be infinitely embarrassing.

It is indeed a rare event in the world that someone can make this arrogant prince sinister.

"I don't want you to be ugly, but --" The angry Werewolf pointed his finger at the little black panther not far away: "You let the child be shocked. Apologize to Xiaohar!"

"What?! Ben Uncle -"

The Werewolf's sharp nails pressed harder against the fisherman's throat: "The sacred dragon armor that Xianwei gave to you is harder and can't resist my moonlight knife. Do you think I will cut your throat now?"

"Yes, why do you know!?"

"Oh, I know, I know everything about you." Betdiwell said in his heart, although he couldn't say anything anyway.

"Listen." The werewolf slowed down and persuaded him: "Just take a boat. You don't have to be so excited. Everyone takes a step back and everything is good to discuss. They are all adults. If you don't agree with a few words, you will move." Gun, do you want to be laughed at by children?"

Tristan was silent and fixed his eyes on the werewolves in front of him.

"Yes, yes! Learn from him! Give me a good job of repairing him!" Captain Snezer is still screaming: "Let the incomparable guy taste the taste of defeat!"

"You, he also shut up me!!" The werewolf roared: "This was originally caused by you!"

"Hey!" The captain was still stiffly waving his hand and immediately stiffened.

"Don't let two candidates get on the boat! You have no loss! So what are you doing?" Beddyville snarled with anger: "You would have to step back and let them get on the boat. All these disputes will not happen." What is your stubbornness?! - If you go on like this, your ship will be falling apart! When we all fall into the sea, the exam is soaking, you are happy, right?!"

Hey la la la la la la. A tearing sound came from the deck and interrupted the conversation.

Bedyville said nothing at all.

After the battle of yesterday, the cargo ship was already broken, and even if the sailors hurriedly tinkered, it would inevitably fall into many structural defects.

Now, this poor cargo ship, through the violent escaping of the ice crystal, has accelerated its cracking process! If the werewolf does not stop in time, let the boat be dragged a few nautical miles, it will definitely break into a pile of sawdust, and all the people in the ship will fall into the ice sea!

"Things that would have been solved by one person, why do you want to be so complicated?" The werewolf looked at Tristan and said, "Do you think that dragging a broken ship to reach the big, the examiners will let you go?" You are too small to look at the big, too small to see the round table trial!"

Tristan continued to be speechless.

"Enough." Ivan came over and persuaded: "This is quite right for the werewolf brothers, Tristan, you have done too much. It is time to stop."

"Well, maybe let the whole ship sink into the ice, let you all fail, is also a good choice." The fisherman prince is still not convinced.

"Before that, you have been unloaded." Bettiville threatened with the fierceness that had just been shown in a moment.

The fisherman prince looked at the werewolf. Obviously, he was spoiled and spoiled from an early age, and he has never been so threatened.

"You are such a wild orc," he said.

"To each other, our arrogant His Royal Highness Prince Tristan."

The fisherman raised his eyes hostilely: "And you know a lot about me. It's very interesting."

The werewolf also raised his eyes with hostility: "It's not fun at all. I feel bored when I look at you. What is your handsome length? When you were young, it was more funny and more pleasing."

"What are you talking about? How can you know me?"

The werewolf didn't talk, but he looked at Tristan with a look of ignorance, and the fisherman had to stop his protest.

After seven years, Biddeville actually took a photo with Tristan in this case and quarreled when he met.

But the werewolves don't care. The other party has never remembered Bediville again. This friend is no longer a friend. Even if he is hated by the other party, he does not care that he will lose this former friend -

Or, is it easier to lose? Because it is no longer possible to lose more, he does not need to worry about it.

The two men looked at each other for dozens of seconds, and the atmosphere at the scene was silent. Everyone in the room thought that the werewolf and the fisherman would kill in the next second. But after more than ten seconds passed, they still didn't do it. They just confronted each other hostilely and used their eyes to fight with each other.

Then, Tristan finally gave up: "Okay, count you. I will fight with you here, there is no harm, no benefit, this uncle will let you go."

"Oh, thank you for raising your hands?" The werewolf said coldly.

"We will play well. It is in the trial of the Knights of the Round Table." Tristan hated the earth: "At that time, I will tear you apart, tear your hands and feet one by one, and put them on you." Let the meat go one by one, and then let you become a human stick, licking my boots in front of me - until you cry and beg for mercy, I will not let you die easily. Wait!"

Such a vicious speech is hard to imagine from the mouth of this beautiful young man. Tristan has indeed changed, becoming cruel and cold.

Or, is this the true face of him? In the past, when he used Bediville as a friend, the fisherman prince who spent the daily laughter with the werewolf boy has been hiding this cruel and cold face.

God knows. Bediville suddenly felt very tired and lost the embarrassment of the fisherman prince. Give him up, maybe this is the best ending.

The prince of the fisherman pushed the claws of Bediville and also took away his incarnation of the frost. He stood up and squeezed a fake smile on the leopard boy not far away: "Sorry, little guy. Are you scared of you?"

"No, nothing -" Xiaohar still shrinks behind his brother and whispers.

"Now--" Tristan went to the captain's face and smiled in the spring breeze: "Can I and my brother Evan get on the boat? Or, you still want to play tricks, I have to let this boat be demolished." Can't you?"

(Little brother?)

Captain Snezer was black-faced. Although he was unwilling, he nodded. "Go on the boat, don't ruin it. You are a troublesome bastard, even if you can successfully reach the big and the bad, finally It will still be brushed down. An annoying person can never be a great round table knight."

"You know a fart, bad old man." Tristan did not agree with a smile, pointing to his [brother] Ivan: "The guy's dad hates 100,000 times more than me, but the dead ghost is not only a round table knight, but still One of the founding heroes of the Great Britain is a Knight of Heaven. What do you hate? If you have the strength, you can climb up!"

"If you just said something, I can't think of it as I didn't hear it." Ivan pushed the eye frame with his index finger: "I will count this account with you after returning, Tristan [brother]."

Even Evan, who has always been amiable, also showed a vicious atmosphere in an instant, and Bedieville looked in his eyes and could not help but feel creepy.

These two guys are not the two people that the werewolf knew. They have changed a lot, and the city is much deeper. It is no longer a good man or a girl.

In contrast, Albert, who is still lazy, is more lovely, although the tiger is full of various shortcomings.

Just as Bedieville wondered, Tristan had waved his submarine [Ice Crystal] and sent it away: "Okay, do what you should do, disband!"

"Grand His Royal Highness!" A large group of beautiful mermaid sisters peeped their heads out of the tactical deck of the submarine. They waved to Tristan and Evan in disapproval: "The Prince will also cheer!"

Evan also smiled and waved a few hands to the mermaid - of course, that smile is loaded.

The subspace submarine once again fell into the cracks of time and space, disappeared without leaving, leaving only the fisherman prince and half-dragon youth, and a large group of angry bachelors on the deck.

But they didn't fight. Playing it will only sin the ship that is faltering, and this is the result that no one wants to see.

"Oh--" The prince of the fisherman uttered a gentle and gentle breath, which greatly eased the tension.

"Oh, we haven't had lunch yet, right, Ivan?"

"It’s really not eaten. Today’s trip is too hasty, there is no such time.” Ivanto whispered, seeming to think seriously.

"Captain, do I remember that this boat has a meal supply?" The fisherman sneered and said to Captain Selnas: "Since we have all been on your boat, can you always have a meal?"

"You won't like it. The kitchen here is all about dark dishes." The werewolf meditation, almost blurted out.

"Do you think I will let you like this nasty guy to eat?" The captain smirked, and the flesh on his face trembled maliciously: "There will be a half-day landing, and you will be patient with your hungry stomach."

"Hey, you will let me eat." Tristan sneered, his eyes filled with sly brilliance: "If my nose is not wrong, you have hidden a group of ice sea puffer, black blood squid, and frost sneaky? I will pay for it. I have all these fish."

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