Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 5: Awakening to the beginning of the battle (below)

Chapter 5 is awakened to the beginning of the battle

"Well?" Arthur looked up and saw a particularly luxurious ship behind the Viking fleet. The large ship is three hundred feet long and the bottom of the ship is a myriad of photon mirrors that allow it to float easily in midair. Its main gun has a radius of more than one hundred feet, and the shells from this thing can easily open a huge hole in the castle! ——

Countless bombs hit, the fleet was consciously protecting the big ship, not letting Arthur's iron ride approach. With such a strict defense, the head of the Vikings must be on that mother ship!

"Navigator, at eleven o'clock, go full speed!"

The teenager waved a light sword and shuttled through the bullets. The light bombs are intensively unable to escape, but the iron ride is already close enough!

Arthur flew out, swaying in the air, lightly moving in the light rain, and then landed safely on the deck of the mother ship.

In the next second, the iron ride hit the deck and opened a big hole. The explosion and the fire stained the deck. The fire field cleverly blocked the entrance and exit of the deck, so that the Vikings' reinforcements could not be approached!

Dozens of Viking giants left on the deck have been waiting for the boy. They all showed fierce light, showed their weapons, and wanted to break the juveniles.

Each of these Vikings is a few times higher than Bias, and the juvenile can be crushed with one hand, but the teenager does not put them in the eye.

Arthur calmly made a provocative gesture: "Come on."

As soon as the giants were provocative, they rushed forward together with anger.

"Hey, no energy?" Arthur's lightsaber lost its glory. The leading Viking warrior was more comfortable to save, and the photon axe on his hand fell towards the boy's head.

But he hasn't cut the boy yet, but his head is first pierced by the lightsaber in the boy's hand. "There is no energy, of course, to lie to you, stupid." The teenager sneered, and caught the axe in the hands of the giant man, throwing it out in one hand, in the middle of another enemy's chest.

"Hello, ah!" The other two giants attacked each other and spurted them together. The young man leaned over to hide, and a sword in the horizontal direction cut off the giant Han on the left. Then a sword is drawn vertically, and the giant man on the right is divided into two halves.

Another Viking man flew in and planned to smash Arthur with his giant hammer. But he did not land, he was stabbed to death by a juvenile kick.

His body flew backwards and squatted on another Viking, and fell together from the spacecraft.

While several other Vikings were distracted from the flying giant, the teenager pierced a throat in front of a sword and pierced another lower abdomen before another giant Han reacted. He took the weapon's hand and kicked the opponent's landing weapon, smashing the knee of another giant.

The Viking warrior who was recruited in the knee did not have the time to scream and hurt. He was cut off by a young boy.

In a minute, the death of the nine Vikings, the wounds of the wounds, and the death of the wounded, could not escape. The wounds on them were filled with burning smoke due to the heat of the lightsaber, and there was a burning smell everywhere.

Arthur picked up a light sword on the ground to replace the energy-depleted hand on his hand, and then took a breath.

"It's really amazing." Who patted the palm of his hand and said it in a less standard English.

Arthur looked at the sound: "Are you the boss of the Vikings?"

The Vikings can no longer be described as huge. It is a giant like a mountain.

The head of the Viking who was wearing the upper body and wearing only the skirt, was full of muscles with anger. His skin with blue-blue runes engraved, making him look rough and horrible.

The giant's hand is a huge anchor with a large number of photon mirrors. Only such a huge monster can possibly take such a horrible weapon, and only such a horrible weapon in such a monster hand makes it become powerful. Even if it is a standard warship, it can be easily cut by this photon giant anchor... No, [waist].

Compared with this giant, the photon giant anchor, the young Arthur is like a small grass on a giant mountain, a small insect on a boulder. Both humble and small.

However, the juvenile faced the dragon, a behemoth much larger than the giant. The two are not comparable in tactics, but they give the teenager a little psychological comfort.

"Small, not so bad, it caused a lot of damage in my fleet, you are a bit of a skill!" The Viking leader said in a scornful tone of praise. His huge voice is like a landslide, a fierce beast, and this sound is enough to kill people.

"But your good fortune is coming to an end. This giant anchor has to cut your little body with one knife. It can't be avoided! Even if it is not directly touched, it will be scraped by the wind pressure from the blade. Flesh and blood!!

I will let you choose. Is it a self-defeating, a happy death? Still being smashed by me, I turned into pieces of meat mud on the deck of the ship, waiting to be lighted by the mouse? However, even if you break it yourself, it will be smashed after death! "

"It's better for me to choose the third item. I will kill you." Arthur held the lightsaber and did not agree.

"Haha. Ah, hahahahahahahaha!!!" The giant laughed as if he heard a ridiculous joke: "I really don't know the tall and thick boy! Are you really afraid of death?"

"Fear is one of the feelings that I don't have. So, don't worry, even if I want to take your heart and crush it, I won't hesitate."

The giant laughed even more madly: "People often say that I am a monster. Are you also a monster? Interesting! The mutual wrestling between monsters and monsters is really exciting!"

The Viking Giant raised a giant anchor: "It's time for the next storm!"

"--Just at that time you have been unloaded." Arthur grabbed the white road.

"Drink!!!" The giant is cold and can't prevent a blow.

bump! ! ! ! ! ! !

A loud bang, the shattered deck was filled with smog.

The ground is full of blood, and it is obvious that there is nothing wrong with it.


A light sword stabbed a big hole in the giant's leg. The teenager tied his opponent's sword and immediately disappeared in the smoke.

"Oh? How did you escape the blow?" the giant asked.

"It's very simple, because I didn't stand there from the beginning," the boy's voice replied.

The smoke dissipated and six teenagers stood on the deck.

"Projection Magic?" The giant disdainfully said, "Hey, the net will be smart!"

The teenagers in front of me are all optical projections made with magic. It is necessary to rely on the corpses on the battlefield to launch, which is a common method used by low-level magicians.

"It's true that it's just a cover-up. It's not even magic." Arthur's voice came out from each projection, and the projection sound was part of the projection magic. "But it's enough to save life." After all, you are such a huge monster that you can kill me with a finger."

"It doesn't make sense to play this kind of cleverness!" The giant raised his weapon again. "This kind of thing, just smash it all at once!!"

The giant slammed hard. The photon giant anchor fell heavily, splitting the deck into two, and smashing a huge shock wave, and surely shredded the six teenager's substitutes in an instant.

auzw.com砰! ! ! ! ! !

Sawdust and iron pieces splashed, the giant's attack even split the whole ship into two, the broken deck was blown to the majority, the ship began to tilt, slowly sinking!

"There was actually a warship for a stinky boy." The giant disdained. Just as he lays down his arms and is ready to leave -

The tip of the lightsaber is pierced from his abdomen.

"What...what...?" The Viking leader squinted and looked at the light sword blade worn by the abdomen. The green light of the blade illuminates the abdomen of the Viking leader from the inside out, constantly accumulating an anxious smell.

"A tall guy like your bear, the sword of the lightsaber is not enough for the heart." The voice of the teenager rang behind the giant.

"You obviously have... how come..." The giant muttered inexplicably.

"Who told you that there must have been my real body in the substitute there? I am one - standing behind you and looking for opportunities." The younger stabbed the sword deeper and cut it all the way up.

"It’s not...the knight." The Viking leader has begun to speak incoherently.

"When did I say that I was a knight?" The teenager was disgusted. "It’s just a passing swordsman."

"Sword...should... really..."

"You will not say a few words to stop it!" The young man continued to pull up the sword, completely piercing the giant's chest and completely smashing the giant's heart.

"Ha, Ha!" The giant did not fall forward, but instead forced back.

"What!" The boy who did not have time to escape was pressed by the giant of Yamaguchi.

"So you can't escape." The giant laughed wildly. "Since everyone is a monster, they will be buried together!"

The warship was accelerating and sinking, and there was a sea of ​​fire everywhere. It will not be long before the ship will fall to the ground and everything will be turned into ashes in the big bang.

"Damn!" The teenager struggled to escape, but he knew in his heart that his thin body could never escape from the giant's 10,000-ton weight.

"Is it dead here? My mission, my wish--" The boy is not willing to close his eyes. "father"

At this time, a voice suddenly asked: "Why are you not spiritual?"

Arthur blinked and saw a handsome young man in black robe and silver hair. His face is a typical melon face, with a tall nose and flat eyebrows, plus the silver-like pupils reflecting the brilliance, plus the silver short hair, everything looks like a scholarly trait.

Junmei is handsome, but his old-fashioned costumes and his illusory existence are hard to believe that he is a [person].

"Are you a ghost?" The boy asked the silver-haired youth.

"Ghost? Why do you compare me to such a low-level thing?" The silver-haired youth looked confused. "I can be considered a higher-level existence. Probably."

"So, I am really dead? Become a ghost?" Arthur wondered to move his body, but he was still pressed by the body of the giant. This unscientific. Can a ghost not pass through an object?

"It's not going to die. At least, your body can't die until it is incinerated by a fire." Mysterious youth.

(This is not nonsense.)

"--I am still alive?" Arthur took a deep breath, but the smoke from the fire made him suffocate: "Cough and save me! Save me!!"

"So, I asked why you are not spiritual. After the spiritualization, can you simply escape? No, wait, you don't know how to be spiritual? No. You should not be the body of a natural person. Still not awakened?"

"Awakening?" Arthur asked blankly.

"Oops, I said more." The silver-haired youth changed his face. "This stone is unexpectedly plain. I may have been like you, it is an ordinary human being. When did it become this? It’s been a long time ago, and I can’t remember it.”

"If you are free to be there, can you rescue me first?" The teenager was busy. "It's getting more and more uncomfortable here-"

"Hey, raise your hand." The young man raised his hand and the scene around Arthur changed instantly.

"Is this my room?" Arthur looked around. Lancelot is probably still working outside to help, otherwise he will be scared by this scene.

"I thought you would feel comfortable when you come back here," said the mysterious youth.

"Yes." The teenager got up, "I am very grateful to you-"

The voice just fell, and the window was already flared. The Viking mother ship slammed into the ground and a huge explosion occurred.

Arthur covered his face and blocked the storm of the explosion: "If I escape later, I have now become a roast duck."

"No, I think, probably even if the explosion will avoid you, even the fire will automatically pass by your side, not afraid to hurt you." Mysterious youth said.

"Don't be kidding, so the protective magic of interest, how can I use it!" Arthur waved his hand in disapproval.

"Forget it, even if you explain it, you can't understand it." The mysterious youth raised the staff in his hand. "Let's meet, Arthur. Let's talk about it next time."

"you are--?"

"Merlin. You call me Merlin." The staff in the hands of the youth began to glow pale. "Be a magician."

When the glare flashed, the youth disappeared out of thin air.

"Instantly shifting the magic! Actually, nothing is prepared without it." Arthur naturally said to himself, "This is the level of the magic master, and what is it [to be a magician]?"

The battle outside the window has gradually come to an end. The Vikings lost their princes, and their hearts were scattered. They began to escape with their tails. The knights also stopped the pursuit.

"Why don't you catch up and give the final blow. If you don't kill them, they will soon come back again -" Arthur said to himself.

"That is impossible. Because of the violation of the Knight's Creed." A voice rang behind him.

"So, the knights are really stupid creatures." Arthur had not finished talking and fell to the ground.

He only noticed how tired he was. In one day, he not only played a game with the dragon, but also killed countless Vikings.

A tall figure came to the teenager, but the teenager’s eyes were too tired to open.

"Father?" Arthur said a nonsense in his nightmare.

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