Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 263: The match is at dawn (below)

Chapter 263 is due to the dawn

Evan rushed over in desperation, and he wanted to play close to Thor!

He raised a pair of guns and used a gun's [infinite vacuum blade] to throw a sword!

Thor leaned back and avoided the blow!

Thor's arrow passes between the two!

That's right, this is the solution that Ivan thought of. Since that annoying arrow always comes with Ivan, the dog skin plaster can't be smashed, so let Thor try the same taste together! Close combat, everyone is threatened by arrows, the conditions are theoretically fair!

Thinking about this, Ivan continued to raise the sword on the double gun, facing Thor's chest, and drawing! Then look at Thor's belly, draw!

Although the Elf Prince is not good at melee, but he also knows the eye, he can predict the attack of the other side. He sometimes evades sideways, and sometimes raises the bow, and the two also want to avoid the arrows flying around.

Two long-range attack-shaped warriors who are not good at melee, actually played close combat, and Bediwell couldn’t help but laugh.

However, their current conditions are at least fair. In this fair fight, Ivan may still have a chance to win.

But is this really fair? Maybe not.

Evan crossed the sword and was dragged away by Thor. The arrow also shot from behind Evan, gently rubbing Evan's right arm and shooting at Thor. Seeing that the elf prince can't avoid it, he has to be his own arrow through his heart!

Suddenly - the arrow entered the entrance of the sub-space half a inch from the chest of Thor, and finally the whole arrow disappeared into that space, and opened an exit from another direction, and continued to shoot at Evan!

Even in melee, the arrow is still under the control of Prince Tor's subspace magic! Thor wants where it disappears and disappears where it is, where it appears, where it appears!

(Note: Subspace exports cannot be opened in places where solids or liquids are occupied, so they cannot be used in the opponent's body or in the water.)

Melee will not make Evan a little cheaper, at most it only increases the mental cost of the opponent!

Ivan, who realized this, immediately came up with a new strategy and hoped to reverse the trend. He slashed his swords and kept shooting. His double guns have been adjusted to the point where there is almost no speed. When he [shoots], he is making a ball of light that is floating and has no speed.

Thor evaded the attack of Evan, and the two were not only chased by arrows, but also surrounded by countless light bombs!

Evan deliberately added more confusion to the battlefield, in order to make Thor miss!

Then, the arrow accidentally hit the light bomb - exploded!

bump! ! ! !

"Oh!" Ivan was blown out by the blast, and the Elf Prince was almost the same.

"Oh," Evan sneered and climbed up, looking at the arrow behind Thor. There were six arrows left on it. He smugly wiped the blood from his mouth. "Solve your arrow."

He thought that he would win if he consumed the arrow in the elf's arrow.

Is it so smooth?

"Are you sure?" Thor's face did not change color and pulled a new steel arrow from the bucket. There are only five arrows left in his arrow bucket, but in Evan, the arrow is still six!

"What, what?!"

"Tell you kindly, [order maintainer]." Elf Thor sneered. "My arrow barrel is bound to a subspace. There are six million arrows in it! They are constantly added."

Evan is almost desperate. He felt that nothing could be done, Jiang Lang did it. But suddenly there was a scene in his mind: the beauty of the elf girl Elison singing under the moon -

The beauty of the girl when I first met.

"Hey. We are not finished yet." Ivan stepped back and he closed his eyes.

Inductive. Get rid of distracting thoughts and use your heart to sense it.

This is the fighting technique that Ivan has been training for three weeks. Under the guidance of his brother Oyun, he has already trained his mind to the extreme and can use it in the usual battle. But when he closed his eyes and blocked the five senses, his heart and eye skills reached the strongest. He relied on the ability of the mind to detect the enemy's attack orbit and use it to dodge.

A photon fluctuation blasts before five yards. That is Thor's attack. The arrow flew straight toward him, but Evan diddge in advance.

The track of the arrow disappeared one yard behind him and then another track appeared in the direction of ten o'clock. Evan also evaded lightly.

Arthur looked far away. Thor's subspace magic is launched on the arrow. Although it is better than Belen's operation, the corresponding time of launch is slower than that of Belen. It is relatively easy to dodge, especially for the masters who use the eye.

But what is the difference between this and before? Is Evan still in a passive beating situation?

However, even Evan himself did not know that Oyun had secretly taught him another combat skill.

[heartless] (heartless).

He began to dodge while lifting a pair of guns and naturally fired at his opponent.

He has long been accustomed to this method of attacking blind eyes. His attack is to follow the instinct, the [intention] that is not launched, and the only natural dance. His attack does not pre-empt ripples in the world of photons, so it cannot be predicted by the other's mind-eyes.

His attack is unpredictable!

"What?!" Thor flashed away from this sudden blow. His heart can't foresee this blow, which scared him.

If he doesn't have such a good visual eyesight, he will probably be hit by a light bullet with a moment of dodge by the attack. If it is not because he has reserved mental strength to prepare, he will also be hit.

The attack on Evan became terrible.

Arthur, who was watching the battle, also noticed this problem. The Grand Duke of Hall also explained the [unintentional] warfare technique, but it is easy to get rid of all distracting thoughts and attack by instinct alone. Arthur also did it for him: he and Paramidis's battle, can only do it with [no heart] to evade the attack of the beastly leopard!

And now Ivan, naturally, did it! Every shot he shot at Thor was shot with a goal, not a shot! But his attack is without any intention of attack! Heart art can not be seen through! How rare this is!

Evan’s love for the elf girl Elison made him so powerful. Even now, in his mind, he is not thinking about fighting, but constantly showing the girl's quiet and gentle face!

Love has become his strength. With the idea of ​​[in order to protect someone], he really became powerful for the first time.

"Hey! Arthur?!" was caught by Arthur, and Bedieville felt a pain in his ribs, and he shouted dissatisfied.

"Give me the spirit and be ready to go out and save people!" Arthur said. He knew that the duel between Ivan and Thor had begun to become out of control, so that one of the two would be seriously injured. It is not that Ivan is too immersed in the [unintentional] to avoid the arrow and arrow failure and is seriously injured, that is, Thor can not be evaded by bullets and seriously injured. Neither of them can control their power.

Hey! ! ! A glowing bomb came oncoming, and Thor could not escape this time!

A silver flashed over, and Bedieville threw himself away from the Elf Prince, freeing him from being hit.

"Stop!" Arthur yelled.

Being called, Ivan returned to God and was relieved from the state of [unintentional].

At the same time, Thor's arrow pointed to the left chest of Ivan, and was about to shoot through his heart!

At the crucial moment, Prince Thor spurred the sub-space, and the arrow entered from the sub-space, and then flew out from the distance, and flew into the endless sky!

Ivan swallowed. If Thor had the heart to kill him, that arrow had already shot through his heart!

"You two give me a convergence point! Want to play life?!" Arthur loudly blamed.

"Sorry, [order maintainer], accidentally -" Elf Prince Thor shyly shouted.

"I should say sorry, Prince Thor." Ivan also said that his face turned red into pig liver color. "I blame me for being a child."

"Oh." Prince Thor added his arms and smiled a little. "It seems that your determination to protect the [Stars of the Stars] is true. Well, just follow your plan."

"Hey, Your Royal Highness Prince?" Arthur didn't understand the conversation between the two. Arthur was not present when the two had quarreled.

"I really didn't think that you can do this for the [Stars of the Stars]." The Elf Prince reached out and gestured to shake hands with Yi Wen.

"I didn't think that you can do this for Ilayson." Ivan holds Thor's hand, which is a handshake for him, a fair competition. "You must like Ileson very much." ——"

"She and I grew up together," Thor smiled. "If I can, I really want to protect her personally. But since you insist on [the stars of the stars], please."

Arthur on the side heard the disharmony of this dialogue, but he did not know what he loved you, and could not understand the deep meaning of the dialogue between the two. Only Bedieville, who was still in the form of a silver wolf, understood it. He narrowed his eyes and smirked. Ivan almost seemed to want to rush to slap him.

After watching the two men leave, Bediville could not help but swear: "Ah, Arthur? Can it be over? I feel so tired."

Arthur jumped from the back of the silver wolf and could not help but praise: "It's almost the same, change back. Kid, you have been able to cope with a battle for a time, it is qualified."

"Yes, isn't it?" Beddyville changed back to human form, and he discovered that he had just watched the battle between Ivan and Thor, and was not eroded by the consciousness of the beast.

He really can control [madness]. The consciousness of the beast in his body gradually became quiet, silent, and never came to invade the werewolf boy.

Tristan tamed the wolf in Bediville.

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