Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 258: Fight again in the shadow (below)

Chapter 258 is fighting again under the shadow

Elison Pure Land, the first night of the sixth day, the first star point.

The two warships moved quietly, and they had a phantom magic on the shield that looked like it was transparent, blending in with the environment.

Everyone in the battleship remained quiet, fearing that a little noise would reveal his whereabouts.

The two warships have slowly approached [the first broken star point], only one kilometer away from the volcano.

Arthur rode on the back of the Red Fire Dragon comet and waited on the deck. He lowered his voice and directed from the communicator:

"It's now! Open fire together!!"

Booming, banging, banging, banging! ! ! !

Two warships with more than 2,000 guns aimed at the same point, and thousands of beams were combined into a giant light, and they were shot at the volcano!

Red Fire Dragon and Xiaoxing Long, spit out countless huge fireballs! Cuifenglong used a wind-pressure bomb to accelerate the huge fireballs one by one and sent them to the volcano one kilometer away!

Pounds, pounds, pounds, pounds, pounds, pounds! ! ! !

Huge light opened a gap in the volcanic mountainside. Fireballs flew in, broke into the gap, and exploded inside the volcano!

Arthur listened to the horrible explosion in a kilometer. The earth then swayed, and the volcano was spurred by this attack and was on the verge of eruption!

Arthur knows that this moment is the key to success.

"Senvia!" he cried.

"Know it, don't remind me!" shouted the white frost dragon, who was concentrating on making a huge hockey puck. The hockey puck was a hundred feet in diameter and was extremely spectacular on the plywood.

"I just hope this is really useful!" Baishuang Longdao, rolling up an ice storm. The ice hockey rolls from the splint and continually accelerates.

At the same time, Cuifeng Long Havel has sucked a lot of air, and the air is compressed in his lungs.

The huge ice hockey became bigger as it rolled, almost rolling to the edge of the deck of the [Sword of Damocles (Yang)]. The current ice hockey is like a sword.

Cuifenglong saw the opportunity and spit out his strongest wind pressure bomb against the ice hockey that rolled out [voiding fluctuations]! The giant ice hockey, 200 feet in diameter, accelerates to an incredible level under huge compressed air. It flies out at super high speed and directs to the gap just opened by the volcano! !

lb! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The volcanic mountainside was hit hard. The huge volcano [the first broken star point] was spurred by the sudden huge impact and the cold of two hundred feet of ice hockey. It broke out! !

It is not just an explosion, the volcano as tall as a skyscraper collapses! !

The volcanic rocks are scattered like meteor showers, and the hard and sharp rocks smashed the dark creatures that squatted on the mountains.

The magma is sprayed like a boiling hot soup, and the hot, mellow lava burns the monsters that flutter in the air to the ash!

High-speed fallen volcanic rocks ignited countless magma! The high-speed jet of magma sprays more hot rocks like a shot, or burns the dark creatures to death, or shoot them through!

More than 100,000 infantrymen were destroyed, and tens of thousands of dragons were instantly destroyed by a third!

The momentum of Arthur’s volcanic eruption began to weaken, and the dark creatures were in a panic. He screamed: "It is now! Sprint!!"

The two warships fired countless gunfires to cover the attack of the Dragoons. The four dragons flew together, while avoiding the lava fire and rain of the volcano, while rushing in the enemy!

The artillery roared, splashing more lava flints, piercing the enemy, melting the enemy, burning the enemy!

While the red fire dragon spits the fireball, he tries his best to tear it out, tears it with his claws, sweeps it with his tail, tears the dark dragons close to him, and lets them fall. They sweep the volcanic boulder that flies over and use the huge stone. Countless enemies! Arthur lifted the golden light of the sword of the king on the dragon's back and swept across the place, letting the invading dragons die.

The hoarfrost dragon Xianvia sneaks and vomits frost. Although his frost can not eliminate dark creatures, he can freeze them all! Countless dragons have been tricked into becoming huge ice cubes falling to the ground!

Elf Prince Toya sat on the back of the White Frost Dragon and continued to fire arrows. When he pulls a bow, he is a three-headed arrow. The arrow is a physical arrow that the elves use to deal with the dark creature. After hitting the target, it will produce super vibration and destroy the target from the inside! With the breath of the white frost dragon, you can even hit the target of the ice! Although his arrow is a three-shot, but there is no arrow, every shot can solve a dragon!

The Cuifeng Dragon protects himself with the storm barrier, carrying the elf girl Elison and rushing in the enemy. He flew at high speed, and cooperated with Eleson's [Song of Purification] to purify the dark dragons in the air. Elysian's ultrasonic waves can convey a sphere with a radius of one kilometer. Havel is actually equal to a spherical area with a radius of one kilometer. The dragons in the range are hit by ultrasonic waves. , have fallen down to death!

At the same time, the nine followers of the Elf Prince Thor also attacked the magical gunboats of the elves. These small gunboats are very similar to the iron riders used by the Pantorakin knights, but their gunfire is a hot fireball - the elves have been modified to deal with dark creatures.

Nine gunships ejected on the deck, and in the midair, they made a silver light, while sweeping the dragon in the air!

"Oh!" The Dragon Titans rushed into the most densely populated area of ​​the enemy. Similar to the previous game, he first came with a huge roar, shocking the dragons within a few kilometers, and then vomiting. With a plasma flame, burn everything around you! Hundreds of thousands of dark dragons are killed like this!

"Everyone is careful! The enemy is abnormal!" Arthur shouted. The infantry who were still beaten on the ground, are spreading black wings and flying! Although the infantry has been seen before, the comet is still full of doubts: "Why don't they fly at first?"

"Probably it is impossible to continue flying for a long time." Arthur analyzed, "So it was set to be able to use it in a hurry. The last time it was to escape, is it a backwater fight?! - I have to jump, Comet, take care of yourself!"

"What!? You--" The comet hasn't finished yet, Arthur has jumped out of the dragon's back. The dragon was shocked by the knight's madness, but the Cavaliers always had his reasons.

That's right, the enemy soldiers in the sky are flying and the infantry can't sit still and fly back and fight back! Arthur first rushed over and stepped on one of the heads of the newly-flying soldiers. The sword of the king in his hand ejected the brilliance that never came, and turned into a huge light of two hundred feet long. blade.

As Justinian said, because the outer edge of the light blade is wrapped in a layer of photon vacuum, it is effortless to wave the hugely scary light blade. Arthur waved this giant blade and swept it away! Thousands of enemy forces are directly purified!

"Hah!" After the strike, Arthur’s sword in the hands of the king returned to normal. He did not forget to solve the miscellaneous soldiers stepping on his feet, then leaped out and stepped on another soldier to continue. Kill the enemy, jump, kill the enemy, jump, and kill the enemy! He regards the dull enemy soldier as a light bomb that he often tramples, flying freely and flying in the air. The comet looked silly and continued to entangle with the dragons in the sky. He knew that instead of letting Arthur slash the enemy on his back, it was really worse than the current guerrilla tactics that were more suitable for Arthur. It’s more efficient to kill monsters!

After killing dozens of enemies, Arthur saw the sword of the king and restored his strength. He once again unfolded a two-foot-long gold giant blade, a sweep! Thousands of miscellaneous soldiers have been purified in the golden light!

"Warning, the shield of the battleship was broken. Request support." The sound of the lotus sound came from the communicator, and the shield of [The sword of Damocles (yang)] has been hit by a myriad of miscellaneous soldiers. Although the battleship's shooting is fierce, it still can't hold down these tens of thousands of troops!

"Damn! Who used to support it!?" Arthur cried, but he was too far away to catch up.

The comet on the side seems to be entangled in dozens of dragons and cannot be pulled away. Havel rushed to a very distant theater. The Xiaoxing Long Titans is killing the enemy near the crater, but it is unable to open the body -

"This is going!" The close-up of the White Frost Dragon has already rushed over.

lb! ! ! ! A huge gunfire passed, and Tristan in the artillery room thought that the enemy had been wiped out.

However, he did not see a magic dragon sneaking in the other direction!

"Damn!" When Tristan found out, the dragon was close at hand, and he quickly fired the robbers! however--

Bang! ! ! A huge explosion, blasting outside the artillery! It is not a good idea to bombard a demon dragon at a close distance. The exploding dragon's bones, with high heat, blasted the outer wall of the artillery room!

"Wow, ah, ah!!!!!" Tristan felt only a high heat and violent shock, after which he lost consciousness.

"Tristan? Tristan?!" Arthur continued to slash and shouted at the microphone. "How are you?! Answer me!!!"

He saw that the battleship had been blown out of a large hole in the artillery room, and then saw that the battleship [Sword of Damocles (Yang)] had stopped all artillery fire. He knew how bad the situation was: Tristan might have been Then the explosion spread, sacrificed!

"No!!!!!!" Anger made Arthur burst into an unprecedented power.

[Third miracle - photon creation] launch! Numerous photons flowed from Arthur's body into the sword of the king, and with the massive photons that the sword of the king himself brought from other time and space, these billions of photons swelled and became a full-length 10,000. The super-large blade of feet! ——

The 10,000-foot giant light shines on the battlefield!

The sword of the king points directly at the sky, and the sky bows under the majesty of the king!

The sword of the king stands on the earth, and the earth worships in the domineering of the king!

In the legend, the ancient gods and soldiers who can split up in the sky, this moment finally shows its original appearance.

This is, in the infinite golden light, destroying the torrent of light!

Arthur swept his sword desperately! ! The 10,000-foot-long, 500-foot-wide giant light sweeps away all the darkness within three kilometers! !

The comet was surprised to see the light sweeping through himself, and he thought he was going to die. He was annihilated by the dazzling brilliance!

Hey -

The golden light was shot and the comet opened his eyes.

The Blade of Gold does not cause damage to the comet! That is, although huge, but the structure of the loose photon storm! Just like being blown by a hurricane, although the comet was blown and turned, it did not cause actual damage to the dragon!

What about those dark creatures?

Tens of thousands of dark creatures have fallen to the ground! This golden storm completely cleared the [darkness] in their bodies!

The great light blade of the King's Sword does not exist to kill life. It is something that ancient people designed to sweep away [darkness].

That sword is a weapon dedicated to the Dark Son!

From the infinite number of balanced time and space, the photons of different worlds will be corrected by the laws of this world, and will eventually return to their correct time and space. This is the same as the [third miracle].

These photons appear out of thin air, once again disappearing out of thin air, creating a microcosm of time and space in their space. It is a particle-level microscopic vibration, but it is also a violent super-vibration, enough to break down the dark matter in the surrounding space! - The sword of the king can slash the dark creature, it is this principle!

It is not just a soldier who can take photons from other time and space, it is still an ancient weapon that can use [quantum-scale super-vibration] to decompose the dark child!

Moreover, this is probably only one of the functions of the sword of the king! ——

Merlin put together the recent research materials on the sword of the king and wrote them on the stationery in the most understandable language. I hope that the recipient of this letter, Arthur, can read it.

But there is no bottom in his heart: the connection between the dark and the ancient weapons is very complicated and profound, and can be traced back to [the age of myth]. The mysteries left by these ancient people, modern people have to understand, I am afraid it will take another two thousand years.

Arthur, however, lived in the fifth century AD and never received formal education. A teenager! - Merlin can't help but think.

With a hesitant mood, he summoned his enemen: a crow, handed the letter to the crow, and sent it to Arthur.

When Arthur received the letter from the desktop of his farmhouse, it was already after he returned to the earth from Ellison.

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