Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 256: Fight again in the shadow (on)

Chapter 256 is fighting again on the shadow

The pure land of Elison, the morning of the sixth day. Broken star battleship [Sword of Damocles] (yang), in the medical room.

After the morning riots, everyone else has returned to the room to sleep and go back to the cage, in order to save as much energy as possible in the next battle.

The fisherman prince Tristan slowly got up, endured the pain in his chest and shoulders, and walked over to sit in front of Bedyville's bed.

Bedyville was completely turned into a wolf, and the silver wolf was lying on the bed, facing the fisherman, quietly snoring. He was holding his tail low, as if he was working on a nightmare.

Tristan looked at Bediville, who turned into this look, and he was so sad.

"Beddy, have you woken up?" Tristan asked in a whisper.

no respond. Does the silver wolf seem to be asleep, or pretend to be asleep?

The fisherman prince reached out and stroked the head of the silver wolf. The silver wolf's hair was as soft as silk, with a little warmth. Tristan never knew that Bettiville's hair felt like this. He can't help but ask himself, how deep do you know about this friend?

His shallow and arrogant understanding of his friend not only hurt himself but also hurt his friends.

"Beddy, I know you are blaming yourself." Tristan sighed. "But, as I said before, I didn't stop you when you were crazy. It was my responsibility. I was hurt, even Dead, but also caused by my own lack of strength, you do not have to blame yourself. If you want to blame, please blame me."

Still no response. The silver wolf is pretending to be asleep, has or can't answer?

"Sorry, Bedieville." He whispered again. He did not know if Bediville was not listening, or did not hear. In short, he patted the back of the silver wolf: "Beddy, no matter what you become, we are still friends. If you have always been this way, then I will always be"

The battleship began to sound an alarm and interrupted the words of the fisherman.

"Attention, everyone pays attention." Ivan sent an alarm from the sword of Damocles (Yin). "The enemy will be found 10 kilometers away. They will meet in ten minutes. Please prepare for the battle."

"Tristan, can you operate the battery with your current injury?" Arthur's voice came from the communicator.

"Just the operation of the battery, there is no problem." The fisherman touched the painful chest and said.

"Beddy." Ivan looked at Biddeville on the side and dragged his aching body out: "I will come back when I go."

[The first broken star point Raiders battle. ]

Shown in front of Arthur is a huge volcano. The low gravity of the planet Elison has created a peculiar landscape here, and this volcano as tall as a skyscraper is the most representative.

Low gravity makes the volcanic rock pile up like a tall tower. This building is tall and long. Half of the mountain is covered by snow. The half of the mountain is a volcanic basalt volcano. It can be said that the pure land is a wonder.

According to Arthur's visual observation, this tower volcano is probably 5,000 feet tall. That is probably the magma ejected from the crater, which has accumulated over many years in a low-gravity environment. Ilayson's geological environment is different from the earthly world. These high-hardness and low-viscosity magma are both sprayed high and cooled quickly, and the volcano is not easy to collapse. The skyscraper is gradually built. .

But what about the enemy? It should have been covered in the entire sky, waiting for Arthur and their army. Where did they go? !

"The enemy, the enemy's troops are 100,000!" Ivan exclaimed as he looked at the instrument analysis. "About ten thousand dragons!"

110,000 troops! there? !

Arthur fixed his eyes and looked carefully. He looked far away at the black pressure on the volcano. It was not a volcanic rock, but a dark creature that crouched on the mountain! ! Those things are squirming in the mountains, and it is impossible to tell what is going on with anything. What Arthur can feel is only the nausea and horror brought by these creeping creatures!

These guys have been deployed here, and it is probably to keep their strength in the mountains. Once attacked, they will rush out and kill the attackers!

110,000 troops! This is not like an opponent who can resist! There are only two warships and a dozen people on Arthur's side. Is it really necessary to take an enemy, come to [the king is unparalleled]? !

Arthur looked at the Dragon Titans as he turned to help. "Your Majesty, do you have any good ideas?"

"No, it can only be hard." Longdi shrugged and said, "I didn't think that [Darkness] actually sent so many troops to station here. But just right! The more troops here, the other broken star points. The less troops there are."

"There were 500,000 elves in the Pure Land and 60,000 in the Dragon. There were about 250,000 elves and 40,000 dragons who died in the battle against [Dark]." Elf Prince Thor was on the side "All other things have become [dark] minions."

"Is this broken star point about half the strength? Good." Arthur thinks that he is different from the Dragon Emperor. He doesn't want to be hard. His mind is spinning fast and thinking about the countermeasures: "Reconfirm two points, one of them - Under the sire of the Dragon Emperor, how can the invisibility of this warship allow us to stay close without being discovered?"

"About one kilometer." The Dragon Emperor walked and said, "If you get close, the chances of the illusion magic being seen are very high."

Arthur looked out the window and asked: "Second, [Sword of Damocles] can really turn this volcano into a [broken star point] and let it destroy the planet?"

"The prophecy is like this. We can only believe so." Long Titans sneered, "This active volcano is connected to the core of the planet, using the [broken star gun] of Damocles from two [broken stars Point] together to stimulate it, I believe it can bring the chain effect of destroying the planet."

"The Ellison Pure Land is finally going to perish." Elf Prince Thor smiled bitterly.

"May the pure land belong to the eternal silence." The elves on the side prayed together.

This group of elves has gone through thousands of hardships to find such a habitable planet, and after a lot of hardships, they have built this piece of pure land on this planet. I did not expect them to say so easily the desire to destroy this planet. Arthur really had to admire them.

"What are you thinking about, [World Changer]?" Elf Prince Thor saw Arthur's thoughtful look and asked curiously.

"I was thinking, there is a way to make it easier for us to play. I just don't know if it will cause big trouble and destroy the planet early."

The dragon emperor smiled bitterly: "If the pure land is so easy to be destroyed, you will not be so hard. Say, [world changer], what strategies do you have, we must help to complete it. This is better than fighting blood. It is."

"So--" Arthur had a little restlessness in his heart, but he left the idea and said his thoughts.

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