Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 243: Preparing for the dark (on)

Chapter 243 is preparing for the dark

Elison Pure Land, the fourth morning (early morning of the third day of the Earth), on the outskirts of the Elven King.

Evan jumped from the back of Cuifenglong Havel.

"Call, so sleepy." Ivan yawned, sleeping for six hours a night, obviously not enough.

"Come here, you can, brother." Javier said, resting on the ground crouching on the side.

"Don't call me [brother]." Ivan was dissatisfied with the authenticity and took out his two short swords. "The power of this thing is still unclear, you are far away."

"The ugly thing I can't wait to leave it." Javier Road, climbed about ten yards away.

"Okay, I have to test it." Ivan warned that he raised his sword and drew a sword in the open suburbs.

Hey. The mysterious Longwu short sword makes a steady whistling sound.

This is indeed a good sword.


However, apart from being sharp and hard, there is no function.

The powerful enchantment on the short sword did not play out at all. In the end, Iwen couldn’t help but wonder.

He raised another sword, stroked, and stroked!

The sound of the sword is crisp and powerful, and the short sword is cut into iron. However, nothing more.

Evan can't help but be disappointed. It took so much effort to find such a weapon of the gods, there is nothing special, just sharp?

Have you not swung enough enough? He then slammed a sword.

No, there is still no reaction.

Is it not effective to wave a sword, do you want two swords to come out? Plan! He has a pair of swords.

Still no effect.

The eagle eye owned by Evan clearly knows that he has not played the potential power of this pair of short swords. If it is really played out, the enchantment on it must be responsive, and the magic can be perceived by the Evan holding the sword.

Just as Ivan was bored, Javier said: "Ivan, I am coming to be your opponent."


"When a person blindly slashes his sword, how can he experiment with the effects of weapons? You need to have a clear purpose, such as fighting with your opponent."

"No!" Ivan asserted veto. "The effect of this weapon is still unknown. It is too dangerous to use it casually!"

"Stupid, I am a dragon! How can the dragon be easily knocked down?" Cui Fenglong Havel said indifferently. "Even if you are injured, you can immediately reply. The dragon's vitality is very tenacious!"

"Since you say this." Ivana raised his swords in a boring manner. He had no bottom in his heart. On the one hand, he was afraid that he could not use these two unknown weapons, and he would kill Havel. On the other hand, he was afraid of Cuifenglong. Havel stunned his eyes and missed Evan himself.

However, the Cuifeng Dragon has become bigger, set up the posture, and is ready to attack!

"Be careful, if my wind pressure bomb is not good enough to escape, you will be broken!" Cui Fenglong reminded him [goodly], while he opened his mouth, he inhaled a lot of air and compressed it in his throat. Limit, then -

Hey! ! ! A burst of sound blew in front of Evan, and Evan rolled and ducked. The wind pressure bomb is invisible and colorless. It is a pure physical shock wave. It only twists the surrounding air on the trajectory of its own movement, forming an optical distortion like a glass ball. Such things can be seen in the distance and can barely see its trajectory, but when it comes oncoming, it is simply invisible!

After Evan escaped the first strike, he could not help but be shocked. If he has not learned the mind, can predict the opponent's attack trajectory and make an early dodge, he has already been crushed by this wind bomb!

Havel is serious! Cuifeng Long Havel regards Ivan as his own [brother], which is the dragon's [education] to his relatives! The dragon's [education] is very harsh, especially for the guy who has only the weak body of human beings like Evan. This kind of education will kill his life!

"You, you want to kill me?!" Ivan exclaimed.

"How come, are you not carrying the great blood of our mother? This little attack can't die!" Havel sneered. "Give me all the power, my brother! Let me see how strong your strength is." high!"

Cuifenglong once again gathers gas and spits! The wind pressure bombs swept in front of Evan like a storm roar!

"Wow!" Ivan screamed and ducked.

Spit spit! ! The other three wind bombs continue to catch up with Ivan’s unbearable figure, blasting beside the boy, blasting, and blasting again! !

"You are crazy!" Evan screamed, stumbling everywhere to dodge!

"Don't you have two weapons that are useless?! Why not?" Havel cried, continuing to spit out more wind pressure bombs.

Where can I use it! Evan thought that although the two short swords were cut iron, they were all close weapons. Can this situation get close to Havel? ! I am afraid that if I have not yet approached, I will be bombarded with the wind of the Cuifeng Dragon!

In the excitement of Evan, he put away two Longwu short swords, pulled out his guns, and voluntarily rolled over to avoid the guns while shooting!

Hey! Countless light bombs shot at Havel!

"Ha ha ha ha, innocent!" Cui Fenglong wings, his wings are covered with natural photon mirrors, not only hard as iron, he can also make photon turbulence when flapping the wings, this is the other dragons Special talent for the dragon species. The photon storm rolled up by the Cuifeng Dragon is like a natural protective barrier, which easily blocks the light bomb attack of Evan! The powerful wind pressure even blows Evan back and forth, and the station is not stable!

Is this the power of Cuifenglong Havel? ! If Ivan had used this trick before the first encounter with Cuifeng, Ivan had no chance of winning, only to see that he was unable to move by the strong wind, and then was bombarded into **** by the wind. At that time, Ivan, who had gone to the dog, used the sneak attack to provoke the Cuifeng Dragon and the Purple Electric Dragon Brothers to smash and destroy the wings of the Cuifeng Dragon.

Now recalling the original scene, Ivan only felt a humiliation for a while!

(A person like me is not qualified to drive a dragon.)

Cuifeng Long Havel, strictly speaking, is his brother!

"Hahahaha!" Havel smirked as he slammed the wings and spit on the air! He doesn't have to move one step at all. His power sets offense and defense. Like a steel fortress, it has a fierce gunfire and impregnable city!

嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭 无 无 无 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— The foot stations are standing unstable, so they will fall at any time -

Snapped! He really didn't stand still and slipped to the ground!

The wind pressure bomb ruthlessly blows up!

Evan sprained his foot and could no longer move. He could only use the mentality of trying it out, shooting and blowing the wind!

No! The ordinary light bomb collided with the wind pressure bomb, and immediately changed the track to fly out, and the rain was dense, and it could not stop the collapse of the wind pressure bomb! Even if the pebbles are thrown out of 10,000, they can't stop the rolling path of the boulder!

If you don't do anything, the wind pressure bomb will blow up on Ivan and crush the boy into a meat sauce!

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