Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 233: Assault on the dark cloud (below)

Chapter 3 raids under the dark cloud

The harsh sound was only heard once, then, rustling, sand, sand, sand, sand, sand and sand! - The sound is getting smaller and smaller, and I can't hear it anymore. Comet thought that he had seen the illusion before he died, and he looked at the white girl in front of him incredulously.

Is that a ghost? Is there such a beautiful ghost? ! ——

The girl is singing loudly. No one can hear her voice, but she is really singing.

She sent out ultrasound. Her ultrasound decomposed the black dragon flame that would have swallowed Evan! ! ——

That is high frequency vibration. It instantly breaks down the dark matter!

"Send, what happened?" Ivan asked the comet. His eyes are still invisible, and he only feels what the surprises of the people have seen.

The comet does not answer. He was surprised to see the dark dragon, a painful struggle in the ultrasonic waves, and temporarily lost his mobility.

The huge figure descended from the sky and suddenly pressed on the dragon!

bump! ! ! The huge vibration shook everyone down, and a huge deep pit was sunken on the ground!

Another silver-white dragon, suppressing the Dark Dragon to death on the ground! !

"Father, father?!" Comet and Xianvia exclaimed at the same time.

"What?" Arthur was astonished. "That wouldn't be--!"

The dragon that has lived for tens of thousands of years has become a bit old, but his style is still there.

His majesty is like an emperor, and his domineering is like a monarch.

This silver-white dragon is the king of Wanlong, the dragon emperor, the Xiaoxinglong Titans! !

"吼吼吼吼吼吼吼吼吼吼吼吼吼——!!!!!" Long Titans, loud and loud!

So the whole world is shaking fiercely! The Dark Lord Dragon slowly disintegrates in the thunder of Titans! This is the super-vibration magic that is launched by the Dragon Emperor and is a superposition of countless high-frequency vibrations. In short, it is happening in an instant, countless violent shock waves!

"Hey!" The crowd was dizzy in the shock, like a motion sickness and seasickness, like rolling in a storm!

After a moment, when Arthur’s head was no longer affected by this stun, Titans called Arthur: "What are you waiting for? End this poor creature!"

"Yes!" Arthur rushed over the pain of his leg and slid into the head of the Dark Dragon with the sword of the king. One blow! The golden light gradually spread on the dark dragon, purifying the Dark Dragon.

"There was such a little devil." Long Titans looked at Arthur and was disappointed. "Ilayson is really not saved."

"煞星?仙维亚?" The Dragon Emperor noticed the two little dragons on the ground. "How come you are here too? Is it chasing the breath of the Queen? There is nothing for you here, go back!"

Red Fire Dragon Comet angered: "Father, you have no right to order me! Where do we both go where we want to go, what do we want to do!"

"Hey, your father!!" Long Di also roared, his roar of the huge body was as shocking as a typhoon!

"You have never done the duty of being a father!!" Xianvia was angry.

The Dragon Emperor Titans stunned and said nothing.

"In short, I want you to leave, you will leave! This is not the place where you kids play!"

"We are no longer a child!!" He and Xianvia have lived for tens of thousands of years, and they have grown into young and strong dragons - of course, it was before the encounter with Arthur. It is also true that they have been pumped away most of their power and become very weak.

"How many years have passed since the outside world, I don't know." Longdi sneered. "But, you look like this, and it's not much different when you just hatched from the egg!? Or, I haven't eaten well." ?"

"What?! Damn old man -" Arthur saw them arguing nonstop, and quickly said. "Don't quarrel! Let's leave here now, so that there are no more dark monsters to attack -"

"Don't interrupt, human!" Long Di and two dragons shouted together.

"Ah - the stars in the sky -" an elegant and clear voice rang in the crowd.

Why are you picking up your eyes and picking up your eyes?

It is to find the flashing hope, the bright light.

The light shines on the earth, and the light of God is whispering,

If there is hope, there will be a moment of seeing the darkness.

Ah - wandering travellers,

Why are you looking around and looking around?

It is to recall the moving touch of your life.

You stand on the ground and travel all over the world.

If you have the courage, there will be a moment to find the light -


Evan felt that his body and mind were infiltrated by this beautiful voice, the pain in his body was no longer, and his eyes gradually became apparent.

The boy opened his eyes, and in front of him was a girl who was as pure as a spring and as dazzling as the morning glow. Her beautiful blond hair fluttered in the air of the night, without any restraints, and without any modification.

In addition to the refined temperament and the smooth, white-red skin of the egg, the only difference between this girl and human being is her pointed ear, which is paired with her standard melon face. Elegant and harmonious.

Her blue and clear eyes are like water droplets, and her pink lips are like petals. The fragrance of jasmine that comes out of her body is naturally elegant and extraordinary. Every part of her body is integrated with nature, and can be described by the beauty of nature; she goes far beyond the beauty of any place in nature, and the beauty that is used to describe her is eclipsed.

Evan looked at the girl and took a sip of water.

"Are you alright, [balancekeeper]?" Elf girl asked. Her voice is like a silver bell, crisp and far-reaching, elegant and noble.

"You treated me?" Ivan blushes, "Thank you--"

Arthur looked at it. This elf girl is a troubadour. She injects the power of magic into her own voice, killing the enemy and treating her teammates. She can even use magic to control the scope of her own songs and let specific people hear specific songs.

The ultrasonic attack that resisted the dark flame of the dragon was just made by the white elf girl. High-frequency vibration can restrain the dark, and the girl is very clear about this.

She and the Dragon Emperor Titans are all the way, they are in this pure land, I am afraid that have already fought with countless dark creatures.

This elf girl knows the change of the pure land. Arthur knew who to find the answer.

The voice of the girl not only treated Evan, but also caused the quarrel of the three fathers and sons of Titans to stop. It seems that this song also has the effect of calming the emotions.

"[World Changer] worldinnovator is right, "Girls," we are too dangerous here, first return to the enchantment."

"If [stars and sorcerers] astrointoner say so." Dragon Emperor Titans apparently pays tribute to this elf girl, the proud dragon rarely listens to other people's words.

"You, what are you, what's the name?" Ivan stumbled and asked, and then he said that he was ashamed of his clumsiness.

"Ilesen." The girl smiled. "I was born first in this pure land and was the last born elf. The elves gave this holy name to me."

This girl is like this beautiful Elison Pure Land. Unparalleled beauty, but incomparably beautiful.

Dawn descended on Ellison's pure land, and Evan looked at the girl who was reflected by the dawn. Her gentle face, which was reflected in the night, added a firm beauty.

Evan vaguely felt his [destiny] - protecting Eleson. Protect this piece of pure land and protect this girl.

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