Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 226: Again on the storm (on)

Chapter 226 is on the storm again

The next morning, there was six days left in the duel between Arthur and Palinol.

Leopard Paramidis, with two sons, came to a lake.

Isn't this a lake? Is it really here? He looked at the address and couldn't help but doubt.

However, indeed, this lake is very strange. It has no smell of lake water.

"Go, let's go." Palamidis took a step forward and signaled to Safir and Segrad to keep up.

"Yes, but" Saifei looked at the lake and was terrified. "I can't swim."

"I won't be jealous," Szeged also feared, leaning against the twin brother's side.

"You two dry ducks -" Paramitis squinted with annoyance. "Come on, Dad has a way to let you learn to swim right away."

"Yes, is it?" Sefer asked the letter suspiciously.

"Yes, come over." The leopard put on a serious expression and said to his sons, "First, you must look at the lake seriously and feel its flow -"

Two little idiots went up to look at the water. This lake is really calm as a mirror.

"And then?" Segrad asked curiously.

"Then, then." Paramitis pushed his hands together and pushed the twins together into the lake!

啪滋! Raise a splash of water.

"Hey, how? You are struggling! Struggling will make you swim! I learned to swim like this when I was young!" The leopard laughed.

In his childhood, he was chased by humans for stealing and jumped from the cliff into the sea. Being drowned is always better than being killed by human beings. He thought so at the time.

But he did not give up hope of survival. In the desperate situation of being drowned, he scribbled and learned to swim gradually.

People must push themselves into desperation before they can erupt for the first time. When you are on the verge of death, it is also the most powerful time for people. Paramitis always thinks this way.


The two little guys who fell into the water have not come up, they are not even struggling, the water is still as mirror-like!

impossible! ? The two little guys fell into the water, and even if they were confused, they struggled at least! ?

Sinking directly to the bottom of the lake? !

Or is it that there are terrible creatures in this strange lake, biting two children, entangled, or – eaten? !

Feeling that something was not good, Palamidis took off his shirt and was ready to jump into the lake to save people.

However, a woman with white light appeared on the lake.

The woman who is like a god, holding two cats in her hand, said gently: "When you throw into the lake, is this golden cat, or this silver cat?"

"--Not all!!!" Paramitis cried in a dumb, "Come back my sons!"

"You are an honest person," the goddess smiled. "Then, these two golden cats and silver cats are given to you. Goodbye."

The goddess dropped two cats and sank into the lake and disappeared.

"What?!! No!!!!!" Paramitis shouted.

"Hey, screaming--" Who is gently snickering.

Although the sound is very low, it does not escape the sensitive hearing of the leopard.

"Saifel, Segred?!" The Leopard warrior yelled. "You are kidding me, right??"

no respond.

"Penal you to eat my lunch!" Paramitis was wicked.

"This - I am sorry." The two kittens turned back into the human form and sat in front of the leopard warrior.

"What the **** are you -" Paramitis was surprised. However, a woman who came out of the lake interrupted the words of the leopard and made the leopard warrior, who had already had a strange look, even more surprised.

Vivian is indeed a big beauty. She was wearing a boring white coat on her face, but she couldn’t cover the lady’s beauty at all.

"This lake is not the place where you, the orcs, come to play." Vivian said disdainfully, "Don't come again, hurry back."

Paramitis blushes for a while. He instantly thought that Vivian was really the embodiment of a goddess, but he immediately remembered the purpose of the trip. He hurriedly put on his shirt and cleared his throat. "Cough. Is it Ms. Vivian? The villain is in the life of Arthur, and comes to you to talk about something."

Vivienne's beautiful face passed over a haze: "It's Arthur's guy. Why do he like to introduce various kinds of people to harass me here?"

"But there are very important things -"

"Know, come with me." Vivienne, she turned and walked into the lake.

The leopard saw that the sons also walked in with confidence, and he also believed that he would stretch a foot into the water.

Did not touch the touch of the lake, nor the feeling of being soaked by water, the Leopard instantly understood: This is a very advanced optical projection magic, even the effect of splashing water can be simulated. But the virtual image is just a virtual image.

He plunged into [water] and saw a mysterious research institute under the lake.

ten minutes later.

"Is it?" Vivienne replied coldly, looking at the two leopard teenagers in the lab, for fear that they would mess up something. "Kay came to me, but it was three weeks. In the past, I can't guarantee that he was still in the place where I sent him."

"It doesn't matter." Palamidis looked at his sons absently. Leopard teenagers have been living in a closed environment for years, and everything in the outside world is full of novelty for them. So they are inevitably excited.

"Take me over," said Paramitis. "How can I find Sir Kay afterwards? I will find a way."

"Okay," Vivian was a little impatient to throw the map of Africa to Paramitis, and at the same time he raised his hand and opened a portal.

"The door I will always use magic to maintain, you can use this conveyor stone to open and close it. Good luck." Vivienne.

"Well, thank you, madam." The leopard warrior picked up the map and the stone, and cried, "Hurry up, Seifer, Segrad."

"Yes, oh -"

"Wait a minute." Vivian picked up her eyes and looked at the two leopard teenagers. "Are they infected with the dark?"

"Oh, it seems to be--" Paramitis, although listening to Arthur and Merlin, but as a warrior, he is not cold about these complicated things, basically did not understand.

"Leave them here," Vivienne said. "There may be dark bodies in their bodies. I have to do a comprehensive physical examination for them."

"What? I don't want to do a physical examination!" Seefair remembered that he had been abused in the fox people's research institute, and his fear suddenly appeared.

""Paramitis looked at Vivian and looked at his sons.

"You are indeed Arthur's sister, right?"

He should not have trusted humanity. He shouldn't have given the child to a stranger for care.

"Yes." Vivian replied innocently.

"That's good. It is also full of danger to go to Africa on this trip. It is not appropriate to bring these two kittens. Saifel, Segrad, you will stay in Ms. Vivian's research institute."

"What?! But -" the leopard teenagers cried in horror.

"It's no big deal." Their dad said, "I will come back when I go."

After the speech, Paramitis has jumped into the portal, and the portal immediately closes behind him.

"Dad!" the teenagers muttered.

"Next -" Vivian looks at the two teenagers, her eyes are cold and cold, "What do I have to do with you?"

Two leopard teenagers cuddled each other, afraid to shrink into a group, watching Vivienne gradually approaching.

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

The screaming screams echoed in the Vivian Institute.

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