Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 214: Attack on the morning light (below)

Chapter 214 Attacks in the morning light

"The first level of sweeping is completed, and now it continues to sweep the first floor." The voice of Paramitis came from the communicator.

"Very good, Pala -"

"Oh!" Arthur hadn't finished talking, and the screams of the leopard came from across the communicator.

"What's wrong, Paramitis?!" Arthur hurriedly, "Quickly answer!"

"Fast escape! This is a trap -" communication was interrupted.

"Damn!" Arthur looked back at Bedyville and others. "Betdy, you brought your family back to the basement and other people before going back!"

"What about Arthur?!"

"I am going to save Paramitis." Arthur said.


Arthur flew directly out of Bediville.

He immediately came to the negative level, where Paramitis communication was interrupted.

"Wait for a long time." A fox man drove a huge wolf-shaped golem, and the wolf-like statue was biting Paramitis.

The "Arthur" Leopard was covered in blood by the sharp teeth of the Wolf Golem.

"Hold a little, Parami," Arthur pulled out the sword. "There are two children waiting for you to go back and take care of them."

"Hey." The fox man manipulated the wolf's magical figure, spit out the seriously injured leopard, and threw it aside. "The heavenly knight Arthur, long-awaited the name, in the next Romani patriarch, Reid, hope to teach!"

The voice just fell, and the huge wolf demon was pressed like a road roller! The blood of the wolf's magical figure sticks out dozens of drill bits in the mouth of the blood. If it is caught by these drill bits, it will become muddy immediately!

Arthur immediately ran back. The narrow corridor is not conducive to dodge, and such an attack has basically no space to avoid. The only thing Arthur can do is to run away!

"Hahahahahaha!" Reid laughed wildly. "Dead, the Knight of Heaven, Arthur! Actually blown up the research institute that I spent my life building. These sins, you will use your life to redeem it." !"

The drill bit shot like an arrow, and Arthur fled while fleeing.

"What? Did your kid grow up? Can you avoid it?" The Reds long.

Arthur couldn't help but disdain. The other person was a patriarch, but he didn't even know the eye. A long-range attack such as a bullet is fixed before the launch, and it is easier to avoid it than a melee weapon.

The more powerful the knight is, the more disdainful it is to attack the bullets. This is true.

"You will continue to escape! See how long you can run!" The Red Chief was arrogant.

"Hey!" Arthur accelerated his run. Although he runs fast, he is certainly not as good as the mechanical power of the Golem. No matter the acceleration or the endurance, it must not match! If you go on like this, you will only be crushed!

Hurry up and find a way! If you continue this way -

No way, I have to -

Arthur rushed to the corner, a flying shovel, and slid the cover of the ventilation duct and slid directly into the ventilation duct!

The wolf demon that followed closely smashed the ventilation duct behind Arthur! But Arthur has climbed far away.

"You can't run, Arthur!" Reid sneered. "I know the piping system here! It's just a matter of time to find you!"

Arthur did not care for him, crawling quietly in the pipeline. Reid’s wolf demon smashed the pipe at the other end, and it seems that he guessed it wrong.

"Hey, you will continue to hide! See that I have smashed all the pipes into **** and buried you in the pipe!"

Arthur knew that the big event was not good. He will be caught up quickly when he climbs, and he will be caught up if he ran straight out. Even if he does not lurk, he will be smashed.

Just when he had nothing to do, he suddenly encountered something in the pipe.

"Isn't it still?!" Reid is still smashing the ventilation ducts, and has been smashing hundreds of feet.

"Served you." Arthur jumped out of the pipe at the side and fell down on the ground. "Don't do this, don't kill me, you want me to do anything, as long as you can spare me!"

"Hahahaha! You kid, are you asking for mercy now?! No way!"

"Please, ask -"

Before I finished, the wolf thought had already rushed to Arthur and bit him all over. The drill bit in the wolf's mouth rotates together, stirring Arthur's whole person!

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Finally dead! You are a powerful Knight of the heavens, and finally died in my hands!"

"I thought the fox was really so smart." Arthur's voice rang behind the head of the Reid.

"What, what!?" The patriarch turned his head and saw Arthur standing behind the driver's seat of the Wolf Golem!

"But why?!"

"I was lucky again, and the body that Paramitos had hidden in the air duct was discovered by me." Arthur sneered. "Just that was just the projection I made with a guarded body."

"What?! Never seen in the data -"

"Because I have seen the Hungarian people who used the projection magic to die." Arthur sneered.

"Damn! I have not yet -"

"You are already dead." Arthur said. He had already mentioned Reid’s head and spoke to him.

He turned Reid's head over and let him see his body without a head.

"Ah, hahahaha! This, how is this possible! I can still say - still able -?!"

Arthur ignored him and directly smashed the head of the foxman: "This is for the people of Bediville."

He walked back to see Paramitis. "Can you stand up?"

"Hey--" was very hurt, but the Leopard warrior still stood up and stood up. "I'm sorry, it seems that the sweeping of the first floor is impossible."

"Forget it, let's go back first." Arthur squatted on the injured Paramitis. "If you detonate the bomb, you can at least flatten the research. The researchers on the first floor may escape part of it - but since the Institute The underground part is an important research project, and the guys upstairs will not be able to escape a few climates."

"I only hope that you are right -" the leopard licked the wound that was bleeding from the abdomen.

A large number of guards are surrounded by corridors on both sides.

"So, this is a trap -" Paramitis desperately said, "Arthur, leave me alone, you can still escape."

"No." Arthur slammed the sword and took out the sword.

Indeed, it is necessary to take care of the injured companions, but also to fight with hundreds of guards, only the death of the war.

How can such a desperate be saved?

"Arthur!" Biddeville yelled as he rushed out with his companions surrounded by guards.

Bedieville as a striker, Tristan, Lian Yin and Merlin's magic all over the place, coupled with the support of Ivan's shelling, quickly spurted a **** road.

"This, Arthur!" cried Biddeville.

"You are really messy!" Arthur wanted to blame a few more words, but he knew that he was too late, so he had to hurry and rush into the gap of the encirclement!

"Someone will drive this?!" Arthur cried, placing the seriously wounded Paramitis in the cockpit of the Wolf Golem and throwing the body of the fox patriarch.

"I look!" Merlin jumped into the cockpit. He used some kind of magic and immediately interpreted the operating system of the Wolf Golem.

"There is no problem with the basic operation!" Merlin said, "Everyone is coming up!"

"Start!" The equivalent companion jumped on the back of the Wolf Golem, and Merlin immediately launched the Wolf Golem.

This is fun. As soon as I saw the wolf demon running towards them, the guards immediately fled! None of them thought about anyone in Arthur's group who knew how to operate such a complicated wolf demon, nor did he ever think about dealing with the wolf in the narrow corridor.

For a time, the wolf magic figure took advantage of it. There was still a road-like attack. The chasing escaping guards, some of them ran slowly, and were immediately caught in the **** mouth of the wolf magic, instantly turning into minced meat. Bedyville and others used various long-range attacks on the back of the Wolf Golem to kill the poor guards who had no time to escape.

"Okay!" Merlin saw that the remaining fuel of the wolf demon was not much, and immediately jumped out of the golem. "The guards are not afraid to catch up, we will retreat!"

"Wait a minute!" Tristan made a bust of Merlin in the cockpit of the Wolf Golem with ice. "Hey, this will scare them."

"Run, you are still playing!" Arthur urged.

"It's not finished yet!" Tristan retired, making ice walls, sealing the road ahead, and simulating the walls of the institute's walls.

"Look at me, I have created a huge labyrinth in the negative, negative, and second layers, and let the guards circle," he said.

"Well, you go to the maze, trap the guards as long as possible." Arthur said, "Ivan, you go with him, lest the fool be trapped by the maze he made!"

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